dosnt' anybody thumbs up anything any more?

Jump to Last Post 1-29 of 29 discussions (89 posts)
  1. starme77 profile image78
    starme77posted 14 years ago

    sorry I been gone for awile and since I have been back I have noticed that people don't rate people as much as they used to - I run around hub pages doin it all the time , but it seems like people are bored with that now , is it just me or what ?

    1. PoeticLicense profile image58
      PoeticLicenseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      To be honest, I am often too busy writing to get too involved with other hubs.  I HAVE rated up a hub or two in the past.  It's just I don't always have a lot of time for rating hubs or talking in the forums.

      1. starme77 profile image78
        starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        well if I must say so myself -  its not very nice to be too involed in yerself to care about others  I readother peoples stuff more than I write - I think thats nice  - so, maybe I think I'm nice smile and your not sad

        1. WryLilt profile image86
          WryLiltposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I like to read but I love to write. And if all the people here spent more time reading than writing, there wouldn't be much to read. I have a baby and I work - I can't read all day!

          Plus, since at last count there was 887,074 published hubs, it would take far too long to even try and read and rate them all - plus it would be close to pointless because hubbers don't make other hubbers money.

          I don't mind if people do/don't read my hubs. I'm too busy trying to get google to notice them so I make some money smile

          1. Lily Rose profile image85
            Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Hubbers don't make other hubbers money??

            1. WryLilt profile image86
              WryLiltposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              I mean as in - other hubbers won't be the ones clicking ads or buying items.

              1. Lily Rose profile image85
                Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                That's not necessarily true.  Ryan wrote a hub recently that discussed a product that I had actually been searching for but couldn't recall the name of, so I clicked his Amazon link to purchase it...

      2. Pearldiver profile image67
        Pearldiverposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I think we can probably work that out by your author score mate! roll

        Why did you waste your time posting here now? hmm
        I'm sure given it's substance it wouldn't have been missed.. Do You? lol

        1. PoeticLicense profile image58
          PoeticLicenseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          This is a new account.  hence the low so-called 'author score".  You DO know the "author score" is influenced by a ton of other things here.
          I NEVER said it was a waste of time to read other hubs or post in the forums
          I simply said I spend most of my time writing.
          I was not trying to start trouble.
          Too much substance leads to people disappearing . . . or so I hear.

    2. Marisa Wright profile image87
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      How do you know?  Is there a place where you can see how many people thumb up or down?

      I sometimes wonder why they've kept the feature as the HubPages team say it has very little effect.  These days I tend to click on the useful/awesome buttons instead of the thumbs.

      1. Randy Godwin profile image61
        Randy Godwinposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        She claims she has a way of knowing, Marisa.  Check the first pages of this thread.

  2. Pearldiver profile image67
    Pearldiverposted 14 years ago

    Nope.. Me Too smile

  3. Pandoras Box profile image60
    Pandoras Boxposted 14 years ago

    How would you know? I'm unaware of any feature that indicates such.

    1. profile image0
      china manposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      for thumb up - read rate up   - I expect ??   I have just popped in to your PB myth hub and rated it , thumbed it, up smile

      1. starme77 profile image78
        starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        what pb myth?

    2. relache profile image66
      relacheposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      1. starme77 profile image78
        starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        this what?

      2. sunforged profile image77
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        This again

        1. KCC Big Country profile image78
          KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          This 3x.  smile

    3. starme77 profile image78
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      what? .....

    4. starme77 profile image78
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      unaware - o.k .... there is a little rate it up rate it down box in the middle of hubs somewhere , I think , thoug if actually reading one would see it

      1. sunforged profile image77
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        aargh - but YOU would have no way of knowing if anybody ever used the thumbs up!

        hence the speculation is pointless and makes us wonder what you are talking about would it "seem like people were bored with this now"

        1. starme77 profile image78
          starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          not sure who us is? who ya speakin for? I have a way of knowin , so that was why I was wonderin - no biggie , no need to tell me my question is pointless I didn't ask about weather or not it was pointless

          1. Randy Godwin profile image61
            Randy Godwinposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            You still have not responded to how you know if a hub is rated up or not.  I do not think the hubscore indicates each rate up or down.  So do tell how you "have a way of knowin."

          2. sunforged profile image77
            sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Im sorry, but you do not have a way of knowing.

            I said "speculation was pointless."

            1. starme77 profile image78
              starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

              do to have a way  of knowin and I apologize for mis interpreting your post - let me rephrase - its not nice to call my "speculation" pointless its just not nice is all

              1. sunforged profile image77
                sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                It must be a nice cloud...

                Once again for the record - You do not have a way of checking.

                Riddle me this - Did I just rate your hub up or down and which hub was it?

