The Tribulation Period is Really Truly, About to Begin!?! (6/4/2016, Message#4)
They Are Ready to Ride and Will Be Here Very Soon!!!
YouTube Video #4 in Now on YouTube!!
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Video #4, The Tribulation Period is Really About to Begin!?! The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of the Book of Revelation Are Ready to Ride Across Planet Earth!! Do You Want to Escape Their Wrath or Are You Willing to Think They Will Spare?
The Tribulation Period Is Really About To Begin. Now on YouTube!!!!
The Four Horsemen Are Prepared and Ready to Ride! Are You Ready For Them!?
The Bible (Book of Instruction Before Leaving Earth), talks about the Four Horsemen, their significance and purpose. And Yes, they do have a purpose during the Days of Darkness of the Tribulation Period!! Father God Elohim (I Am That I Am), Adonai (Lord), El Shaddai (God Almighty) shares these things with us before they happen so you will believe! Believe me, they are ready to Ride and Will Do So Very Soon!
Now, I had a dream at the end of June 2016 and I shared this dream within TeamSTM's Dreams and Visions HubPage. If you would like, you can go there and read the entire dream. This one dream, like the ones I have been having here lately are strange and yet I am able to grasp the meanings. Don't get me wrong, sometimes talking to people can help and sometimes this isn't always good to do so. Anyway, now back to the Four Horsemen. I am sure many of you may have already figured out who is the rider on the white horse, with the bow and comes to conquer. This rider and his horse is about to ride onto the scene of Humanity's History and at a time which will catch more people off guard.
How Much Time Is Left to Prepare? There really isn't much, like I said; the Four Horsemen are ready to ride!! This is why Now, “Today” Is The Day For Redemption! You don't want to be Left Behind after the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture), the Catching Away, Jesus Appearing in the Clouds, the Come Up Hither of the Bride of Christ (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture) which is about to take place! This is Why Humanity Needs Jesus! He is the only way we can escape from what is about to come upon the Earth and have Hope, Love, Peace for all Eternity!!
After the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture), this "World" will Forever be Changed and the "World" you loved, will be Gone Forever! This World, Let It Go while you still can! Wake up and come to the Lord Jesus Now or you will be trampled underfoot by these Four Horsemen, which are ready to ride!!
The Prophetic "Signs" Are Clear, the Lord Jesus is Very Near!!
The Bride is Ready! The Time Has Come, Amen!!
Be Watching, For You Know Not the Day Nor The Hour!!
The Bride is Ready!?!
In the Beginning of June 2016, early in the morning, Father God Elohim (I Am That I Am) Spoke to Swift Passage in the video above. Judgment is coming to the entire world and the Bride of Christ is Ready! This alone is Great News; the Lord Jesus Christ is Coming Soon to Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture) His Bride or Church!! Hallelujah and Praise God!!
What I still find amazing is there is still time to prepare for those who are still coming to the Lord Jesus. It is clear, once this Final Trumpet of God Sounds and the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture) takes place that's it, the time for preparation is over. There will be no way to prepare at the Rapture as it is happening, The Pre-Tribulation Rapture is what the Bible clearly mentions and is covered extensively by the Lord Jesus, and His Apostles. The question is, will you have Faith in the Lord Jesus, His Promises and The Pre-Tribulation Rapture?
Will Life be over right then; is all Hope Lost at this point?
Let's All Be Ready!
Praise the Lord God, the Bride is Ready!
What Do I do After the Rapture!?!
It would be great to proclaim that every single Blood Bought Believer (BBB's) will be Caught Up in the Clouds to Meet the Lord Jesus (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture), to say this would be a lie. Honestly I wish this were the case so not one single Christian or BBB's will have to go through the Tribulation Period, the time when the devil will rule the entire world and the moment when The Age of Grace came to an End! I must state this, even the Bible mentions that few will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, "Few." This includes the Rapture; the Bible also states that many will be Left Behind after the Rapture of His Bride (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture). Anything the Lord God Elohim (I Am That I Am) says, it will unfold just as He said. Whether You Know It or Not, This is Elohim’s Story! So if I say anything on the contrary, I will be held accountable.
