If you'v ever wondered why some people with no or few hubs are posting the most outrageous comments on various forums or social media, here is your answer...
It appears that the job was posted on craigslist list in Toronto.
Knowing that this is going on, I will not be responding to anymore inflammatory comments posted...
I would say that this was probably a hoax and there was never an ad posted on Craigslist. It is a good way to shut down anyone who is conservative though, just claim that they are "spamming" and you won't have to listen to some one's point of view that disagrees with your own.
Personally since there wasn't a link to the actual ad I am not going to put much stock in it. Just assume that it was something someone made up so that they could claim there isn't actually conservatives responding to blog posts.
The link is:
It can clearly be seen on the ad if you enlarge it.
The ad has also been flagged which means that it wasn't acceptable. That's why it's a good thing that someone took a screenprint.
No offense but anyone can link a flagged ad and say it used to say something.
Rachel, believe what you want to believe. It's too much coincidence. If you zoom up the address on the picture, you will see that it is the above link. You said in your first email that they didn't provide the link. Well, the link is in the URL office. Now you say well, the link isn't legitimate. The person who posted that had nothing to do with hub pages. It was in a property blog, www.patrick.net, to be precise.
No offense, Sophia, but I think you spent hours in Photoshop editing and manipulating Canadian Craigslist advertisements, using international news stories most Americans aren't aware of, for the purpose of casting doubt on the intentions of HubPage forum posts.
Actually, Les, I find your statement offensive. Your resistance to it being genuine reveals that you probably are guilty of posting party politics on forums and are paid for it. That's why you don't want it to be true.
I subscribe to www.patrick.net.
If you look on the right hand side, 2nd from the bottom, you will find the link.
Really??? One of the things about the written word is that unless it is explained, one doesn't know if someone is kidding. That's why it's best to be clear about what one says. Also, even verbally, if someone says something, unless one knows the person, one doesn't know if the person is kidding. Very bad communication. Must do a hub about that sometime!!
Well there ya go!
You just can't make this stuff up sometimes
"Ideally you can make up facts..."
Says it all, doesn't it?
The whole issue of paid posts falls directly under the rules of the TOS as spam. It is clearly and unequivocally SPAM.
It is time that moderators lifted their noses from upsetting established hubbers and stepped in and banned this practice along with the four little trolls who are doing ALL of it.
It should not be hard they have been permanently banned before and are quite possibly only one or two people anyway.
"It is time that moderators lifted their noses from upsetting established hubbers and stepped in and banned this practice along with the four little trolls who are doing ALL of it."
First thing that went through my mind. I wondered if it was worth sending the link to HP and asking them to remove those who had no hubs or only a stagnant hub or two and were doing nothing but pushing political agendas here...
This is a new version of an old trick. Years ago I did some door to door canvassing on behalf of a friend who was running for local election. I was told to watch out for opposition voters attempting to keep me on the doorstep debating policy. The longer you can delay a canvasser, the less time they can spend winning over potential voters. In this case, our resident trolls are keeping folks from more serious pursuits such as writing and earning.
@Amanda. That's a very interesting perspective. Why would they do that?
Fair point, Sophia. It's mischief making really, isn't it? What is the benefit in pushing a right wing agenda on these forums? None that I can see. The main trolls come in for a heck of a lot of negative comment. They must have skins like rhinos. Perhaps they genuinely believe this claptrap and enjoy a bit of a debate? I understand the benefit of posting dodgy videos with trumped up commentaries on Youtube. If you're not much of a reader, but do have a political query, Youtube is a great place to check for info, especially if you're not too discerning about sources. But forum posts? Surely only politically minded people even look at these threads, and they will mostly have their own views firmly in place. It's all a bit of a conundrum, frankly.
Amanda, if you've ever gone to trolling sites, you will find that the troll earns kudus from other trolls for being able to make other people mad without getting themselves. The minute they've lost control, they lose. Their entire agenda is to get other people to lose it. That's why I suspect that a couple of the people on this forum are trolls. They utilize troll mechanisms.
What do they get out of it?
Well, damaged people like the attention. What more can I say?
Oh man, that is a job made in heaven for me. Misleading lies plastered across the internet? And get paid?
Sheesh, I've been doing this for free all these years...
I think in the time period I've been here, I've noticed a few.
Why would anyone sit all day on a computer starting thread after thread while not knowing what they're talking about, unless they were getting paid?