                1. starme77 profile image78
                  starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  ya rated it down cause yer mean like that and the cloud is big  and fluffy and soft and comfortable and nice smile smile smile ha

                  1. starme77 profile image78
                    starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    now how did I rate yours?  And is your cloud grey or blue?  Whats a matter ya don't have my way of knowin ? awww Well, maybe I'll e-mail it to ya smile

                  2. sunforged profile image77
                    sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    The answer - I didnt rate a thing, and I never use that particular feature after HP Staff pointed out that it had little to no effect. They also pointed out that the info will never be visible because it HP users begin to act reciprocally and it leads to abuse of the feature.

                    I would never do something that actually had a negative consequence, just because I was mean. hmm, maybe that means im not mean

                    I thought my math teacher was mean, when she tried to show me the difference between mean and median, at first glance I didnt see any difference worth remembering

  4. rebekahELLE profile image85
    rebekahELLEposted 14 years ago

    I rate up almost every hub I read. I think many hubbers do.
    I don't always get through my daily email of new hubs, but I sure try. I read the hubs that interest me and rate them, sometimes I leave a comment.

  5. Hub Llama profile image52
    Hub Llamaposted 14 years ago

    Now there are options to mark as "Useful" or "Funny" or whatever. I guess if anyone is doing anything, they ware clicking those.

    1. starme77 profile image78
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      see , this is why I don't believe others really do read others hubs  - but just rate em - (if they know how) or comment on something they really didn't read at all

  6. liljen23 profile image75
    liljen23posted 14 years ago

    I do, I always do anyways. I thumb up good hubs or hubs I believe can be at good potential.

    1. starme77 profile image78
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      do ya actually read em ?

  7. earnestshub profile image72
    earnestshubposted 14 years ago

    I always give a thumbs up to hubs I enjoy, and like another hubber, would like to know how you can tell anyway. smile

    1. starme77 profile image78
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I know you read em ernesthub - your way to honest not too smile

      1. earnestshub profile image72
        earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you starme77!

        That is very nice of you to say so. smile

        1. starme77 profile image78
          starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Welcome smile smile yer one of my faves ya know smile

          1. earnestshub profile image72
            earnestshubposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            That's very nice of you to say so starme77. I like you too! smile

  8. Pearldiver profile image67
    Pearldiverposted 14 years ago

    I think THAT WAS One of the meanest Blonde Jokes I've seen here sad

    1. starme77 profile image78
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      what was? I'm lost , sorry

  9. agvulpes profile image85
    agvulpesposted 14 years ago

    I feel I have landed in La La land big_smile
    I do use the new feature on every Hub I read.
    I also would like to know what 'this' is ? cool

    1. starme77 profile image78
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      it looks like a smiley face to me , with sunglasses smile

  10. elayne001 profile image82
    elayne001posted 14 years ago

    Maybe you can point the thumbs up button to those that read your hubs - I think some people just forget. Some times I comment on the hub and later think - oh, I forgot to give it a rating. Not all the time though. If you make a special graphic that gives thumbs up, it might remind them? Is this allowed?

  11. Fluffymetal profile image80
    Fluffymetalposted 14 years ago

    I rate people up all the time, when deserved.  It should always been done.

  12. Mike Lickteig profile image75
    Mike Lickteigposted 14 years ago

    I still rate hubs up when I have enjoyed them or been inspired.  I don't have the slightest idea how to know what has been rated up or down, but I will rate them when I feel a hub is deserving, regardless....

    1. Randy Godwin profile image61
      Randy Godwinposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      So do I, Mike!  I seldom rate a hub down unless it is so bad I feel it would be detrimental to the site for one of the given flagging options.

  13. figment profile image78
    figmentposted 14 years ago

    Doesn't the rating of a hub effect it/s score.

    1. profile image0
      ralwusposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      that is secret info too. big_smile

    2. Marisa Wright profile image87
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hardly at all.

  14. Pearldiver profile image67
    Pearldiverposted 14 years ago

    Oh whata poetic defence lol

    You present yourself as a sock puppet making a sock puppet-like remark... get spoken to like a sock puppet (quite rightly I feel)..... And then use the low score vs new account excuse to justify being a sock puppet roll  Why is all I asked? hmm

    Perhaps having a low score is a reflection of your creative writing style where you take the lyrics of a successful song and change the lyrics by adding your own.. Take 'Fields of Barley' for example... What a writer eh?  Now isn't that the sort of thing that a sock puppet would do? hmm

    As I said before... what you said was irrelevant, as the OP was referring to herself and people like me; who actually do TAKE the Time to visit other writers, read their work and encourage them.