The Bible also informs us which Christians or BBB's will be Left Behind after the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture). Those whose Love for Jesus Christ has grown Cold or have forgotten Him. Those whose Love for Him is Lukewarm now, half for Jesus Christ and half on worldly things. Also those who follow false doctrines or teachings of man, over what the Bible tells us we must do or should be doing! Those are the Believers which will face the world of the Tribulation Period. Even now I could even be one of them, I hope and pray that I am not; so many others will be hoping they will be counted worthy to escape at the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture) as well.
To The Christians or BBB's Who are Still Spiritually Asleep Now, at Present. Do You See the "Signs" of the Times? The Tribulation Period Will be Your Second Chance to Meet the Lord Jesus in Heaven!! The Very Rough Road Ahead, Darkness Soon Comes. Are You Ready and Awake Yet?
The Tribulation Period is when the devil's minions will be free to do what they want, to whom they want and will be "visible" to the naked eye (Lifting of The Veil of Protection)!! Are you sure you want to go through the Modern Days of Darkness, the Tribulation Period!?! This will also be the timeframe for The United States of America, the Downfall and the End of the American “Way” of Life, foretold in the Bible long ago!
One Way or Another, those who still sleep spiritually, Will Wake Up!!
Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus Christ!
Life in the Tribulation Period or During the Second Chance for the Believers Who Still Slumber in Spirit, Before the Rapture.
For those Believers whose Love for the Lord Jesus has grown lukewarm or cold, they will witness the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture) and immediately realize the Bible (Book of Instruction Before Leaving Earth), Father God El Shaddai (God Almighty) and the Lord Jesus are for Real. After the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture), they will be on Fire for the Lord God of Heaven, Seeking His Will and making every attempt to live for Him during this timeframe! As the Bible also forewarns, these are the people whom the antichrist will also seek and kill them. Why? Because they will not take his mark, worship him or follow his false teachings. Their Love for the Lord Jesus becomes more important than the world they now live in after the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture), during the Tribulation Period. Not to mention, because the world itself will be sold out to the devil (Lucifer, Satan), the host of new minions will possess those under their influence and will simply kill anyone whom they hate. That is any Blood Bought Believers or (BBB's) who are Left Behind!! It will be their world (A World of Sin and Darkness), their domain and time to play or kill rather.
The point of the Tribulation Period (the Days of Darkness) is this, sure there will be Believers Left Behind; this isn't the main goal or focus of the Tribulation timeframe. Right now, in the Last Fleeting moments of The Age of Grace, the Gentiles can go to God in the Flesh, the Lord Jesus Christ and call upon His name in Faith and in Grace. Once the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture) happens, Father God El Shaddai (God Almighty) will turn His main focus upon His Chosen People or His Original Bride, Israel! Daniel's Seventieth Week or the Time of Jacob's Trouble as mentioned in the Bible. During this time they will build Israel’s Third Temple, the Lord God of Heaven will deal with Israel; then they as a whole, will begin to realize the Lord Jesus Christ is their Messiah and has been since when He first walked the Earth. They will come to this realization and like us now (the Gentiles who are Living for Christ), they will reject the world and come to Jesus for all of their needs. Israel as a whole will come to know their True Messiah, Yeshua Hamashiach!!
The Tribulation Period is for Israel and yes there will be Believers there during the seven year period, and there is even hope for them as well. The main focus is on Israel and coming to know their True Messiah!
The Horrors and Truths of the Tribulation Period!!!
What a Good God We Serve!
The Saints During the Tribulation Period?
Those Believers which will be Left Behind, don't think Father God, the Lord God of Heaven Elohim (I Am That I Am) has forgotten you. He hasn't and if you seek Him even then, He will still provide for you. However, you must also never ever take the mark of the beast talked about in the Book of Revelation. If you do, your punishment will be harsh, for you have just accepted the devil (Lucifer, Satan) as your master and completely turn away from Father God El Shaddai (God Almighty). The Believers during the Tribulation Period will be on the run; some will be caught and even killed as the Book of Revelation in the Bible mentions. In these same passages, it tells you how the many Believers will be killed. It is far better to be killed for Christ's Namesake than to take the mark of the antichrist. If I were to be Left Behind, I would rather die for the Lord Jesus, than to accept a mark which would condemn you to an Eternity in the Lake of Fire.
