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Sherri Tuck (sherrituck)

Joined 12 years ago from Virginia

  • 183
  • 122
  • 64
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    On the Road in America: Natural Bridge, Virginia

    2 years ago

    Find a mixture of nature and history at a place that took ages to build. Just ten miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway, Natural Bridge State Park promises each visitor an amazing journey.

  • 2

    On the Road in America: Gatlinburg, Tennessee

    2 years ago

    Looking for a place to visit on your next road trip? From outdoor adventure to shopping, Gatlinburg, Tennessee has much to offer. Plan a visit to this gateway to the Smokey Mountains.

  • 3

    On the Road: 3 North Carolina Lighthouses in One Day

    10 months ago

    Visiting the Outer Banks of North Carolina? Spend a day on the road visiting three of North Carolina's historical lighthouses.

  • The Affordable Care Act:  Did It Make a Difference?

    The Affordable Care Act: Did It Make a Difference?

    9 years ago

    Much has been said about the Affordable Care Act since its implementation in 2010. The bulk of the argument, however, is political rhetoric with party politics weighing in on both sides.

  • Modern Day Eleanor

    Modern Day Eleanor

    9 years ago

    Songs are but an extention of the self. Music is the mirror and we cannot refuse our reflections. This poem is about one of those reflections.

  • On Waiting for Hot and Sour Soup at a Chinese Restaurant

    On Waiting for Hot and Sour Soup at a Chinese Restaurant

    9 years ago

    A poem about the little messages around us.

  • The Rain Comes to Wash

    The Rain Comes to Wash

    9 years ago

    A poem about cleansing

  • The Feather Falls

    The Feather Falls

    9 years ago

    Have you ever watched the wind carry a feather?

  • Burning Ember

    Burning Ember

    10 years ago

    A poem about fire that burns to the core

  • On Watching the Breath

    On Watching the Breath

    10 years ago

    Sitting with closed eyes and heart open to the universe I breathe in Feeling the rush of cool air to nostril I breath out And I find peace I breathe in Feeling the rush of cool air to nostril I breathe out And I find love I breathe...

  • How to Run a Successful Online Craft Store

    How to Run a Successful Online Craft Store

    10 years ago

    Making Money Doing Something that You Love

  • Night Comes Creeping

    Night Comes Creeping

    10 years ago

    A poem to catch the time between that last glimmer of light and the black shroud of nightime

  • On Watching Rain Hit Asphalt

    On Watching Rain Hit Asphalt

    10 years ago

    Hot pavement burning blacktop Graying clouds threatening skies Open up hearts and release tears Heaving, flowing, pounding tears Mixing with heat creating steam And that musty smell left Wafting through the air Emerging from small,...

  • e.e. cummings is dead

    e.e. cummings is dead

    9 years ago

    deFine poetry! categorize it... make words rhyme (tell us where to put captal letters) and where to place the lines---- perfect meter and punctuation just right (rules are made to be followed) e.e. cummings is dead... no! ...

  • The Old Worn Keyboard

    The Old Worn Keyboard

    10 years ago

    She is just an old, worn keyboard Dusty, spotted; But she is a friend- My friend- Her keys fit my fingers- I touch them, Strike them gently, Watch the letters emerge on paper She is my solace My dream My peace My home. ...

  • The Open Road Before Me

    The Open Road Before Me

    11 years ago

    A Poem About the Urge to Wander

  • Mercy River

    Mercy River

    11 years ago

    Part I - Southern Short Stories

  • Hands Empty

    Hands Empty

    11 years ago

    Hands empty...Nothing to hide Standing where you once stood My soul an open wound Why do you make me bleed so? Life's liquid poured out for your enjoyment. Don't take my pain for granted. At one time I was your possession To do with me...

  • Four Young Boys At Play

    Four Young Boys At Play

    11 years ago

    A poem about a child's worldview from the authors perspective

  • Improvation On Life

    Improvation On Life

    11 years ago

    A poem for all who are hiding their inner light

  • Woodstock Dreams

    Woodstock Dreams

    11 years ago

    What is it about time that drives us into the past? Like ripples through space We yearn to become part of something we were not. Perhaps this is what it is like to be human To want what we did not have To experience what has not been...

  • Sing Songs of Beauty

    Sing Songs of Beauty

    11 years ago

    A reflection on the feelings of love

  • Dusk at Bodie Light

    Dusk at Bodie Light

    11 years ago

    A poem written while spending time with an icon of the Southern shores of North Carolina.

  • Street Festival

    Street Festival

    11 years ago

    The sidewalk becomes a sea of tents Awnings and flags ride the waves of this ocean The artists come to the shore daily To display their wares Beautiful pieces made by creative hands Spectators view their displays Eying each treasure as...

  • The Quiet of the Morning

    The Quiet of the Morning

    11 years ago

    The quiet of the morning comes Looking for companionship Watch for her for time will steal her away In a second she will be gone Her presence never to be known. These fleeting moments are precious Seconds not to be wasted In them...

  • The Simple Beauty of Shavasana

    The Simple Beauty of Shavasana

    10 years ago

    Recently, a friend posted a picture of a women engaged in the cobra pose on a well-known social media site. In the picture, the woman looked radiant as she opened her heart in the pose. When I read the comments below the photograph, one comment...

  • On Watching the Sun Rise Over the Ocean

    On Watching the Sun Rise Over the Ocean

    11 years ago

    Seeking stillness in the morning, I rise before dawn The world is still made of shadows Waking images shaking off the shroud of the night I take my place among them and wait for the magic of dawn That place in time when light emerges Early...

  • Springtime Beauty Born

    Springtime Beauty Born

    11 years ago

    Springtime beauty born Life given anew Sweet smells of open petals Blooming different hues I clutch the dandelion in my palm Blow white whispers through the air Run barefoot and free Feeling the tears of a spring storm underneath ...