    The test of one's writing skills comes down to their ability to write Original - Quality - Previously UnPublished Works.
    In the absence of those attributes; not only will your scores be low, but also SE rankings and your credibility.
    Maybe that's the difference that's being pointed out to you huh? hmm
    Good Luck with your writing... I hope your Ducks Float.

    1. PoeticLicense profile image58
      PoeticLicenseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      What did I do to you Pearl?  I simply said that I don't often have time to read thumbs up a lot of hubs because i am too busy writing.  (Sure, I am somewhat active in the one Reccomend another hubber's hub forum but I am usually too busy writing to do more than that.
      That's all I said and you attacked me.  My low score--not that the scores mean much here in terms of JUST writing--is due to me not being here very long.
      What do you mean, "Fields Of Barley"?  I have no clue.  I don't know why you felt the need to attack my writing style as I don't do what you're speaking of.  No one has ever paid me for poetry (or anything else) that wasn't original.  I have been paid for the poetry I share here.  I thought I made that clear. 
      The OP question--the title--asked 'doesn't anyone . . .?'  I simply said WHY I don't do it as much as some might or as Iused to--that's all.I have no reason to argue about writing skills as I have been PAID to actually write for many years.  That's all I need in terms of my credibility.
      I'm not concerned about my score here.  If I was I wouldn't be posting poetry and I'd be doing a lot of the extra things that influence score that havenothing to do with writing.  I am simply sharing previously-published poetry that hasn't seen the light of day for awhile--lol!
      I'm sorry you took offense at something I said.  The funny thing is--if I shared some more information with youu I KNOW we would both end up laughing BUT I cannot do that here and now.
      All I can say is I just don't have as much time to read anymore and I spend what time I DO have writing.
      For the record, I nevcer said I was a sock puppet.  I WILL admit to having been around HP for a long time but I don't want to start trouble by saying I am a sock puppet.
      Anyway, I just answered the title question.  I don't have as much time so I find myself writing more and reading less.  Sorry if I somehow p*ssed you off and sorry we're wasting all this time when we could be writing.

  15. Richieb799 profile image75
    Richieb799posted 14 years ago

    I do thumbs up, maybe its because I'm old school, I haven't tried the rating it 'awesome', 'useful' etc yet!

  16. Uninvited Writer profile image77
    Uninvited Writerposted 14 years ago

    This was a weird thread to read, it felt like I had just eaten some magic mushrooms...

    1. Pearldiver profile image67
      Pearldiverposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You have such Awesome compliments Suzzzzz
                                                           Oops how'd that line mooooove? hmm

      That is clearly a writing skill... being able to draw the reader into your stone and leave them there believing that it's their fault hahaha big_smile

    2. Lily Rose profile image85
      Lily Roseposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      lol  lol  lol

      I really liked SF's cloud comment!

      1. starme77 profile image78
        starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I thought it was cute too smile

    3. profile image0
      DoorMattnomoreposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      yeah....and then I think I maybe rated myself up? but I can't tell....

  17. profile image0
    ralwusposted 14 years ago

    Hmmm, I just had to put a thumb up a flea's ass

    1. profile image0
      DoorMattnomoreposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I bet he noticed

      1. profile image0
        ralwusposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        LOL never had a chance

        1. profile image0
          DoorMattnomoreposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          thats good..I hate fleas

  18. Pcunix profile image84
    Pcunixposted 14 years ago

    Most of the time I do not rate.

    When something strikes me as unusually good or unusually poor, I do rate.

    I have no idea what the intent of this stuff was or is, but for me, it has to be something out of the ordinary to cause me to click any of those buttons.  If I just LIKED the post, no, I won't click.  If I loved it, if it spoke to me, if it touched me, if it woke me up or made me laugh out loud, yes, I will.

    And on the negative side, if it's just blech, no, I just move on.  If it's badly done blech, I rate it down.   

    I read maybe 8 or 9 posts this morning.  I think I voted two up and clicked on "funny" once.  I didn't vote anything down.

    1. profile image0
      china manposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I would agree with this - I normally just pass by badly written hubs or just poor in my opinion - I only rate up good stuff and only rate down really rubbish stuff.

      I guess I have used the ratings buttons maybe five times in reading around a hundred hubs so far.

  19. joffrey profile image60
    joffreyposted 14 years ago

    Thumbs up!
    Oh, not in the forums… sad

  20. Randy Godwin profile image61
    Randy Godwinposted 14 years ago

    I do try to read and rate a few hubs daily.  I have been encouraged by other hubbers comments and suggestions, especially when I first began writing here. 

    I feel that if you cannot take a little time to reciprocate then just remove the comments capsule from your hubs.  If it isn't important to you to give, then don't receive!  Just my personal view, of course!

  21. Fluffymetal profile image80
    Fluffymetalposted 14 years ago

    I encourage people to start using the rating system.

