what is the best month of the year to get married and why?

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  1. profile image53
    i am cazzaposted 14 years ago

    what is the best month of the year to get married and why?

  2. wisecrone333 profile image58
    wisecrone333posted 14 years ago

    The same month you decide to get married - having been married three times myself I can tell you that the engagement period is the longest and hardest part of any relationship - if you make the decision to get married then go ahead and do it, don't just think about it smile

    That said, spring months are the nicest because I think everyone is in a better mood after the darkness of winter and they want a good excuse to celebrate life - a wedding is a glorious example of doing that.

    Best of luck
    Lisa smile

  3. HappyHer profile image54
    HappyHerposted 14 years ago

    I agree with wisecrone that the warmer months seem to be the happiest.  But any month that has special significance for you is the best month.  We picked October because we love Halloween.  It was still warm, although the fall was upon us as well.  It was perfect for us, but another month may be more perfect for you.

  4. alemap profile image60
    alemapposted 14 years ago

    Just about any month it all depends on you & your fiance...  what is important to you?  Do you both like to ski, play in the snow? Or be at the beach on the hottest days? Do you have a passion for flowers?  Maybe halloween is your favorite holiday?  Getting married can be very stressful especially the larger and more elaborate you want.

    I oversaw weddings at one time...  there is no perfect month...  every month has its own uniqueness & colors...  deep reds in December...  sheer pinks, greens in April...  also what month were you both born? June you are a summer person?

    Best of luck it is a very exciting time

  5. Thomas Antolin profile image59
    Thomas Antolinposted 14 years ago

    Not sure.  But we got married in December, and we're still happily married almost 18 years later.  Not sure whether the month has anything do to with that.  Then I wonder, is longevity in a marriage even one of the guidelines you're looking for?  What would quantify as "best".  Perhaps there are other considerations, such as availability of locations, prices of hotels for out of town guests.  Our December 21st wedding was a perfect day, and every year we look forward to our anniversary, our son's birthday, and Christmas all at once.

  6. profile image0
    ThaddyBear Girlsposted 14 years ago

    I think; it all depends on the state you live in and the type of weather there.  Since, I live in the state of IL. for the people here, that are planning a wedding.  I would suggest the month of June for an outside wedding and the month of September for an inside wedding. Whatever month you decide to get marry, make sure it's for the right reason.

  7. profile image53
    i am cazzaposted 14 years ago

    thankyou all for your answers, i think we are going to go for may 2010, we both love the spring and thats also the month we met each other, thanks again.xx

  8. Mike Holthuysen profile image61
    Mike Holthuysenposted 14 years ago

    I don't believe that there a best month for your special event,
    But I feel that the day is most important!

    As time passes some of us (men) tend to be a little absent minded.
    I was married on April 30 (last day) This way I don't forget.

    Which ever month you choose pick a date that holds meaning.

    Congratulations and best wishes

  9. dabeaner profile image60
    dabeanerposted 14 years ago

    I don't recommend marriage, but if you get married in December, you can file joint tax returns for that entire year.  That used to be an advantage, but since I have not been married many years, I don't know if it still is or not.  smile

  10. J Burgraff profile image68
    J Burgraffposted 14 years ago

    This question could be answered by considering the negatives:
    August:  too hot, too many vacations already planned so no one will come to your wedding.  Of course, if you plan it in advance and it's held outdoors at some great venue, some people might plan their vacations around your wedding. That would be cool.
    September:  Back to school, beginning of football season.
    October:  Practically perfect in terms of weather and not too close to holidays, albeit, what do you wear to a wedding in October?
    November:  There's that Thanksgiving thing, but a damn good excuse not to have to be with family you don't like.
    December:  Holiday, holiday, holiday.  However, the venue might already be decorated and you could save cost on that.  And everyone needs to get a new holiday outfit so everyone has something to wear to the wedding.
    January:  Weather could be a downside, missed flights, etc.  Aside from that, everyone needs cheering up in January so it could be perfect. 
    February:  Who wants to compete with Valentine's Day?  You could massively depress those friends who don't want to even think about love.
    March:  Not bad, not bad.
    April:  Tax time, but everyone needs a diversion from that.  Also Spring Break, but that could work in your favor.
    May:  Beat the June rush, so all's good.
    June:  Cliche.  Enough said.
    July:  Everyone's tired from cliche month.
    Ok.  That does it.  Get married when you want.

  11. stricktlydating profile image86
    stricktlydatingposted 14 years ago

    February, the 14th because it's St Valentines Day, the most romantic day of the year!

  12. Shaddie profile image78
    Shaddieposted 10 years ago

    September is an ideal time for me because I love the fall theme, and I hate kids so the back-to-school thing doesn't affect my desire to have kids in the wedding because THERE WILL BE NO KIDS IN THE WEDDING FWAHAHAhaha.


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