How Many Hubs Get More Than 100 Monthly Page Views?

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  1. profile image0
    andycoolposted 13 years ago

    I get a bit confused while I see someone talking about big earner hubs. What is a big earner hub... in the sense that it gets a lot of page views, not in terms of high paying keywords embedded in it? Let me be a bit more specific, "How many monthly page views can make a hub a big earner"? How many of your hubs get more than 100 monthly page views?

  2. Cagsil profile image69
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    I have about 40+ hubs that get more than 100 views monthly.

    However, if you're talking about earnings, then I have many hubs that make no money at all.

    There are however some hubbers who have hubs that make $100 per day based on their traffic and keyword value. And, I'm sure some of them are sales hubs as well. So, I guess that completely depends on the specifics.

    1. profile image0
      andycoolposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Cagsil for the reply. I asked this because only a small percentage (less than 10 per cent) of all published hubs here at HP get 100+ monthly views. I've nearly 10 hubs out of 32 that get 70-80 page views monthly. smile

      1. Marisa Wright profile image84
        Marisa Wrightposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I think that's more an indication of the number of low-quality Hubs that need to be removed, than a reflection of the average Hubber experience.

        Bear in mind there are a lot of Hubbers who join, write one or two Hubs and never come back.  Those Hubs may be promoting a business, or they may be blog-style personal Hubs, which are unlikely to get much traffic.

        I'd like to see how many views 'active' Hubbers are getting.  More than half my Hubs get over 100 views a month.

        1. profile image0
          andycoolposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You're absolutely right, only active hubbers matter. Thanks! smile

    2. Ritsos profile image39
      Ritsosposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      one thing I haven'tbeen able to figure is how can you tell which hubs are the ones earning .. I know I get the hits from analytics but can't see how to figure which have got the clicks that earn .. can you help ?

  3. Garrett Mickley profile image76
    Garrett Mickleyposted 13 years ago

    I don't have any individual hubs that make 100 hits per day, but I get that much to be spread out amongst my 20 something hubs.

    None of my hubs are "big earner hubs" but I do have a few that make a lot of sales, they're just a lot of small sales that aren't making tons.

    1. profile image0
      andycoolposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Garrett Mickley, but I was asking about 100 monthly hits, not daily! wink

      1. Garrett Mickley profile image76
        Garrett Mickleyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry, I must be really tired this Monday!

        To better answer your question, then:

        I have 3 hubs that have over 100 hits in the last month, and one of those is my one that sells many small sales.

        1. profile image0
          andycoolposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks Garrett Mickley!

  4. relache profile image67
    relacheposted 13 years ago

    Here are some stats on the overall site,

    1. profile image0
      andycoolposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks relache, in my another forum post you provided me the stats page. Thanks for that... if you don't mind can I ask you something? Your latest hub "Shiso" gets how many monthly hits approx? If you think I'm crossing my limits... please ignore this. I'm just curious about you... you write so less still you're so successful! Again confused! smile

    2. Mike's Corner profile image68
      Mike's Cornerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Very interesting stats -- I'd love to see the average hub age in relation to the views also . . . so, it looks like about 1.4 million people have registered but never published a hub . . . creepy, what do they do just lurk around?

      1. lrohner profile image69
        lrohnerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        They're all off in the religion forums trying to convert the atheists. smile

        1. Garrett Mickley profile image76
          Garrett Mickleyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Or vice versa...

        2. Mike's Corner profile image68
          Mike's Cornerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Just like the Blues Brothers: "We're on a mission from God."  smile

          1. Cagsil profile image69
            Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            lol lol Unfortunately they are peddling a false god. lol lol

            1. Rosie2010 profile image67
              Rosie2010posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              they must be!!! big_smile

          2. David 470 profile image73
            David 470posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            LOL I think many people sign-up to hubpages just to use the religious forums or the political forums.

        3. DIYweddingplanner profile image67
          DIYweddingplannerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I think they are terrorists trying to get a glimpse into the psyche of the average person and where their weak points are! smile

          I have about 10 hubs that get 100 views a month.  But I'm still pretty new here.

      2. revmjm profile image87
        revmjmposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        relache, I checked out the link you suggested. Those are some really cool numbers. It was nice to see the stats of the HubPage community.

        1. Rosie2010 profile image67
          Rosie2010posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I just check out that link and I was bombed out! 
          Total Users: 1,673,596
          Published Users: 211,988

          Out of 1.6 million users, only 211,988 users have published hubs?  Some suggested they are here in forums to talk about God.  I see a lot of threads about religion.. but I never go there.  I think they are here for the Answers as well as I find it Answers too to be a great part of HP.  Amazing though that they are here in HP and have never published a single hub.. I wonder how they found out about HP.  As for me I am here to write.

    3. psycheskinner profile image78
      psycheskinnerposted 13 years ago

      I don't write very commercial hubs (mainly about mythical animals and other stuff I like), but still have 4/52 over 100 a month and several more that are very close to it.

      1. profile image0
        andycoolposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks psycheskinner and are they big earners? smile

    4. profile image0
      Marye Audetposted 13 years ago

      I have about 350 that get over 100 page views per month and I have 15 that get between 100 and 900 page views per day. Most of these are how to type hubs, very informational..not sales oriented.

