What is your vote for worst sequel of all time?

Jump to Last Post 1-25 of 25 discussions (75 posts)
  1. thaivalentine profile image61
    thaivalentineposted 13 years ago

    My vote is for Jaws 4 - I think the shark roared like a lion in one scene.

    1. cydro profile image75
      cydroposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      agreed.  I only made it halfway through

  2. schoolgirlforreal profile image76
    schoolgirlforrealposted 13 years ago

    Superman IV

    1. profile image0
      Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      don't forget superman III and the quasi-sequel/reboot that is superman returns

  3. donotfear profile image83
    donotfearposted 13 years ago

    Easy for me....

    ALIEN 3.

    Poor story line and not a good ending to the Alien saga.


  4. Ben Evans profile image64
    Ben Evansposted 13 years ago

    Pretty much all "Dawn of the Dead" sequels.  To some it has a cult status but I think it is hideously bad.

  5. Alastar Packer profile image70
    Alastar Packerposted 13 years ago

    It used to be and still may: "Exorcist Two."

  6. Alastar Packer profile image70
    Alastar Packerposted 13 years ago

    It used to be and still may: "Exorcist Two."

  7. tony0724 profile image60
    tony0724posted 13 years ago

    Dumb and Dumberer was really awful.

    1. AgesMGMT profile image56
      AgesMGMTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I second this... Dumb and Dumber is one of my favorites..  this not so much.

  8. profile image0
    myster!ousposted 13 years ago

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I love the harry Potter series but I don't really like the 6th part much. The theme is so dark. I just like it for Ron & Hermione.

  9. pedrog profile image60
    pedrogposted 13 years ago

    ndiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull thats the worst ever, that movie is a complete crap, for the Indiana Jones saga is a trilogy...

    1. YadiraE profile image73
      YadiraEposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I have to agree with you. Crystal Skull was terrible! What was with the monkeys, the giant ants and Indy surviving the nuclear blast in that refrigerator??? And don't get me started on the aliens!

      1. profile image0
        WinterWestposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Agreed! Who sat down and said, "We really need to take this in another direction, how about Indy vs. Aliens?" and got people to think that was a great idea? I own the trilogy and try to pretend that 4th one never existed.

  10. profile image0
    klarawieckposted 13 years ago

    The sequel for THE MASK

    just plain bad!

    1. YadiraE profile image73
      YadiraEposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      yes!! i saw this... its pretty awful.

  11. Jonathan Janco profile image60
    Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years ago

    Slumber Party Massacre II was terrible. It just didn't have the character depth that the first one did . . . or the shower scenes.

    On a more serious note, Another 48hrs was just crap.

    But it's remakes that have disinspired me from going to the movies. Wait a minute . . . (light bulb)

  12. wyanjen profile image71
    wyanjenposted 13 years ago

    As we speak I am watching Predator 2.

    It is god awful.

    May I add: every sequel of Saw.
    All gore, no intrigue.


    Predator and Saw are both on my favorite top ten list! Its a rare sequel that is not garbage IMO.

  13. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 13 years ago

    All the darkman sequels sucked, and "batman & robin" never should've been made.  Then again, if it wasn't for "Batman & Robin", we might've never seen Nolan's version of Batman.  Damn, a necessary evil. I tells ya.

    1. optimus grimlock profile image61
      optimus grimlockposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      actually I like darkman 2 and 3 arnold vasaloo was better then liam nieson

  14. livewithrichard profile image74
    livewithrichardposted 13 years ago

    The Lost Boys 2: The Tribe

    1. Jonathan Janco profile image60
      Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      They actually made a Lost Boys 2???!!!

  15. Reality Bytes profile image73
    Reality Bytesposted 13 years ago

    Halloween III

  16. Cogerson profile image77
    Cogersonposted 13 years ago

    I actually think Superman IV makes Superman III look like Citizen Kane.

  17. Rafini profile image83
    Rafiniposted 13 years ago

    Nightmare on Elm Street had a few too many sequels - the first one or two were good, still scare me!  lol  But, Freddy meets Jason?  Too Much!  (oh, and Friday the 13th - the first was the only good one)

  18. R.S. Hutchinson profile image72
    R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years ago

    Hands down....

    1. R.S. Hutchinson profile image72
      R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this
    2. earnestshub profile image73
      earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      So pleased to have avoided the first one! lol

      1. KK Trainor profile image61
        KK Trainorposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        OMG, what the heck? Don't think I'll see that one...

    3. Theresa_Kennedy profile image78
      Theresa_Kennedyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hehehe Jack returns from the depths.....with the heart of the ocean jewel! AND he's still doing portraits, only this time of barely clad decomposing people. *shudder*

      1. R.S. Hutchinson profile image72
        R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ha ha right? I think you nailed it.

  19. AgesMGMT profile image56
    AgesMGMTposted 13 years ago

    hahaha I didn't even know there was a Titanic 2.. that can't be real

    1. R.S. Hutchinson profile image72
      R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The trailer is posted up there.

  20. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 13 years ago

    roll oh please. I doubt Cameron would be that shameless. Sure, he's shameless enough to rerelease "Titanic" in 3-D next year, but I doubt he'd ever make a sequel to it.  Besides, from what I've heard, he's too busy right now writing a novel based on "Avatar" AND planning out the next two sequels for that franchise. wink

    1. Jonathan Janco profile image60
      Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Exactly what would happen in Titanic 2? I mean the boat sank! Does Leo get rescued by mermaids? Does Kate board the Andria Doria as a much older woman?

      1. R.S. Hutchinson profile image72
        R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I posted the trailer up there on youtube. They unfreeze him in the future

        1. KK Trainor profile image61
          KK Trainorposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Sorry but it's all fake. Or did you realize that?  Those are all clips from other movies put together as a joke I guess..

