Grad School

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  1. The Phil profile image60
    The Philposted 14 years ago

    What do graduate school students do to relax/vent when frustration builds up to a boiling point?

    1. tksensei profile image59
      tksenseiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      If you have time to worry about that (let alone climbing trees or going to the beach) you aren't working hard enough. Focus on what you're doing and relax after you finish your degree.

      1. Colebabie profile image59
        Colebabieposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I don't really agree with that. You have to take time for yourself at one point or another. If you don't you will be really stressed out and focusing and actually learning the material will become difficult if not impossible.

        1. tksensei profile image59
          tksenseiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          A little stress is a good thing. Too many people today have the childish notion that life must be one uninterrupted string of complete comfort and self indulgence. Steel is forged in fire, not a cozy comforter just out of the dryer.

          1. Colebabie profile image59
            Colebabieposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Yes eustress is definitely a good thing. A little bit of stress will keep you on target and working harder. However, stress overload, which is common, not so good. Of course life is not going to be stress-free and comfortable, not even part of the time. But overload will ultimately mean less focus.

            1. tksensei profile image59
              tksenseiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Well, if you're gonna be reasonable this will be no fun at all!!!

    2. janni321 profile image59
      janni321posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      When we were grad student in near past we visit Swat valley the heaven on earth. All our exam stress was blown up in the perfumed air of the valley.
      Valley is now threatened by Talibans. God save our heaven.Amin

    3. profile image0
      peacefulparadoxposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Some of them read PhDComics.  The comics were written and drawn by former grad student Jorge Cham so he knows the frustration of grad school and then pokes fun at it.  I'm sure many grad students will see this reflected in his strips and find humor and comfort in that.

  2. Colebabie profile image59
    Colebabieposted 14 years ago

    Umm I'm not a grad student yet. I am a senior. But when I get frustrated/stressed there are a lot of things I do. I go lay on the beach, climb the tree in the middle of campus, talk to my boss (she's good with advice), make a plan (it calms me down to realize that everything I have to do can get done), have sex, go for a walk, and take a nap.

  3. profile image0
    Leta Sposted 14 years ago

    I used to run for miles and miles in Omaha and Iowa City.  Damn.  I miss those days.

  4. darkside profile image64
    darksideposted 14 years ago

    Offtopic: I'm going to be Mr Cranky Head here, but is this sort of thing "=======>" necessary?

    1. profile image0
      Leta Sposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Probably for stress relief...grad school got to him.

  5. Ms._Info profile image68
    Ms._Infoposted 14 years ago

    When I was in grad school I used to turn on cartoon network and watch silly cartoons to relieve the stress!

  6. HealthCare Basics profile image60
    HealthCare Basicsposted 14 years ago

    Grad school.......Formed a close knit group of classmates, studied together by breaking down assignments, drank at the local pubs when time was available..... It does get easier as time goes by..........

  7. LRobbins profile image46
    LRobbinsposted 14 years ago

    Every week I'd go for a hike, no better how busy I was, it made me more productive and realized that there was life outside of grad school.

  8. profile image0
    aquaseaCreativeposted 14 years ago

    At some point your brain will insist that you need a rest. You will be looking at the page and..  n o t h i n g  s i n k i n g  i n .. = time for rest.

  9. shibashake profile image83
    shibashakeposted 14 years ago

    Drawing really helped me to destress and help with creativity. Several times we went to a strip club - that was a lot of fun wink

  10. EDU 101 profile image59
    EDU 101posted 14 years ago

    Check our hubs big_smile

  11. jonwenberg profile image60
    jonwenbergposted 14 years ago

    I like running for stress relief; have found that drinking is not a good solution. I do some of my best work early in the am after a short run or walk with the dogs.

  12. Joelle Burnette profile image71
    Joelle Burnetteposted 14 years ago

    When I was in grad school, it was the students who didn't stay on top of their assignments who were the most stressed. Do your work on time (better, with time to spare) and be prepared. Treat is like a job wherein if you don't get the work done, you'll be fired.

    Otherwise, find a sport, exercise class, swim laps, paint. Find something that has little to do with your studies, if even for only a few minutes a day. Write a hub!

  13. misterspook profile image60
    misterspookposted 14 years ago

    My department used to have a tradition of going out on Wednesday night until that fell out of favor.  I've recently had some success with bringing back the tradition and let me tell you, it really recharges you (so long as you don't drink so much you regret it).

    I'd also advice, like others have, a good hobby.  I like to draw and such and make silly stories since it's so antithetical to what I do normally.

  14. WeddingConsultant profile image66
    WeddingConsultantposted 14 years ago

    I'm currently a grad student...1/3 way through a double masters program, so I think I can speak to a few things here.

    Here are a handful of things I do to de-stress when the workload is getting to be too much:

    1. Make sure to schedule a guy's night out. Usually we'll do hot wings and a movie. Ever had a "flatliner?"

    2. Do some sort of physical exercise. It's a great (and proven) way to de-stress. You release chemicals, feel better about yourself, etc.

    3. Get outside. I often find myself crammed up in our condo or at the coffee shop for hours on end. Usually I'm reading a book or typing a paper. Getting some fresh air resets my eyeballs (so they're cross), gets some good air in the lungs and allows me to forget about the schoolwork for a bit.

    4. Mentally step back from everything and remind yourself of the bigger picture. This tends to work well for those of us who are more analytical, but it can work for others too. Remind yourself why you're studying, what kind of awesome job you'll land when you're done and how much you actually enjoy what it is you're learning about (you do enjoy your degree topic, don't you??).

    One final suggestion- throw a party after every successfully completed semester. I actually had a professor suggest this to me and I've done it every time. Have friends over for a BBQ, go to the golf driving range, hit the batting cages, go to the water park...whatever. Choose something you like to do, invite a ton of friends and make it a party celebration! Celebrate the fact that you're that much closer to being done.

    Hope some of that helps...


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