      Not surprisingly these are also the hubs that make the most money altho the key words are low pay.

      Hope this helps.

      1. profile image0
        andycoolposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks Marye Audet... I know you're the Super Star here! Of course this will help, thanks a lot.

        1. profile image0
          Marye Audetposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Uh...  no superstar here. smile just a hard worker.

          1. profile image0
            TopUniverseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I agree. Only hard workers succeed in most occasions.

            One thing I need to clarify, the stats you provided is after or before the google algo change.

          2. chanroth profile image46
            chanrothposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I agree!

    5. melpor profile image91
      melporposted 13 years ago

      Andycool, at least 15 (25%)of my 59 hubs get more than 100 pageviews per month. I am not a big earner but I do make some money each month.

      1. profile image0
        andycoolposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks melpor for your reply!

    6. Mark Ewbie profile image60
      Mark Ewbieposted 13 years ago

      I'll join in.  91 hubs (I think).  None of them get anywhere near 100 views a month.  Oh sure, there's some initial HP traffic but once the excitement has died down (I jest) then they all go into a back room, not part of the main library, where only a few people venture.

      Occasional visitors may look at a page briefly and then return to the more popular sections.

      Shall I talk about income too?  It's pretty much zero.  Somewhere along the way I have missed a trick.  But I'm young (in terms of HP and writing) so there's still some hope left.

      Oh yes. As a minor point. I absolutely love trying to express my particular angle on things - love it.

    7. profile image0
      Marye Audetposted 13 years ago

      One thing to remember is that your hubs will pick up traffic as they age and there are more links to them/they rate better in searches.

    8. Randy Godwin profile image60
      Randy Godwinposted 13 years ago

      A little less than half of my hubs get at least 100 views per month.  But that is after the Google slap, so I'm hoping things get back to "normal".  smile

    9. Richieb799 profile image73
      Richieb799posted 13 years ago

      Some people on here have a hub that gets 120,000 views a month

      I have some hubs that have peaked at 1300 views a day, at the moment my best hub is getting around 700 a day

    10. kirstenblog profile image76
      kirstenblogposted 13 years ago

      Ok so I have one that has had 52 hits over the last 24hours, 283 over the last 7 days and 1,120 over the past month. Hitting a 100 a month is actually not all that difficult, I currently have 6 more that are well above 100 for the past 30 days. I think the biggest reason for this sort of traffic is down to age in my opinion. They are all older, with the most recent being from last July. What they say is pretty true, keep writing and trying out different styles and methods until something clicks and you find yourself writing stuff people seem to want to read.

    11. sabrebIade profile image77
      sabrebIadeposted 13 years ago

      209 Hubs out of 280 Hubs hit 100 last month.
      So I have 71 that suck!
      So that's a little over 140,000 hits last month.
      Now...if every hit equaled a dollar...
      The 71 Hubs still bug me though!

    12. melbel profile image93
      melbelposted 13 years ago

      A bunch of my hubs have 100 views in a month. If you think out your hubs, that's easy. I wouldn't call a hub that gets 100 views per month a "high earner." I have hubs that get thousands of views in a month that aren't high earners. It's just really whether or not people click ads and how much those ads are worth.

    13. Rosie2010 profile image67
      Rosie2010posted 13 years ago

      I have been here only four months so my hubs are pretty new.  Out of 78 hubs, only 16 are hitting 100 views per week.  But my Adsense earnings are growing and if all goes well, I should hit payout in 2-3 months, which is about normal, I think.

    14. kschang profile image85
      kschangposted 13 years ago

      Out of 100+ hubs I did less than 10 gets 100 views a day. If you want to know about 100 views a MONTH... I'd say, about half. I must admit, the rest are pretty esoteric and not meant for wide distribution. big_smile

      There needs to be occasional "prod" from an outside source to push up the traffic. If you get highlighted on Digg / Lifehacker / Reddit and so on you'll get a big traffic spike, which can turn into even more traffic if you are properly cross-linked.

    15. Janet21 profile image77
      Janet21posted 13 years ago

      75 of my 83 hubs (90%) get 100+ pageviews a month.

    16. Azure11 profile image77
      Azure11posted 13 years ago

      Oh dear, this thread has depressed me slightly! i checked my stats and only 5 out of 87 or so are getting more then 100 views per month. Having said that a lot of my hubs have been written in the last few months so that is not surprising. In fact now I have cheered myself up a bit as I looked and 27 of them I wrote in the last month!!
      Anyway, earnings are increasing monthly so that is a good thing and maybe I just need to wait for my hubs to mature a bit more and do more backlinking before I see better results :-)

    17. David 470 profile image73
      David 470posted 13 years ago

      I have had a hub that got 1000 views per day and others that would get 100-500. Then there were others 20-50/day, and ones that don't get any traffic at all or very little but consistent.

      Since Google Alg, my traffic has dropped significantly though. I have made many hubs that barely get any traffic -- and had to delete some-- a lot were made in my super n00b days....

