How many of your hubs are de-listed and what are you doing about them?

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  1. Greensleeves Hubs profile image91
    Greensleeves Hubsposted 11 years ago

    How many of your hubs are de-listed and what are you doing about them?

    What proportion of your hubs are de-listed under the new policy. What do you intend doing with them? Are you leaving them alone, deleting them, amending them, or finding some other way such as linking, to try to increase traffic and remove the de-listing?

  2. Steve Lensman profile image61
    Steve Lensmanposted 11 years ago

    Hi Alun, one of my hubs had the zzz's - Soylent Green - one of the first hubs I published. I added some more text and a trailer. If it gets zzz'd again... I'll just let it die. [sniff]

    1. Greensleeves Hubs profile image91
      Greensleeves Hubsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Steve. I had 3 zzzs, but all have cleared (temporarily at least) with a couple of very minor tweaks, and hubber visits. Hopefully it won't be a problem - your hubs have quality, and quality - I feel - shouldn't be de-listed even if traffic is low.

    2. Steve Lensman profile image61
      Steve Lensmanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Alun, I think hubpages were looking for a way of shedding the thousands of dead or dying hubs on the site so google search bots didn't have to index them each time. Seems they didn't take into account important seasonal or speciality hubs.

  3. bankscottage profile image90
    bankscottageposted 11 years ago

    I haven't been here that long so my Hubs aren't very old and I only have 40 Hubs.  I looked at all of my Hubs and buffed them up and now they are all active. 
    In the long run, I am not sure how this will work for Hubs that are more active only certain times of the year.  Some of my Hubs are seasonal (on taxes or some travel Hubs).  If they go to Zzzs, I'll refresh them closer to the season they are relevant.

    1. Greensleeves Hubs profile image91
      Greensleeves Hubsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I've been following a forum thread on this, and the question of seasonal hubs has been raised, so HubPages are aware of this worry. However, I'm not sure they've satisfactorily answered the concerns yet. Hopefully they will take this into account.

  4. Little two two profile image85
    Little two twoposted 11 years ago

    Well, you know how I feel about this change, it is needed, but it is being handled all wrong. Focus is on page views and not quality. Spam gets traffic so spam will win out at the end of the day while quality is shown the door. I had 5 zzz'd hubs ... all ice fishing and a few pet based ones that were receiving traffic and were rated well within their niche.

    The whole point of idling hubs was to improve how you look to google. If everyone just unidles them with newer content fluff ... then there will not be any accurate information obtained in this experiment. And yes I see it as a experiment with our hard work and no solid answers to concerns or answers to how things will work such as how often does the algo run.

    First I tried to combine them into one large hub. Then realizing I lost my google ranking in my niche in regards to ice fishing, which is starting to be searched and I now have to compete with big known names with a de-aged article, I unpublished most of my hubs short of the ones that were 'popular'. So I went from 50 to 12. Many I unpublished to move to other sites (as hubpage experts suggested with their just leave already attitude). I am leaving mine at 12, not adding any new content and I refuse to game google or jump through invisible hoops.

    I am going to let this experiment play out while I grow my presence on other sites. I suspect hubpages is taking a new direction and its one I don't want to be a part of. The direction being whats hot now, whats trendy now, tabloid style fluff (usually pays) and not the organic slow growing evergreen hubs.

    My earnings, while always small have gone from double digit pennies to literally one cent each for the last three days. I am busy trying to add fluff to existing articles, I no longer have time to visit other writers. I just don't see the point in adding new content to such uncertain waters.

    1. Greensleeves Hubs profile image91
      Greensleeves Hubsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      When you express concerns about the 'new direction' HubPages is going, I sincerely hope you are wrong, but seriously worry you may well be right. I hope either way, you find a home for all your work, in which it is properly recognised and respected.

  5. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 11 years ago

    I have received the Zz warning on several hubs. I have finished updating the last two today, so I will wait and see if that is adequate.

    I think Hub Pages are too concerned with pictures and videos. Some of my early Hubs did not have any pictures. I grant you the page was gray looking. I added some art. Tweak the headline and most of the problems were solved.

    A couple of the Hubs were time sensitive, not seasonal, and I can understand that. A lot of the stuff written about Obama and Romney will probably be looked at closely once the election is over.

    1. Greensleeves Hubs profile image91
      Greensleeves Hubsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It seems fairly easy to get the Zz warnings removed with a few tweaks, but the question is for how long? If the Zzs are purely traffic driven, they will return. I hope HubPages will look at hub quality as well and override the traffic filters.

