The winners are in! Congratulations to all Nuggets, Wannabes, and Nuggeteers for another great week!
Fashion and Beauty (65 total votes)
* The Wrap Dress: The Most Figure-Flattering Piece of Clothing for Every Woman Out There (16 votes, 25%)
* Deadly Beauty Products In Your Bathroom (14 votes, 22%)
* Your Perfect Wedding Dress (13 votes, 20%)
Home (58 total votes)
* Secrets to a Good-Smelling Home - Make Your House Smell Nice! (18 votes, 31%)
* Benefits of Raised Bed Gardening (18 votes, 31%)
* Our Haunted Home (7 votes, 12%)
Sports and Recreation (71 total votes)
* Super Bowl XLV: Green Bay Packers vs Pittsburgh Steelers (31 votes, 44%)
* 5 Ways to Beat Boredom and Not Your Wallet (13 votes, 18%)
* The Hidden Gems Of Hot Springs Heaven (12 votes, 17%)