I'd like feedback on my article: The Former President Trump

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  1. Maxcine Daniel profile image38
    Maxcine Danielposted 24 months ago

    Hi Hubbers,

    I'd like some help with passing the Quality Assessment Process. Will you please give feedback on my article? What can I do to improve? Thanks!
    Here is my article: The Former President Trump

    1. OldRoses profile image65
      OldRosesposted 24 months agoin reply to this

      I agree with Alicia and Paul.  This is a political rant which is not suitable for HubPages.  Before publishing on a platform, it is always a good idea to see what else is already published there and read any information about writing for the platform.  In the HubPages, you should spend some time reading the information in the learning center (Help button, upper right corner of your screen).

      I noticed that you made many accusations against and assertions about Trump that you have not backed up in any way.  If you want people to take you seriously as a political writer, you must provide your readers with  proof of what you are saying.

      1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image89
        Patty Inglish, MSposted 24 months agoin reply to this

        +1... But it is on Discover now and I wonder why.

    2. SerenityHalo profile image93
      SerenityHaloposted 24 months agoin reply to this

      I was expecting something way more wild considering the comments.

      1. I think you mean invincible, not inevitable.
      2. Make sure you have the right spelling. It’s Rihanna.
      3. This is really short. It needs to be about 1,200+ words if you actually want any chance at traffic. You basically have a rough draft, not a polished piece. So you need to make major edits overall.
      4. Soapboxie is the niche you would be aiming for this to find its home. Check out other articles on that site.
      5. Do insert quotes, give specifics, and add videos. You have to be careful with what video sources you use because people will get upset if they think you’re using an illegitimate news source.
      6. Use Grammarly or another free grammar checker. There are grammar issues throughout your post.
      7. It takes a lot of work to properly highlight the misdeeds of a politician. You’ll have to go through their history and point out specific details. He was impeached twice, the Jan. 6 insurrection, and the confiscation of classified top secret files are some of the most important things to note. Bringing up some of this stuff, like the files, is dicey and will get Trump supporters to come after you, which might not really be what you want when there is already media and political reporters focused on these things. And they have the resources and knowledge on how to handle this stuff.
      8. My two cents is that a different Republican candidate will be in the limelight in 2024 than Trump. He is still popular among his supporters, of course, but I think the majority of people have had enough of him. A Biden vs. Trump election would be disappointing for a lot of voters—I don’t want to get into all the details of why.
      9. Medium is generally a better place for political rants and satire.
      10. Do use bullets and lists and give people a timeline of what Trump did while in office. Don’t write things off the top of your head.
      11. Facts are valuable in this kind of article. They’ll strengthen your arguments.
      12. An article like this has a short shelf life. Evergreen content, something that will last for years, does best on HubPages. Your article will go about as long as Trump’s campaign.

  2. AliciaC profile image93
    AliciaCposted 24 months ago

    I am certainly no fan of Donald Trump, but I think you’ve crossed a line in your article. It seems to be a personal rant filled with insults for the ex-president.

    Normally, I can see ways to improve an article that someone has requested help with, but I’m finding it difficult this time. I think you would need to completely rewrite the article to get it featured. Criticism of a politician is fine, but you need to do it very carefully.

    Using subheadings for different sections could be helpful. Photos with a suitable license would be helpful for the article, too. References from reputable sources are very important to support what you say.

    1. PaulGoodman67 profile image97
      PaulGoodman67posted 24 months ago

      My views are similar to AliciaC's. I agree with all she says.

      The article is really more of a personal rant. You'd be better off posting it somewhere like Medium if you're seeking to earn from it. HP is generally more how-to and info-orientated and generally requires a more neutral voice and tone for success.

      1. Rupert Taylor profile image98
        Rupert Taylorposted 24 months ago

        I am deeply concerned about a second Trump presidency but you can't launch into this kind of attack in a HubPages article. The topical forum is where unsupported rants of this sort belong; trash talking is meat and drink there.

        In addition, there are some serious grammar errors such as: "Trump's legal issues seem not to face him, he thinks he is inevitable." I think what you mean is "Trump's legal issues seem not to faze him, he thinks he is invincible."

        Beats me how this piece made it onto Discover.

        1. Kenna McHugh profile image93
          Kenna McHughposted 24 months ago

          It seems like a blog. You need to write an article.

        2. Miebakagh57 profile image76
          Miebakagh57posted 24 months ago

          This is a blog post attacking ex-President Donald Trump.                                 Seriously, I'm in agreement with what avv the other writers have said.

        3. ravirajan01 profile image95
          ravirajan01posted 24 months ago

          Maxcine, I agree with Linda and Paul. Articles on HP should be fact-based, neutral and conclusive.You cannot have personal rants on this platform.

