
Jump to Last Post 1-17 of 17 discussions (44 posts)
  1. GhulamNabiMemon profile image43
    GhulamNabiMemonposted 3 years ago

    I am trying to publish my articles but again and again finding message did not pass the quality process though I have made many changes , can any one guide me .

    1. bravewarrior profile image88
      bravewarriorposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      You can start by completing your sentences rather than have them run on, separated only by commas. Your above query is problematic in that way. This could be part of the problem.

  2. ReViewMeMedia profile image86
    ReViewMeMediaposted 3 years ago

    Check the Hubpages Help page about how to write good content so you can pass the quality Assessment Process.

  3. Eric Caunca profile image94
    Eric Cauncaposted 3 years ago

    Post the link of your article that did not pass the QAP to the forum. The authors will evaluate it and give you advice on how to improve it.

  4. bhattuc profile image80
    bhattucposted 3 years ago

    Go through the existing featured articles. Make them your benchmark, hope would help.

  5. theraggededge profile image88
    theraggededgeposted 3 years ago

    Hi there,

    I'll be blunt. Your English needs a lot of work. I see you are an English teacher - well, you must improve it because you are teaching your students badly.

    The first thing is to learn how to use punctuation properly. There is never a space before commas and full stops/periods. However there is always a space following them.

    The second thing is to learn how to break sentences up. Yours are too long. Learn about clauses within sentences and when it is appropriate to use a comma and when it is better to end the sentence and start another.

    Good luck.

    1. profile image0
      Mentocioposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I've checked his English. It seemed OK to me.

      1. theraggededge profile image88
        theraggededgeposted 3 years agoin reply to this
        1. profile image0
          Mentocioposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Lol! lol

        2. profile image0
          Mentocioposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          You are from the UK. The guy is from India, I'm Indian too. You need to understand the fact that as an Indian, his English is better than a lot of folks out there.

          1. OldRoses profile image95
            OldRosesposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            But HubPages is not an Indian site.  It is an American site and requires American standards of English.

            1. profile image0
              Mentocioposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I found that his grammar and sentence construction capacities were OK.

            2. profile image0
              Mentocioposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              What I meant there is that you should consider the geography of a person, while you to evaluate their linguistic excellence. To have an acceptable standard of knowledge of the English language — this might not be a special thing from a UK perspective —  but it is enough for the person concerned.

              1. OldRoses profile image95
                OldRosesposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                But if someone's command of the English language is substandard, then they will never get any articles published here so their "linguistic excellence" as you put it is vital.  It doesn't matter where they are from.  There are writers on this site for whom English is a second language, but they write it so well that they have no problems getting their articles published and featured.

                1. profile image0
                  Mentocioposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  That is true.

              2. ziyena profile image89
                ziyenaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                It doesnt matter where you are from.  This platform requires English fluency.  If there was a content writing platform out of India, and I wanted to write in Hindi, would you not expect professionalism from me?  Or would you want to read my muttled crap, knowing that I am not proficient yet passing it off as acceptable?  Yes.  There are Americans who speak and write poorly based on lack of proper education or lack of concern.  This happens in every country.  It doesnt matter which nationality.  If you dont have the proper skill then you shouldnt be writing here and devaluing our platform because you hope to make a few pennies. That's not going to ever happen if you don't understand the language.  Think about what I'm saying before or if you reply.

                1. profile image0
                  Mentocioposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  If you were writing in Hindi, on an Indian writing website, I would have saluted you because by writing in my language, you are honoring our culture.

                  1. ziyena profile image89
                    ziyenaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I see.  But I wouldnt write in Hindi because I have enough common sense to realize that I cannot.  However, I'll write about issues pertaining to India in ENGLISH because I love the country's culture, food, and history.

    2. profile image0
      Mentocioposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      He need to work on comma, semicolon etc, but

      it is still OK, as long as he is communicating meaningfully. big_smile

      1. theraggededge profile image88
        theraggededgeposted 3 years agoin reply to this
        1. profile image0
          Mentocioposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          You got the idea big_smile

          1. theraggededge profile image88
            theraggededgeposted 3 years agoin reply to this
            1. profile image0
              Mentocioposted 3 years agoin reply to this


              I love to!

            2. profile image0
              Mentocioposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I feel like I need to eat an apple after this conversation with you. I'm lacking vitamin~Cbig_smile

            3. profile image0
              Mentocioposted 3 years agoin reply to this
  6. Gyanendra Mocktan profile image81
    Gyanendra Mocktanposted 3 years ago

    Please read through learning center here. You will get the exact guidance

  7. Eric Caunca profile image94
    Eric Cauncaposted 3 years ago


    1. He is not an Indian, he is Pakistani.
    2. We should not use other variations of English here at Hubpages, except American or British.
    If we use different variations of English, we will confuse our readers.

