How may hubbers out there engage in "prewriting"?

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  1. sherrituck profile image80
    sherrituckposted 11 years ago

    How may hubbers out there engage in "prewriting"?

    Most of the time when I write, I sit down at the computer and start composing. I often edit as I go along.  I am curious to know the number of people that "prewrite" or outline the hub before going through the writing process.

  2. Rfordin profile image79
    Rfordinposted 11 years ago

    I usually work like this:

    Something sparks my interest.
    I think "Oh, I could write a hub about _______".
    Then I "prewrite" it in my head, jotting key things along the way.
    I "start a new hub" with the article and open a word doc.
    TYPE away...

    I find that using a word doc. first makes me see the different "capsules" naturally but it also takes much more time. After I've written, edited, re-written, and re-edited the info for the hub I then copy and paste it into the orginal hub.
    I still must preview it a thousand times to read and reread it again.

    Sometimes as I write the ideas come faster then the fingers can type. So inevitably I recognize that I left things out that I orgianlly meant to add. I find that if if I read, write, re-read, rewrite, edit etc. I can pick up on things I "wanted" to mention but didn't and all the other little nasty things that need fixing.

    Overall YES I do spend tons of time prewriting.

    1. sherrituck profile image80
      sherrituckposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      My brain has a tendency to work faster than my fingers.  When I edit my work, I often read the words out loud so that I can catch any missed words.  Sometimes my eyes will think they see words that aren't really there.

  3. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image83
    Marcy Goodfleischposted 11 years ago

    I just do whatever research is needed (for informative hubs), and by the time I'm through with that, it's formed in my head fairly well and I start writing. Sometimes I do it in a Word doc, but usually I just write it in the hub template. That's probably because for many years I had tight deadlines with no time available to draft an outline or anything like that.

  4. cam8510 profile image93
    cam8510posted 11 years ago

    I have only been writing on hubpages for four months.  I have written 53 hubs.   This is a good question for me to consider.  Of course most of my ideas come whenever they come, but when I sit down to work on it, I am usually right there on HubPages "Start a New Hub".  A couple of times that was the best thing for that particular topic, but right now I am working on a fiction series.  Writing right into the hub is not the best.  I need to outline where I am going.  So, to answer your question.  I do almost no prewriting now, but see the need to begin doing more.  Good question.  Thanks

  5. Jenn-Anne profile image72
    Jenn-Anneposted 11 years ago

    I start by creating an article in word. I might write the article in one sitting but I'll leave it in word for a day or two, editing as needed. Then I'll start a hub and transfer the info out of the word doc into the hub. Then I'll let it sit there for another day or so until I'm happy with the format. Then I publish. Sounds like a long process but the actual time spent writing isn't that long.

  6. Nell Rose profile image92
    Nell Roseposted 11 years ago

    It really all depends on what I am writing, but most of the time I take notes, in fact I have about 10 notepads scattered around my desk, and it takes me ages figuring out which one I have scribbled my notes in! Seriously though yes I do take notes, especially if the hub is quite complicated and some of the words just need to be checked for spelling as not all the words are covered in the spell check.

  7. pmun profile image58
    pmunposted 11 years ago

    When i first started, i didnt thought much but it was more to personal sharing.
    Then i started to look around other hubbers and checking my grammar and spelling through word docs.
    Then tried to keep it to max 5 pharagraph/5 key points, and im keeping that until now.

  8. missa72542 profile image90
    missa72542posted 11 years ago

    I normally open Microsoft Word and set out an outline before writing. If you take a look at some of my hubs you'll see that I separate some paragraphs with bold titles. In Word I would normally do that and in parenthasis I would type out quick notes about what I wanted to say. For example, on my fun cat facts hub:

    When a cat brings you a mouse it means he likes you!
    (Mention why its a compliment, and ways to avoid it/make your cat leave it at the trash can)

    ^^ stuff kinda like that. And then I go back in later and type out in detail what I want to say.

    After that, when i'm putting it the text capsules... I'll take one more look to see if there is anything I would like to add.

  9. Richard Perazzo profile image59
    Richard Perazzoposted 11 years ago

    I mostly "prewrite" in my head before doing an actual hub. I'll give myself some sort of vague outline in my head before I start writing, just to make sure I touch on the things the hub is actually about.

  10. profile image54
    gautams1posted 11 years ago

    I plan on what I write. I come up with the heading and then the sub topics. This helps me get my article organized and then I start writing.

  11. bbanks27 profile image87
    bbanks27posted 6 years ago

    I always write a rough draft and edit on paper first. It can help approve your quality of writing.


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