How do we go about answering the question about “who Christ really is for us today”?
who CHRIST really is for us today should not be any different from who HE was for us when HE first came to us. CHRIST is the Son of GOD, HE is the key to Salvation. HE is as unchanging as HIS Father. it is as silly as saying whether or not obeying GOD applies today.
Exactly, which is why the God of the "older" part of THE Testament, is exactly the same God in the "newer" part of The Testament.
It's a beautiful story indeed! God bless you.
yes let's all obey gods laws - Work on Sunday and you should be stoned to death. (Numbers 15:32-35) Wives must do everything their husband demands (Ephesians 5:22-24) You should not pray in public (Matthew 6:5-6) I'm sure you follow all them
It's all up the the person. To some Christ is their savior who died for their sins and thus gives them the opportunity to join him and God, or just Him as some think Jesus and God are the same person, in heaven. To others Christ is a character of a tall tale, like Paul Bunyan, and view him as a peron who did exsist but what he actually did is extremely exaggerated. Some look at it scientifically rather than mythologically and see that the stories in the Bible contradict and any real evidence from other sources is very slim. From the few possible mentions of ancient texts other than the Bible it's said of him preaching to followers and then getting crucified, nothing of great miracles. It's all up to person belief and opinion, some like hard evidence and some don't mind blind faith with the hope of something better in the afterlife.
I agree with tlmcgaa70, Christ is the same as he's always been! If anything, humanity is the one that needs to get closer to Him, because, in the last two centuries or so some have turned their backs on Him. So Christ will be always, but humanity needs to get in with the plan....
I think humanity need to get further away from religion and back to reality. Religion is not needed to love one another all religion is good for is producing many wars that all boil down to you don't believe exactly as I do, you must die.
To those who believe, Christ is exactly who he said he was in the stories told in the Gospels.
To those who don't believe, Christ may be a fictional character made up or exaggerated by Hebrew writers two thousand years ago.
The choice is up to our own individual decision within our right to Freedom of Religion here in the United States.
There is no absolute proof one way or the other. Neither the religious person nor the atheist can establish undeniable evidence one way or the other.
The decision, if one even chooses to make that decision, which probably everyone has made already, is a very private decision made within our own minds.
People have just as much right to decide to have faith, as they do to decide not to believe. There is evidence to support a logical choice either way.
Those who believe may very well ask why early Christians would have allowed themselves to suffer and die for a story someone just made up. Those who do not believe may ask how it could be scientifically possible for someone to perform miracles and rise from the dead.
Jesus said that anything we ask in His name will be granted. Jesus chose as friends many people who were hardened disbelievers in God. He made clear that society cannot judge us, only God can. The Gospels are full of wisdom.
Thank goodness we have Freedom of Religion in America so that each person can believe as he or she sees fit. Christ is an option chosen by billions of people in the world, both Christians and non-Christians.
what has non believers to do with this question? CHRIST means nothing to non believers, thus this question is directed at believers. is CHRIST the same for believers today as HE was in the beginning? that is the question.
The question says to you, not just to believers. I believe this is a good answer. I believe basically the same thing as I explained in my answer. Even though I'm a non believer, I still believe he existed so that means I do have an opinion on him.
@timcgaa70. Did you believe in Christ before you heard of Him?
@swordManticorE, actually i am afraid that question doesnt apply to me. there has never been a time that i did not believe in CHRIST. HE came to me before i was old enough to know who HE was. I chose to follow HIM as soon as i was able to undrstnd.
@timcgaa70, How convenient for you? It's just a slap in the face for those children who were raised Hindus, Jews, Buddhists and Muslims, not to mention a slap in Christ's face. You were chosen before you believed in Christ and that justifies your sel
im sorry u feel slighted. i cant help how things are. i have nothing to defend and i wont argue about it. i know what i know. i live to obey GOD. CHRIST, HIS Son is my Saviour.
Dont apoligize. I know a seld-righteouse christian when I see one.
believe what you will, label me what you will. GOD knows the truth and that is all that matters.
I am in total agreement with you there.
Christ is the same today as He was yesterday and will be the same tomorrow also. In order to find out who Christ really is, you must go to the Word of God (Bible). Christ is the central theme throughout the entire Bible, the second Adam, through which the curse of sin has been canceled.
