Okay, today I have noticed drastic decrease in page impressions and record low earnings in my adsense account. I had not thought before today that google algorithm change will have such a effect on our traffic and earnings. Today, I find myself what I was three years back. Only a few cents per day.....
I've noticed the same thing, but just today and yesterday -- and traffic has been WAAAAY down those two days. After the initial dip, my traffic was back up pretty much to normal (about 90% what it was before the change) and now it's back down to about 30%-40% of normal. Assuming that I'm not forgetting any major national holidays (again) that would keep people off their computers, I was kind of wondering if they'd done some additional algorithm tweaking or something.
Google is very strict against spyware/adware downloads via webpage. I just hope they're not limiting searches because of their crawler or Web-of-trust bot detecting any such activity here.
My traffic has dropped 50 percent in just the last couple days, and my earnings right along with it. Gosh, I hope this isn't permanent. I have put so much work into HubPages the last two years.
I wonder if the post we read yesterday or the day before about google account users being able to block certain sites has gone into effect. I read it somewhere on another thread. It was a recent Google blog entry. Here it is:
http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2011/03/ … t-you.html
It may be that the virus scare has people blocking HP or just avoiding it.
I wonder when that rolls out?
I haven't seen it show up on my searches yet.
This ability to block sites has gone into effect. If you are logged into your google account and searching - should you click onto a site and click the back button after seeing the site, once back in search results, there is a messege from google to click if you would like to block the site from your search results.
sadly, that's going to have an effect here. I'm sure it's part of what we're seeing today.
http://techland.time.com/2011/03/10/hat … om-google/
I don't know that it will be permanent (who does know these things?) but I hope we at least see some upward climb at some point.
Lots of things seem to be happening, nothing's getting taken for granted and we're all having to chip in to help. I hope you, Mary and many others (probably most of us) will see some real recovery in the future.
Seems quite devastating for some hubbers.
Do you think its because everyone has been searching for Japan news? I actually had a good day yesterday but the Algo has made my Adsense 'yoyo', hoping it will level out soon, think its beginning too
My earnings are also down today. Richie could be right when he says that people might be looking more for news about Japan.
Me, too, Wychic. I had been seeing a slow growth although it had some ups and downs. Wednesday showed another huge drop, to less than that seen last month. A slight uptick Thursday, then down even further yesterday. I too wonder if big G hasn't tweaked their algorithm again, slamming us once more.
Today is showing good traffic so far, but then I just edited over 100 hubs getting rid of RSS feeds and Amazon capsules.
Might be possible that everyone is after Japan news but still I have not seen such decrease in traffic in my three years. This is something different. Might be possible this problem will go away with time.
Could it have anything to do with the disappearing/reappearing ads? Most of my ads are not showing even now.
I don't have any theories, but my traffic is down below the initial Day-of-the-Google-Slap. My adsense is likewise down.
After the initial google drop my adsense had been about 20% of what it was...significant for me because I have gone from about $45-60 a day to 15-20 a day... but I figured I could live with it. the past three days it has been a steady decrease and yesterdays earnings were just over $7.. basically going from 1500.00 a month to 210.00 a month. Amazon is down from 400.00 to 35.00 and ebay is down from about 150.00 to about 5.00 Kontera is showing pennies rather than the 2-6 dollars a day i was making.
So much for my retirement plan.
Today I am seeing a small rise in the adsense so I am hopeful.
As far as yesterday and Japan affecting it? It may well all of my sites were down traffic wise, not just hub pages.
I am so sorry Marye - I have seen similar hits. I am still "waiting for the dust toe settle" but I don't think the drops are done. My hubs seem to keep settling lower and lower in the SERPS.
I hope the reduction of RSS, amazon ads and news feeds show a quick reversal in their performance.
Is it a good idea to get rid of our news feeds?
Your figures just make me feel
I remember being told about a pay freeze one year, I was gutted. If I'd been told my wages were being cut to the same degree as your HP earnings I'd have bubbled over for certain.
I sure hope things pick up again.
Ouch, Marye! Alright, no more bellyaching from me that I'm down about $100 from average on Amazon so far. I guess I've been lucky that my Adsense has stayed relatively steady, but Amazon dropped out the bottom and that's usually my big earner. eBay has stayed at .13 a click, but veeeeery few clicks coming through this month.
Thanks... I worked on tags and reporting copied hubs last night and am working on the rss, news, and amazon stuff today. Hopefully this will soon be behind us all!
