How would you define - The Spirit of discernment?

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  1. Rina Pinto profile image60
    Rina Pintoposted 12 years ago

    How would you define - The Spirit of discernment?

    Biblical answers please - The Spirit of Discernment is very very important application in our lives and onwards the earthly journey towards Heaven.

  2. d.william profile image72
    d.williamposted 12 years ago … iscernment

    This is a difficult question to answer in a brief statement.  Above is a link to my hub entitled: Irrational Discrimination  versus logical discernment.  It is sure to answer your question.

    1. Rina Pinto profile image60
      Rina Pintoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks D.William .. i sill surely go through it. People filled with the Spirit of the Living God will be able to discern well and operate their lives in such manner and use this Special gift in the walks of their lives.

    2. d.william profile image72
      d.williamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Those  who apply all human behavior to their religions beliefs are missing something when the reality of human nature is negated by false faith.   Knowledge and intelligence must prevail above childhood fantasy.

    3. cynthtggt profile image76
      cynthtggtposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      D. William - Is it childhood fantasy when one recognizes that actions speak louder than words?  Is it false faith when intuition goes beyond intellectual dogma to see that even Voltaire would disagree with you?

    4. d.william profile image72
      d.williamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      you are mixing apples with oranges.  logical discernment is learned by deductive reasoning. When religion teaches hatred and it is accepted blindly, this is nonsensical.  Why would i care about Voltaire"s opinion? I have learned to think for mhyself

    5. cynthtggt profile image76
      cynthtggtposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If you hate all those who believe in God, you are not using deductive reasoning, only discrimination.  You ought to read Voltaire to acquire knowledge.  I do not see anyone being rude to anyone else on this forum except you.  Be specific.

    6. d.william profile image72
      d.williamposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      No intent 2 B rude. I didn't realize this was a religious question. I apologize. Odd tho that anyone who doesn't believe in organized religion is automatically labeled as a non believer in God.  i will be more careful about entering biased questions.

  3. Perspycacious profile image66
    Perspycaciousposted 12 years ago

    Discernment is a power which the spiritually sensitive can pray to have and receive.  The word discern (in English) appears in one form or another 16 times in the Old Testament and six times in the New Testament scriptures. It appears 17 times (including discern, discerned, discernable, etc.) in the separate Book of Mormon considered by LDS Christians as "A Second Testament To Jesus Christ."

  4. profile image0
    SparrowMinistriesposted 12 years ago

    I don't know if the Bible uses the phrase "Spirit of discernment."  Discerning of spirits is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  There is a place in the bible where it says to eagerly desire spiritual gifts and another place where it says if you speak in tongues pray for the interpretaion, but in another spot it says the Spirit determines who receives what gifts.  Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12 are the main passages that speak of the gifts.  Regarding the gift of discernment, also known as distiguishing between spirits, I can tell you how this gift works in my life.  When someone claims to speak for God, as a prophet, teacher, or preacher, I can discern which spirit is speaking, whether the Holy Spirit (an oracle of God), the man's spirit (his or her own opinion about a subject), or an evil spirit (a false or deceptive teaching).  For me it is not about discerning the thoughts and motives of a person's actions, I think that is more in the office of prophet, but I think some people get those gifts confused.  There is natural discernment that we all have more or less of, too.  And the Holy Spirit leads and guides all of us in our relationsip decisions if we listen to that still, small voice.

    1. Rina Pinto profile image60
      Rina Pintoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks SparrowMinistries and greatly appreciate you input into this question. I am very much eager to learn about 'Discerning the Spirits" Its a gift from god. But some people fail to recognize and do not operate in the Holy Spirit filled mode.

  5. Ann1Az2 profile image74
    Ann1Az2posted 12 years ago

    Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to the disciples as a Comforter. The Holy Spirit is meant to guide all believers in what to say to non-believers and it also guides us in how to become followers of Christ and how to become more Christ-like. In this way, the Holy Spirit prepares us for the heavenly kingdom. The gift of discernment is given to those who have the Holy Spirit in order to understand the Word of God. Imagine not having either the Holy Spirit or the gift of discernment. You would not understand the teachings or commandments of Christ and would perhaps believe in false prophets. John 4:6 says, "We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error."

    1. Rina Pinto profile image60
      Rina Pintoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Greatly appreciate your input. Yes it is a special gift to all believers of Jesus Christ. The Book of Acts 17:11 says it better. God Bless you my dear

    2. cynthtggt profile image76
      cynthtggtposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Just want to add that Christianity is not a religion; but if you think religion teaches hate, you ought to acquaint yourself with a little history, before religion, when people slaughtering people was a daily occurrence.