  • Do Not Give Up the Fight

    Do Not Give Up the Fight

    11 years ago

    I am my own worst critic Harsh and unpleasant I repeat the chiding of an inner voice A voice that refuses to let go of past failures Why do I chose to listen? When those maddening echos Fill my head and scream "You can't!" Today is the...

  • On Wanting to Watch the Grass Grow

    On Wanting to Watch the Grass Grow

    11 years ago

    Time is but a fleeting breath A mad rush to go somewhere To spin on life's carousel I long to jump off the endless ride I want to fly far from the chaos And sit in a green meadow Surrounded by wildflowers and butterflies Covered by a...

  • To Myself as I Write

    To Myself as I Write

    10 years ago

    I dare not know what to say To a white space on blank canvas Black plastic squares Strike strokes of splashing colors In the form of words Woven together to illuminate They are but an impression See them as you will See the colors ...

  • On Listening to a Songbird Sing on a Rainy Day

    On Listening to a Songbird Sing on a Rainy Day

    11 years ago

    Third day of spring brings clouds Dampness hangs in the air Cold air chills the bones and the soul My body craves warmth For I am frozen to the marrow Soon I pause to hear a small chirp A tiny minstrel sits outside the window His chirp...

  • Reflections on a Beach at Dusk

    Reflections on a Beach at Dusk

    10 years ago

    The beach is almost vacant The crowds have disappeared to shop and eat Perhaps even to dance the night into the dawn I gaze at the white foam as it creeps near to my moving feet Jagged, wet fingers reach for me but miss their mark My gaze...

  • On Hearing the Wind in March

    On Hearing the Wind in March

    11 years ago

    The fierce March wind how it does blow Its hand shakes the glass of windows Reminding those that dwell inside That it is powerful and full of might I am one of those who dwell One who listens to the roar of an unseen lion One who sits in...

  • To a Little Sand Crab

    To a Little Sand Crab

    10 years ago

    A short reflection on interaction between two creatures.

  • On Seeing the Light's Reflection on Autumn Leaves

    On Seeing the Light's Reflection on Autumn Leaves

    11 years ago

    Crisp autumn day in the mountains A time to reflect as I stroll Along the weather-beaten foot bridge I stop to gaze at the water below Not much water to see Just leaves; beautiful leaves In the shapes and colors of fall Reds, yellows,...

  • Tranquility Speaks

    Tranquility Speaks

    11 years ago

    A poem about living in the present moment and taking time to just "be".

  • Bring on the Night for I Am Waiting

    Bring on the Night for I Am Waiting

    11 years ago

    Bring on the the night for I am waiting Waiting to be taken by dark mist The grey that swirls around full moon In and out of twinkling stars Grey mist that surrounds me Lifts me and transports me To other worlds beyond this realm A...

  • Justice was Served!

    Justice was Served!

    11 years ago

    "Justice was served!" read the headlines "An eye for an eye" the Good Book says And all heads nodded in agreement At the paper in the small green box The sound of silver against metal rang through the air As men and women alike purchased...

  • Abstracts in the Museum

    Abstracts in the Museum

    11 years ago

    A visit to the museum is good for the soul It becomes a time to absorb history's colors Become part of the painting that is the regression of time I am a fan of the abstracts Not the paintings featuring haphazard brush strokes and mixed...

  • To The Man Fishing on the Beach

    To The Man Fishing on the Beach

    10 years ago

    What is your life's quest?

  • The Shadow of My Soul

    The Shadow of My Soul

    11 years ago

    My soul was open and free Then the shadow came Darkness covered her Like a mourning veil I am in mourning For something I can not have I ache for lost love Once before in life's dance I detached my soul from this entity Cast it...

  • Where Art Thou, O Inspiration?

    Where Art Thou, O Inspiration?

    11 years ago

    O, Inspiration, you elude me I wait for your wisdom My wait is in vain You taunt, tease, and promise You flutter around in my head Like moths around a bright light O, Inspiration, you are quite evasive Our relationship is but a dance ...

  • Upon Listening to the Rain Fall

    Upon Listening to the Rain Fall

    11 years ago

    Upon listening to the rain fall heavily Torrents of water pounding against glass Like wet pebbles They assault my window No mere shower from heaven Instead a loud crashing explosion The sky erupting like a geyser Water running down...

  • Rise Up To Meet Your Dreams

    Rise Up To Meet Your Dreams

    12 years ago

    Rise up to meet your dreams They are not untouchable Man has said "No" Yet faith say says "Yes" Destiny takes your hand Flying you over the obstacles in your way And cradles you in the wings of possibility There are no limits Your...

  • In Question:  A Poem

    In Question: A Poem

    12 years ago

    Fire is often brought into the soul A fire that can not be quenched with liquid pure Instead it takes a desire that can only be questioned Is it wrong or right? Who knows the answer to constant reflection It is a mystery bound to consume...

  • Unknowing


    11 years ago

    Uncertainty. Not an easy feeling to explain It is haunting and weighs on the heart Unknowing and yet certain of my fate Shall I give the heart what it wants? Or stay safe within my cocoon? My shelter built throughout the years A fortress...

  • Sunday Morning,

    Sunday Morning, "Ladies of the Canyon" and Blueberry Pancakes

    11 years ago

    Morning sun peaks through blinds Warm, bright beams thaw icy ground The world awakes as do I Stretch, yawn, connect with earth Breathe and expand muscle After peaceful sleep Sunday comes Blessed day of rest Make the world stop And...

  • Meditations on an Icy Night

    Meditations on an Icy Night

    10 years ago

    The night is cold and quiet There is only the sound of sleet It assaults the glass of my window Its sound is--hypnotic I close my eyes Allowing the sound to be my escort To take me down a path of icy dreams The world has stopped ...

