I need a break

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  1. Misbah786 profile image82
    Misbah786posted 3 years ago

    Hi, Dear Beautiful Souls,
    Due to some of my personal problems, I am having a hard time focusing on HubPages. I've published 97 articles so far. I wanted to take a break after 100 articles, but I feel like I'm pushing myself very hard. I need to take this break and I feel it is important for me. I would join back after some time. Till then wish you all best of luck. It has been a privilege to be in such a wonderful community. I hope I will be back soon.
    Blessings and Love to all

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
      Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Misbah786? I just take a look at ya profile.                                               I noted you join HubPages 6-months ago from the world of poet. In other words, from the mermaid world seriously!                                 And in these 6 months, you wrect mind, soul, body, and all to scribe 100 articles, right? Who else could reach and beat this feat here? You must be a first!                                                Misbah, just recovering from covid19, you do need that break badly. Going back to the marine environment helps. Swim. Take a gentle backstroke. Now, take a deep breath and stay stay still relaxing on the sea. Let all tensions sink to the buttom of the sea.                                        Seriously, you need more than a week or two. You meed a month plus. Or you're be sacrificing yourself for poems. Have a jovial break!

      1. Misbah786 profile image82
        Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Miebakagh, thanks a lot for your kind response.
        Blessings to you

    2. manatita44 profile image71
      manatita44posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Assalamu Alaikum!

      You are a beacon and a dawn that flow as one. You have shared much Light here and undoubtedly have received from the community also. I applaud your versatility, excellence and convictions ... your ability to engage and the joy you took in service, in relation to the concerns of others.

      In the true Spirit of the moon and sun, you have shone with vibrancy, dynamism, eloquence and lustre, in a very short time and as such I do support your loving call for respire. I beseech the stars to twinkle in your soul; may you feel the rustle and wafts of sunflowers ... may you and family be well, in Allah's Mercy. Ameen.

      1. Misbah786 profile image82
        Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Ameen! Thank you a lot, Brother. That means a lot to me.
        I think I don't deserve such high praise. You truly inspired me to climb to great heights. Keep spreading Light and Love. I am grateful.
        Blessings and Peace

    3. bravewarrior profile image88
      bravewarriorposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Take care of yourself, Misbah. We'll be here when you get back. I've somewhat taken a break myself. I haven't written anything this year and have lagged in reading. The forums are a more comfortable place to interact of late, so that's where I've been spending most of my HP time.

      Stay healthy. I'm glad you're putting yourself first!

      1. MizBejabbers profile image88
        MizBejabbersposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I've done the same thing. In fact, I took a break to finish editing a book for a client, and then covid hit. I suspect that my husband and I both had covid in February of last year when the disease wasn't supposed to have reached our state yet. I tested negative for flu, but I just haven't had any motivation to write since then. I've kept in touch through the forums and commenting on other hubbers that I've followed.
        I wish Misbah a nice time off and hope to see her back rarin' to go.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
          Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Every writer needs a break from time to time especially, when not sick.                                          This break invest in other recreational activities other than creative writing, refresh, invigorate mind, body, and soul. Thus, it strenght the immune system against the breakdown of one's health. Creative writing through much reading and research is very dangerous on the mind and body without a break.

        2. Misbah786 profile image82
          Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experience, Miss Doris. I truly appreciate your kind words. I hope to see you writing again soon.
          Many Blessings and Love to you

      2. Misbah786 profile image82
        Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging response, Shauna. I hope to see you writing again soon smile
        Much Love, dear friend
        Blessings always

    4. theraggededge profile image87
      theraggededgeposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      We'll miss you, but relax and come back refreshed smile

      1. Misbah786 profile image82
        Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much, Bev
        Much appreciated
        Love and Blessings to you

    5. ChitrangadaSharan profile image91
      ChitrangadaSharanposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Misbah!
      Sometimes, we do need those much needed breaks!
      You must take a break, and relax, if you feel so! Come back refreshed and rejuvenated! You will be missed!
      You have achieved a lot, in a short span of time! Take care of yourself! God Bless You!

      1. Misbah786 profile image82
        Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much for your kind response, Chitra Di
        God bless you. Much appreciated
        Love and Blessings

        1. ChitrangadaSharan profile image91
          ChitrangadaSharanposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Good to see you back, Misbah.
          Eid Greetings to you and your family.
          Hope you are feeling better after the short break. Take care.

          1. Misbah786 profile image82
            Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you so much for the Eid Greetings, Chitra di
            Much Love smile
            Blessings always!

    6. Cheryl E Preston profile image84
      Cheryl E Prestonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Good luck and hurry back

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
        Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Good post.

      2. Misbah786 profile image82
        Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much, Cheryl

    7. davrowpot profile image95
      davrowpotposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Misbah!

      Please take the rest and enjoy it as much as you like. If you feel like you're burned out, take a breather for a while and look after yourself. Taking a break from time-to-time helps a lot, and taking care of yourself will never not be a bad thing. Do return when you feel you're ready as I hope you all the best.

      1. Misbah786 profile image82
        Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you for your kind response,

    8. profile image0
      yourrandombrotherposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Sometimes it is important to take a break, and I believe that it is more important to do so when you don't feel like doing what you like. COVID has been harsh on everyone, hope you enjoy your break and come back to writing on HubPages with much more enthusiasm. looking forward to reading more and more articles from you. Don't let negative situations bother you and enjoy as much as you can cheers.

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
        Miebakagh57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        That's commendable.

  2. Jodah profile image89
    Jodahposted 3 years ago

    Misbah my friend, please do take that much needed break. I totally understand, especially after just recovering from COVID. You need to look after yourself.
    We will be here when you return.

