Jesus not only a healer, but a political and social activist
The conviction Christians are losing in defense of their faith is in their inability to convey their high regard for God's Laws and the importance in preserving the individual's relationship to God. Everybody knows Christians believe Jesus is God,...
A Twitter follower wrote a truth - a truth that few would disagree. She wrote as follows: When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. ~~Burke While this is...
A Poem
I think maybe the reason we are where we are in this country might be best summed up with the words of a recovering alcoholic I met at a party years ago, who, when I asked why he stopped drinking, replied, “Lost the car, the house, the wife”...
In search of the individual
That life still presses on After His glance In time that held the years; His face frozen, forever etched, Fixed in mind, yet askance, Oh, how I love Him. Not shallow, but deep - Permanent - Like words on a page Without...
A Poem
The Word of God is clear in all manner of healing. This is entirely the area of theological inquiry not included in other faiths and is what sets Christians apart from all other religious philosophies. That is because it is a subject about the mind...
To the Reader: The on-line version of this article refers the group by name as "Spamhaus" while its paper version refers to the group as "Stophaus."
We ought to step back and look at our individual selves and past if only to see what we have become. It is never too late; or, should I say, better late than never? Likewise, a government should also. We ought to be looking at the hospital deaths...
It is important to contemplate the current concept and value of a higher education (at least to me). That is because the emphasis placed on the value of a higher education has little bearing or relevance to what a higher education should be or is....
I am being harassed because I blog about my legal case and retaliation by the government over my health care complaint. As you recall (see my earlier hub about Government Retaliation in Healthcare), I was unable to receive medical treatment for a...
Religion is a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing because it leaps ahead of the inward life to warn us of consequences from God if we do this or that (keeping society in order); and it is a curse because it removes the active individual from his...
My father wrote these lyrics for a song. Although he was a music composer and lyricist and published many songs, this one never got published. He died in 1986. In tribute to him and to convey my holiday wishes to all during this season, here it...
The fact that this subject is taboo speaks to the hell we find ourselves in.
How it is then that wealth has become all that matters? Is it really, unconsciously, for lack of love? For most Americans wealth was incidental, up until around the late 1980’s or early 1990’s when a boom in technology brought swaths of wealth...
There are two kinds of dangerous people in America today:There are those that are “supremacists,” who call themselves Christian, but are not, and comprise but only a small radical group of people; and then there are those who comprise what is...
“We can recognize our prejudices and illusions only when, from a broader psychological knowledge of ourselves and others, we are prepared to doubt the absolute rightness of our assumptions and compare them carefully and conscientiously with the...
Not only can I not get my emails out, but I cannot get ONE reply from anyone on social websites, one whom I know has been waiting for my email and said so. It is for this reason this hub is important to me. In addition, should I also email a copy to...
A craven universal creature Collective so they speak; The individual extinguished, Forever and complete. Invention cedes a thought And lays it then in waste; Success means a ton of brass Courted in a vase. Together like a swarm ...
He stood at the bathroom door in a pretentious way solely for his image; his eyes still swollen from last night’s tears. It was the night she said she’d leave, and so she did. That was all it was. Yes, it was a fight, but not really a fight; it...
The New York Times published a piece today (August 19, 2012) entitled "Tropical Diseases: The New Plague of Poverty," once again concerning the "myth" that parasitical disease is exclusive to the poor. It ought to be clarified that it is a "poor"...
As a Christian who cherishes “individualism” and capitalism, and disdains “collectivism” (which I have written extensively on Hubpages), and one who believes that everyone has the right to choose his of her lifestyle, I still must disagree...
What is happening now is the liberal left propaganda machine is attributing what happened in Aurora, Colorado to conservative politics. Already, they are politicizing an event so tragic and heinous for political gain. This demonstrates a total lack...
It is not an infrequent thing to use aspects of medical microbiology for effect in horror films. Several come to mind for me; but the one I like most is Amityville Horror II. In that movie the symptoms of Francisella Tularensis (a/k/a “F....
“. . .[W]hat is the use of preaching the Gospel to men whose whole attention is concentrated upon a mad, desperate struggle to keep themselves alive? You might as well give a tract to a shipwrecked sailor who is battling with the surf which has...