  22. leeberttea profile image57
    leebertteaposted 14 years ago

    A big thumbs up to you my fluffy frined!

    1. Fluffymetal profile image80
      Fluffymetalposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Haven't seen you in awhile. wink

  23. Adult Content profile image59
    Adult Contentposted 14 years ago

    I hope no one personally attacks ME like some others in here BUT I imagine that once I start writing here I may not have a lot of time for reading the hubs of others either.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image87
      Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      That's OK, AC - reading other people's Hubs isn't compulsory. 

      However, you may not last long if your name is any indication of what you're planning to write.  Adult content is against HubPages' Terms of Service, because the site uses Google.

      That means that sexual advice, even if it's serious or academic, is prohibited.

      1. Adult Content profile image59
        Adult Contentposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        sexual advice? really? i missed that part of the TOS
        so the people who do that kind of thing are no longer here!?

        1. Rochelle Frank profile image92
          Rochelle Frankposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Really.  Though you may want to make a closer check of the subject.

          1. Adult Content profile image59
            Adult Contentposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            You scared me!  But the people I am thniking about have been here for years and most are still here.  Mind you, I find it funny that MEN who write about it are NOT all here any more but all the women still are.  Interesting.
            perhaps it's not the subject matter but whether or not you have no sense of humor about the subject.  I've noticed the funnier people who used to write about it are gone.  Interestingly, they were all guys, too.  I wonder what THAT was about.
            I suppose if you call it dating advice and don't get overly explicit then it's okay.
            I guess semantics mean something here-lol.

            1. Marisa Wright profile image87
              Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              The only reason some of them are still here is because the moderators haven't picked them up yet. However there's a new automated filter on HubPages which is steadily detecting them and unpublishing their Hubs until they've been cleaned up. 

              Some adult subjects are allowed, but all ads are disabled so you can't make any money from them.

              1. Adult Content profile image59
                Adult Contentposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                I don't know details.  All I know is I find people who make me laugh--they're here for anywhere between a week and a year and suddenly they are banned.  Meanwhile others who have been here for years talk about the same stuff and no one has bothered them.
                That just seems weird.  I won't name names.  The people who enforce rules should have spotted them by now.
                Perhaps this program of which you and others speak will make things more objective.
                I mean these people write about the g-spot, vaginal odor, oral sex and so forth and they have been here for a long time.  Either sex advice gets you immediately banned or it doesn't.  I just really miss some of the people who are no longer here or all that active but I feel afraid to even speak too much about it, ya know?
                Big Brother . . . or maybe it's Big Sister . . .

                1. Marisa Wright profile image87
                  Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  It doesn't, it just gets your Hubs unpublished.  People get banned because of stuff in the forums, or because their Hubs are promoting prohibited websites. Not for choosing the wrong subjects - unless they keep on republishing new "illegal" Hubs to replace the unpublished ones.

  24. Jane@CM profile image60
    Jane@CMposted 14 years ago

    This is a bizarre thread.

    1. starme77 profile image78
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      it is I totally agree , I think its more meant for fun but it turned out kind of bizarre and fun at the same time , funny how just a little goofy question sky rockets around here smile

      1. Aficionada profile image77
        Aficionadaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        big_smile I'm not sure it's the goofiness of the question that has made the thread so bizarre. lol

  25. AEvans profile image73
    AEvansposted 14 years ago

    When I read hubs, I rate them and also click on one of the 4 boxes allocated. smile Glad to see you

    1. starme77 profile image78
      starme77posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      smile glad to see you too smile

  26. PoeticLicense profile image58
    PoeticLicenseposted 14 years ago

    I had a hub flagged over the weekend for what I can only assume was a picture.  It was appropriate to the poem and there was no nudity but maybe it was the angle.  Anyway, we will see if one flag gets me banned later today.
    If I am no longer here you all will know that ONE flag got me banned.  I've already replaced the picture but it's still waiting to be OKed.

  27. Adult Content profile image59
    Adult Contentposted 14 years ago

    I have always been told by others here that a few flags won't get you banned in and of themselves.  So unless someone is out to get you I doubt a flag or two will get you banned . . . especially if there was no nudity.  I have read your poems so I have seen the pictures.  They might get you on a technical but then again they will have to go flag a bunch of other peole too from what I have seen anyway.

  28. Adult Content profile image59
    Adult Contentposted 14 years ago

    Getting back on track, I am reading and rating hubs right now but that's only because there is a lag right now when working on hubs . . . for ME anyway . . . it's the additional software I have to use.  I think it's funny that the rating doesn't mean anything.

  29. pisean282311 profile image62
    pisean282311posted 14 years ago

    i do ..yesterday only i found interesting hub and it did ...


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