  • Musings on a Hot Bath

    Musings on a Hot Bath

    11 years ago

    The feel of hot water Steam hovering in the air The scents of lavender, Wild mountain honey, Jasmine so pure This is baptism A time to wash away the day's dust To cleanse and be cleansed Not just body but also soul Sounds from...

  • Ode to a Darkroom

    Ode to a Darkroom

    11 years ago

    This digital age It begs for instant gratification Point. Click. Download. And the wait is over Yet, I love the darkroom The old 4 x 5 camera With wood and bellows The timeless beauty of black white images Great mystery of...

  • Summer Symphony

    Summer Symphony

    11 years ago

    Dusk reveals her magic After evening storms pass When coolness hangs in the air And gentle breezes full of rich, earthy smells Caress the sense of all who breathe Women sit on front porches Some in painted rocking chairs Others sway in...

  • Mine Uranium!

    Mine Uranium!

    11 years ago

    Beneath the ground flows a vein A lifeline to salvation some would say "Mine Uranium!" is the cry As supporters write letters Beg lawmakers with the power To lift a ban set in place to protect The people, environment, and nature. ...

  • Cotton Mill

    Cotton Mill

    11 years ago

    Old Cotton Mill Great industry of the South You are only a shell An empty vessel of the past Walls that once contained Equipment of the last, great revolution Are now piles of crumbling bricks Men and women sort through decay Trying...

  • This Dream Is Still Alive

    This Dream Is Still Alive

    11 years ago

    The dream was simple One day we would all stand together Hate would cease One person would not think themselves Better than neighbor There would be no more darkness The light of the world seen by all This was the dream And many...

  • Sunday Dinner on the Grounds

    Sunday Dinner on the Grounds

    12 years ago

    Summer sun shines through stained glass Women cool with ice cream-stick fans The Good Shepherd sways to and fro Generating a faint breeze The minister speaks His loud voice tells of love and promise I listen from wooden pew Too young...

  • Weathering Change

    Weathering Change

    12 years ago

    Like most people, I do not respond well to change. Although I like to think that I am flexible and try to roll with the punches, my inner self screams at the thought of change. Instead of expressing my frustration, I try to hide my emotions behind a...

  • Catching Rainwater

    Catching Rainwater

    11 years ago

    Southern storms stalk southern horizons The grey clouds creep Casting dark shadows on steamy earth And their voices cry "Rain!" A child of eight hears the echo The loud thunderous boom She runs to the screened porch With plastic cup ...

  • Where Are You, Randle P. McMurphy?

    Where Are You, Randle P. McMurphy?

    10 years ago

    I work for the Combine Sweeping its floors Watching others As they participate in mindless games Designed to make their square shapes fit into round holes. Why must we play this game called conformity? Who has the right to say "do this"...

  • Last Night and Again...Tomorrow

    Last Night and Again...Tomorrow

    11 years ago

    Last night and again...tomorrow Two promises intertwined Feelings exposed and vulnerable I wait patiently for the morning to come To see if the promise holds true Dare me to believe once again The truth I refuse to see Tell me no more...

  • Speak to Me with Gentle Words

    Speak to Me with Gentle Words

    12 years ago

    Speak to me with gentle words I want to hear butterfly wings Not clanging cymbals Loud crashing cymbals ringing the night air I want to hear cotton fall Light wisps floating to the ground Soft feathers of kindness Telling me it is all...

  • I Weep For

    I Weep For

    12 years ago

    I weep for the world Its sadness a burden to bear Eyes open to atrocities War, famine, poverty Images of what we have become Commanded to love neighbor Give to the poor Weep with the weeping The mandate seems lost Where did it go?...

  • Counting The Stars

    Counting The Stars

    12 years ago

    Count the stars A million bright jewels Casting yellow beams Specks against a velvet backdrop The heavenly choir sings its song To the guardian of the universe The song pulses and throbs The beat of a millennium As I, only a tiny...

  • Small Splendor

    Small Splendor

    11 years ago

    Tiny green bud springs forth from fertile brown earth. The first bloom of life will be loved and nourished by nature Kissed by the sunlight Watered by tears from the sky Nature will love this tiny green bud She will coax it from a brown...

  • Want to Improve Your Writing Skills?  Listen to Bob Dylan

    Want to Improve Your Writing Skills? Listen to Bob Dylan

    9 years ago

    I love Bob Dylan. My love for the man and his music stems from the desire to be part of a decade dedicated to change: the sixties. Dylan's music fueled the flames of this turbulent era in American history, yet his lyrics still speak to us today....

  • Gypsy Soul

    Gypsy Soul

    12 years ago

    My dear Gypsy Soul, I caught you wandering down the open road Careless and free Looking for adventure behind life's wheel You dream so many dreams Travel the world in your mind's eye My timeless twin, The dust of new land Cover's...

  • Peace is Near

    Peace is Near

    12 years ago

    There is a special moment in time When silence speaks to those that listen An important silence commanding attention Demanding her audience to rise up Embrace the stillness Peace is near So near that the earth erupts with joy Light...

  • The World and I

    The World and I

    12 years ago

    The world and I Two odd friends Joined together by destiny. A strange relationship Enforced by time. Time that slips though fingers Like water or sand. Precious time given to me To save or to squander It has all been my choice. ...

  • New Year's Blessings

    New Year's Blessings

    12 years ago

    I sing the glories of the New Year On the edge of miracles we stand A chance for reconciliation To become whole once more Hope comes on the wings of the new Promises echo in the background As we join hands and embrace all humanity We...

  • He Became Like Me

    He Became Like Me

    12 years ago

    He became like me To feel what I feel To understand why I cry To know a breaking heart The pain of loneliness. He became like me Not a king or a prince Instead a pauper Poor in the eyes of the world And insignificant to...