Christ Jesus is our redeemer. Only through our faith in Him can we be at piece with God the Father. You really want to know the answer to this question? You should go to Christ and ask Him. Am I right in assuming that you know and love Him?
I have read the answers before mine, and of course He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were made through Him. Without Him nothing was made that has been made. And then one day, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
I am wondering though, if what you meant by this question is not "who is He?" but Rather, How do we apply our knowledge of Him to our lives in the twenty-first century? There are so many things happening today that didn't even exist when the Bible was written. Technology, modern medicine, space exploration. How do we apply the grand old stories of the old testament to make them relevant for today? And what about the new testament? Some people engage in "foot washings" because Jesus said we are to wash one another's feet. Of course, back then, there was a reason for doing so. The people wore sandals and walked on roads that may have been covered with animal dung or whatever. So they needed to wash their feet before entering someone's home. They also didn't have vacuum cleaners so that makes sense.
To apply that scripture literally is okay, 20th century people sitting around washing each other's feet might give us some spiritual insight. But what was Jesus really saying for us to do? He meant that we should serve one another and not think we are too good to do lowly tasks for one another. There is also a spiritual parallel to forgiveness implied here.
So if your intent is what I think it is, then I hope this answer helps. Most of my hubs take pieces of scripture and show you how to make practical application from it for today's world. Otherwise, the bible is just a history book. I would love to hear back from you as to whether you found this answer helpful.
Also, I invite you to read some of my hubs, especially Trusting God in the storm, to get more of an idea how to apply bible truths to modern situations. God bless you.
Thanks, Your answer is very helpful. Thanks for the insight.
Thank you! I'm so glad I could help!
And yet God saw today's technology even back then. He knew of the great star named Chernobyl ("wormwood" in Ukrainian). He knew of the microchips the Rockefellers and other followers of Mammon would want to implant in us -- the mark of the beast
the mark of the beast is not some microchip. it is nothing more than our thoughts an dour actions. whether we think and act in favor of man or GOD. this shows where our loyalties lay.
He is the same. anyone can repent and ask him into his or her heart and get to know him, not just know of him.
Tacitus was a Roman historian. He mention Jesus' crucifixion and says it was ordered by Pontius Pilate. He also writes about the early Christians.
Josephus was a Jewish historian that mentioned Jesus. Pliny the Younger mentioned Him in his letters to the Emperor Trajan.
And yes, he is definitely the same.
Those are how we know he actually exsisted. To bad these writers dont speak of any of the miraculous things done but only that he was put to death. The other stories were written many years after death to attempt to fullfill old testament prophecy.
Actually, one of those historians, I forget which one, mentioned an unusual darkness covering a large area, at the reported time of Jesus' death, which the writer was puzzled about. That was a sign from God the Father.
An unusual darkness must be god nothing else could explain it, couldnt have been a cloud or anything like that or darkness as in a metapharical feeling Like its a miracle this person lived it must be God or it could've been all the doctors & scie
I didn't say anything to down play science.
Josephus was one of the primary historians that wrote about Jesus from a purely historical and not religious perspective. We live in 2012 AD the year of our Lord. Hmm.
justin, because you have no desire to believe, you cannot see the truth before you. therefore you mock it or throw up items you feel show it to be a lie. all it does is show your ignorance on the topic at hand.
i dont believe because there is no proof, zero, none. ignorance I have way more real knowledge on the topic which is why blind faith just wont do it for me I have done studies in college & there is no proof of anything other than contracting text
Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, and no other possibility is left open when seeing this from a... Jewish perspective.
From a Christian perspective, we celebrate seemingly arbitrary holidays, like "Christmas" and "Easter", even knowing that they are of pagan origin! But the Jewish holidays, the very Holy Days of God that are mentioned in the "older-part" of THE Testament: Why are we a house divided?
God split the Ten Commandments into two separate tablets for a reason. Ten seems like a logical number for God to pick, since the number itself is related to the tribe of "Israel (10 tribes)", and not "Judah (2 tribes)" who sinned continually. Yes, Israel sinned too, but Judah took it to the extreme and took in pagan rituals in service to... God?
Don't think it isn't true. Look at the (supposed) "Star of David" on the Israeli flag. Look at the 6-pointed star on the pope's hat. It's the same star, the star of Remphan (Acts 7:43), mentioned by name in Stephen who was about to be stoned to death for rebuking their sun worship. Because if you see the negative space in the "Star of David", you will notice that it is an image of the sun.