Even in the dark world which is about to become a reality, there is still hope for the Believers who are Left Behind. For if the Lord Christ (God in the Flesh) was beaten, mocked, stoned, bruised, physically broken; God the Son while He was on Earth! Think about this? Why would we, the Believers who are Left Behind, followers of Him during the Tribulation Period, think we will not face persecution and death? The Bible already states this during the Tribulation Period; those Believers which are Left Behind will face them. The "World" does not Love the Lord Jesus, and this same "World" will not Love any Believers which will be Left Behind. There will be things and sights most people think exist only in Horror Films, you know the ones we watched at the theaters, Movie Houses or on the television. Except, they will not be from the imagination's anymore, they Will Be Real and "Visible" to the Naked Eye!! Just as it is covered and mention within the Lifting of The Veil of Protection! Again, if I am one of those, persecute me, mock me, do with my flesh as you will, "World!" My Spirit, Love and very Heart belongs to the Lord Jesus. Do with my body as you will, you could never destroy that which is within. Even the Bible states: "Greater is He (the Lord Jesus) that is in me, than that which is in the 'World' (the devil)."
Do not take the mark of the antichrist, this can't be emphasized enough! The price to do so is too costly and too great, die for the Lord Jesus Christ, the Reward is much Greater! Ask Yourself Where is Your Treasure and Where Will You Call Home? If you take the "Mark", you will no longer be able to be Pulled Out of the Fire!
This is exactly Why Humanity Needs Jesus.
Rapture and Tribulation Truths
Well Done...!
The Rewards in Heaven!?!
For those Believers who are Left Behind after the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture), life on the run in a world of darkness is the new norm. Prison camps for Believers and/or people who will not take the mark of the beast. Life without the freedoms and comforts (Is This the End of Freedom and Liberty) we can enjoy now in the Last Few Days of The Age of Grace. Seeing things and creatures which were once just in the imaginations walking about, causing great destruction (Lifting of The Veil of Protection)! A life where we must always watch our backs, who we meet or cross paths with and the constant pursuit of people who want to kill you; this sounds more like a horror movie than an actual reality, The Truth is, this is about to be the reality (the Days of Darkness). After the Rapture of the Bride (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture), this will be the reality.
For those who died for the Lord Christ's Namesake during the Tribulation Period, they will receive a reward in Heaven. As if being able to see, meet and behold the Lord Jesus wasn't already enough! To be the Bride of Christ is a reward as well and more than worth it to be a part of. The main focus for those Believers who are still asleep now, before the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture) is for them to know there will be hope even during the Tribulation timeframe. Especially for those who come to the Lord Jesus for the first time during the seven year period. Even they too will make Heaven their home and be able to meet the Lord Jesus where He dwells!
El Shaddai (God Almighty) is truly a God of second chances, for those who miss the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture) or were not ready beforehand. They can still make Heaven their home, just after The Age of Grace comes to an end (at The Pre-Tribulation Rapture), the Lifting of The Veil of Protection and where the Tribulation Age begins. There is still hope; it may not be as easy as it is now as of the timeframe before The Pre-Tribulation Rapture. By no means is Life over for the Believers Left Behind after the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture), persecution of Believers will be a worldwide thing during the Tribulation Period.
The reward will come to those who face persecution and did not turn their backs on the Lord Jesus during the Tribulation Period, they died for Him. Rather than take the mark of the beast, to buy or sell during this time period. Say no, run from it, it is far better to die for the Lord Jesus than to receive the mark.
This is exactly Why Humanity Needs Jesus!!
A Tribulation Warning?
There will Still be Hope?!?
The Tribulation Period is Coming!!!
