by Carolee Samuda 8 years ago
I want to thank Hubpages for allowing me to publish here. You were my first love for publishing online. I still haven't found another lover like you and can't seem to let you go. With all the arguments and disagreements I am still here. Hopefully, I'll fall in love with you like before.I have been...
by OSBERT JOEL C 9 years ago
I have been here for a year and have published just 38 hubs. I am very happy to see that my hubs have been viewed 100,000 times.
by Sunil Kumar Kunnoth 10 years ago
I would like to share a happy news. I have achieved a milestone accolade in traffic with 100,000 hits. I am also proud to announce that my earning reaches $ 100 next week. My love and thanks to all.
by Gabby Galaxy 8 years ago
Hi Hubbers, I'm a newbie, and I didn't come here expecting to make big bucks. But I'm excited about earning my first penny here after six days, five hubs, and 61 views. Many seasoned hubbers have advised newbies not to stress about views, hubber scores, and other metrics. But I wonder, what...
by Audrey Hunt 6 years ago
I'm happy to announce that I've reached 3 million + views. Thanks to all who have supported me over the last 8 years.
by Sondra Rochelle 7 years ago
I've been watching my numbers the past few days and tonight I finally made more than one million page views! I've been here just over 5 years and almost lost the whole site in the summer of 2014. It's been a long crawl back, but with the help and advice of other hubbers, the...