My traffic is actually way up compared to yesterday (it could just be that it is Saturday), but adsense is pretty tragic. No biggie, just them playing with ads.
I noticed another thread talking about one Adsense ad is missing from all the hubs today, I just noticed it myself? its the top banner ad? anyone seen this?
The adsense ad structure has changed. There is a thread by Paul E. at the top of the forum explaining this. There will now be a 728x60 adsense ad at the top of the page instead of the 2 banner ads. You MUST be logged out of your account in order to see it though.
Yes, though it took a couple of attempts.
I eventually got it by going to one of my hubs whilst signed in, clicking 'sign out' and then clicking the 'return to previous page' option.
I almost couldn't see the banner for looking initiall although it's plastered across the top of the page - but it's definitely there.
If I'm totally off base here someone let me know okay....
If we have Adsense Ads 100% of the time, then we make X amount of dollars.
But with the new ad sharing thing in effect, won't they show other ad networks and not Adsense 100% of the time?
So if your Hub has half Adsense and half ad network, you will make less money on Adsense because Adsense ads are showing less.
Well that is if you are not in the new pilot program.
If I had a Hub showing 100% Adsense all the time and made 20.00 a day, if you replace half the ads with the new network, the Adsense goes down to 10.00 a day.
Now if I am in the new program, that get's made up.
But if I'm not, wouldn't that be cutting my Adsense profits in half?
Like I said, I may be totally off here.
And maybe someone will 'splain it to me.
Marye I'm going through a similar exercise of pairing Amazon and ebay capsules down to the recommended 1 product per capsule. I just have to wonder if that's enough product showing to make any sales. If not, then will the adsense recover enough to compensate.
I never believed in using the news capsules so that's not an issue.
I'm hanging in there at about $50 a day for adsense, Amazon and ebay combined. But Amazon has just plumeted after the removal of most of my Amazon capsules. ebay has begun to weaken in the past few days.
I don't qualify for the HP affiliate program, so I'm not sure what effective monetization strategy will exist for me beyond adsense.
Oh and I was out in shops and restaurants all over Cape Cod this morning. No one was even mentioning Japan. So I don't think on Main Street America this is an issue that will preclude economic activity.
I think that the downturn we are seeing is specific to the Farmer update and perhaps some earnings dislocation given the new HP affiliate program and ad locations.
Nelle, you say that amazon has plummeted after removing lots of ads, but are you confident that that is the reason? Or are you seeing much lower traffic the past 2 or 3 days as some of us are?
I just deleted a bunch of amazon ads from information type hubs, but my amazon income isn't nearly enough to even know if it's dropped let alone attribute any drop to that.
My traffic has been steady (pitiful but steady) since February 26th.
The impact of going from 48 products to 5 or 6 on a page is the culprit. Believe me there was a reason that I designed my product hubs the way I did. I've spent 10 years optimizing online sales pages.
Perhaps adsense will kick in - I honestly don't know at this point. It seems if you qualify for the HP affiliate program that there is hope.
Thanks, Nelle. I was afraid you were going to say that - I know that you are truly expert in sales hubs.
It seems that the very concept behind posting advertising copy is going to have to go through a radical change, and just as I was beginning to get some results!
It is enough to still drive sales, if done properly. My highest-performing product hubs have always been those with one Amazon capsule matched with one text capsule and only one Amazon product in the Amazon capsule. (Wow, that was a mouthful!)
Despite the drop in traffic (which has stabilized, thank goodness), my Amazon conversion rate remained at 14%+ until two days ago, when it took a nosedive to around 7%. I don't know if it's temporary or if it goes hand in hand with my totally pathetic AdSense earnings of late.
lrohner do you think that the HP affiliate program and those HUUUGGE Kroeger ads are just blinding your visitors? You're in the HP affiliat program right?
I logged out and went back to my pages, and under Hubpages impression was the biggest leaderboard display I've ever seen with all the Kroeger branding and there was one going down the side as well.
It has to affect how visitors perceive the hub.
Echo! I mean how can anyone want to read a hub when they are distracted but the lady looking like she's going to dump her groceries all over your page!
Good point, Nelle. That could explain the recent and sudden tanking of my Amazon/AdSense. I didn't even think of those. I think my mind is trying to block them out completely.
As I pointed out in another thread yesterday, the thing that really bugs me about them is that those ugly ads don't even apply to most of my visitors, as Kroger only has a presence in something like half of the states. If it had to be butt ugly, couldn't they at least have made it a relevant ad?