Within How Much Time is Left to Prepare, there is a Rapture about to take place and it happens before the Days of Darkness, The End of Freedom and Liberty which are just around the corner. I will tell you this Rapture which is soon upon us is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. It is however, conveniently before the start of the Tribulation Period. Where in Swift Passage's video above mentions, "the Bride of Christ is not appointed to Wrath," Just as the Bible also states this same phrase about the Bride of Christ or His Church.
Simply because this videos right above talks about the mark of the beast; shows in the Bible where it is located and is read for you word for word. It seems only proper to use it as a reference to warn about the Lifting of The Veil of Protection and the Days of Darkness just ahead for the many Believers who are still Spiritually Asleep. Whose Love for Jesus has grown cold or is non-existent, whose Love has grown lukewarm. Half on the things of Jesus (Prayer, Seeking God's Will, Putting Him First, Loving the Lord Jesus With All Your Heart, Mind and Everything You Have) and halfway on the things of the world (money, stuff, things not of the Lord God). Those will be the Tribulation Saints, the ones who needed a sign which proves by sight Father God El Shaddai (God Almighty) is real, rather than by "Faith" and the Rapture of the Bride of Christ will more than likely be this sign (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture). The one sign which will cause them to wake up, take up their cross daily and follow Christ Jesus! Which is the whole point in this Life, crucify your flesh (worldly desires) daily, nail it to the cross (carry the cross) and follow the Lord Jesus (what He says in His Word, the Bible).
The Reality of the Dark Days Ahead!
No Reason to Fear, For the Lord God of Heaven is With You!!!
Fear Not, Father God is Still With You!!
Whether we are Raptured (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture) when Jesus comes to get His Bride or rather we are Left Behind. It is always better to be in Father God Elohim's Will, for those who are already seeking His Will and Living for Him. You are ready for the Rapture when the Lord Jesus comes and very soon this will be! How Much Time is Left to Prepare? For those, as the Bible mentions whose Love for the Lord Jesus has grown cold and/or are lukewarm, they will face the days of the Tribulation Period. Just as the Israeli's were hunted down by the Germans in World War II, put into concentration camps and killed.
This will become the reality of those Believers who are spiritually asleep now and haven't discerned the season which is upon us (Humanity) right now. Father God Elohim (I Am That I Am) has been warning us, just as the Bible mentions. Signs in the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and in the Stars, what will it take for those Believers, which still sleep to wake up? I know I preferably do not want to go through the Tribulation Period, however if this is Father God Elohim's Will for me. I will go, willingly and without hesitation. All I want is for the Lord God the Father and Jesus Christ my Lord to be Glorified in what I do, say, act and write. If going through the Tribulation Period does this for Him, so be it. Who am I to Question Father God El Shaddai (God Almighty)!?! I am but the created, He is the Creator. For Who’s Glory Is It, All Things Are For The Glory of Elohim, Father God!!!
The Timing of The Rapture is Quickly Approaching!! Will You Be Ready Before It Happens?!?
Urgent, Come to Jesus Now!
Come to Jesus, the One Who First Loved Us (Humanity)!!
Come to Jesus Christ, the one who defeated all those things with His very life at the cross. He died so we don't have to and this goes for anyone who comes to Him. Jesus is waiting, will you come to Him; do it today, right now! Jesus is calling you to come, let Him write your name in the Lamb's book of Life in Heaven. Come; accept Him while He can still be found! Confess with your mouth "Jesus is Lord", believe in your Heart that Father God Raised Him from the dead and you will be Saved from the Tribulation Period, the Modern Age of the Days of Darkness!!
It's so simple and the Lord Jesus will hear you wherever you are, at home, at work, in jail, in the bathroom or on the Internet. Wherever, whenever, we can call upon the name of Jesus Christ; you too can become free of this worldly system and have Life with Him in Heaven!
Be Counted "Worthy" to Escape the Fast Approaching Time of Evil and Darkness Upon the Earth. Don't Wait, Now, “Today” Is The Day For Redemption!
Understanding the Book of Revelation!!
The Creation Story is the Lord God's Story!
Whether Now or Later!?!
