by Janis Masyk-Jackson 7 months ago
I was just curious for those of you who write for Medium and/or Substack, how your earnings compare to what you make on Hubpages. Do you think it's worthwhile writing for these sites? I look forward to everyone's insight. Thank you.
by Janis Leslie Evans 2 years ago
Hey fellow writers, I finally did it. I can now say I write on two platforms: HubPages and Medium! I published my first article today. I've been getting the daily articles for about 2 years but never made the time to become a writing member. I'm glad to be in the company of those who encouraged me...
by Paul Goodman 3 years ago
I'm aiming to try Medium. I've seen others say things like, "It took me three months to figure out what I was doing there," so I'm trying to reduce that learning period with research. I've already learned a lot just from reading the Medium Guides, but I have a couple of questions, which...
by Teri Silver 10 months ago
I know, it's going down and down for everyone. We have good writers, good editors, and the game plan is similuar but different, to keep up with the internet. But this month was very disappointing. I've been writing for HubPages for 13 years. Amounts should hold steady or go up. Is our...
by Tessa Schlesinger 6 years ago
I haven't been on Hubbpages for a while. I needed to develop an alternate form of income and have been focusing on writing ebooks. Still a few more to go, then I'm uploading them altogether and marketig them together. Will be another few months.My traffic has dropped radically in the last week, and...
by Janis Masyk-Jackson 9 days ago
I'm still hanging in there on HP editing and writing, although my writing has slowed down due to the current circumstances here. Like many other writers I've signed up for Medium. I know how important interaction is on the site with other writers so if you let me know what name you go by on Medium,...