Anyhoo, I was just trying to reassure that fewer products doesn't necessarily mean fewer sales. Historically, my product hubs that have ranked the best and made me the most money were the ones with a high text/low product ratio.
I haven't gotten a single cent from Adsense for the past *counts* 4 days now...
It really stinks.
At least HubPages Ads is paying nicely.
(Although today's earnings are still pending...hmm.)
I have to admit that I am not convinced that lowering the amount of items to buy on my hubs will have a positive effect. I am doing it to see if it does, but since the items were specifically targeted for the hubs, I do not see how it will help.
I actually noticed a big drop in traffic yesterday and today on my own websites. I am assuming people are looking at the Japan tragedy news.
Is it possible that the Farmer update really targeted affiliate marketing and not content farms?
I feel like they probably go hand in hand, but someone smarter than me surely has a better idea.
Well I still have website pages that are totally nothing but Amazon product links with some text on them ranking on the first page.
So then if things continue as they have been lately, is HP still helpful for your marketing campaigns?
I never made more than 2 bucks a day tops with Hubpages. They still have good rank, so Hubpages is still a good site for backlinks to your own site, for direct traffic and to make a little bit.
So yeah, Hubpages is still just as good as the 100 or so other places out there like them. Use all sites in moderation.
My datafeed affiliates sites are doing fine as well.
lrohner, I think those ads pay by impression (though I could be wrong) Kroeger's is using them to brand themselves. I think they are getting ready to expand into new markets. Because I'm seeing them and I've never ever seen a Kroegers. There are none near here. And right now I don't think I want to go into one. The ads aren't impressing me as a consumer. As a hubber if they make money - you know I'm all for it.
Major memory fail on my part. Darkside reminded me of the same thing yesterday.
And they're still butt ugly.
No Kroger's here. We used to eons ago. Be surprised if they come back too.
For today traffic seems to be up a tiny bit but income is up a lot...::: fingers crossed:::
Okay. We all are on the same boat, struggling with traffic and earnings at this point of time.
I guess we can be miserable comforters. I had 1 click today..
Hopefully all of the changes will help us - and within a short time the money will return.
I'm still having ups and downs... I can't say I've been hit as drastically as others, although I will be the first to admit I have been here a lot less time than many of you.
My earning from HubPages on Adsense have gone down to one third of what i was making earlier and amazon too has taken a severe blow by going down to almost the same level as adsense. My saving grace has been my own blogs which has increased both in terms of traffic and revenue but still nowhere near to compensate for the revenue dip. I only hope the HubPages Ads Program compensates for the revenue fall.
All my Hubs have news and rss capsules, I will try some tweaks and see if it makes a difference.
Come on everyone! Stiff upper lip and all that.....! Why back when I used to have to walk 10 miles in the rain to get to school it was uphill both ways and we were to poor to have mice like everyone else.........
So what were those little furry critters you and Turkey used to shoot with BB guns??
And don't forget, RD - you had to carry your crippled brother on your back while walking 10 miles uphill to school in the snow. I kinda miss all the snow we used to get here back in the 60s.
Ahhh but did you have walk barefoot up hill both ways for 10 miles in the snow?
Barefoot in the snow and carrying the books of all the 32 kids in his class as well as his brother and the parrot!
It's just not a stiff upper lip - I generally need a stiff gin before I look at my Adsense and Amazon reports these days.
It's very demotivating as February was shaping up to be my best Amazon month ever before the Slap, and I was just beginning to feel that after a lot of hard work, that I was starting to earn regularly.
But in the greater scheme of things, you can only learn and move forward from these setbacks, and I only have to turn on the TV to see that a lot of people, especially in Japan, have much larger challenges and sorrows to deal with than I have.
So lets all have a lucky, happy and profitable Sunday!
I second that about having a happy and profitable Sunday, cause it certainly wasn't a profitable Saturday with Adsense.
I suppose it will take a while to see how the new layout pans out but even for a Saturday (which is normally low) yesterday was not good.
Think it's a case of just hang on in there for the moment.
I think the shake up with the Farmer update has had more of a knock on effect than even Google have anticipated. This change also hasn't rolled out past the google.com sites either.
It may be April/May this year until we start to see our work (hubs and personally created websites) start to incrementally climb back.
This is a significant change that is going to shake rattle and roll for months yet.
Hang on and batten down the hatches, it is going to be rough for a while.
I second the thoughts of Kangaroo_Jase. I don't see any increase in traffic and earnings till another month and a half but still we need to keep up working like we have in hope of better life in May.