I usually do. I can't see the political threads. Sometimes I'll add a few comments, but I don't engage with those who start hysterical threads, especially if they're getting paid to start those threads. Sounds typical though, doesn't it? Anything for money at the expense of others.
...that's too much...election time in Canada (national)...it'll get it heated...has been heating up for months and now it'll start boiling over
Are they getting paid for it? Because hell if you pay me enough I'll tell everyone that I was cured of my gayness and then grow a mullet to prove my loyalty to my redneck brethren.
They will say the liberals posted that to craiglist, hehe
Nate: Amen!!!!!! Those words would make a believer out of me!!!!! LOL Great response, loved it.
Same thing happens with trolls on youtube and they get paid for it Not sure how much tough.
Yes - then the trolls and shills use those same faked up Youtube vids as evidence for their abusive activites in forums.
Hmmmm...! Now who do we know who matches that description?
And who was it that called the idea ridiculous and merely a conspiracy theory? Let's see now.......!
I think that was a lot of libs here not too long ago when the shill label was directed at them.
The outrage displayed by the forum poster is laughable.
Is lady love a paid shill?
Doubt it.
Does the light hurt your eyes when you come into the Hubber's Hangout?
Why do you doubt it, Jim? And just what is your definition of a troll? And what good do they do on a writing site if they don't write very much but start inflammatory threads each day and nothing else?
I remember how you griped when you were asked why you spent so much time on the forums and didn't have any hubs published. Now you have 2 in your entire 9 months here, similar to others who are taking up for the paid trolls. Coincidence?
I must have missed the rules that state hubs must be written to post in forums.
I know that this is a writing site and so many of you are getting the big bucks for your insight into the workings of facebook statuses.
I commend you on the work you do.
Bringing in the bucks that maintain these forums, Jim, the forums that you are happy to use for sharing your political wisdom. Are you going to contribute or are you going to keep on freeloading?
Benefiting from the hard work of others...are you sure you are not one of those 'Lib' people?
"Are you going to contribute or are you going to keep on freeloading?"
I am contributing.
I'm the rational one who doesn't think everyone who posts things contrary to your beliefs is a paid troll.
You're welcome.
Where did I mention trolls in that post?
I was merely questioning why you find the people who write Hubs that bring in traffic and money to HP so amusing. Their contributions in time and money pay for the upkeep of these forums.
I know you didn't mention trolls, I never said you did.
"I was merely questioning why you find the people who write Hubs that bring in traffic and money to HP so amusing."*** What I found amusing was the need for every wannabe author to never let it be forgotten this is a site for "writers". This is a site for some talented people to self publish and the rest to play with their computer. All hail the stories of facebook statuses and the history of seat-belts, impressive work.
Their contributions in time and money pay for the upkeep of these forums. *** So?
So why did you ignore my questions then?
"And just what is your definition of a troll? And what good do they do on a writing site if they don't write very much but start inflammatory threads each day and nothing else?"
I have no definition of a troll, I'm a sane adult who doesn't worry about what others do.
What good does Lady love do?
She brings an opinion and throws it out for debate.
The rest of you whine because she is not in lockstep with your liberal and hypocritical points of view.
In other words she isn't a drone.
I would feel the same no matter which party or fringe group she represented, Jim. I can only speak for myself, but I had rather converse with someone with their OWN opinion, not one they are being paid to promote.
Are you a sure you are a sane adult? If you didn't worry about what others do you wouldn't keep posting about things you don't agree with.
Trolls are merely normal internet posters, right? You have no knowledge of how they operate or their M.O. on forums? Poor naive Jim!
And whose opinion does LaLo bring, Jim? You guy's work for the same folks? Or perhaps you and she are the same person? Yes, that makes sense. Two accounts - twice the dough!
"I had rather converse with someone with their OWN opinion, not one they are being paid to promote.*** As usual an accusation without any proof whatsoever.
"And whose opinion does LaLo bring, Jim?" *** Her own, which happens to be shared by a majority of Americans.
"Are you a sure you are a sane adult? *** As much as anyone here can be.
"If you didn't worry about what others do you wouldn't keep posting about things you don't agree with." *** Why wouldn't I? Pointing out hypocrisy in the liberal mindset is not me worrying about what you do it is simply exposing the hypocrisy.
"Trolls are merely normal internet posters, right? *** Once again I don't have a definition for a troll. I don't care if you do, and I don't care what your definition is. I am not paranoid.