  • Sowing Seeds of Self Control

    Sowing Seeds of Self Control

    12 years ago

    The new year is quickly approaching. This is the time for people to make resolutions: resolutions that will often be broken two days into the year. The idea of making a resolution is a noble one, but what good does it do if we can not keep our...

  • I Dreamed of Love

    I Dreamed of Love

    12 years ago

    I dreamed of love A never ending love That filled my heart. The type of love That showed mercy Teaching compassion and grace. The type of love that did not end Warm and beautiful A continuous gift to a fragile soul A soul--lonely...

  • He Came For Me

    He Came For Me

    12 years ago

    He came not for the angels They had not the need. He came not for the vengeful To fulfill a warrior's creed. He came not for glory Nor for riches and fame. He came for me A sinner with guilt and shame. I am not a priest ...

  • Love Was Born

    Love Was Born

    12 years ago

    In the beginning When the Word was with The Creator of all Love was born To save a sinful people From their ghastly deeds Sing praises for this gift Of salvation, mercy, and grace Give thanks for a babe Born to set humanity free ...

  • Sunset Prayer

    Sunset Prayer

    12 years ago

    Day turns to dusk Bright blues and billowing clouds Fade to scarlet and magenta streaks Soon darkness will cover the earth I am not afraid For the Creator holds me near Sleep comes like peaceful waves When He watches over me I close...

  • Afternoon Prayer

    Afternoon Prayer

    12 years ago

    Midday pause Morning reflection A time to express gratitude For nourishment and rest Too often we hurry Scurry like ants An hour is precious Like a grain of sand Time is a gift A present often squandered Wasted on minutia When...

  • Morning Comes

    Morning Comes

    12 years ago

    Morning comes A still moment in time To share with God He comes to me In the sunrise A soft raidiant beam Emerging over pastel hues Reminding me of all Creation Subtle rays touch the earth Warming them with love The power of His...

  • Dove Wings

    Dove Wings

    12 years ago

    Sweet, soft whispers of prayer Escape my lips Before I realize the words are spoken My Father knows my need He sends His love on dove wings Pure and sparkling white I feel them flutter in my soul And know the Spirit is near I need...

  • Prepare, Watch, Rejoice!

    Prepare, Watch, Rejoice!

    12 years ago

    Prepare your hearts The day is drawing near A tiny child will come And we will no longer fear. Watch for the day is coming Do not let your hearts despair The king will come to save us Songs will fill the air. Rejoice for He...

  • Take This Yoke

    Take This Yoke

    12 years ago

    Take this yoke I have carried it too long My shoulders are tired My back is bent. My soul cries out for relief I want to let go Yet I move forward If only I had help This load would cease to matter. For years I have endured...

  • In The End, Love Wins

    In The End, Love Wins

    12 years ago

    "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away." Revelation 21:1 The world is a scary place. We can not turn on our televisions or open our newspapers without a grim reminder that we live in a...

  • Peace I Give To You

    Peace I Give To You

    12 years ago

    Peace I give to you My peace Perfect peace In a world of uncertainty I love you You shall not fear I am your fortress I am your strength I come to you I know your every need My Spirit will comfort you In me you will find rest....

  • Dancing Light

    Dancing Light

    12 years ago

    Dancing light A ray of yellow sparkle Weaving in and out of branches I watch you flutter Shadows and shapes emerge As you bounce around Hovering over a green carpet The world embraces your tender touch Resplendent with shining hues....

  • 'Tween Two Doors

    'Tween Two Doors

    12 years ago

    I stand 'tween two doors The one behind me closing Before me I see green paths Stretching forth to opportunity The creaking sound of the past Reminds to move forward To embrace the open space My feet remain planted Ankles mired in...

  • The Manger And The Cross

    The Manger And The Cross

    12 years ago

    A Christmas Poem for All

  • My Garden of Life

    My Garden of Life

    12 years ago

    My garden of life is a maze of wonder Come walk with me Among flowers watered with tears. Feet touching a carpet of dreams Moss like and soft to the touch Rising above the thorns. Arms reaching to the sun Expanding like petals...

  • Tiny King The Prince of Peace:  A Poem

    Tiny King The Prince of Peace: A Poem

    12 years ago

    Tiny King the Prince of Peace Starlight shining on your crib Wonderful Counselor God's greatest gift Given to us this night Wee little babe Mightier than any army Teach us to love our neighbor Show us how to care for the poor Make...

  • I Dreamed of Jesus

    I Dreamed of Jesus

    12 years ago

    Last night during sleep I saw Jesus Beautiful and full of love I clung to Him Feeling love A love that can not be explained Peaceful bliss Never-ending joy Rushed through me Evil was gone Only love remained This was Jesus My...

  • Emmanuel Comes:  A Poem for Advent

    Emmanuel Comes: A Poem for Advent

    12 years ago

    Prepare the way! Emmanuel comes To this world of desolation To this land of war, hunger, and disease The Prince of Peace comes He will wipe away every tear We will cry no more He is Emmanuel And God is with us A promise kept to the...

  • My Time to Pray - A Poem

    My Time to Pray - A Poem

    12 years ago

    The evening comes and darkness falls There is a quiet hush In the silence a whisper This is my time to pray A time of reflection A time of renewal Prayer comes from the heart Silent utterances to the Creator My Creator My God ...

  • Yoga:  A Reflection on My Thirty Year Practice

    Yoga: A Reflection on My Thirty Year Practice

    5 years ago

    Don't Ever Give Up On Your Practice! This sentence may sound like simple words of encouragement; but when I begin to reflect upon my ten-year-old yoga practice, the statement becomes mantra. I began my yoga practice at the age of thirty-two after...