Where there is silence among people about disease, little wonder it is so. But where there is unity in silence by physicians and scientists we must be aware that our silence as a people creates opportunity for the scientific establishment to exploit...
I sent this poem to a fellow hubber and now I send it out to all of you. I do so because this Nobel Prize winning poet transcends the divide in our country between atheists and believers, between right and left, between all divides of any kind. That...
The influence of these scientist-politicians was of late years not often on the side of liberty: the “intolerance of reason” so frequently conspicuous in the scientific specialist, the impatience with the ways of the ordinary man so...
How many would agree or disagree that the root of the collective divide between the political parties is more emotional than political. Capitalism has its roots in individualism and the Christian-Judeo ethic that rests on the premise that the...
It is here that the conversation must begin if we are to prevail in all other arenas of political debate, and that conversation ought to be bi-partisan in all respects.
One thing always uncomfortable to talk about is death and dying, even though it happens every day. So when we are well, we don’t even think much about it at all. But there is something about it I never heard anyone else talk about, and that is the...
How funny individualism used to be! Anyone over the age of 50 would agree! No, I am not writing a poem. I am contemplating whether the loss of the individual may be directly related to the Sins of the Fathers, which I will use initial caps for...
Nature, as we know, is not so lavish with her boons that she joins to a high intelligence the gifts of the heart also. As a rule, where one is present the other is missing, and where one capacity is present in perfection, it is generally at the cost...
Look how good I am in all I do, I never say a word Against the herd. I am steadfast and pristine, I make no concessions In between. I join in without a ponder, Of my conscience ‘Cause it doesn’t matter. If I disagree or wrong,...
That I am now in deep sleep, yet awake in vivid dream, and find myself on a line with other souls must be my own illusion, or perhaps a mockery of my soul. And I do tremble, not knowing what strange thing is happening to me. We are all trembling....
Evil therefore is nothing but the privation of good. And thus it can have no existence anywhere except in some good thing. . . . So there can be things which are good without any evil in them, such as God himself, and the higher celestial beings;...
In 2008, and during the last presidential election, while working as a temporary legal secretary on assignment at a law firm, one of its partners, who was Jewish, commented during a discussion about Sarah Palin that “All Christians are...
If you have not read “Capitalists And Other Psychopaths” by William Deresiewicz in this weekend’s (Sunday, May 13, 2012) New York Times weekend paper, please do so at your earliest convenience; it is a great example of the proverbial...
“We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re...
I have had a teddy bear for almost 20 years. It was given to me on Valentine's Day. I first met Teddy in Grand Central Station where there was a "Gund" store that was selling a Limited Edition of the cutest teddy bears ever made. I always...
Why women hate other women in the workplace. While much has been written about the professional woman, there is no mention of competition with other women that has nothing to do with work performance. This is a distinctly female trait and it is hurting all women.
Who Would Imagine I'd Enter, When It’s All So Plain To See, That Everyone Knows-it-All The Least of Whom Is Me? Thanks lovedoctor926. It came to mind when I first got on hubpages and saw the contest they advertised. I thought to...
I do not believe one can be “convinced” of God by mere teachings about Him, but only led. That is because the existence of God manifests itself in the inward man and it is the individual inward experience of God that provides the “psychic”...
How Collective Thought Influences the Individual
In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat. – Leon Trotsky (1937) “A fixed...
In the old days, growing up poor was not a perquisite to failure in life. Instead, it was that negative thought of oneself that was the defeating factor. But that was when opportunity abounded and everyone had a dream, and it was their dream, or...
I must go public with my medical condition because, if I don't, I will never be free to work where I want to in the United States. I will also never receive medical care in my country (I am deliberately left “undiagnosed”). I will never have...
Why is there nothing much written in any newspapers regarding the global climate changes resulting from the earth’s polarity shift? Everyone is aware, are they not, that the earth is undergoing one? I heard it is all about magnetic shifts, in...
Is it true to say that those who hold contempt for the wealthy and its “material” counterpart are free of materialism in their hearts? Is it not fair to say that those who are focused on material ends in their hearts are in fact more...
The threat to capitalism today is not only that “collectivism” is quickly replacing “individualism” as the new norm (in large part due to Internet and social website communications), it is that it is happening because the liberals and our...
Can we ever feel safe again?