Okay, I didn't really want to say anything about this originally, but I do take notice of a lot of things. Lately, in forums, I've been noticing that most hub users either don't respond to my posts, or they don't talk to me that often. Sure, there's a few of them that still do, but most seem to blow me off or ignore me. I'm starting to think that maybe I did something to piss off most of the hubpage users here. I know one user told me in a private conversation that they viewed some of my debates with some users on here, as me always getting mad at others. Which is a lie, as I never got mad at a user on here outside of a couple of times, due to a some misunderstandings. However, those were only two occasions in which it happened, and they were isolated incidences at best. However, I won't delve into those, as they're not worth getting into anyways.
Therefore, whenever I debate with other hubbers on here, I always saw it as a rational debate between me and them, but I guess I'm wrong on that. Granted, I may use some extreme examples during debates, but that's just my style of debating here folks. Seriously, when I was a kid, NOBODY would ever listen to one thing I ever had to say. Thus whenever I talked, I would often have to put up with people talking over me, so i never got a chance to say what my point of view ever was. That's why I used extreme examples to grab your attention. The way I see it, if I get your attention, then you'll have to listen to me. Sorry, but that's exactly how I was raised to debate with people. Therefore, if I use a extreme example it's just a force of habit, and NOT me getting mad at you. Sheesh, and people on here want to call me sensitive.
Look, if i debate with you in a forum, please for the love of god don't take what I say to you too harshly, as me getting angry for whatever reasons. Trust me, I'm probably the most calm person you'll ever meet, as most people that know me in real life would tell you that I would never hurt a fly. Let alone hurt anyone else, so I don't know why anyone would view me as a short tempered person.
Plus, I've been noticing that my traffic from Hubpage users have gone down significantly to where I'm lucky if I even get at least 30 views a month from this site, as most of my views are coming from google now. Not that I'm complaining about that, but it used to be a lot higher. Now, it seems I'm lucky if even ONE of them bothers to these days. Look, I apologize sincerely if I ever said anything to offend anyone, as I can assure you it was never intended. However, I have a strong feeling I'll probably receive more negative flak for this post, but we'll see.
Dear Stevennix2001, I've noticed this too! But you should also take cognizance of the fact that the forum participants who used to appear here before PANDAMONIUM are mostly replaced by a bunch of hubbers who are either very new to HP without much experience or some others that are so frustrated with their earnings dropping every day that they don't naturally pay attention to any topic not related to AdSense and so forth!
This would definately account for the lack of people wandering through the forums.
However - I am now interested in if everyone hates Stevennix ALSO.
I think I will start a thread on this.
You know I read that same thread you're talking about, and I was going to make a comment in it. However, I noticed it was closed down for whatever reasons, so I couldn't. Although I did get a good laugh over it. I don't see how it was offensive, as it was fairly obvious you made it in jest.
Anyways, thanks for making me laugh recommend, as I needed a good laugh today.
Pull up a chair and take a seat and welcome to an evil and negative world of conflict.People don't need a good reason to hate.And it comes in many forms of expressions,most times for being different,and other times principals play a great part in the out-come of the matter.
I'd have to say, I haven't even noticed your name in the forum for ages. Which forums are you posting in? You do know that Edweirdo created a filter which blocks the political and religious forums, because they'd got so annoying? I know several Hubbers who use it.
I notice a lot of the money-making Hubbers either aren't around much, or they're on the Hub-related forums - because right now, they're all focussed on how to recover from the Panda update. Or they're busy revising Hubs to bring them into compliance.
That's normal, it happens to everyone. A new Hubber inspires curiosity, but the novelty wears off. And again, many Hubbers are too busy fixing up their own Hubs to worry about reading lots of others.
try not to take it personally. If someone 'told you off' privately, check them out and see if they are a dimwit you can't respect or not. Even the most caustic of hubbers are not actually hateful - they just enjoy a good debate.
My comments have dropped too, which I don't really mind, because it means I don't have to respond (as I think it's important to).
I get accused of being angry or bitter by the odd religious person on the religious forums, which is not me at all.
I've been very busy lately, and just assume others are too (some might have left hubpages after their traffic went down, others might be off looking for greener pastures, some are just really busy)
A Lot of the regular posters have skidaddled (spelling?) due to the Hubpages changes, things will pick up again
I don't have hateful feelings for anyone here.
I got into it with a couple of super hubbers a while ago and I'm still in hub purgatory,but so what.Don't let it get you down.Look at it this way,if your on the outs that gives you the freedom to say anything you like cause what do you have to lose?I've said it before and I'll say it again,HP is great...I love writing here,but it's a web site...ya know?
Hi Stevennix, You never hurted my feelings. I will try and drop in on some of your forum posts.
Thanks WOC. I appreciate your support, but you don't have to do that if you don't want to. Although it's always a pleasure seeing you.
You are welcome I don't mind. It won't hurt me to drop a comment to support you. It's a pleasure to see you also. Be encouraged.