    2. ithabise profile image72
      ithabiseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not sure it's purely traffic driven. One principle of good SEO is fresh, updated content. An article stales when it hasn't been changed for a while. I like the new idle status because it forces us to optimize our work, which only benefits us.

    3. Greensleeves Hubs profile image91
      Greensleeves Hubsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sure, if the article is poorly presented, one can improve it. If the hub is topical, it can be updated. But if the hub is good and if it is not topical, or if the hub consists of creative writing etc, what can you do? Updating is not always possible.

  6. Jenn-Anne profile image74
    Jenn-Anneposted 11 years ago

    I have two hubs that were zzzed. (Originally three were slated to be idled but a burst of last minute traffic saved one of them.) At the moment I have neither the time nor the inclination to edit my idled hubs. Maybe later. I prefer to focus my energy on maintaining my higher performing hubs and hopefully writing some new ones.

    1. Greensleeves Hubs profile image91
      Greensleeves Hubsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I  wonder if editing idle hubs really serves any purpose? A little tweaking may temporarily lift the hubs out of 'idle', but is it really going to bring more regular traffic  to keep the hub visible? You may be right to focus on more popular hubs.

    2. Jenn-Anne profile image74
      Jenn-Anneposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Apparently the Zzzzs struck again - a third hub has now been idled.  Odd since it received some traffic this week.  Again, I'm not likely to spend much time on it and will instead focus on some new hub ideas.

  7. DS Duby profile image82
    DS Dubyposted 11 years ago

    I received zero ZzZ's luckily, I was very surprised that all of mine made it through.

  8. smeyerz profile image59
    smeyerzposted 11 years ago

    I also have 0 zzz's, but my hubs are fairly new. To be honest, I think that Hubpages should just get rid of the delisting part of the idle feature. Just tell us what hubs are idle so we can fix them, but nothing more.

    1. DS Duby profile image82
      DS Dubyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      They're doing us a favor by unlisting them. it raises our credibility with Google. Plus if they have been unlisted they weren't getting many google hits anyway.

    2. Greensleeves Hubs profile image91
      Greensleeves Hubsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't agree with unlisting hubs unless it is possible to differentiate  between 'low traffic' and 'low quality' hubs. Currently it seems all low traffic hubs are unlisted regardless of quality. Quality minority interest hubs should stay live.

  9. Dallas Matier profile image86
    Dallas Matierposted 11 years ago

    I've got a bunch that have gone idle - which doesn't really surprise me given how little I get done sometimes, the type of stuff I usually write, and how little I do to actively promote my stuff.

    So far, I've done absolutely nothing to change them. I may change them at some point, but I don't see any reason to delete them. They're still visible on my profile, and apparently they're not dragging down my rating on Google anymore (or, something), so they can stay where they are.

    1. Greensleeves Hubs profile image91
      Greensleeves Hubsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not sure changing a hub will suddenly make it more popular Dallas, unless it is poor quality and needs to be improved. The only way to get more traffic to a low traffic but well written hub is thru' promotion and linking. Thanks for you comment.

  10. missa72542 profile image91
    missa72542posted 11 years ago

    I currently do not have any unlisted hubs. However, I've only been here for about a month with just around 20 hubs posted.

    I have a feeling one hub in particular may become idle soon, but we will see.

    1. Greensleeves Hubs profile image91
      Greensleeves Hubsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hope you avoid those Zzzs - and best wishes for your future on HubPages missa. Hope you enjoy it here.

    2. missa72542 profile image91
      missa72542posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you smile

  11. ingenioustech profile image61
    ingenioustechposted 11 years ago

    Even I don’t have any of my hubs idle…………..i have just published 19 of them………. nor would I want any of them to be….It takes a lot of hard work to write hubs and seeing them idle would not be too justified……

    1. Greensleeves Hubs profile image91
      Greensleeves Hubsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. Hubbers who take time and work hard to make their hubs high quality should not be penalised just because the hubs struggle to attract interest - only low quality, poorly written, hastily put together hubs should be delisted.

  12. flashmakeit profile image61
    flashmakeitposted 11 years ago

    I have a lot of idle hub articles and I am going to amend them.  I do not want to delete any of them because that would bring my page views down.

    1. Greensleeves Hubs profile image91
      Greensleeves Hubsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I hope amending them helps flashmakeit, but I wonder if it will only help short term to move them out of idle? Unless the amendment significantly improves the hub, traffic levels probably won't rise. Will the hub then go back into idle?

  13. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    The ones with the Zzz's, all you have to do is go and update them a little as far as ad's, etc. and they will be just fine.


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