    For example:
    In American & British English, "salvage" means "to save something or someone from danger."

    I'm from the Philippines. In Filipino English, "salvage" means the opposite of the word in standard English. It means "to kill an innocent person or people or a suspected criminal without trial".

    What if my sentence would be, "Hitler salvaged the Jews". Did Hilter save them from danger? We should use standard English.

    It is the same with Indian English.

    American English:
    Public school - schools without fees
    Private School - schools with fees

    Indian English:
    Public School - schools with fees
    Private school - schools without fees

    3. Since you're a teacher,  my advice to you is to create an article just like what you're doing on a lesson plan.

    - Set an objectives
    - Materials: we have photo and video capsules
    - Reference: links of sources
    - Motivation - make it like an introduction
    - graphic organizer - we have a table capsule
    - evaluation - we have a quiz capsule

  8. ziyena profile image89
    ziyenaposted 3 years ago

    Can someone tell me why HP does not have a simple English Grammar competency test when signing up like some other content writing sites? Don’t the powers that be understand this benefit???

    Common sense measures to weed out English as a second-hand language speakers who do not qualify for grammatical skills. Just because you can speak English does not mean you understand the mechanics of the language.  Unintelligible writing is a bad reflection on HP.  I find it alarming that these articles can be shared via social media - Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest (especially) for millions to see even while remaining published just on the HP site.  Readers will no longer take this platform seriously if this lack of selectiveness continues. That being said ... everyone deserves opportunities, and this would be an incentive measure to improve. If candidates better their English skills, they can always come back and try again.  Just a suggestion which I'm more than certain has been brought up many times before.

    Probably, wasting my time harking on this ...I’m not trying to be mean.  I’m just truthful. I'm an ex-pat, living in France.  My French is horrible.  I would not expect French people to read my attempt at writing in the French language, even after three years of speaking what little I know.  That’s ludicrous, especially to French-speaking natives. 
    Have a nice day.

    1. ziyena profile image89
      ziyenaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Guess I'm banging my head against a wall here.

  9. Abby Slutsky profile image93
    Abby Slutskyposted 3 years ago

    I have sold items on constant content, but I haven't written for them in a while. I don't think their model is the same as HP.

  10. Misbah786 profile image83
    Misbah786posted 3 years ago

    GhulamNabiMemon don’t worry. I am Pakistani too. Don’t worry you can do it. I would recommend you to use a software named Grammarly. It will help you with error corrections of punctuation and spellings. You can add an extension to chrome to make it more easy. Plus every nation speaks their language and English no doubt is an international Language but is not our mother tongue so relax and calm, ask British people to speak in Spanish as Spanish takes second place as one of the most widely spoken global languages. .. if the whole world can’t speak Spanish properly so why to laugh when they can’t speak English well.
    Spread the knowledge and try to check your work before you submit it. Relax, chill and work.

  11. Misbah786 profile image83
    Misbah786posted 3 years ago

    don't let your spirit die

    1. GhulamNabiMemon profile image43
      GhulamNabiMemonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, brother, I am really thankful to you for being kind.

  12. Misbah786 profile image83
    Misbah786posted 3 years ago

    I think we should encourage him, so he can feel comfortable and can give his best.
    Suggestions: there is a lot of informational stuff in Urdu language as well which is helpful for people’s daily life. He can work on it and can submit here. Spread the knowledge.
    And for people I would say: seek the light.

  13. Misbah786 profile image83
    Misbah786posted 3 years ago

    Brother seriously? This name doesn't only used for boys i think.

    1. GhulamNabiMemon profile image43
      GhulamNabiMemonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      oh sorry if you are not male, I consider you as a boy that's why said bro lol

  14. Misbah786 profile image83
    Misbah786posted 3 years ago

    Anyways you are welcome brother

  15. Misbah786 profile image83
    Misbah786posted 3 years ago

    Lol I got it already...never mind....u must be thinking of the cricketer with same name.. lol.. a lot of people even in Pak get confused with my name...

    I would recommend you to follow some nice people here the positive ones i mean. Ones who can encourage you to give you your best. Learn from everyone here but don't cheat their work.

    One more thing never do spin articles and if you are trying to translate something do it in a good way. Check all grammatical errors. Give your best always to achieve a good rank. I am here for just 2 weeks and have 30 featured articles. But obviously I worked hard for it.

    I hope you will also give your best.

  16. Misbah786 profile image83
    Misbah786posted 3 years ago

    Check out this article of mine how you can write inspirational articles out of coke studio's song Khaki Banda. I wrote it check it out.
    https://discover.hubpages.com/literatur … ut-of-Clay

  17. Misbah786 profile image83
    Misbah786posted 3 years ago

    It's all about putting your creativeness in words.


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