You have no knowledge of how they operate or their M.O. on forums? Poor naive Jim! *** You have confused my lack of knowledge with my lack of concern.
Does the thought of trolls keep you up at night Randy?
You really should find something to do with your spare time.
They also have peope who pretend to be left-leaning, and post anti-Obama stuff.
Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap. AC/DC.
Hey, you think LadyLove is a troll...LOL...ok, I mean in this sense anyway?....ha..oh, that was funny...Anyway, you think she gets paid to spread that propoganda? I wondered why she does it so much and seems so intent on not listening to any truths.
You know what's funny that you actually believe your left wing radical nonsense to be " truth". The arrogance of the left is clear in your statment and in others from the left... your view is the only correct view the only truth any other view simply is that of ignorant uninformed knuckle dragging idiots! Its enough to make one puke! And here all the left gathers to condemn me and dream up conspiracy theories and speculate on my motivation, because you simply can't understand why everyone doesn't think like you! What a pathetic bunch liberals are... it's sad really that they lack any vision to see what's possible... they simply fall behind the herder as he leads them to slaughter getting fat on the BS they are fed along the way!
Haha...Oh God that was funny...Okay Seriously, now you're Obviously just projecting!!
Pretty sure AC/DC were not referring to politics!
I thought they were referring to Ralph...
Might have, but I'm guessing Ralph is not dirt cheap!
I posted a while ago that I wondered if people were paid to post and no one would believe it
I think everyone believes it, now anyway, the point is why don't HP staff do something about what is clearly SPAM in every sense of the word - that is forbidden in the TOS.
Actually, I read it, Uninvited Writer.... I also wondered when you wrote that...
I remember, and I guess you were right. I couldn't understand what the sense of it would be, and still don't entirely.
Anyway, I've had the Religious and Political Forums turned off since Edweirdo's plug-in, so I don't see much of it anymore (only when some idiot posts in the wrong category).
So did I and I was ridiculed for making the accusation. Then again I was talking about left wing posters so possibly it was just a case of semantics.
Would it not be possible to disable posting in any forums apart from "Knowledge Exchange", "Report Problem/Suggest Feature" and "Extreme Hub Makeover" until a member has produced a certain minimum number of hubs? That would stop people parachuting in simply to make crass comments in the forums.
These ideas have been suggested via forum posts and through "report" notes to Admin. But so far no response.
Perhaps if enough hubbers make the request something will happen ... or not.
I think the strongest point is that trolls being paid by someone else are basically stealing from Hub Pages. They are not producing any income for HP and, in fact, are (as pointed out by Amanda Severn)diverting income-producing time away when we (and I do count myself as culpable)engage them rather than hubbing.
Can we organize a mass "post-out" (kind of like a "sit-in" but the objective is to ignore and not respond in any way to inflammatory troll posts)?
How about a separate thread somewhere, where people sign on to a "petition" to say they are going to ignore all posts (maybe even in just the politics forum, to start) that they don't see as "reasonable", reasoned, discussion (or some measure/description like that). First, it would at least create awareness and let everyone else know who had decided to sign on. People could keep bumping up that particular thread to keep it from being buried. OR, something like this: "Nobody on this list is going to go to (in this case) the politics forum for x days/weeks" (etc.)?
Someone else (other than I) would be better at thinking up exactly how such a thread might work (and stay within any forum-behavior guidelines). I think, however it worked or whatever was said in the original posting of it, it would be important for people to know that thread should contain nothing but names. No extra remarks. Nothing distracting or time-consuming. A great, big, long, boring, list of nothing but names.
A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. You or anyone else can start anytime. I think it's quite hilarious when so many complain and yet they are the biggest responders to the same stuff they profess to despise.
Personally, I just ignore the stuff I find inaccurate, overthetop biased, overemotional, or just plain spam, for the most part anyway. Sometimes the ignorance of a post is too overwhelming to let go by.
Many of the responses in this thread have just reinforced the arrogance and elitism that so many deny. Yeah, a lot of crap gets posted, but that is the price of free speech. Who gets to be the judge of what should or should not be printed? Here, I say it's Hubpages, not those that think someone died and made them god.
If you know it's spam or whatever, why do you read it, let alone respond?
Sorry MM, not picking on you. Just get a little disgusted to see so many pretentious elitists trying to silence anyone that does not agree with them.