  • To Dance To Dream

    To Dance To Dream

    12 years ago

    Full moon Enveloping the night sky Shining brightly In the dark Under this celestial orb The world comes to life All of night's creatures Dance in the midst of its light A nocturnal glow The dance becomes a dream As beings sway...

  • Sipapu


    12 years ago

    A poem to celebrate the majesty of the Great Sipapu of the Hopi Nation: The Grand Canyon.

  • Old Baldy

    Old Baldy

    12 years ago

    Across the way The ferry carries her precious cargo; In the distance Emerges the grey stone watchman; The keeper of the light "Old Baldy!" people began to shout. They have come to see the stone watchman; Its splendor emerges through...

  • Rain Falling From the Sky

    Rain Falling From the Sky

    12 years ago

    Rain falling from the sky Wash me clean Take from me All that is confines Take from me Restrictions I long to be free So free I want to fly I want to soar I want to twirl and dance In the midst of your showers Living ...

  • Beautiful Gratitude

    Beautiful Gratitude

    12 years ago

    Beautiful gratitude; Opening the soul; Oh to be thankful During bleak times; A difficult chore; Yet necessary to life; Deep within your being; There is a light; Flickering in the dark; That light is hope Hope is eternal; Sing...

  • Eyes Full of Beauty

    Eyes Full of Beauty

    12 years ago

    I long for eyes full of beauty; Eyes that look past pain and sorrow; Eyes that see hope; The type of hope that springs eternal; Hope that embraces love; The type of love that destroys evil; I long for eyes full of beauty; Where...

  • Come to the Table

    Come to the Table

    12 years ago

    Come to the table Prepared by loving hands. Share the abundance; Our gifts to you. You do not know me I am a stranger Today I open my heart I give you the bread of life Prepared by loving hands. Come to the table; It has been...

  • Dust of Life

    Dust of Life

    12 years ago

    The corners of my soul Hold the dust of life Little particles Of the past Cling to it's walls Holding on to something Nameless, Invisible, Yet always present. At times the particles Morph into sharp edges That make my soul...

  • World on Fire

    World on Fire

    12 years ago

    World on fire Burning brightly Come to me Song of Passion Song of Glory, World on fire Where have you been? You once burned for me Only for me And I was on fire for you Full of the zeal of life. I could do it all I had you ...

  • Breadline


    12 years ago

    Waiting For food For daily bread For survival Not just for you But for the little ones Standing at your feet. Food Pantry The 21st century breadline Opens its doors So that others may live. There is no shame Asking for help....

  • To The Man In the Park

    To The Man In the Park

    12 years ago

    I see you each morning Leaving your temporary bed. Under a cover of shadows You emerge from the park On your back you carry the world Your world Your proof of existence Everything that matters to you Bends your back. In your eyes I...

  • You Gave Me Three Roses

    You Gave Me Three Roses

    12 years ago

    You gave me three roses; Pink petals opening their hearts. Little buds wrapped in a green blanket Emerging from their crystal home. A beautiful surprise And I was startled By your thoughtfulness. You were the first to think me worthy ...

  • I Am The Image Of Woman

    I Am The Image Of Woman

    12 years ago

    I am the image of woman: Strong Free Beautiful. I am made of flesh and bone Connected in a way That is divine. I am many to all Daughter Wife Teacher Counselor Nurse Preacher Lover Friend. With grace I perform each...

  • Blue Ridge Reflections

    Blue Ridge Reflections

    12 years ago

    Old Mill, Beautiful, Touched by time, What have you witnessed? You are a reminder of the past A reminder of a time when life was hard Hard because of work It was the Blue Ridge way of life. Yet, it was a good life. It was a...

  • Open To The Divine Presence in You

    Open To The Divine Presence in You

    12 years ago

    Energy flowing from the openness of my heart Reminds me that we are one My body stretches Eyes lifted toward heaven Drinking in the divine Drinking in the presence of something Too holy to name In this pose I feel love I embrace the...

  • The Great and Powerful Oz

    The Great and Powerful Oz

    12 years ago

    Power is an illusion This you do not see As you hide behind a smokescreen. I see through the illusion Of power and glory. I see someone with a great need For control For respect. Are you frightened by vulnerability? Do you fear...

  • A Gift for the Broken

    A Gift for the Broken

    12 years ago

    My friend I see you Although you feel alone Broken by life's flaws. Passing reminders Of mistakes Have conquered your soul Oh! What a dark night Filled with tears That roll down your cheeks. Cheeks that were once rosy with laughter...

  • Afraid No More

    Afraid No More

    12 years ago

    Afraid no more To express true feelings To open my heart To let my light shine To love and be loved. I once was afraid Hiding Trembling I have given that fear to the universe To take into the palms of its hands And spread across...

  • Dream to Live

    Dream to Live

    12 years ago

    Dream to live A life deserved Free of hate Full of love. Look through eyes that see a world Of freedom Justice For everyone. Bring hope to a hurting world Do not despair This is my dream I give it to you It is free No...

  • I Rock Myself to Sleep

    I Rock Myself to Sleep

    12 years ago

    I rock myself to sleep Sweet sleep and pleasant dreams Dreams that refuse to recall the day's events Sleep is peace Peaceful rest Beautiful dreams of an ideal life Quiet happiness. In the dark, I sing a lullaby As I rock myself...

  • A Time to be Simple

    A Time to be Simple

    12 years ago

    Life is a challenging roller coaster ride. We struggle to hang on as it takes us around sharp turns and through unexpected loops. In one moment in time, we are on top of the world. The high is only temporary because we soon feel the ride taking...

  • A Poem For the Beautiful

    A Poem For the Beautiful

    12 years ago

    I see you sitting across from me; I can not see the scars and the bruises, But the look on your face tells me they are there. Your eyes bear the burden no one should bear. You are beautiful to me. I wish I could be the one To help you...

