60 Day Challenge - how's everyone going?

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  1. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 14 years ago

    It's been pretty quiet so I'm just wondering how everyone is going?

    We were just having a discussion about the 30 Hubs target.  I know some people are still working hard to achieve it (you can make it!), but I also notice one or two people still writing Challenge Hubs even though they've reached the magic number.

    I'm wondering how Challengers feel about that. Of course I don't fully understand how we're going to work as a team on the promotional phase, but my instinct is that to be fair, we should stick to 30 Hubs each.   After all, the whole point of the Challenge is to force us to do the bit we normally overlook - the promoting.

    The other reason is that I know there are some writers (like me!) who would much rather keep on writing than work on SEO or study all the reference material Sunforged has given us.  Setting a limit removes that temptation!

  2. englightenedsoul profile image57
    englightenedsoulposted 14 years ago

    I totally agree with you Marisa, that every participant should restrict themselves to 30 hubs.  Infact I was under the impression that we should only do 30 hubs in 30 days and the next 30 days would be pure promotion.  I won't mind if hubbers keep producing hubs but hopefully they won't use the 60dc tags and include their hubs for the promotion as it would be unfair to other participants.  I am also tempted to write especially a hub on father's day so that I can cash in on the seasonal topic but I won't.  It normally takes me 6 to 8 hours to finish a hub.  Research the topic on net, write the crucial points on paper, write the whole hub on paper and then type on the editor(Not to include the typing time and also I can't write a hub in stretch so it takes me a day).  I think that time would be better utilized if I promote the team and my hubs. I am really seeing some fantastic results and improvements in my earnings.  So I would be better off promoting and even if I write I won't include it in the 60 day challenge. 

    Also, SF should have the liberty to produce hubs even after 30 and include the 60dc tags, as he is planning to publish 10-12 60 dc tutorial hubs!!!

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly my opinion, but it looks like not everyone got the same message.  I've written a few Hubs since the end of the Challenge because I can see 150 Hubs in my sights and would like to get there - but they're not Challenge Hubs.


      1. englightenedsoul profile image57
        englightenedsoulposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I am sure you will reach 150 hubs soon.  What a milestone would that be!!  Thanks for bringing this into notice and starting a discussion.  I would request all participants to seriously focus on promoting your team's hub as well as your hubs.  Day before yesterday, I spent more than 6 hours submitting our team feeds and my hubpages feeds to RSS submission sites mentioned in SF's hub.  I am only done with 77, 60 more to go I guess.  Few sites not working so taking a bit more time than expected.  But I think submitted my feeds to atleast 45-50 of them and this will automatically promote my future hubs which I write after the 60 day challenge(Power of RSS Feeds). I know I would not need to worry much about the promotion of my hubs after the 60 day challenge as SF's strategy are long term and mostly automated.  So basically, minimal human efforts would be required.

        So, my request to other participants would be that even if you do write, do not include the 60dc tags and focus more on promotion.  You will see amazing benefits.  Read SF's latest hub on RSS submission sites and submit the team feed and your hubpages feed on the sites SF mentions in the hub.  Also, don't repeat my mistake and submit your latest feed as well along with hot and best.  This way you would be taking care to promote your future hubs as well.  It is just an one time exercise.

        Also I have a real good news to share which I will post in our dedicated forum.

        1. prettydarkhorse profile image64
          prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          enlightened, I submitted the hot rss in the list of site in SF hub. I am halfway through it, and will be finished by tomorrow afternoon.

          I am excited to read your good news! Congrats in advance!

  3. pakpub profile image70
    pakpubposted 14 years ago

    I've continued to write hubs but am not putting the 60 dc tag in them. I have been doing the promotional things that have been requested so far. It seems reasonable for me to keep up with both but I don't know how other people feel. Maybe the promotional stuff will be more intense in the upcoming couple of weeks.

  4. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 14 years ago


  5. prettydarkhorse profile image64
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

    I am done with the 31 hubs that is including my 60 dc logs and still published hubs but dont put 60dc tags on it. I started submitting to rss and I am following through SF submission to different sites. I still publishd hubs from time to time as this hubs were already halfway even before I joined the challenge,

    As I checked the latest rss feeds on 60dc, I can see that others are not yet done.