          1. Miebakagh57 profile image76
            Miebakagh57posted 24 months agoin reply to this

            Seriously, what we've over looked here is that should the ranting or personal attack directed against a fellow writer, it should be flagged and reported to team@hubpages.

        4. PaulGoodman67 profile image97
          PaulGoodman67posted 24 months ago

          For those saying a piece like this shouldn't be in Discover (e.g. Rupert and Patty), I would turn the question around and say why *shouldn't* it be?

          The article doesn't really break any rules. It's not plagiarized or spammy, or anything like that, as far as I can tell.

          As I understand it, Discover isn't one of the true niche sites, it isn't the same as Dengarden, TheSkyAboveUs, Owlcation, etc., Discover is really more of a purgatory than a publication.

          For sure, there is some well-written material in Discover (as well as lots of mediocre and worse). I think the good stuff gets put in there because it's assessed as not capable of getting lots of views, for example, the topic might be too obscure and not enough people search for it.

          I don't see why a rant shouldn't be in Discover and providing the author with some (meager) earnings, provided it breaks no rules.

        5. OldRoses profile image65
          OldRosesposted 24 months ago

          In this case, the author makes unsubstantiated claims that leave her open to being sued for libel.  I know that the law protects HubPages from the being held responsible for articles posted on its site, but if I were HubPages, I would refuse to publish the article until the author backed up her claims.

        6. Rupert Taylor profile image98
          Rupert Taylorposted 24 months ago

          I beg to differ Paul. I concede I don't understand the criteria for Discover but I assume the standard to be met is factually accurate, informative, magazine-style articles in perfect English. This piece fails that test on several fronts.

          As Caren points out, this piece contains potentially libelous statements such as, "He committed crimes against the United States and that is treason. Donald Trump is a criminal who must be held accountable like anyone who breaks the law."

          I am the last person on the planet willing to defend Trump, but he has been convicted of no crimes. What about the presumption of innocence? Statements such as the above cannot be made without qualifiers such as "allegedly."

          The article also contains grammatical errors that ought to disqualify it for posting on Discover. How about?:

          "Trump's legal issues seem not to face him, he thinks he is inevitable." or,

          "Trump go after Rhianna and posted on social media saying it was one of the worst half-times he had ever seen."

          As I said earlier, there are places where such ad hominin attacks can be posted; HubPages Discover and niches should not be among them.

          1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image89
            Patty Inglish, MSposted 24 months agoin reply to this

            I agree.

            1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image89
              Patty Inglish, MSposted 23 months agoin reply to this

              I am not certain, but I think I once read that new articles were placed onto Discover when they reached a certain number of views. Could that be the only criteria?

        7. Rupert Taylor profile image98
          Rupert Taylorposted 23 months ago

          Patty - The placement of articles on Discover is a complete mystery to me.

          Over the last 10 days I have flagged the following offerings that were on Discover:
          A piece that had fewer than 200 words;
          An article written entirely in French;
          A blatant example of spam; and,
          This rant we are discussing that is unsupported by factual evidence.

          My own articles invariably follow the pattern of arriving on HubPages where Google doesn't see them and advertising is absent. After 24 to 48 hours they are moved to Discover, presumably because they have been approved by some sort of filter, whether mechanical or human. Within hours or a few days, except for a tiny number of cases, they go on to a niche site. That seems to me to be an appropriate progression that ought to stop rubbish getting past the gatekeepers.

          I also recall the number-of-views story, but one of the pieces I flagged above (can't remember which one) was on Discover less than six hours after submission; hardly enough time to amass a following unless the system was pranked.

          If HubPages wishes to position itself as a place where accurate, authoritative, and reliable writing is published it needs to do something to fix the substandard stuff that gets onto Discover.

          1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image89
            Patty Inglish, MSposted 23 months agoin reply to this

            Six hours does sound like the writer had all their friends view it, or used a number of different IP addresses.

            I will say I flagged a few last week on hubpages.com, giving several specific reasons, and those articles were corrected pretty well before going to Discover. That is encouraging. I wonder now what criteria keep an article OFF Discover - simply not passing QAP? Then once on Discover, perhaps staff start contacting authors to improve those articles? I don't know. Substandard articles are annoying to us who flag.

        8. Rupert Taylor profile image98
          Rupert Taylorposted 23 months ago

          Quite right Patty. And now plagiarized material has appeared on Discover.

          I usually flag about a dozen HubPages articles each morning; most of them spamming educational institutions in the Indian subcontinent. I sometimes wonder if there is anybody in that region who is not running the best school for this or that.

          1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image89
            Patty Inglish, MSposted 23 months agoin reply to this

            That's a lot of material. I hope most of it is removed.


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