If they are paid spammers, off with their heads. If they are someone you just don't agree with, IGNORE THEM or quit complaining!
Those in glass houses probably shouldn't be throwing stones!
"Can we organize a mass "post-out" (kind of like a "sit-in" but the objective is to ignore and not respond in any way to inflammatory troll posts)?" Can't prove anything. Just ends up as censorship.
Besides these so called trolls are a lot of fun for a lot people.
Good point. Especially the fun part. I guess we should all be able to indulge our inner litigator as we see fit!
But, if it's censorship based on universal community participation rules, then it's not censorship.
Is there any reason HP could not require a decent profile with avatar and a minimum number of hubs to be eligible to post in the forums?
This isn't America. Free speech laws don't apply.
What's wrong with gotta pay (by writing hubs) to play??
Gated community. If we all already agree, what we going to learn? Like talking to ourselves.
So you don't like something I say. "How about a separate thread somewhere, where people sign on to a "petition" to say they are going to ignore all posts (maybe even in just the politics forum, to start) that they don't see as "reasonable", reasoned, discussion (or some measure/description like that)."
Why don't you just get Weirdo's thread exorciser or whatever he calls it?
knolyourself, because the "brainstorming" type of idea was intended to help eliminate the kind of spam people on here were talking about - not to eliminate stuff I don't want to see, or stuff I don't agree with.
I don't really even know if I like the idea of a "petition" at all, but I don't think something like that would be censorship or a gated-community type of thing. The way it has been has been that a lot of troll-type stuff is borderline-enough looking that a lot of people don't even recognize it unless/until it keeps showing up over and over again. Unless it's obvious that it's the "standard kind of spam" a lot of us recognize, some people wouldn't dare report it. People don't want to report stuff if they're not sure it's spam. So, I guess my idea about a "petition" was mostly a matter of making people more aware of watching for signs that a post is nothing but aimed at inflaming or made up facts (before they go ahead and take the bait). Also, though, it might make everyone feel a little more committed to not responding to stuff that isn't intended to get "legitimate" discussions/debates going. Maybe a "post out" wouldn't work, but then again, a few weeks of nobody posting on "x" thread or forum would leave some "identities" with no audience and nothing to do but leave (at least for awhile) or else fill the thread with own stuff.
Anyway, I wasn't "married to the idea", and it obviously wasn't thought out very extensively; but the aim was all about spam versus people who have something invested here. As far as the point about some of the spam posts being fun for a lot people goes, point taken. (They wouldn't have to indicate their dislike of such posts on the "petition" (that isn't going to happen anyway), though. Result; everyone's happy and has expressed his approval or disapproval of the spam. HP team gets to see how many Hubbers enjoy the spam and how many don't.
This was posted by youngbuck on the ronpaulforums:
Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, has apparently hired a cadre of left-wing, Democrat campaign bloggers to troll through the Internet looking for news stories and blog posts that denigrate the Obama agenda. After such websites are found it is the job of these secret lefty bloggers to leave comments that come to the support of Obamaism in the comments sections. It seems that Eric Holder has created his own little propaganda unit in a valiant effort to become the Bloggi Riefenstahl of the Obama era.
As reported at The Muffled Oar, a blog that first broke the story of Holder’s secretive blogging unit — dubbed the “Blog Squad” by blogger Isaac Muzzey — Holder has housed this unit in the Office of Public Affairs at the Department of Justice. It also appears that former John Edwards staffer Tracy Russo is part of this special unit.
A site called whorunsgovdotcom reported back in May that DOJ hired Russo to do “media outreach for the whole department.” It is, according to whorunsgovdotcom, the first time such an effort has been made at DOJ.
Of Russo’s duties, The Muffled Oar says:
Not only is the Department of Justice Blog Squad going to reach out to nontraditional media like TPM Muckraker or the Muffled Oar, but they are also tasked with fostering anonymous comments at conservative leaning blogs such as the Free Republic. They are also tasked with fostering anonymous comments, or comments under pseudonyms, at newspaper websites with stories critical of the Department of Justice, Holder and President Obama.
If indeed this is what DOJ media outreach does it would most certainly qualify as “astroturfing.” Astroturfing is the action of using fake commenters and multiple screen names on all sorts of sites to push a similar opinion to create the appearance of a grass roots movement and make it seem as if there are all sorts of individuals naturally supporting a product or political movement.