  • You Do Not Have Power Over Me

    You Do Not Have Power Over Me

    12 years ago

    You do not have power over me! I will rise above Your labels Your insults Your cowardly jabs at my self-esteem; You do not have power over me! I do not feel contempt for you Although I have every right. In fact, I feel sad. You...

  • My Candle Burns For You

    My Candle Burns For You

    12 years ago

    You don't know me, But I think about you often. I don't know your name; I don't know what you look like; I do know that you are alone; I know that deep down you are frightened; You are imprisoned. By whom or what, I do not know. I...

  • Walking in Sand

    Walking in Sand

    12 years ago

    Walking in sand I feel you by my side. Sometimes I fall behind You wait for me to catch up. We continue our walk Collecting sea shells along the way. You laugh at me; I want to pick up every shell There are so many colors I want...

  • Look At Me With Eyes That Are Free

    Look At Me With Eyes That Are Free

    12 years ago

    Look at me with eyes that are free from hate. I have done nothing to you Yet I receive your scorn. I am the target of your pain; Why do you hate? Who taught you that everyone must be the same? In your actions you reject the teachings...

  • Tobacco Memories

    Tobacco Memories

    11 years ago

    Childhood memories of warm sweet smells Smells that emerge from old, wooden barns Smells that remind me that fall is almost here. Around the carts pilled high with green leaves We run and play as the grown-ups work in the barn. One day I...

  • To Be At War No More

    To Be At War No More

    11 years ago

    I do not like this war It has spread far from battle line Man fights man Woman fights woman Child fights child It is a war of selfishness One that refuses to end A product of an uncertain generation With no goal in sight The...

  • I Am Angry

    I Am Angry

    12 years ago

    "I am angry." I don't like this emotion called anger. It burns me from the inside. I feel it down deep Like a sore that refuses to heal, Anger returning over and over. Taking its toll on a fragile soul. "I am angry." I don't...

  • Climbing Mountain

    Climbing Mountain

    12 years ago

    Do you see it? There it stands looming in the distance. I wonder how long it will take to conquer This mammoth of rock and dirt Formed by the hands of time. It is a challenge Someone's destiny But not my own today I turn away from...

  • Free Clinic

    Free Clinic

    12 years ago

    She sits in the waiting room; In a corner she waits to be called. I notice her as I walk into the office. I know her face; This is the first time I know her as a patient. I catch a glimpse of her sitting in her chair Holding the...

  • Sowing Seeds of Faithfulness

    Sowing Seeds of Faithfulness

    12 years ago

    "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22 Faithfulness is the cornerstone of relationships. Without faithfulness we can not understand what it means...

  • The Heaven in You

    The Heaven in You

    12 years ago

    The dawn gave birth to a rainbow; Bright and beautiful Color splash across the sky; Opening and caressing the clouds, Nature's arch landed in an oasis Of greens, browns, yellows, and blues; The colors of the earth they say Yet...

  • How to Make Money Selling Your Own Jewelry

    How to Make Money Selling Your Own Jewelry

    12 years ago

    Making jewelry is a fun and inexpensive hobby. The products you need to get started will include beads, stringing material, and a little creativity. I began to make jewelry about two years ago, but I have always loved to mix colors and shapes. I...

  • Not That You Care

    Not That You Care

    12 years ago

    I am looking for something real Not that you care. Something tangible; something I can hold in the palm of my hand; Like a box of promises filled to the brim with hope and expectation; Or, in some respects, a sack of dreams --misty and...

  • Why Was Christ Born to Die?

    Why Was Christ Born to Die?

    12 years ago

    "But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and by his bruises we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5) In just a few short weeks, Christians will begin a time of preparation known...

  • Sowing Seeds of Goodness

    Sowing Seeds of Goodness

    12 years ago

    "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22 When I study the passage on the Fruits of the Spirit, "goodness" always causes me to pause and contemplate...

  • Cultivating Acceptance

    Cultivating Acceptance

    12 years ago

    "Therefore, God's chosen ones, holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, accepting one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you,...

  • Pulling Weeds of Anger

    Pulling Weeds of Anger

    12 years ago

    "But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth." Colossians 3:8 The weeds of anger are silent killers. The goal of anger is to destroy the fruit that springs forth from the...

  • Mindful of God

    Mindful of God

    12 years ago

    Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! Psalm 46.10 Mindfulness is the practice of being aware. It is a state of seeking wisdom in silence and contemplating spiritual growth....

  • Sowing Seeds of Kindness

    Sowing Seeds of Kindness

    12 years ago

    "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22 What is your definition of kindness? Kindness is an explosive word. It is a word that gives birth to many...

  • Sowing Seeds of Patience

    Sowing Seeds of Patience

    12 years ago

    "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22 Waiting is never an easy task, yet we seem to spend much of our time waiting. When we are young, we can not...

  • The Church vs. The Message

    The Church vs. The Message

    12 years ago

    Now Peter and his companions were weighed down with sleep; but since they had stayed awake, they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him. Just as they were leaving him, Peter said to Jesus, "Master, it is good for us to be here; let us make...

  • Deny Yourself

    Deny Yourself

    12 years ago

    "Then he said to them all, "If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will save it. What...

  • Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

    Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

    12 years ago

    "Then people came out to see what had happened, and when they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind. And they were afraid." Luke 8:35 Luke 8:35 has always...

  • Sowing Seeds of Peace

    Sowing Seeds of Peace

    12 years ago

    "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22 I've got peace like a river I've got peace like a river I've got peace like a river in my soul I've got...

  • Sowing Seeds of Joy

    Sowing Seeds of Joy

    12 years ago

    "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22 When was the last time that you experienced complete and uninhibited joy? Perhaps you recently witnessed...

  • Sowing Seeds of Love

    Sowing Seeds of Love

    12 years ago

    "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22 Have you ever heard the phrase, "You reap what you sow."? Chances are that you have heard this phrase...