Hello. I had the same problem growing up that you did. no one would listen. Well, my mom did. I would talk her ears off for hours. As I got older, I started to write. This helped me to get everything I wanted to say out there. Sometimes, I would take my stuffed animals and read to them what I wrote. I will try and read some of your work in the next week or so. I have brain burned and exhausted myself with all the reading, posting. This is my life, and I enjoy it very much. I just need to realize that a break every now and then is a good thing. take care...and smile!~:-)
Have a nice day.... relax... enjoy an ice cream or a bar of Chocolate...
Don't worry about what other people think, I sure as hell don't..
Oh I don't. To be honest, I've stopped caring about what other people thought a long time ago. However, I do have a bit of a inquisitive nature, so I tend to over analyze things quite a bit, as mysteries kind of annoy me. However, I will consider what you just said. Thanks.
It happens to me to, don't be so sensitive. All is good no worries. Just keep on posting eventually you will get someone's dander up. lolololo
Steven, I thought everyone here liked you! You're very friendly, and I've never seen you get angry on the forums. Did I miss something??
@AEvans and Habee
Thanks ladies. i appreciate the compliments. Yeah, I think maybe I am over analyzing things, as I really need to stop doing that. Thanks for cheering me up, as I'll definitely try to work on that.
When I first started here I used to think I wrote with invisible ink, that only I could see.
I think that there is some writing here - but I can't quite make it out LOL!
Really? I thought I was the only one who wrote with invisible ink?
Steven, I have noticed that since the Panda slap that HP traffic has gone down, there are less comments on hubs etc. Also that people are being generally tetchier in the forums. So I don't think that it is you - I think that a lot of hubbers are just very stressed at the moment
I've also noticed a difference here, Steven. It seems that HubPages has become quieter in general, some of the people who always made the forums fun don't seem to be around at the moment, and many of those who are around seem to have 'more serious' things to talk about.
I wouldn't worry about it if I were you - well, I'm not.
Don't worry about it at all, I have come to expect that half the threads I respond to will stop getting traffic immediately, I put it down to the fact that I don't agree with the BS that was being aired before my comment
I hate you Steve. Why ? cause you're so fast when it comes to movie review. grr.....
There you go - I hate Stevennix2001 - contributers urgently wanted on a quiet sunday afternoon/evening
Steven, I don't think you have anything to worry about. No one has responded to Reccomend1's alternative thread. I think a lot of hubbers are busy fixing their hubs to conform to the new rules.
Did you even read the alternative 'joke' thread ?
Yes, I realise it was done in jest. I hope you don't think you are being boycotted. These things can snowball.
Just because people do or do not respond to your forum posting has nothing to do with if they like you or not. Not every post interests everyone. I've had posts ignored but I don't let it bother me.
steven! it's not just you - it's me! I thought people hated me too - but now I've noticed that most of the super-friendly people who used to come on the forums and actually respond to each other and carry on lively conversations are just not around much lately - we're all either so busy trying to catch up in a failing economy or we're restless or something. I still love you - and I'm sure a lot of people do - if anyone is crass enough to hate you they'll have to suffer the bad karma they get for that! so cheer up and celebrate spring and hopefully, don't depend on us fickle hubbers for anything!
Steven-you are one of my favorite people here on HP, and I mean that, seriously. I do think, however, that you've been a little too sensitive, or aware, of others' apparent attitude toward you. In posts, I mean. I understand so completely since I am exactly the same way. Very atterntive and sometimes "oversensitive."
I think I tend to worry too much over what's been posted rather than remember this is a public tete-a-tete which can criticize without actual intent. None (?) of us know one another personally, so feelings are bound to be hurt when, for instance, our posts are passed over, etc. Happens to me all the time...remember when Mega used to freak over being a thread-killer? Well, that's me, now.
Anyhoo, paleeze don't stress-you're the sh*t!!!
I can tell you why I don't comment much on your hubs and posts although I do read them.
You know so much more than I do about movies and actors, I have nothing much that would add to the conversation.
It's all good mate!
Yeah, don't take it personally mate. I have seen you start many new threads with interesting topics that have just fallen by the wayside. I can't really get my head into other stuff when I am worried about how to put food on the table. So you'll see my replies mostly in the 'how Hubpages will survive this' type of threads. For now...
Izzy it is so sad that so many good writers who have done the hard yards got kicked to bits. Like a cancer treatment that kills ALL the cells in the area, good and bad. I think Google need to make more and better assessments myself and adjust their algorithm accordingly.
I imagine some families in poorer countries were beginning to rely on income produced from writing online also.
For them, it may be near impossible to feed their children now, and I wonder how much thought Google put into that.
If I learn anything that helps I will let you, (and them) know, but as of now, my figures are in the dunny too.
My daughters business (which feeds and schools 5 kids) has survived so far.
Well, you know, it's all part of a learning experience. I only found Hubpages by accident when I couldn't find a real job. Unemployed for the first time in my life! I was filling in online surveys to try and earn money when I chanced upon HP. The survey thing was awful! Because I live in Spain, some of the companies I'd signed up sent me stuff in Spanish and it took me twice as long to even read the questions! (I can speak Spanish, but not read it very well).
Now, however, thanks to the huge learning curve offered here, I have six websites and even more blogs. I still need a kick up the behoochie to get on with developing them.