    Thank you Ms Marisa for reminding us about this one.

  6. englightenedsoul profile image57
    englightenedsoulposted 14 years ago


    You might also want to consider submitting your personal latest feeds.  This will take care of every hub you publish from now regardless of the challenge.  By the way good job!!!

    And I have already posted my good news in our 60dc forum.  And thanks for the well wishes!!!

    1. prettydarkhorse profile image64
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oh actually when I was submitting and I am halfway through it, all of the sites said that it was already submitted, I started to submit mine as well,

      I will visit our private site, am excited to see your good news!

  7. Sufidreamer profile image82
    Sufidreamerposted 14 years ago

    Hi folks

    Just sitting tight, at the moment - I am absolutely snowed under with work (12 hour days, sadly), but hope to free up a few hours over the weekend. smile

    1. profile image0
      poetlorraineposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      well it is always nice to hear someone has lots of work in this day and age...........  don't forget to feed the cats Sufi.... roll

  8. sunforged profile image78
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    If your seeing "already submitted" are you using your unique feedburner version of the feed?

    1. prettydarkhorse profile image64
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Oh Sir SF, please help, how will I do that I need an explanation because I am at the near end of the list and it keep on saying it was subitted already

      1. sunforged profile image78
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        check out the bottom - the automation section, of our first 60dc hub


        (not a live link - x's to t's)

        1. prettydarkhorse profile image64
          prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          ok, I am reading it again, I did this already the first time I read this, thats why I have twitter feed as well, dont worry I can figure it out, amd then will reply here again

          Thank you very much

        2. prettydarkhorse profile image64
          prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          help again will I use the latest now or the hot, I use the hot before I forget where I put my save new one,

          1. sunforged profile image78
            sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Well, latest SHOULD not be updated much anymore - so Hot or Best is your best bet -"latest" was only for twitter so it would update at the beginning of the challenge as each new hub was published.

            For anyone who feels we have slowed on activity:

            By my reckoning today/tomorrow is the end of "tweak week"

            Which means, we have had an opportunity to correct typos/mistakes , make sure all of related hubs are interlinked (personal hubs) , a list of your URLS's is sent off for inlcusion in the master list AND a custom summary exists on your hublog for each of those URL's.

            If you werent using analytics before, Hubs has now added the keyword function to your stats and you can tweak to strengthen your position for those terms.

            I have an on page seo hub in the works today (but have been sharing the on-page info by seomoz since the beginning)

            The automated function of the rss submit although now intensive in time expenditure is a powerful addition to our promotion aspect.

            ANd we should be able to start with some off-site stuff this weekend which will be plenty time intensive smile

            1. prettydarkhorse profile image64
              prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Thank you SIR SF< got this now, thank you so much, I have summary in my hubs individually which are included in the 60 day challenge but I need to copy and paste it in the hublog.
              I was mistaken, I put it individually.
              I am learning a lot so I am very patient, but I am dedicated for the promotion,

              Thank you very much, I will post again as I will have more problem,

  9. prettydarkhorse profile image64
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

    http://feeds.feedburner.com/hubpages/EkkR   this one is for the latest

    http://feeds.feedburner.com/hubpages/moPd   this one is for the hot

    which is better to use SIR, thank you very much

    1. sunforged profile image78
      sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      for your hubs - latest

      for our hubs - hot

  10. prettydarkhorse profile image64
    prettydarkhorseposted 14 years ago

    Well, latest SHOULD not be updated much anymore - so Hot or Best is your best bet -"latest" was only for twitter so it would update at the beginning of the challenge as each new hub was published.

    Oh I used the hot in twitterfeed, will I still change that to latest - and have another feed again?

    1. sunforged profile image78
      sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      nah, your fine.


      hot will still update as it shuffles around, at this point its teh best one to include

      1. prettydarkhorse profile image64
        prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        ok thank you SIR

  11. sunforged profile image78
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    BTW, Both SiddSingh and Edweirdo have been very active in organizing and cataloging all of our submissions

    So they deserve a big thank you!

    1. skyfire profile image77
      skyfireposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  12. barryrutherford profile image75
    barryrutherfordposted 14 years ago

    Hi you guys got anything for me to do other than tweak my hubs ?