  • What Type of Soil are You Today?

    What Type of Soil are You Today?

    10 years ago

    "Then he told them many things in parables, saying: "A farmer went out to sow his seed." (Matthew 13:3) Gardening can be an exercise in patience. Every year my husband and I try our hands at gardening. We clear a small space in the backyard,...

  • Freshly Baked Bread:  Food For The Soul

    Freshly Baked Bread: Food For The Soul

    12 years ago

    "Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." (John 6:35)" There is something heavenly about the smell of freshly baked bread. I should know because...

  • How to Restore the Holiday Spirit: 10 Lessons

    How to Restore the Holiday Spirit: 10 Lessons

    12 years ago

    Do you suffer from holiday burnout? If you answered "yes" to this question, perhaps you need to bring the joy back into your holiday celebration. The commercialization of the holiday season has left us feeling let down. In our effort to shop, shop,...

  • Why Can't I Let Go?

    Why Can't I Let Go?

    12 years ago

    “If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace.” Ajahn Chah I have a tendency to hold on to negative things that I need to purge from my life. There is one particular life event that...

  • Customer Service, Loyalty, and Engagement

    Customer Service, Loyalty, and Engagement

    12 years ago

    In a recent class exercise, I asked my students to describe the level of customer service they had received at various businesses in our city. I was not surprised when I heard comments like "It sucks," or, " It's awful." In the market today,...

  • What is the Road Map For Peace?

    What is the Road Map For Peace?

    12 years ago

    If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. ~Mother Teresa What is the "Road Map for Peace?" This question is certainly worth considering given the state of our nation and the state of our world. Usually...

  • Wearing Peace Signs for Hippie Fashion

    Wearing Peace Signs for Hippie Fashion

    12 years ago

    Do you have flashbacks when you see a peace sign? Yes, the symbol of the decade of flower-power and free love is back with a vengeance. Jewelry, tote bags, and clothing feature the iconic symbol; and, if you are like me, the merchandise is hard to...

  • The Importance of Music to Worship

    The Importance of Music to Worship

    12 years ago

    What is your favorite hymn? Do you like the beautiful and traditional hymns or do you like contemporary worship music? Have you ever listed to worship music from other world religions? If so what did you think? The list of questions could go on...

  • Where Do You Pray?

    Where Do You Pray?

    12 years ago

    Scripture Lesson - Matthew 6 : 1-6 And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, so that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their...

  • Painting the Colors of Your Mind

    Painting the Colors of Your Mind

    12 years ago

    “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” ― Pablo Picasso This past week I attended a seminar at a local university on the healing with art therapy. In the seminar, I learned that art has healing properties. Patients...

  • Gratitude:  A Perpetual State of Thankfulness

    Gratitude: A Perpetual State of Thankfulness

    12 years ago

    “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” ― Ralph Waldo...

  • Don't Be a Stress Hoarder

    Don't Be a Stress Hoarder

    12 years ago

    My father suffered a heart attack when he was in his forties. His ailment was the result of years of poor eating habits and work-related stress. Now that I am in my forties, I worry about the effects of stress on my health. If you are like me,...

  • Living Positively:  Three Ways to Bring Joy Into Your Life

    Living Positively: Three Ways to Bring Joy Into Your Life

    12 years ago

    Do you find true happiness elusive? Perhaps you feel confused by the events that surround you. Attempts to find the positive go unfulfilled as you reach out into the darkness to find something to use as an anchor amidst the turmoil. We all feel...

  • Waiting on the Call

    Waiting on the Call

    12 years ago

    Scripture Lesson - I Corinthians 12 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to...

  • Five Ways to Live Simply

    Five Ways to Live Simply

    5 years ago

    Mahatma Gandhi once said "Live simply so others may simply live." Have you ever contemplated what it means to live simply? Perhaps you have tried to cut back on your consumption of fossil fuels or reduce your waste. You may define simple living many...

  • Three Reasons to Do Yoga

    Three Reasons to Do Yoga

    5 years ago

    OK, so you purchased a yoga mat. You had the right intention when you were in the store, but the mat is currently rolled up and in the closet. What do you do now? People are drawn to practice yoga for many reasons. Some people practice yoga for...

  • How to Knit an Eco-Cotton Dishcloth

    How to Knit an Eco-Cotton Dishcloth

    12 years ago

    Whenever someone asks me if I have a dishwasher, I always tell them that I have a "1970 model with two speeds: wash and dry. If you are assuming that I do not own a dishwasher, you are correct. I do not own one and probably never will. I grew up...

  • Bringing Peace Back Home

    Bringing Peace Back Home

    12 years ago

    Scripture Lesson - Acts 15:22-35 "After they had been there for some time, they were sent off in peace by the believers to those who had sent them." Acts 15:33 At the end of worship service, do we send visitors and friends home with peace? This...

  • Understanding Evil

    Understanding Evil

    12 years ago

    What is the logical purpose for finding the correct definition of evil? How should evil be defined? Should we define evil using a biblical approach only or should the social ramifications of evil be included to form the most accurate definition of...

  • Mealtime Blessings

    Mealtime Blessings

    12 years ago

    God is Great, God is Good, Let is Thank Him for Our Food By His Hands We are Fed Give Us Lord, Our Daily Bread. Amen As a child, it was my job to say this prayer before mealtime. At the time, I did not understand the importance of a...

  • “Where is your God

    “Where is your God"

    12 years ago

    Scripture Lesson - Psalm 42 I say to God, my rock, “Why have you forgotten me? Why must I walk about mournfully because the enemy oppresses me?” As with a deadly wound in my body, my adversaries taunt...