    18. NateSean profile image67
      NateSeanposted 13 years ago

      My Job Corps hubs continously rake in the views. With this economy, it's only natural since people are doing a lot of heavy searches for job training programs.

      I also recently posted an article that breaks down the plotholes of a certain movie. That's been raking in some major hits of late and I only wrote it about two weeks ago. Of course I wrote it using the formula suggested by another website that gains a lot of readers.

      1. earner profile image83
        earnerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "Of course I wrote it using the formula suggested by another website that gains a lot of readers."

        Wish you'd said what/where!


    19. sabrebIade profile image77
      sabrebIadeposted 13 years ago

      One thing I have noticed (that kinda makes me wonder) is that my 90+ Hub score Hubs get very little traffic.
      My 80s and 70s get the most.

    20. MyMastiffPuppies profile image55
      MyMastiffPuppiesposted 13 years ago

      I am not sure you can equate the most page views to the most money. Although naturally the more they are seen the better chance they have of making money. There are so many factors that determine how much money a hub can earn. For instance if it is a product hub and gets only a few clicks but converts well, it can make more money than one that gets hundreds of views but never converts.

      Then if you have an adsense hub that gets a lot of traffic but the adsense click pay only a nickle compared to one that only gets a few visits a month but pays 1.50 a click.... see the pattern?

      So it is really a combination of so many factors.If I figure out the secret I will let you know, but for now I am going to just keep trying and hope one of those combinations pays off.

      1. profile image0
        andycoolposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks MyMastiffPuppies for the reply! If someday you can figure it out please let me know, I'll also try and post here if I'm able to decode the secret (if any, I'm not sure).  smile

    21. Lady Blah Blah profile image62
      Lady Blah Blahposted 13 years ago

      Great question and answers. Everyone's input has helped me gain some perspective as well. I've been actively writing about 6 weeks and have tried a few different types of topics. Here's what I've found.  My most successful is a silly little reality show recap that I've been doing and it's also brought me the most ad clicks, even an Amazon sale. It's not even that popular a show, but maybe the reason is because it's a smaller niche. One episode has gotten me almost 700 page views in 3 weeks, mainly from Google, although no one comments. However, these aren't very timely.  I have two articles on weight loss that are just under 100 in one month.  One on hair isn't doing too well, haha. I wrote another that I thought was silly about germs in the office, and it was promoted by Hubpages on facebook and is doing well at 200 views in just over a month. I've only written 10 in all, so I'm guess I'm doing better than I thought.

    22. earner profile image83
      earnerposted 13 years ago

      1/3rd of mine get over 100/month.  I just had a quick scan through the stats and 1/3rd of mine have between 100 and 2,500/month.

      Am I rich?

      They make pennies really .....

      You need a combination of page views AND clicks AND the clicks to be worthwhile.

      It'd be nice if my 1/3rd with more than 100 were paying $2-3/click, but that's not how life works ... unless you work at it ... and I'm actually lazy and just write random things that catch my eye.

    23. smanty profile image59
      smantyposted 13 years ago

      I have 2 hubs that reach over 100 views monthly, but a couple of my hubs are beginning to attract more traffic. Before the panda update I really did not have many views per month coming in, and ever since a couple of weeks ago, I have been working hard to increase the views. I actually had a hub featured on a pretty popular site recently too.

    24. K Kiss profile image61
      K Kissposted 13 years ago

      I have one hub that gets me from 200-300 views per day... in total my 38 hubs bring me 9000-10000 views per month.

      1. Barbara Kay profile image74
        Barbara Kayposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        K Kiss, You are doing really well. Why don't you write a hub about how you are doing it? I would like to know.

        1. K Kiss profile image61
          K Kissposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you. I will definitely write one soon

    25. Barbara Kay profile image74
      Barbara Kayposted 13 years ago

      I have 1 that gets over 2000 views a month and 3 with 100 views a month. There are also several that are close to 100.

      My conclusion is that if you want traffic, you need to find a subject that few have written about. It seems almost impossible.

      My most popular hubs are in a niche that I hate to write about. I don't want to write about this niche anymore and probably won't and hence will not be very successful.

    26. Randy Godwin profile image60
      Randy Godwinposted 13 years ago

      I have 37 which get over 100 views per month.  I've gotten almost 30,000 views in the last 30 days according to my stats.   But one hub had over 4000 views in the last 30 days.  Some do-some don't!

    27. WryLilt profile image87
      WryLiltposted 13 years ago

      I have 24 hubs that have over 100 views a day for the last month.

      But that doesn't make them big earners. I have an information hub with nearly 150,000 views total and it's earned me less than $100.

      On the other hand I have some product hubs which get maybe 50 views a month and yet will bring me $2-$3 commission each month.

    28. profile image0
      BRIAN SLATERposted 13 years ago

      I have 27 hubs over the 100 per month.

      A further 13 hubs between 200-400 per month

      and a few hubs that regularly get between 400- 800 per month.

      My most read hubs don't earn me the most money though. I think it depends on your niche.

    29. Richieb799 profile image73
      Richieb799posted 13 years ago

      I have about 5 hubs that get over 100 views a day


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