What was the last thing you saw or heard that REALLY made you laugh?

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  1. Seek-n-Find profile image70
    Seek-n-Findposted 11 years ago

    What was the last thing you saw or heard that REALLY made you laugh?

    They say laughter is like medicine to the soul.  :-)


  2. franksg384 profile image68
    franksg384posted 11 years ago

    Weird thing is, I can't remember.  We are so de-sensitized by our society, it's hard to get up to the level that it needs to be for me to put forth the effort to laugh.

    1. Seek-n-Find profile image70
      Seek-n-Findposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Look for laughter--find it!  You'll be glad you did.  But yes, I get what you are saying.

    2. jbshaban profile image60
      jbshabanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I am in the same boat, franksg384. I used to think of myself as funny. Possibly even hysterical. It's been a rough year, after 5 also rough years. I haven't had the energy for laughter.

    3. LoisRyan13903 profile image60
      LoisRyan13903posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I am like that 2  I might find something funny but I don't have one of those uncontrollable-tears running out of my eyes almost having an accident laughing fits that I used to have

  3. Johnjfernando profile image60
    Johnjfernandoposted 11 years ago

    Something that really made me go LOL!@#$ and may not happen for a while again, was when Tiger Woods affair scandals came to light and I thought it was just with one woman until they mentioned number 14! and number 15! and I was laughing everytime his name came up because I was thinking in my head that this guy is going to get really screwed.

    1. Seek-n-Find profile image70
      Seek-n-Findposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yikes!  Yes--trouble!

  4. SidKemp profile image86
    SidKempposted 11 years ago

    Just now, me, in my journal, looking at myself. I really saw myself as I am, and the laughter rolled across the Universe into vast space without an echo.

    If you haven't laughed well recently, look in a mirror and smile at the face you see with genuine love.

    1. Seek-n-Find profile image70
      Seek-n-Findposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      :-)  I laugh at myself too sometimes.

    2. SidKemp profile image86
      SidKempposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm trying to make it a daily habit. I'm very independent - I want my own portable joke that is always with me!

  5. Gabriel Wilson profile image90
    Gabriel Wilsonposted 11 years ago

    The other night when we were going to bed, my baby daughter broke wind really loudly and the waft was unreal. We fell about the place laughing desperately trying not to, afraid we'd wake her.
    The smell of gas was so bad, I said "You don't think we left the oven on, do you." My husband replied through fits of giggles "No, but it's electric."
    Well, that was it; we both screeched with laughter. I guess we both need more sleep lol.

    1. Seek-n-Find profile image70
      Seek-n-Findposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      :-)  Those funny times are the best.  Thanks for sharing the story, not the scent.  :-)

    2. Gabriel Wilson profile image90
      Gabriel Wilsonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      LOL smile

  6. Billie Kelpin profile image85
    Billie Kelpinposted 11 years ago

    Great question.  REALLY is a hard one. But just now I laughed at my husband's response to my dream last night.  In the dream, we're standing in our condo and I'm thinking, 'It's two years and we still haven't painted the walls blue.'  So (somehow) I am able to look inside the condo next door that a woman bought just last week, and hers is freshly painted in a BEAUTIFUL green.  I said, "You painted already?"  "Oh, yes," she replied, as if it was no big deal. Then I turned and saw the condo that a person purchased YESTERDAY, and IT was freshly painted green. The woman had done it in ONE day, PLUS moved in to boot! I was hoping my husband would get the point and feel as guilty as I do about not painting our place in two years. Instead he replied, "Yeah, green goes on faster."

    1. Seek-n-Find profile image70
      Seek-n-Findposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That made me laugh too.  :-)  I love witty responses like that--totally sounds like something my husband would say.  Thanks for sharing!

  7. liesl5858 profile image83
    liesl5858posted 11 years ago

    The recent thing that I heard that made me laugh continuously  was when the elderly lady that my colleague and I was looking after said to me--"Come here you fat little girl". I am 54 years old.

    1. Seek-n-Find profile image70
      Seek-n-Findposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      :-)  Elderly people speak their mind!  My grandma says things that make me laugh all the time.  She talks about her smart vacuum like its a pet.  "First he decided to do this and then he cleaned that...etc"  LOL

  8. Michael-Milec profile image60
    Michael-Milecposted 11 years ago

    " Naive to laugh"
    Moments ago, typing a comment on FB , complimenting to a " friend " I said,   
    ''thanks you're exceptional, except when. . . "
    Seconds  later he typed a question ," except when ? " ( knowing this is coming )I started laughing into tears, -  how do I know? -- sending back to him exactly the same words, " How do I know ?"
    ( we're still friends, he ' liked' )


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