    1. sunforged profile image78
      sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      categorize your URLs in the 60dc forum

      submit rss feeds

      1. barryrutherford profile image75
        barryrutherfordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        that might be beyond me ?

        1. barryrutherford profile image75
          barryrutherfordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          rather I dont know how to do that !

          1. sunforged profile image78
            sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            theres a new hub on how to submit rss feeds, I guarantee it is not beyond you

            check out the 60dc forum for the categorization, you will figure that out just fine im sure

          2. Marisa Wright profile image85
            Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Barry, the whole point of this Challenge is to learn how to do things you've never done before, like optimizing your Hubs, and promoting them effectively.

            You're not the only one who's scratched their head over SEO and RSS feeds, but they're only the beginning - if you're not prepared to make the effort to master them, with all the help Sunforged has offered, then how are you going to pull your weight in the rest of the Challenge?

            1. barryrutherford profile image75
              barryrutherfordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              okay Marissa thanks for your parsomonious advice please tell me once and for all howe i can log into this bloody private log ?  Answer that and a little less advice on how to write hubs for which i have never requested that advice from you !

              1. englightenedsoul profile image57
                englightenedsoulposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                you just need to enter the password to view the private forum..

              2. Marisa Wright profile image85
                Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                Barry,  part of this Challenge is to optimize your Hubs, and I was trying to suggest ways you could do that.  Have you read all the Hubs Sunforged has already written to help you, and followed all the advice and instructions on them? 

                I know real men don't read instructions, and especially real Aussie blokes, but for this Challenge you really need to make an exception. 

                As for the forum, Edweirdo and Sunforged have already given you the information.

                1. barryrutherford profile image75
                  barryrutherfordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  arrh i just bit my lip !

  13. profile image0
    shazwellynposted 14 years ago

    I have written one hub since my 30 and have not used the 60dc tags. I agree that anything after our first phase has to be back to pre-60dc.

    I have also submitted 'best 60dc feeds' and 'hot 60dc feeds' (and all my own - latest, hot and best) from Mark Knowles rss list and have just completed the linked rss sites from SF.

    I have also offered to help SusanaS with her package, should she need me (see academy thread).

    Applause to Sid, Ed and SF for all their efforts... it really is appreciated:)

  14. Edweirdo profile image85
    Edweirdoposted 14 years ago

    For those who haven't visited the private forum today, I have finished my part of categorizing all the hubs! big_smile

    Please cruise over there and read the latest update...

    And Barry, theblackedition, Faybe and any other 60dCer who hasn't sent your topic-based hub list yet, please get on it!!

    You can even PM it to me via the external forum and I will add your hubs to the appropriate category for you! Free of charge! cool

    1. barryrutherford profile image75
      barryrutherfordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      sorry as i have been saying for weeks i cannot log onto the site just send me a message of what u want me to do

      1. sunforged profile image78
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I sent another message. Its as easy as Log in - which you have an account for - the locked forums have an additional password - this has been mailed 3 times.

        Try and give me a detailed explanation of what your problem is, since there are only two steps I cant guess what is going wrong

        1. barryrutherford profile image75
          barryrutherfordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          As i have said I have used the password you have given me three times anf it has send wrong password

          1. sunforged profile image78
            sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Log into your account with YOUR password and talk to me there

            1. barryrutherford profile image75
              barryrutherfordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              I am responding on gmail !

    2. sunforged profile image78
      sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this


  15. Edweirdo profile image85
    Edweirdoposted 14 years ago

    Plus, FYI Barry, you don't need to be on the "private" part of external forum to PM your list to me!

    Just log on to the public forum, click on one of my posts and select "PM" under my avatar...

    Or email your list to Sunforged and he can forward it to me big_smile

    1. wavegirl22 profile image40
      wavegirl22posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Ed - great job . . on the categories. . looks like you had a huge task .. thanks for all the hard work you put into it!

      1. Edweirdo profile image85
        Edweirdoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks wavegirl - FYI, one of you hubs is "orphaned" sad

        I wasn't able to fit the Iran hiker one in anywhere - take a look and see if you can find a home for it...

