Are there any alternatives to artificial sweeteners - besides refined sugar?

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  1. missolive profile image60
    missoliveposted 12 years ago

    Are there any alternatives to artificial sweeteners - besides refined sugar?

    There are articles that claim refined sugar is bad for you. Artificial sweeteners are also getting a bad rap. Are there any alternatives?

  2. roxanne459 profile image77
    roxanne459posted 12 years ago

    We use Agave Nectar in everything like tea, coffee, cookies, oatmeal, and pancakes. Honey and Organic Cane Sugar is also something we couldn't do without. Oh, I almost forgot about Stevia. A little goes a long way with that one though, be careful. wink There are many different options, see which ones you like best.

  3. profile image0
    Sunnie Dayposted 12 years ago

    I like Stevia but you have to get the organic can tell by the color..I think you can order it on line. Also grow the plant and dry the

  4. RealHousewife profile image71
    RealHousewifeposted 12 years ago

    Honey is a great sweetener.  I also use the brown colored organic sugar.  I am very leery of artificial foods.

  5. rasta1 profile image72
    rasta1posted 12 years ago

    Rastafarians do not use sugar or salt. I have noticed after 10 years of this practice even a cucumber becomes sweet. Honey is your best bet from a commercial and organic point of view.

  6. robie2 profile image74
    robie2posted 12 years ago

    I've used Stevia for years. It is a natural south american plant and has been around for centuries but has only become popular recently.  The artifical sweetener folks were not keen on letting it take over their market.  I like it because it can be used for baking and cooking just like sugar and has no bitter aftertaste.  I buy it at my local health food store, but am starting to see it in supermarkets.

  7. Civil War Bob profile image61
    Civil War Bobposted 12 years ago

    Attiki Greek honey is my favorite.  It's more expensive than local brands, but I'd say the quality is significantly better.  Actually, any honey is a good substitute.

  8. tlcs profile image63
    tlcsposted 12 years ago

    Honey could be an option, my hubby uses honey in his tea!

  9. DIYmyOmy profile image70
    DIYmyOmyposted 12 years ago

    As several others have mentioned, the best choice is Stevia. I use it in everything--recipes translate perfectly, cup for cup, teaspoon by teaspoon the same as sugar. It's a wonderful plant to grow, as well; chewing a leaf is an amazing no-calorie experience!

  10. teaches12345 profile image78
    teaches12345posted 12 years ago

    Absolutely!  I use stevia which is a natural plant sugar, blue agave syrup and natural honey.  All are great alternatives to refined sugar.  A sugar that is less processed but still has the texture and sweetness of sugar is turbinado.  I always carry a couple of packs of stevia in my purse to use when I order tea at restaurants.  Maybe they will pick up on this idea sooner than later.

  11. nifty@50 profile image68
    nifty@50posted 12 years ago

    Honey, pancake syrup, molasses, corn syrup, chocolate are all alternatives to artificial sweeteners. I agree with robie2, I like using Stevia instead of other artificial sweeteners because it is natural.

  12. Vitallani profile image82
    Vitallaniposted 12 years ago

    Xylitol is a natural sweeentner with a very low GI of 7. You can also use honey, mollasses or agave nectar as a substitute for sugar.

  13. breathing profile image57
    breathingposted 8 years ago

    There are many alternatives of artificial sweeteners apart from refined sugar. The diabetes patients are well aware of these alternatives. Here we will discuss a few so that everybody can know about them.

    Sucrose is a good artificial sweetener. You will not get any nutritional benefits but you will get energy.

    Acesulfame potassium is another non nutritive artificial sweetener. You will find in soft drinks frozen desserts, chewing gum etc.

    Agave nectar is manufactured from agave cactus and is similar to honey in taste and texture. Though it doesn’t contain as much antioxidants as honey but the calories in both are almost the same.

    Aspartame is another great artificial sweetener. You can find it in drinks, gum, yogurt etc.

    If you consume it in a limited manner, then high-fructose corn syrup can be a good choice for you.

    Honey is the ideal sweetener according to most of the experts. Because it does not raise the sugar level as much as the other sweeteners do. But still it should be used sparingly.

    Sucralose is a good one in the sense that it is not heat sensitive and hence can be used for baking purpose.

  14. profile image0
    RTalloniposted 8 years ago

    Give monk fruit sweetener (lo han guo) a try.  It has zero calories and does not have the stevia aftertaste.  I find it works well in recipes, but do some reading on how to measure the type you buy.


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