What extremely difficult situation have you overcome in life and how did you do

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  1. Ruchira profile image77
    Ruchiraposted 14 years ago

    What extremely difficult situation have you overcome in life and how did you do it?

  2. profile image49
    ellen179posted 14 years ago

    There have been many difficult situations in my life and I always turn to my faith to help me overcome difficult situations.

  3. tnderhrt23 profile image75
    tnderhrt23posted 14 years ago

    I once made a 53 hour bus trip from El Paso Texas to Melb. Fla with a 6 month old and a 2 year old by myself with $6 cash...I prayed and cried my way through! God provided people all along the way to help me with the kids...it was one of the biggest mountains I have ever had to climb and i didn't climb it alone!

  4. akuigla profile image61
    akuiglaposted 14 years ago

    I was in difficult situations a few times in my life.
    Every single time I prayed God for help.
    And every single time help came.

  5. Jangaplanet profile image61
    Jangaplanetposted 14 years ago

    And then it dawned on me as I realize
    how simple could it be.
    I wonder why I was so blind
    that I truly did not see.
    It must have been a lightning bolt
    that one day gave me light,
    Cause out of the clear blue sky,
    I finally regained my sight.

  6. Stina Caxe profile image78
    Stina Caxeposted 14 years ago

    Life is full of ups and downs.  Some people are just built for this roller-coaster ride.  Some can't take it and break down. I am lucky to have found a way to make it through the challenges I have faced.  I don't know where the strength comes from honestly... it's just there.

  7. noetic profile image61
    noeticposted 14 years ago

    Very very very slow and planned Transformation of yourself is the only way to overcome any difficult situation...and such a transformation makes you tough enough to handle any difficult situation in life...Rest other solutions are for sure temporary....You have to make a master plan to change the way you perceive a situation either difficult or just a situation.....after the transformation any situation will just be a situation not difficult

  8. Ashantina profile image60
    Ashantinaposted 14 years ago

    MySelf and my fears... realising that happiness is a choice and I am the only one who can choose my destiny.

  9. Bronson_Hub profile image60
    Bronson_Hubposted 14 years ago

    Adolescence.  It was brutal.  I may or may not have smoked marijuana in High School to cope with it.

    Didn't overcome it, per se. It was more like I outgrew it, but some of you might disagree about that based on the delivery and tone of some of my hubs and this response.

  10. ROMANCER OF LIFE profile image60
    ROMANCER OF LIFEposted 14 years ago

    My life as a child growing up was filled with difficulties. I was blessed to have God by my side every step of the way. I didn't realize until recently that I did not walk the paths of darkness alone, but God was with me holding my hands and picking me up and making sure that I got back on my feet every step of the way. He's been a true blessing to me and everything and everyone in my life. Today... life still has it's struggles, but I know I never walk it alone. He always provides what I need for my path to success. I realized everything from my past, are tools that I need to teach my children and prep them for the future.

  11. FaithDream profile image83
    FaithDreamposted 14 years ago

    I've had some tough situations to face in life but I would say my most difficult happened last summer. My mom passed away and 3 weeks later, my employer downsized and let me go. Losing my mom and my job within a month of each other was pretty tough.
    My faith is the strongest part of me, along with the support of a loving family. I am not defined by my job and I know my mom is in heaven.
    I am content, as I know everything happens for a reason. God has big plans for me.

  12. Loveslove profile image61
    Lovesloveposted 14 years ago

    I have had  a few bad situations to deal with some difficult some downright hard ... , some were to do with my kids ,mainly my eldest son  even the most difficult and first bad situation involved him...My husband left when he  was 9 months old,it seemed like the end of the world but we came through it  with the help of my parents and friends and I eventually remarried .

    A very new  difficult situation was when I was wrongly diagnosed with MS ,that was a frightning time, I was later correctly rediagnosed with Rhumatoid Arthritis which was a relief although the new diagnosis didnt take away the terrible pains.

  13. phoenix_028@yahoo profile image60
    phoenix_028@yahooposted 14 years ago

    My bf of  8 years broke my heart the same time my father died then my favorite cousin died, I lost 3 people on the same year, 2010.. I broke that time but I pulled myself up because I reminded myself that in every misfortune there would be a blessing...so I counted all my blessing,


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