I'm not a hugely prolific writer unless motivated. And I spent long enough putting all my efforts into things I believed in, in the past, before HP, and now I am hesitant.
Maybe I should write a book or something.
That asides, this is StevenNix's thread, so Steven, it's not personal. I like you. Keep posting and I'll try and respond if I can
I think most of the people here feel hated on at one time or another. Seems to be the nature of the forums. But the big thing to remember is we are supposed to be a revenue sharing site. That means we try to help each other, keep the site clean, and encourage good writers to stay. I've seen some sniping in the forums, but the next day, it's all good! It's kind of like one big happy dysfunctional family!
Good for you, stevennix, for bringing this up. It's obviously been on your mind.
I don't know about hub comments. As people above have said, it's a really weird time here on HP. For all of us.
But as far as the forums go, we've all experienced that feeling of "Why are people talking around me?" The trend I've noticed recently is one-on-one sniping back and forth. If another hubber manages to get a post in edgewise, the two squabblers just ignore him/her and keep on responding only to each other.
Doesn't reflect in any way on the hubber (although it can feel that way).
I'm wondering if maybe I'm hanging too much on the Politics and Social Issues forum. Not for the thin-skinned.
But I can't thing of a single reason why ANYONE would not love you! You're a cool and very warm guy!
I mean it. Cross my matronly heart! MM
yeah, I've noticed that - btw I was going to just drop my earlier comment and not come back to this - as a kind of little inside joke that nobody would notice - ha aha but I woke up this morning wondering if Stevereeno got the answers he wanted and now feels super-human and invincible again.
I think, for sure, that some people (in all forums, not just HP) get online and have their public fights and feuds because they are either lonely and needing attention or they are narcissitic and don't care about anyone else. I don't care about them, I just pay attention to the people I like and some of the new ones who seem bright and humorous. but, in general, the hub forums have lost their sparkle, wit and fun lately. Hopefully it will return once we all feel better.
Also, the weather is warming up and people may be spending more time away from their computers. I know I am.
I wouldn't worry too much about it Stevennix. I posted a thread to let my friends and readers know that I would be taking a small break from HP to deal with some family issues. In return, only two people posted back.
I think with so much going on with the changes with Google and HP, people are more worried about money than being social. I for one enjoyed reading hubs and some forum topics, but lately haven't had the time to respond to as many as I would like. You're doing a great job and writing some interesting hubs. No worries! Keep up the good work!
I've felt something like that at one point too. Most of my posts don't get responded too. But clearly from this thread, you are much loved stevenix. You are my go to movie review hubber.
See Steven, we are listening to you. You write great reviews.
What does that mean. Are you prophesying or ...
No! We like you! No joke. My interpretation was that was obvious.
Hey, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who responded to this thread, as it really does mean a lot that many of you took the time to post here. I do apologize that I didn't respond back to this thread sooner, as I was busy these past few days offline; thus I wasn't able to reply to this thread again until now. However, now that I have the time, I would just like to say thanks to everyone here. Your support and encouragement will not be forgotten, and I'll definitely take it to heart. I'm sorry to everyone for worrying you. Thank you all so much for your support.
I think in hindsight, I should've tried to look at the overall picture here, but I guess it was a temporary moment of weakness. Not that there's anything wrong with it, as I think we all have them from time to time. However, it's how a person responds afterwards is what truly defines them. Anyways, I love you all you guys too, as I don't think I could've asked for better friends.
I think we all feel that way from time to time, wondering if people have got it in for us personally
Yeah, I don't disagree. Thanks Bailey. For what it's worth, I don't see how people mistake your posts for hate. Sure, I don't always agree with you, but I always kind of viewed your posts in forums as more of a inquisitive nature versus ones made out of spite.
I always take everything personally, cause I KNOW they are all out to get me.....you too???
I think the forums seem to have picked up a bit during the last day or so.
People usually ignore me when I'm being flippant, or silly and not really helpful at all, so I don't blame them.
Yeah, I noticed that too when I logged on earlier today. By the way, thanks for the support Camlo, as your definitely a good man.
Uninveted writer is like super woman, she is here when we need her, and she doesn't get hurt.
On the other hand some of us are sensitive.... I always read your posts Steven, you are a great guy to have around on the forums, dont ever go away, do hear me.
Steven... Relax
Mind you, most of my posts either go unanswered or I get banned!
Wow do you think it's because they don't like me as well?
And I just thought it was because of my accent
Wow... But your accent should be fine.. Why do you think they don't like you then?
In your case, PD, your posts often leave me speechless, so to speak. But I do very much enjoy your company here - you're one of the Hubbers who make HP a fun place to be.
Steven, I think you should learn to ignore such comments or threads. There will always be people who do not like others but to voice them or make a thread out of it is uncalled for. Steven it is better to ignore than respond to such calls, we like to have you around and I guess looking at the number of people who have responded to this post you should know better.
You are a wonderful person Steven and I am sure you know that! cheers!!
Steve, I admit I didn't read your ridiculously long post, but I can assure you I like and respect you.
Cant believe after all this time, i have just become your follower, sometimes i get so into myself, i dont even care about others how sad is that. I am enjoying your hubs..........
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