Come to Jesus now, know Him, Live or Die for Him. The rewards of Heaven, meeting the Lord Jesus Christ and the service we do for Him are All Well Worth it. Even during the Days of Darkness, the Lord Jesus can still be found in this life and the new reality of the Tribulation Period which is just about to take place. Life will become far more difficult, even then the Lord God El Shaddai (God Almighty) will provide for those which Love the Lord Jesus. If you are killed, you are martyred for the Lord Jesus. Either way, it is still far more worth it to be killed for His Namesake. For those who are still asleep... Wake Up Now before the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture). Become on Fire for God and Live for Jesus Now, while Father God El Shaddai's Grace still abounds! Those who are already on Fire for the Lord God Elohim (I Am That I Am), Seeking the Father's Will and Living Daily for Jesus are the Bride who will be Raptured when the Lord Jesus comes in the Clouds! Glory Hallelujah!!!!
Those Believers who are still in Love with this "World" and the things of this "World" will be Left Behind after the Rapture of those ready to meet the Lord Jesus now, today, at present before the Rapture (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture). Don't get me wrong, there will still be hope in the days of the Tribulation Period. Life will be extremely different then, the comforts we currently have now before the Rapture, will become a distant memory; a faded past; no longer of any concern. A life for the many Believers, of being on the run, hearing the Trumpets of the Angels of the Book of Revelation, witnessing the wrath of Father God El Shaddai (God Almighty) being poured out upon the Earth and being all too aware of the man of sin, the antichrist. The goal of which is to murder, put to death all that refuse his name, do not worship him and will not take his mark. Is This the End of Freedom and Liberty? Days of Darkness? Yup you better bet it, this is the timeframe of the Tribulation Period, the Real Days of Darkness!
Whether we are Raptured or go through the Tribulation, Believers will All go to Heaven. People, who choose the Lord Jesus at some point in this life, will meet Him, the One who died for All of Humanity so no one would have to end up in Hell. We will someday meet the Lord Jesus, see Him and behold Him. This is what truly matters. The same goes for the Israeli people, Elohim (I Am That I Am), El Shaddai (God Almighty's) chosen, the Apple of His Eye. The Tribulation Period is mainly for them; Father God has not forgotten His Original Bride, Israel. Soon you to will know full well that the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach is Your True Messiah and He always was!
Love to All who Find and Read this Article, I pray it will still be available during the Tribulation Period if this is Father God's Will.
The Revelation of the Dark Days of the Tribulation Period!?!
The Dwelling Place of Our Lord, Savior and Blessed Redeemer, King Jesus Christ!
The Only Two Options!
Either you will accept Jesus Christ, God in the Flesh and be Pulled Out of the Fire. This would allow you to be ready for the Rapture of the Bride of Christ (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture). Or take heed to the warnings, from Father God El Shaddai (God Almighty) through floods and fires, the warnings from His watchmen, or articles which expose the "Signs of the Times!" What we all are after is simple, for you to come to the Saving Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and why He is so important, which is Why Humanity Needs Jesus!
The other option is not to be ready for the Rapture of the Bride beforehand (The Pre-Tribulation Rapture), be Left Behind to face the man of sin, the antichrist. Putting this Plainly, the devil in the flesh!?! The "World" as a whole does not want to acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ; they still want to reject Him to this day. However, the "World" still wants a Savior? Since Father God Elohim (I Am That I Am) knows the "World" has rejected the saving Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord God of Heaven will give the "World" what it wants... their savior (the antichrist, the false prophet and the one world religion). If anyone rejects El Shaddai (God Almighty) or the Lord Jesus Christ, all they are left with is the devil (Lucifer, Satan). This is exactly what the antichrist will be, the devil in the flesh!?!? The master of our current worldly system of money, man and governments! The dark master will rule this world of sin, corruption and rebellion!
You Will either serve the devil and take his mark and worship him or flee, choose God in the Flesh, the Lord Jesus Christ and become free of this worldly system! These are the only two options, there is no in between, just like Heaven or Hell, the Lord God of Heaven Elohim (I Am That I Am), Adonai (Lord), El Shaddai (God Almighty) or the devil (Lucifer, Satan). This is it, which option will you choose?