It most certainly is a creepy, propagandistic sort of effort that Holder’s office is involved in and it is one that certainly seems an immoral one. After all, it most certainly is lying to the public if there are a handful of DOJ employees casting about on hundreds of different websites pretending that they are just your average citizen coming to the support of the Obama administration. But is it illegal? Hans von Spakovsky of National Review’s the corner blog certainly thinks so.
I doubt that the Office of Public Affairs (OPA) has received an ethics opinion from Justice’s Professional Responsibility Advisory Office (PRAO) saying that it is acceptable for OPA employees to be harassing critics of the department through postings that deliberately hide their DOJ affiliation (a practice that is not very “open” or “transparent”). DOJ lawyers also ought to be aware of ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct 8.4, which states that it is professional misconduct for a lawyer to engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation. If the report in The Muffled Oar is correct, tax dollars are being used directly for such dishonest, deceitful behavior.
I must say, it’s hard to disagree with von Spakovsky (if that’s his real name! — a little joke there).
Mr. von Spakovsky also makes a perfectly pertinent point to wrap up his blog post on this matter. He wonders if the Obama administration will ever learn the difference between political campaign and the “entirely different responsibility it now has to enforce this nation’s laws in an objective, nonpartisan, nonpolitical manner”?
Wow! That's shocking! I am shocked! Does this sort of thing really go on, and under our very noses? I am appalled by this and feel quite strongly about it.
Normally I don't react to internet stuff but this one has really touched a nerve. I've a good mind to copy a post from somewhere and post it elsewhere. It's disgraceful.
To think that there are people out there, and in here, just posting this sort of stuff. But what can we do? If you reply to it then you are just giving them publicity. If you don't reply then they might think you agree.
We need to organise something, a writing corrective maybe, to go round the internet and post some stuff. I for one, and it is only me at the moment, am prepared to go to considerable writing lengths to deal with this menace.
What's the world come to if you can't believe what you see on forums anymore? I remember when politicians were honest and decent, and if you saw something on the net you believed it. A man's word was his glockenspiel.
Now, you just get any waster come along, and just through boredom or insanity maybe, they'll write a whole load of garbage purely to say "look at me and buy my shoes" or whatever product they are shifting.
Now OK, I've been paid 0.03 cents to write this by the Obama writing center but that doesn't detract from the truth of what I'm saying. It's a minefield out there.
You have the power to simply ignore it?
Do the comments need to have any sort of logic or common sense?
I guess this is the point. We shouldn't need one! But HP has someone who has basically taken over the political forums, (where there are no ads). So, you either use the filter, waste your time, complain, or ignore the troll. Those seem to be the choices. I've done all 4!
"HP team gets to see how many Hubbers enjoy the spam". Not sure what you mean by spam. I thought it was pushing commercial products. If it is also to include pushing specific ideas political,
religious, philosophical, whatever agendas, then telling the truth also should be against the law, if most people don't agree it is the truth, which is mostly the case. What is correct is a very subjective thing.
Seems to me if anyone could flag posts like ads on Craig's List, there wouldn't be any posts here to read if that is what you all are referring to.
It amuses me that they actually think they will convince anyone of anything and that all their posting will get people to vote their way.
Trolls of any kind are feeding at the bottom, imo.
It's not all about you...why would you think we are talking about you? Yes, one person mentioned your name...no one else did.
Okay, I think we can agree that there are probably paid posters on both sides of the political spectrum. Are there any on HubPages? Who knows.
I do agree though that this is a writing site, I don't understand why some just hang out in the forum and spend all their time attacking others or regurgitating stuff they got in emails.
"I don't understand why some just hang out in the forum"
Because we can.
I don't understand why people live in Canada, but I know its their choice.
I wouldn't want to take that choice away from them.
I think thats the difference between liberals and conservatives.
Well, I ignore them now...most of the time...so it is no skin off my nose. It's just interesting...wish I could get a job like that.
Check Craig's List! There may be some here who could vouch for you! Just check to see who posts the latest goofy con threads everyday to find a mentor!
Where do I sign up?! I'm a liberal, but I'm a shamless mercenary and absolutely skint.
I'm also willing to sell body parts. (not my own)
I can always use another gig. I can write fiction and non-fiction with equal zeal, and for the right amount of cash I can add some zing and sting.
Where do you apply?
This just in: http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheat-shee … sayonara/#
I bet the pay per post will go up to 10 cents.
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