by jhendenedel 13 years ago
Throughout history great men have vouched for the importance of coffee in their lives. Try out these awesome and easy coffee drink recipes, and you'll know why. Besides, it's always great to take a break from the everyday and mundane.
by articleposter 12 years ago
I am strugling to make good one at work.Lets see your methods guys and girls.Thanks
by Luciendasky 15 years ago
Does anyone have a good sour dough bread starter recipe?I need to make a starter as a gift, and I don't know how to make one - do you need a starter to make additional starters?
by Carolee Samuda 13 years ago
It seems to me that the Hubbers Hangout is getting really boring. Where is all the fun? Where have all the fun hubbers gone?Say what's on your mind.......
by stylezink 13 years ago
What is your morning ritual? I have a morning routine that has not changed in over a year, do you?I wake up to alarm at 6am, dog jumps in the bed and nuzzles, I get up, go to the bathroom, start the coffee, take the dog out, smoke a cigarette while I'm out there, come back in, fix dog food,...
by Susan Reid 13 years ago
We all have a vague idea of a narcissist as self-centered to the extreme.Yet it is a real personality disorder, with a definition and diagnosing guidelines in DSMIV.I have had an incredible "a ha" moment today. I've been struggling to understand the WHY underlying my sister-in-law's...