Oh I'm still writing articles, just not publishing anything at this point. Too many ifs, ands, and butts to have to worry about changing the hubs or whether we'll just end up unpublishing everything in the end. Loyalty and hard work are not always rewarded in kind on content sites.
I wonder which content site will eventually end up on top? Or if one actually will, for that matter. My, my, my!
I believe that you are right about this statement.
You can try new types of hubs or write new sites of your own. Perhaps we need to shake things up a bit.
I'm going to be struggling just to make payout this month. I haven't missed a payout in a long time. I have had zero clicks this entire weekend. That hasn't happened since I first got to HubPages.
My payout seems assured even at this slow rate, but who knows if it will get worse or not. Like you KCC, it's been a long time since I worried about making it. Amazon sales are beating Adsense so far this month even with the fewer sales. Go figure! At least some get to make a few bucks with the new ad program to offset the losses.
Same here, although I've had a couple of low-paying clicks over the weekend...there is none at all today so far despite having had several hundred views. It'll be the first time I've missed payout since my first one
I've made just over €1.00 this weekend ... not good, but better than some. I've reached payout, but if things continue as they are, it might be a long, long time before I reach it again. Well, I suppose things can't stay like this forever.
very true.
I finally checked Amazon after not checking for a while and I have 7 orders from very few clicks. A pleasant surprise.
Yes I also have a few orders in Amazon the HP AD program is compensating the losses. Let's see what happens after a few days. We should hope for positive response in regards to traffic and earnings.
My Amazon sales are about normal, maybe slightly lower in number and dollar amount, but nothing alarming. My Adsense is still zero for the weekend. Two back to back days at zero!
Not much different here, had a slight increase post Google slap, but the last 48 hours has been a near flat line.
But, the best is yet to come... !
I initially saw about a 30-40% drop in Adsense traffic and earnings after the Google slap, but what I'm seeing the last two days is unreal.
To answer your question, Camlo......I can only hope it improves. I've spent many hours this weekend tweaking in hopes of redeeming myself.
I cannot believe how bad it has become. While my traffic is down ~30%, my adsense is down ~70%. Even with the offset of the Hubpages Ad program, I am still down a LOT more than the reduction in traffic.
And Amazon has shriveled up. I am still working hubs hoping that there will be a rebound...folks are saying "wait until the dust settles" - but I hope we are near the worst of it.
I don't think adsense drop is related to traffic drop. It rather likely to be related to growing oil prices and shrinking advertising budgets. Though my adsense CPC on HP stays the same or even slightly rises, so this is a pure speculation on my side so far.
Remember this is going to roll out over time. So as new waves hit, it will continue to worsen. Sorry I really can't think of anything positive to say about the trends on shared sites right now.
If you don't have your own sites, this might be a good time to start.
These should be smaller ripple effects though Nelle. google.co.uk has the next biggest traffic after google.com, no other google search site attracts more traffic than these two.
Since the advertising layout change specifically, AdSense income has taken a serious hit. Virtually no CPM revenue, virtually no interest-based or placement targeting type revenue (presumably all because the ad units that earned those are gone).
HubPages Ad Program seems to be performing the same, so it's not making up for losses.
Just to make it clear, the problem isn't lower eCPM - that's a problem, but not what I'm seeing as THIS problem. And lower Amazon earnings are not the problem. I can speculate that what's happened in Japan has created a dip in eCPM and affiliate purchases, and that eCPM and Amazon earnings dips are related both to Panda and to the HubPages Ad Program. Different issue.
The problem I'm referring to here is the fact that CPM, placement targeted and interest-based earnings have gone to very near zero, and they weren't insignificant before.
I don't know the solution, but I DO think that YieldBuild in this case might be a liability. Some hubs really would be far better optimized with manually placed AdSense ads - even if we had to cut down the numbers of ad units to accommodate HubPages rules.
I thought if a site loses a bit of Google's trust, the site will display ads from advertisers who are bidding lower values for ads than they previously used to do..
Reasons for drop in Adsense
1. Content is not updated, or not posted updated content.
2. Some issue with ad display and placement or ad codes.
3. Poor content and writing skills
4. Lack of interest in blogging
5. Malware, account hack, hold from google, unattended notices etc.
best luck!
Choozurmobile team
by Adrienne Farricelli CPDT-KA, Dip.CBST 12 years ago
This month hits my record low for adsense earnings, I did not even reach payout! This has not happened since 2008 when I first joined. I find this odd as it never happened before. Thankfully, the hubpages ad program along with amazon/ebay helps compensate the loss, so I am not complaining, but I...
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