What is more important in life than money?Apart from sound health,child bearing,

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  1. folorunsho80 profile image71
    folorunsho80posted 13 years ago

    What is more important in life than money?Apart from sound health,child bearing, and peace of mind.

  2. TheOneWhoKnows profile image59
    TheOneWhoKnowsposted 13 years ago

    Love is more important than money ;-), helping others is priceless too

  3. PAPA-BEAR profile image60
    PAPA-BEARposted 13 years ago

    To not see the sell-by date on your bum.

  4. Daffy Duck profile image61
    Daffy Duckposted 13 years ago

    Self respect and staying out of jail both come to mind.

  5. PlanksandNails profile image74
    PlanksandNailsposted 13 years ago

    Assurance and purpose is important to life.

  6. profile image0
    CollBposted 13 years ago

    Personal achievements.

    Achieving personal objectives is really rewarding for me and it gives me a sense of immense satisfaction.  That for me is the most important thing in my life.

  7. keepitnatural profile image60
    keepitnaturalposted 13 years ago

    Love & service to others, in my opinion are the most important personal assets you can have in this life.
    If everyone was of this way of living, the world would be a far better place & not so 'money orientated!'

  8. Tusitala Tom profile image67
    Tusitala Tomposted 13 years ago

    It's the 'peace of mind' bit that's significant in this question.  What exactly does the questioner mean by it?

    For to have peace of mind you might need money, enough to not have to worry about it.   Then again, to have peace of mind you might find that you need to have a 'purpose' in your life.  And such good health that you never need to pay it much attention.  As for 'child bearing,' in a man's world that might not enter the equation at all.  The world already has too many people in it, and it is only vanity to want to continue 'the family name.'

    Someone said, "Love," and that is true.  We need to love ourselves unconditionally at all the levels of our being.  When we can do that we can love one another in the same way.  We might like some of the others particularly, but we can love them, so I'm informed.    But then, loving in such a way would bring 'peace of mind.'  So what have we got that is not listed in the four qualities or abilities mentioned in the question?

    Life, we're told, is a journey.   Therefore to have peace of mind all the time we're travelling might result in boredom.   So maybe, deep down - at least when we're young and still seeking adventure - we don't want peace of mind at all.

    You know, dear readers, I don't think this question can be answered.

  9. onegoodwoman profile image69
    onegoodwomanposted 13 years ago


    of yourself to others
    time to mend hurts
    time to help another heal
    time to assist another in finding hope
    time to encourage

    Giving of  your time and considerations..........it is a great gift.  Some of us have it to give, and some of us do not take the time to be giving.

    Some, among us, are " too important" to be bothered with the needs of others.

    Far too often, I find myself lacking.

  10. edhan profile image32
    edhanposted 13 years ago

    Achievement of your goal.

    I am a person who look forward to do things from start to end and it gives me the best satisfaction. This is very important part of my life now.

  11. akuigla profile image59
    akuiglaposted 13 years ago

    Taking care of your mama and papa
    Kindness to all
    Following the good God as much as you can
    Be slow to anger and fast to forgive..........

  12. zduckman profile image59
    zduckmanposted 13 years ago

    in a word....LOVE
    relationships, friendships, and the experiences we share with others. Money is just a means, not a destination.

  13. jon smith profile image60
    jon smithposted 13 years ago

    It sounds funny but if you don't have enough money it is more difficult to be healthy, give the children all what they need and be happy. For me there are three very important things in life: health (number 1), relationships (number 2) and money (number 3). If you have good health, good relationships and enough money you will get the rest

  14. juncolt profile image60
    juncoltposted 13 years ago

    The most important in life and afterlife is our love of GOD!

  15. Mahmo profile image59
    Mahmoposted 13 years ago

    Faith only overrides all your listed favorites and it is the reason for their existence !

  16. Brinafr3sh profile image67
    Brinafr3shposted 13 years ago

    The word of God is more important than money. It teaches you how to act when you get the money. (Holy Bible)

  17. Johnvegan profile image58
    Johnveganposted 13 years ago

    Except of Love....There is nothing more ....
    Love what a feeling...Some one don't think once to die fir his/her love..
    Is not that interesting ?

  18. your cybersister profile image60
    your cybersisterposted 13 years ago

    Our relationships with others - our friends and family - and the life experiences that we share.


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