"The older you get, the wiser you become?"

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  1. inaniLoquence profile image73
    inaniLoquenceposted 13 years ago

    "The older you get, the wiser you become?"

    As we grow older, the amount of Long Term Memory (LTM) stored in our brain increases as well. This is vital when faced with different problems that may need us to retrieve information from our LTM to solve them. But does it mean that as we get older, we become wiser? 


  2. Africanus profile image62
    Africanusposted 13 years ago

    Sadly, I don't think this is the case. Otherwise, Age Discrimination would be at an intolerable level, and would be adopted as a way of life. Another problem is that older people may run the risk of getting out of touch with the younger generation. It used to be called the Generation Gap.

  3. GoldenBird profile image59
    GoldenBirdposted 13 years ago

    Not that way as you have put the case. Wisdom does not have a constant ratio with age: it has a constant ration with time; our consciousness evolves and matures as we spend time with existence. It does not have anything to do with age.

    An old man who has never exercised his or her mind will not get wiser. But a young man may get wiser if he or she uses his or her mind constantly. There is not a pill or tablet for wisdom.

    Buddha attained enlightenment at a relatively young age. The boy statesman Alexander conquered the world. Einstein put his theories in his thirties- they were not old when they accomplished such feats.

  4. Faceless39 profile image92
    Faceless39posted 13 years ago

    Being wise involves more than just a good memory:  it requires thought, comprehension, learning to discern, and other stuff as well.  There are plenty of dumb old people.  Lol.

  5. Doc Snow profile image82
    Doc Snowposted 13 years ago

    I'd say, "The older you become, the wiser you CAN become."  No guarantees. . .

  6. profile image0
    CalebSparksposted 13 years ago

    Just because someone is "older" doesn't necessarily mean he is wiser. The amount of wisdom someone has is dependent on his relationship to the Lord. Proverbs 9:10 says, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."

    Did you know the Bible speaks of the color of someone's hair?
    "The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness. (Pro 16:31)

    Once again, true wisdom comes only from the Lord.

    Hope this helps.

  7. WD Curry 111 profile image58
    WD Curry 111posted 13 years ago

    I see you used Geronimo as an example. He fell off his horse crossing a small stream when he was drunk and died form pneumonia after spending a wet, cold night on the ground.

  8. mcgreg28 profile image64
    mcgreg28posted 13 years ago

    Being older adds more experiences and more experiences adds more wisdom.

  9. smzclark profile image60
    smzclarkposted 13 years ago

    I don't think it's as much to do with age as it is experience. Sometimes children can give the best advice because they don't overthink everything like so many of us do.

  10. profile image0
    oldandwiseposted 13 years ago

    Given I took the name old and wise, one would think my answer to be simple. However, the older we get in some cases we are wiser. In other instances the older we get the more we live in the past and reluctant to current changes and technology. A prime example are older politicians looking back in time to find solutions for todays problems. Not necessarily the best approach!

  11. sassydee profile image68
    sassydeeposted 13 years ago

    Actually I think because we get older we go through more experiences which is why we get wiser because of what we take or learn from those situations.

  12. Apostle Jack profile image59
    Apostle Jackposted 13 years ago

    That is the way it is and always will be.Its just that some have to catch up later.
    To know better is to have learn not to do it any more.That should make one wiser. Sometimes,one time is not enough. So it takes more time before the learning come.

  13. bluemun profile image59
    bluemunposted 13 years ago

    In between...
    I have seen many old age people less patient, unhelpful and also met rare who were wiser like my grandfather. He was very much patient, calm, helpful, suggestive and wise in every way. Old age have experience but its upon the person how he/she takes those experiences as he/she grows old for become wiser or unwise. Its a matter of attitude not age.

  14. hillymillydee profile image60
    hillymillydeeposted 13 years ago

    To a little child that is possibly the case. Because he is still developing. But once you are mature, it depends on you if you still strive to acquire  more knowledge and wisdom. If you train and discipline yourself to be called wise. But definitely our wisdom deteriorates when  we grow old. Just as our face will wrinkle, or bones shrink so our brain cells slow down too. I don't think the man in the photo is wiser now than yesterday when he was young.

  15. rLcasaLme profile image69
    rLcasaLmeposted 13 years ago

    when you say "the older you get, the wiser you become," the phrase is obviously not comparative but progressive. When a man says that his father is not wiser than him, this may be true, but this phrase does not apply for that. That same man who argued to be wiser than his father will definitely get wiser as gets older.
    from infancy we eventually get to maturity. however, I think once a man reached a very old age, his discernment will start declining.

  16. manu6076 profile image61
    manu6076posted 13 years ago

    Its a nice question. I would like add some quote ;

    Pete Seeger :

    " Do you know the difference between education and experience ? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't".

    Unknown ;
    "Experience is a dim lamp, which only light the one who bears it."

  17. Capedium profile image73
    Capediumposted 13 years ago

    It is what they say experience is the best teacher..
    An old man has being through think and thin
    There stories are endless.They have being there and out
    That is what I call experience..
    They have learnt from the greatest teacher
    They are alive simply means they passed


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