Do you support online-dating-services why or why not?

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  1. exquisitestill profile image60
    exquisitestillposted 14 years ago

    Do you support online-dating-services why or why not?

    Society has changed so much, and many of today's couples were first introduced on internet-dating-sites. Have you made that transition with associating this as a societal norm or do you still believe there is only a traditional way of finding love?

  2. Anne Pettit profile image62
    Anne Pettitposted 14 years ago

    online-dating services is a great way to meet people.  It is the new traditional way of finding people.  There are sites for every need.

  3. skgrao profile image65
    skgraoposted 14 years ago

    Try you may marry a girl not man.Here they show photos of someone as theirs.

  4. Jonas Renfold profile image60
    Jonas Renfoldposted 14 years ago

    I use a few online dating sites, because I am far too busy with my Internet Marketing and writing to go out very often. The problem is that each site has something good. For instance, Webdate allows people to leave comments on your profile..that let's you know if there is something to change. Others like Eharmony match you up based upon personality and values. Another one, I can't remember which, allows you to choose your interests as keywords so that you can find others with similar interests. Some are free, and some are premium, but as yet I have not found one site that allows you to search the database for exactly who you want, based upon compatibility, interests, physical attraction, etc. If I had the programming skills I would start one smile

  5. David 470 profile image70
    David 470posted 14 years ago

    I think some may be good, but there are many that are not so legit. Its really hard to say since so many variables come into play. I think it depends on who uses these sites and how good the sites themselves are.

  6. just mee profile image61
    just meeposted 14 years ago

    idk because there are some crazy people out there. you may think your going outside the box by widening your search but you can  really be meeting a psyco. i's funny but most of the time it's true and alot of the time these people have cruel intentions. i wish i can meet that special person online who can truly be genuine in finding mrs right but for me i think it's a long shot. i wish you all the luck.

  7. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 14 years ago

    I support online dating services because it’s the way of the future. The rules of engagement may be different but ultimately dating is dating.

    You meet some quality people, some liars, and some people that share your outlook on life and others who do not.
    It’s not where you meet but whom you meet that counts.

    The Pros

    1. It’s easy and convenient to utilize online dating.

    2. If you’re too busy to be attending social events where people meet in a traditional sense online dating offers you the opportunity to meet people you may have never been able to connect with.

    3. If you’re shy by nature online dating will allow you to approach people you may have been too intimidated to approach in person. Simply by posting a profile and photo you’re also putting yourself out there to be contacted

    4. If you are a man it can be more cost effective to get to know multiple prospective partners without incurring the expense of paying for multiple first dates.

    5. If you’re a woman it’s easier to reject or ignore an unwanted advance from a man online than in person. You can also consider multiple men for dating.

    6. You can manage the process of getting to know someone better through emails and chats through the online dating service without giving out your personal email address and phone number.  You can “screen” a person for as long as it takes for you to feel comfortable with giving them your phone number or arranging to meet in person.
    If at some point you think this person is not right for you then you may block them from your profile.

    The Cons

    1. It’s easier to lie and cheat online.
    However being online does not “create liars and cheaters”.
    They were already inclined to be that way and are just using online dating as a tool.

    2. Some people are more attractive online than in person
    I’m not just talking about in a physical sense but from a chemistry point of view.
    They’re better writers than talkers and the voice we’ve created in our heads don’t match their actual voice.

    3. Online dating can become addicting.
    Some people have a hard time letting go of the attention, email alerts, and the “friends” they’ve made prior to meeting “the one”.
    Ideally you’d want a partner to close their online account and have them tell all prior prospects to discontinue contacting them because they are in a relationship with you.
    However some people insists on maintaining “friendships” with people they've met.

  8. qeyler profile image64
    qeylerposted 14 years ago

    For an article I explored a number of them.  Most are crock.  Firstly, no real matching goes on.  A Lawyer is matched with a Toll Booth Operator...excuse me?  So all those questions are worthless.

    Secondly, a lot of stalkers and sickos use the service.  They want to visit you and get an all expense stay in your house. 

    Thirdly, there are some people on these sites who just insult you.  They make a habit of insulting you.

    Fourthly, people use false names, ages, photos.  And of course,

    Fifthly, 'Scott Grant' is a name used by Nigerian scammers...who have been very succesful.

  9. mdlawyer profile image39
    mdlawyerposted 13 years ago

    If at all the concept of dating is generally supported, why the online version not supported?

  10. Mr Nice profile image79
    Mr Niceposted 13 years ago

    Online dating could be faster way of meeting someone but if includes video chatting because you don't know who is behind the other computer.
    Online dating can be good or may be very dangerous, that is why there are rules to follow before you start online dating.


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