        1. wavegirl22 profile image40
          wavegirl22posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          i know i saw . and have been thinking of where and what to do with it. . it is pretty important as these poor kids are locked away in a country that the US has no relations with . .and the media is not all that keen on keeping it front page news.  actually it never has really been front page worthy as far as they are concerned. . and so I was hoping that this promo could and would get the word out to more people. . you know how they say power in numbers.......

          any ideas from any of us would be really great.  i am sure with all the talent we have someone has got to have some super idea????????

    2. barryrutherford profile image75
      barryrutherfordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      what list ?

      1. Edweirdo profile image85
        Edweirdoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        A couple of weeks ago sunforged requested a list of the hubs created for the 60DC broken into topic categories (travel, education, technology, etc)

        I need it to place the hubs you've written in this forum (which I am moderating):

      2. Edweirdo profile image85
        Edweirdoposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        FYI, if this is all news to you, then you can just prepare a list of the URLs of the hubs you wrote for the challenge and send me that - I'll take it from there...

        1. barryrutherford profile image75
          barryrutherfordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Ive got the list started by posting the IPad hubs...

  16. sunforged profile image78
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    Hello!  url categories are complete in 60dc forum swing by  and cross categorize and confirm that you are represented fully - please

    Thanks Edweirdo and Sidd!

  17. sunforged profile image78
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    video posted explaining image in phase 2

    seems like all lists have been sent an edweirdo has done an amazing job w/ category forum

    Susana S and N ramius have recently created some really smart hubs that categorized and summarized their 30 day creations - see the video and see just how helpful that could be!

    oh, btw - the video is terrible sad - but its out for those who will be asleep by the time I can revise it

  18. sunforged profile image78
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    draft 2 is processing - takes about an hour to process and upload - but it has a full audio voice over now

  19. englightenedsoul profile image57
    englightenedsoulposted 14 years ago

    Thats wonderful news.  I can't wait!!

  20. Edweirdo profile image85
    Edweirdoposted 14 years ago

    Sweet! cool

  21. sunforged profile image78
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    its live - sorry about the fan - took an hour to figure out why I had no mic - did an entire overdub which didnt record (which is hilarious in retrospect - me talking to a computer for no reason at all)

    Got the audio live - hour to process and upload

    I think Im going to stick to writing smile

    long story short .. its live - but I think both of you understand the process just find anyways!

    now its time to churn them out!

    1. barryrutherford profile image75
      barryrutherfordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Is is really goos the speed is ideal for sloies like me !  JUst trying to create a blooger account now

  22. sunforged profile image78
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    60dc forum will be buggy or down for a few hours

    1. SiddSingh profile image60
      SiddSinghposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, I'd been there. I thought something was wrong with my browser or something - rebooted my computer.

      Was thinking of sending you an email - then I though of checking here!

  23. sunforged profile image78
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    am adding a realtime chat to quickly be able to answer any questions about phase 2 BUT small coding error and I have some bugs to work out - and Im leaving for a few hours - so I cant give a fix time

    anyways smile Hit the ground runnng and all!

    1. prettydarkhorse profile image64
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      oh thats why I can't log in now, thanks SIR, I am learning a lot and thank you, begininng to follow your video tutorials after making blogs today, I am patient and diligent though, it pays hehe.

  24. sunforged profile image78
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    sorry about that - problem corrected, it was incredibly easy to solve but Im not the best at reading php.

    I should have a shoutbox up and running soon - now I started I must finish -so perhaps a more few snafus may arise - but the added functionality is worth it

  25. sunforged profile image78
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    Ok, im pretty happy.


    1. prettydarkhorse profile image64
      prettydarkhorseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Got it SF, thanks for your efforts

  26. barryrutherford profile image75
    barryrutherfordposted 14 years ago

    posted this to keep the thread alive...

  27. frogdropping profile image76
    frogdroppingposted 14 years ago

    "It's alive ... " *said in a deep and creepy voice, something along the lines of a Vincent Price type timbre* big_smile

    1. barryrutherford profile image75
      barryrutherfordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      He He !! tongue

      1. barryrutherford profile image75
        barryrutherfordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I am still here ! tongue

  28. wavegirl22 profile image40
    wavegirl22posted 14 years ago

    I think I am still here.. .

  29. sunforged profile image78
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    The 60dc tracker that i have been using offsite and for cross promotion of all 60dcers articles has just crossed the 50,000 views threshold - pretty good considering it was never used on twitter or in rss and its been a little less than 60 days!


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