What is your favourite chocolate-related food or drink?

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  1. Moon Daisy profile image78
    Moon Daisyposted 12 years ago

    What is your favourite chocolate-related food or drink?

    We have so much choice!  Chocolate bars, chocolate cake, milkshake, ice cream, hot chocolate?

  2. bearnmom profile image68
    bearnmomposted 12 years ago

    I love hot fudge banana sundaes and chocolate milkshakes

  3. livingpah2004 profile image60
    livingpah2004posted 12 years ago

    Hot fudge chocolate  and chocolate milk shake are my favorite drinks.

  4. profile image0
    Emily Sparksposted 12 years ago

    A hard question!  I really like hot chocolate, especially during the cold days.  I have a chocolate cake recipe for this delicious cake!  It is the same as Cracker Barrels chocolate cake.  It never lasts around this house!

  5. ChristinS profile image35
    ChristinSposted 12 years ago

    It's hard to pick just one - but I would say chocolate wine is a fun one to do once in awhile.  It sounds strange, but my sister gave me a bottle of it for my birthday and it was really good.

  6. Becky Katz profile image80
    Becky Katzposted 12 years ago

    I love Chocolate Applesauce Cake. It is a family recipe and it is so delicious. It never lasts long here.

  7. ishwaryaa22 profile image74
    ishwaryaa22posted 12 years ago

    I love anything that are chocolate related, including chocolate-related drinks yet I am more partial towards chocolate-related food. My particular favorite chocolate-related food are tasty chocolate bars, yummy chocolate cake, crunchy chocolate-chip cookies, creamy chocolate flavoured Italian ice-cream and delicious  chocolate brownie served with a dollop of vanilla ice cream drizzled with chocolate sauce and chopped nuts!

  8. LaThing profile image61
    LaThingposted 12 years ago

    Chocolate mousse cake, and chocolate flavored coffee!

  9. twoseven profile image68
    twosevenposted 12 years ago

    It's so hard to pick!!  But I would have to say it's a three way tie between chocolate mousse, chocolate truffles (I love the Lindt dark chocolate ones the best) and really good fudge.

  10. iphone-5-release profile image60
    iphone-5-releaseposted 12 years ago

    Chocolate chip shake from a local ice cream shop - unbeatable. Often ask for cookie dough chucks to be added. Amazing!

  11. moonfairy profile image72
    moonfairyposted 12 years ago

    I love hot fudge sundaes....especially at this little place in Portsmouth NH where everything is home made...the ice cream, the fudge, the whipped cream...oh my!

  12. ShepherdLover profile image61
    ShepherdLoverposted 12 years ago

    Nutella....on crepes, with fruit or pretzels dipped into it....or on anything!  yikes)

  13. Moon Daisy profile image78
    Moon Daisyposted 12 years ago

    I love all these answers.  Thanks, you are inspiring me with all the chocolate ideas. Might have to try a some that I haven't had before, like hot fudge chocolate (yum!), and chocolate wine.  I also love chocolate truffles - definitely one of my favourite kinds of chocolate and hot chocolate too.  Ooh, and crepes with Nutella also a great favourite of mine...

    And one day, I think I would like to visit Portsmouth NH...

    Thanks for your answers so far chocolate lovers. smile

  14. Diana Lee profile image77
    Diana Leeposted 12 years ago

    I like Yoo-Hoo chocolate drink.  It's made with soy and milk products which is loaded with calcium and vitamins for a healthy drink. With only 100 calories it's perfect for any diet plan. It also helps curve the chocolate cravings which would pack on pounds if we ate the sugary treats. It works better than the slimming milkshakes and is much cheaper.

  15. Turtlewoman profile image90
    Turtlewomanposted 12 years ago

    How to make your own homemade chocolate using healthy ingredients. Combining almond joy and mounds, this recipe is for a delicious dark chocolate "Almound Joy." read more

  16. yougotme profile image86
    yougotmeposted 12 years ago

    Chocolate Truffle Cake is definitely one of my favorites! smile

  17. Andrea Rose profile image68
    Andrea Roseposted 12 years ago

    for the drink it would have to be chocolate milk.

    For the food, German Chocolate Cake. It's delicious and very rich

    Oh and Chocolate Cheese Cake.

  18. Wasteless Project profile image86
    Wasteless Projectposted 11 years ago

    Hot chocolate milk with whipped cream and/or hot chocolate brownie with vanilla ice-cream;)


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