          1. R.S. Hutchinson profile image72
            R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        2. Jonathan Janco profile image60
          Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Oh come on Hutch is that for real or are you puttin us on?

          1. KK Trainor profile image61
            KK Trainorposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Just watch it, it's just clips put together. The clips of "Jack" are Leo all strung out from Basketball Diaries, etc...Funny though.

          2. R.S. Hutchinson profile image72
            R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Lol ....I'm pretty sure it's for real. I mean it IS on the internet. Everything on the internet is true - right?

            1. Theresa_Kennedy profile image78
              Theresa_Kennedyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I love how this has gone viral in just a few minutes....and to think people have been wanting to know since 2007! Yep, I'm pretty sure it's real after 4 years hehehe!

              1. R.S. Hutchinson profile image72
                R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                It takes time to produce a master piece! I'll wait it out.

            2. profile image0
              Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              It's fake.  You can tell the person that the person who created the video used scenes from other films to make it.

              1. R.S. Hutchinson profile image72
                R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Well They just proved that the new transformers movie used scenes from older movies. They do that to save money.

                1. profile image0
                  Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  roll  lol Okay, I won't say anything.  To quote Jim Carrey from Ace Ventura:  "Fiction can be fun!  However, I find the lightning round much more enlightening."

                  1. R.S. Hutchinson profile image72
                    R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    smile I was serious about the transformer thing though.

                    http://www.nerdsociety.com/transformers … ge-island/

      2. profile image0
        Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Actually, I meant Cameron was working on sequels to "Avatar", and NOT "Titanic" is what I said.  Sorry, I didn't make that clear enough. 

        Edit: Oh okay.  Never mind. I misread your post, as I didn't realize you posted your last comment in jest.  Sorry.

        1. Jonathan Janco profile image60
          Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years agoin reply to this


          1. profile image0
            Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            OH okay, i gotcha.  Well you do have a good point there.  although I heard of stupider ideas before for films.  Like did you know that Hollywood is allegedly making a movie based on "battleship?"  You know that board game where you go, "B-1", and I say, "you sunk my battleship!"  That's crazy.  Plus, I also know supposedly they're making a "Dinosaurs vs. Aliens" movie.  Seriously, how do they expect a bunch of dumb animals to stand up to technologically advanced aliens?  That's just crazy.  lol

            1. Jonathan Janco profile image60
              Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Jeez. Battleship? Really? Maybe the latter will reveal that Alien created the dinos. That would make all the David Icke followers go apesh!t wouldnt it?

              But they made a movie abt the board game Clue. And a play called Chess. And Dungeons & Dragons. Maybe if Battleship is successful, they'll make a movie called Stratego.

              1. profile image0
                Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Or better yet, let's pray for a "Monopoly" movie.  Starring Patrick Stewart as the bald mustached monopoly guy. big_smile lol

                1. R.S. Hutchinson profile image72
                  R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Alll kidding aside, I think they are making a movie about monopoly... I'ma check imdb.

                  1. R.S. Hutchinson profile image72
                    R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Yep i was right..


                    I think I saw it in the news recently... but I think that above article was written a few years ago. It came from IMDB official site.

                2. Jonathan Janco profile image60
                  Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  That might actually be a hit so long as they market to 10yr olds.

                  btw, I found this interesting.


                  1. R.S. Hutchinson profile image72
                    R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Yeah i actually DID watch PART of that a few nights ago on Netflix. Horrible acting.

                  2. profile image0
                    Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    I wouldn't trust everything on wikepedia, as I heard it's easy for any random idiot to edit and put up false information on there.  Although I shouldn't say anything, as I sometimes read wikepedia to look up stuff, but most of the information on there isn't always accurate, so it's always best to reconfirm it with another source like Yahoo or something like that. 

                    Edit:  By the way, if we are going to go solely off the wiki site you put up, it even says that the film isn't a sequel to James Cameron's "Titanic" as they described it as more of a "mockbuster" of it.  Whatever that means.

  21. KK Trainor profile image61
    KK Trainorposted 13 years ago

    The last Mummy movie, with Jet Li. I love Jet Li and loved the other Mummy movies, but trying to make the replacement wife and a grown son work with the same Brenda Frasier character was just stupid! He looked exactly the same but the son was a grown man, and the wife just couldn't live up to Rachel Weiss (Sp?) - she was so great in the other two.

  22. reagu profile image67
    reaguposted 13 years ago

    I thought that the Matrix sequels were pretty bad, only because the first one was really good.  Someone mentioned Superman IV earlier.  I agree since I walked out of that movie.  Very unwatchable.

  23. profile image0
    klarawieckposted 13 years ago

    So... this is where the good looking men of HP are hiding! big_smile

    Good night, hotties! wink Sweet dreams!

    1. Jonathan Janco profile image60
      Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hiding? You just forgot to come by. u missed all the fun, too

      1. profile image0
        klarawieckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry Jon... Megan stayed behind. She needed her beauty sleep. lol

        1. Jonathan Janco profile image60
          Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah Ive gotten about 5hrs sleep total in the last three days myself

    2. R.S. Hutchinson profile image72
      R.S. Hutchinsonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Lol.. we are talking about Aliens, and Matrix, Vampires, Massacres, Freddy Kruger, Jason... and of course.. Titanic smile

  24. profile image0
    klarawieckposted 13 years ago

    I'll forgive you... only because it's a weeknight and there is not much to do out there. But if I were you... huh huh huh... I'd be out there making females drool! wink

    Good night...

  25. RNMSN profile image60
    RNMSNposted 13 years ago

    I was and still am disappointed in the twilight and harry potter all of them/not just the sequels!!!!


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