  • S.O.S:  Save Our Sentence

    S.O.S: Save Our Sentence

    10 years ago

    "Oh, the horror!" This exclamation is said by thousands of teachers (present company included) each day as they are faced with the daunting task of grading essays, compositions, and (gasp) research papers. The vile action that provokes such an...

  • How to Make Writer's Block a Thing of the Past

    How to Make Writer's Block a Thing of the Past

    12 years ago

    You know the feeling all too well. You have an idea and the urge to put the idea on paper. You sit down in front of the computer; but, no matter how hard you try, you can not put you idea into words. You see, if you embark on this journey that is...

  • 3

    "I Know My Sheep"

    12 years ago

    Scripture Reading: John 10: 1-18 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand, who is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away - and the...

  • He Said,

    He Said, "Lord, I Believe"

    12 years ago

    Scripture Reading - John 9: 18-41 Jesus heard that they had driven him out, and when he found him, he said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" John 9:35 When do you first remember saying, "Lord, I believe." Did you first encounter Christ during...

  • Jesus is Worthy

    Jesus is Worthy

    12 years ago

    Scripture Reading - Revelation 5:1-14 and I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, "Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?" Revelation 5: 2 Through the years there have been many books, articles, and essays concerning...

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    "An Individual and Contextual Look at Death Row"

    10 years ago

    “Who does society put to death?” Past research and literature available on the issue of capital punishment focuses on the individual characteristics of the offenders who reside on death row in an effort to ascertain a social portrait of the...

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    The Rise of Feminism

    2 years ago

    Feminism in the 21st century is a mix of many different feminist beliefs. From the influence of the first movement that took root in 1840 to present times, the end-state goal of the women’s movement has not changed.

  • “O LORD, I Pray, Save my Life!”

    “O LORD, I Pray, Save my Life!”

    12 years ago

    Scripture Reading - Psalm 116 I love the LORD, because he has heard my voice and my supplications. Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live. The snares of death encompassed me; the pangs of Sheol laid...

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    "Yet No One Would Speak Openly About Him"

    10 years ago

    Scripture Reading - John 7: 1-13 "While some were saying, "He is a good man," others were saying, "No, he is deceiving the crowd." Yet no one would speak openly about him for fear of the Jews. " Are you afraid to confess Christ? This is a...

  • Does the Gospel Offend?

    Does the Gospel Offend?

    12 years ago

    Scripture Reading - John 6: 60-61 "When many of his disciples heard it, they said, "This teaching is difficult; who can accept it?" But Jesus, being aware that his disciples were complaining about it, said to them, "Does this offend you?" John 6:...

  • Communion with Him

    Communion with Him

    12 years ago

    Scripture Reading - John 6:52-59 So Jesus said to them, "Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise...

  • Civil Disobedience, God's Call, and the Dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Civil Disobedience, God's Call, and the Dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    7 years ago

    INTRODUCTION The sixth chapter of the book of Daniel relays the events of one of the most well-known examples of civil disobedience found in biblical history. Daniel, a Jew living in Babylonian captivity, brazenly prays three times to Yahweh while...

  • Elise Boulding: A Passion for Peace

    Elise Boulding: A Passion for Peace

    11 years ago

    Introduction When I became interested in the subject of sociology, I knew that I was a pacifist. Therefore, I truly I enjoy teaching classes in peace and conflict resolution. The work of Elise Boulding has been one of my greatest influences and a...

  • The Deification of Jesus Christ

    The Deification of Jesus Christ

    6 years ago

    In the Old Testament, God revealed His identity to Abraham and Moses as “I AM.” In the Gospel of John, we see Jesus as the great “I AM” or the Word of God Incarnate. From the beginning, God planned to become flesh and to become human. This...

  • Evening Worship

    Evening Worship

    12 years ago

    Scripture Reading - Psalm 118 "It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to put confidence in mortals." Psalm 118:8 I work two jobs. From 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday, I am a bookkeeper. On certain nights, I...

  • Am I My Career?

    Am I My Career?

    12 years ago

    I am writing this hub as a response to the tragic shootings at the Empire State Building that occurred on August 24, 2012. Public acts of violence are deplorable, but I believe they are preventable. As a student of social psychology, I am intrigued...

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    "Go, for He Is an Instrument Whom I Have Chosen"

    12 years ago

    Scripture Reading - Acts 9: 10-19 But Ananias answered, "Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he has done to your saints in Jerusalem; and here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who invoke your name." Act 9:...

  • The Six Skills I Acquired From Volunteer Work

    The Six Skills I Acquired From Volunteer Work

    12 years ago

    OK, let's face it. The economy is still not where it needs to be. Companies continue to layoff workers. College graduates are not finding employment after school. Many people are still pounding the pavement after two-to-three years of unemployment....

  • My Grandmother's Apron

    My Grandmother's Apron

    12 years ago

    Recently, my mother gave me one of my grandmother's aprons. You see, I recently learned to sew. Sewing was an art that I had yet to master. My husband had given me a sewing machine as a Christmas gift knowing that I was eager to try my hand at...

  • Missing Christ

    Missing Christ

    12 years ago

    Today's Scripture Reading: John 5: 31-45 "You search the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that testify on my behalf. Yet you refuse to come to me to have life." Whose approval do you seek when you...

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    "And Saul Approved of Their Killing Him"

    12 years ago

    When they heard these things, they became enraged and ground their teeth at Stephen. But filled with the Holy Spirit, he gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. "Look," he said, "I see the heavens...

  • Mill Town U.S.A.

    Mill Town U.S.A.

    12 years ago

    My city has never really "flourished." It is what economic historians would call a "mill town" constructed around a textile mill that once bore one of the most well-respected names in the textile industry--Dan River Fabrics. Since the mill closed...

  • Seek Peace and Pursue It

    Seek Peace and Pursue It

    12 years ago

    "Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it." Psalm 34:14 "Come, my children, listen to me," the psalmist tells us. "Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking...


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