This star originated within the reign of King Solomon, who after being visited by the "Queen of Sheba" (Likely, Ethiopia, former kingdom of Egypt territory which was the "upper" kingdom), brought in sun worship into the very temple of God, to profane His sanctuary. Solomon simply named the star, in honor to his father, David. And ever since, the two tribes of Judah, have been struggling in vain with their sun worship.
"Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold," - 1st Kings, Chapter 10, verse 14. Do you think that Solomon got 666 talents of gold in one year, by chance? Or do you think God was telling us something, in order that we know what to look for in the future? It is ALL related and interwoven.
Sun worship rules the world, and controls the minds of the religious to cause them to sin. In error, they believe God told them to go to war, or some other such nonsense, and do things that God commanded us not to do.
This "Revelation" comes from none other than Jesus the Messiah. The biblical holidays, the Holy Days of God, are a part of that testimony. It all relates to prophecy, and how Jesus really is, God in the flesh.
This is why the story of the Passover is so much more beautiful in Jesus, through Jewish eyes. I can not deny my Messiah.
If you partake in the Easter bunny & baskets or Santa Claus & Christmas tree then you are. If on Easter you only go to church and celebrate Jesus and on Christmas only think about Jesus' birth then you are doing it right for your beliefs.
@ justins920
Jesus said the law and prophets are not destroyed, but fulfilled. Jesus did not do away with the Mosaic Law, but embodied it. The same Jesus who said "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone" also said "Go, and sin no more".
Justin, GOD is my religion, i attend no church. i celebrate no christian holidays.
If god is your religion and you don't attend church, do you associate which any certain Bible. You mentioned you follow Christ who preached to follow Jewish holidays like Passover. Do you follow those holidays that Christ and God preached to follow
i associate with the KJV bible only. at this point in time, i do not observe Jewish holy days. i am still learning, and waiting for GOD to teach me if HE wishes me to keep holidays meant for the Jews.
I dont understand your thinking then. if you follow christ and his teachings. he was a jew. he followed passover. he told his followers to follow passover as god commanded.
justin, Passover is a Holy day sacred to the jews, to remind them who brought them out of bondage with egypt. CHRIST was talking to HIS followers who were also jews. i am not a jew. everything i obey, but some jew specific things, i am not sure of
Your beliefs intrigues me I do understand a great deal on many religions & myths & have studied them & was even brought up in christian school Since studying so many different ones I associate with none since theres so much copycat betwee
justin, this format is to limiting for such a discussion. if you wish to you may contact me via my email ( where we can discuss this more in depth. just put from hubpages in the subject box.
Isaiah 9:6 comes to mind very quickly.. for unto us a child is born and a son is given, and his name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father , the prince of peace.. .. ( he is all I ever need.. Jesus is all I need.. ) He alone made the worlds and all that therin is.. He said beside me there is no savior.. God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself.. He knew just how to come to us, as a father and son, and holy spirit.. His spirit lives within his people today.. !! Jesus said " if I go not away, then the father cannot send the comforter, which shall come in my name! Jesus purpose on earth was fulfilled, and then NOW we have that Holy Spirit Comforter that was in Jesus ... He dwells in US.. that would be why it talks about "Christ in You" the hope of glory! being born again of water and spirit, and having his name called upon us.. which is the name of the father, the name of the son and the name of the Holy Spirit. God declared himself to be a monotheistic deity.. He said, before me there was no other God, and neither shall there be after me!.. One God and one savior, the man, Jesus Christ.. One SPIRIT which we all can be adopted into this family.. don't knock it.. its all Bible.. You better believe it, so you can have it!
( and its not old fashioned, its really rather up -to- date!)
oh.. to answer one of the comments.,. Yes Jesus does maen something to non believers.. he will be their judge one day.. and I believe they know it.. tahnkfully he is a merciful God. Phil. 2:19 says that even the Devil believes in One God and trrembles.. He knows his time is short..
Please Pray that Jesus means more and more to the victims of 911 families.. that they find his peace and healing.. amen!
this is true. i wonder only that non believers answer a question directed at believers. for unless CHRIST rules their life what could this question mean to them?
So if a person asks a question on Santa a person can't answer if they are a nonbeliever in him or unless Santa rules their life People can still have opinion on things that dont rule their life I dont believe in abortion I still have an opinion on it
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