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much, John.
      Blessings always smile

  3. bhattuc profile image78
    bhattucposted 3 years ago

    A break will make you come back with more energy. Have it and enjoy. Have a nice time. Blessings.

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much, Sir
      Blessings always

  4. boxelderred profile image87
    boxelderredposted 3 years ago

    Misbah - hope the respite does your mind, body and soul well.  Take care, and see you soon!

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your kindness and generosity, Greg. I appreciate that very much

  5. surovi99 profile image85
    surovi99posted 3 years ago

    Take a break, which you need now. Come back with renewed energy and vigor. Wish you all the best.

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for this lovely message, Rosina. Much Love!

  6. Kenna McHugh profile image92
    Kenna McHughposted 3 years ago

    Enjoy your much-needed break!

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much, Kenna
      Sending lots of Love and Blessings to you

  7. Brenda Arledge profile image80
    Brenda Arledgeposted 3 years ago

    I hate to hear you need a break.
    I so enjoy your work.

    Life has a way of turning our thoughts into a different direction sometimes & focusing isn't always easy.
    Please don't get lost, we love having you here.
    Drop me a line or two...or three or four...Take care.

    Sending hugs.

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your kind and beautiful response, Bredz. Hugs!
      Blessings and Love

  8. Peggy W profile image95
    Peggy Wposted 3 years ago

    Dear Misbah,

    Enjoy your break and come back refreshed when you are ready.  Many of us will miss you, but we want the best for your health and spirits.  Take care!

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much, Peggy, for your kindness and concern.
      I truly appreciate that very much
      Sending Blessings and Love to you

  9. Treshty profile image78
    Treshtyposted 3 years ago

    You'll be missed my beautiful sis, take a break as much as you need, that is very understood but make sure you'll visit us again no matter how long it will be. It doesn't matter as long us you'll come back. Sending prayers and a bunch of love kisses and super power hugs!!!!

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Chrish, Thank you so much for your kindness, prayers and the power hugs. You are so sweet, dear sister
      Stay safe and blessed

  10. MsDora profile image94
    MsDoraposted 3 years ago

    We'll miss your presence.Love and Blessing while you rest. Looking forward to your return.

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your beautiful words, Ms Dora
      Sending many Blessings and Love to you

  11. Carb Diva profile image96
    Carb Divaposted 3 years ago

    You will be missed. Your writings and comments are always so positive and uplifting. I feel blessed to have you as a friend. First and foremost you must take care of yourself. Love to you.

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Aww... Linda, you are so kind. Thank you for your very kind and encouraging words. I truly appreciate your generosity. Much Love, dear friend
      Blessings always

  12. Charles Emerenwa profile image58
    Charles Emerenwaposted 3 years ago

    Dear Misbah, thank you for letting us know and hope you get the well-deserved break to recover your energy and come back stronger.

    After what you have been through, you definitely need time to recover and recuperate. Take time to heal and we shall see you soon. Stay safe and be happy! smile

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for your kind response, Charles. You too stay safe and happy
      Blessings to you

  13. Miebakagh57 profile image69
    Miebakagh57posted 3 years ago

    Misbah786? With all these wishes pouring in, have ya gone on the break? Just get offlne and go! Thanks.

  14. janshares profile image91
    jansharesposted 3 years ago

    First of all, I'm so impressed with your productivity and your obvious passion for writing. You are a sweet soul. I wish you plenty of needed rest. Relax and let go of HP for a bit. You've been through a lot. The site and this community will be right here when you return. Blessings to you, Misbah.

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for your kind words of appreciation, Janis. I highly appreciate that, dear friend.
      Sending you lots of Love and Blessings

  15. Sherry Hewins profile image92
    Sherry Hewinsposted 3 years ago

    One nice thing about HubPages is that you don't need to write, or even log in, if you don't want to. Your hubs can continue to build traffic and earn for you while you spend your time doing other things.

    1. Miebakagh57 profile image69
      Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Only when your articles has the right keywords that attract traffic.                                           Key-words, are the trict. Especialy, long tail keywords. Google is not that stupid to sent hundreds and thousands of traffic to articles that can't even met the basic language requirement.                                 That just said, the buttomline is that "near perfect English," key-words, drive traffic, that generates passive income.

    2. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for your kind response, Sherry.
      Blessings to you

  16. FatFreddysCat profile image96
    FatFreddysCatposted 3 years ago

    I've been on a break from writing new stuff recently, too. It wasn't anything I planned, but the last time I posted a new article was more than a month ago. 

    (I have still been dropping by HP almost every day to razz the spammers in the forum, though big_smile )

    ... I think it's time to re-start the engine, though. I started an article prior to my hiatus that's been sitting there in an unfinished state all this time, and knowing it's there has been bugging the hell out of my obsessive nature.  big_smile

    1. Misbah786 profile image82
      Misbah786posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Keith, you have a great sense of humor. Thank you for cheering me up smile
      Blessings always

  17. Miebakagh57 profile image69
    Miebakagh57posted 3 years ago

    My break from writiting articles can be said to be a year by now. But I do log in daily to engaged stuff in the forums and my feed.                                       If you're an enteprenuer, you would occasionally pip into the business, even if you had not a had in its running. Passive income.                                       D'you check your saving and deposit accounts? Passive income. D'you visit and chat with your tenants? Passive income.

  18. Misbah786 profile image82
    Misbah786posted 3 years ago

    Thank you so much everyone for all of your love and support. I consider myself extremely lucky to be in such a wonderful community. I'm delighted to see all of these lovely and encouraging messages. Much Gratitude!
    Blessings and Love


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