  6. M.A.Noble profile image67
    M.A.Nobleposted 12 years ago

    It can only be acquired by the Holy Spirit who imparts God's gifts on those who will know how to use them for God's purposes.  This particular gift is normally given to the chosen person for a purpose and usually it accompanies the gift of wisdom and knowledge. The gift of discernment is vitally important for those who have been given a ministry that involves working for God.
    It is difficult to give biblical answers to explain what the gift is about  as it is something that is experienced however to explain the gift from experience: The Holy Spirit provides the Gift of discernment which then allows the receiver to link (for simplicity) to the Holy Spirit who then reveals important information about certain situations. For example there are many biblical references in the Old Testament where a Man of God has been told to go to a particular place where he is to meet someone, he is given information in advance to identify the person that he is to meet. However, from the book of Acts onwards the Holy Spirit purposefully provides the gift of discernment for a number of reasons, one in particular is the ability to determine what is good and evil, truth and lies, it is a gift whereby God has provided his children with gifts to help them to acqire holiness and to stand against the attacks of the adversary. When you are 'born again' God communicates in different ways according to the person's ability to understand, discernment may be a personal  revelation. My own experience of discernment example is when I have entered a place and discerned evil or another example is I have spoken to people and discerned God's love for them, it is also easy to recognise a Godly person through discernment.
    I am sure someone else would be able to explain discernment better than I, but explaining something that is a Holy Gift cannot be defined. God's gifts, like many concepts pertaining to him, are indefineable in human terms and limitless as God determines how much of the gift we have -based on how willing we are to serve him. And ultimately it is all for his Glory!

    1. cynthtggt profile image76
      cynthtggtposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Just want to say here that your explanation is absolutely wonderful.  Voted up.

    2. Rina Pinto profile image60
      Rina Pintoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Greatly appreciate this answer accordingly to the Bible. Exactly what i wanted to say. Without Him - The Holy Spirit we can do nothing! Amen to this answer

    3. M.A.Noble profile image67
      M.A.Nobleposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Cynthtggt.

    4. manatita44 profile image72
      manatita44posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      An answer which includes wisdom and knowledge, which are extremely necessary. Discernment can be used to imply shrewdness, acumen and judgement in a human way. Wisdom implies that which is given from within, or coming from God. Happy she used them.

  7. cynthtggt profile image76
    cynthtggtposted 12 years ago

    The spirit of discernment is the ability to see the beyond the surface of beings in their dark as well as light aspects.  It is, I believe, one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

    1. Rina Pinto profile image60
      Rina Pintoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you cynthtggt for your reply. True, the Holy Spirit guides us into each and every step of life we move but this is only done once you commit your self to Obey The Word of the Lord. He will lead you in the paths of righteousness.

    2. M.A.Noble profile image67
      M.A.Nobleposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you Rina for your feedback on my answer, you may find my other hubs useful- they are quite deep teachings some aimed at non-believers i.e. atheists, other writings are for the benefit of believers.

  8. movielardatadare profile image54
    movielardatadareposted 12 years ago

    I see the Spirit of discernment as someone who has the Holy Spirit to the point where they are able to determine what's evil and what's righteous.  At times, discerning between the good and the bad can be tricky for most because they often are mingled together.  Having the Holy Spirit is essential in our lives and in order to enter Heaven.  For instance, nowadays there are tons of New Age teachings that are dangerously being infused into Christianity.  Having spiritual eyesalve is what is necessary in these last days.  After all, one of the faults of our Laodicean age is the fact that so many people lack spiritual eyesalve.  So, we can pretty much equate spiritual eyesalve with the Spirit of discernment.  In conclusion, I see the Spirit of discernment as a vital tool, imparted by God and Jesus Christ, that will keep us on the straight and narrow path in order to enter Heaven.

    1. Ann1Az2 profile image74
      Ann1Az2posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Amen, sister, amen. I would only add one thing to that - the Word of God. If we bury ourselves in it, along with our gift of discernment, we'll know what the real thing is because we've been armed with the Word of God. Well done.

    2. Rina Pinto profile image60
      Rina Pintoposted 12 years agoin reply to this


    3. movielardatadare profile image54
      movielardatadareposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes Ann1Az2, the Word of God is essential.  I'm a brother, actually!  It is important to bury ourselves in God's Word--it's our Shield from Satan.  Thank you, Rina!  I do have the gift of discernment and it will continue to grow!

  9. Hmtrio2 profile image61
    Hmtrio2posted 12 years ago

    The Spirit of discernment is spiritual understanding based on God's truth regarding a person, situation or condition. Christ speaks of our ability to discern the times and the seasons. That means every believer. However, we must be watchful and prayful, making sure we are lead by the Holy Ghost.

    1. Rina Pinto profile image60
      Rina Pintoposted 12 years agoin reply to this


  10. celafoe profile image53
    celafoeposted 12 years ago

    Scriptural discernment is the ability to hear what the Holy Spirit has to say in each situation.

    1. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I forgot to add.   There is no "spirit of discernment".  It is discernment by the Holy Spirit.     You must hear from Him.

    2. cynthtggt profile image76
      cynthtggtposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      "Discerning" what is true is given to those who have the gift of discernment, inasmuch as there are others who have different gifts.

    3. celafoe profile image53
      celafoeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      there is a gift of discernment yes, but everyone is supposed to have a measure of discernment.     The closer the relationship one has to the Holy Spirit the greater the measure of discernment that is available to them.


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