What does it mean when someone can't look you in the eye?

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  1. profile image0
    MsLowrieposted 8 years ago

    Sometimes people with visual issues will seem to look away as well.

  2. Ashish Dadgaa profile image44
    Ashish Dadgaaposted 8 years ago

    He/she is hiding something. Or maybe he/she is lying to you.
    He/she is feeling guilty.

  3. SakinaNasir53 profile image94
    SakinaNasir53posted 8 years ago

    It means they are either lying or hiding something from you ...or they are ashamed and guilty.

  4. Willmer Gentolia profile image58
    Willmer Gentoliaposted 8 years ago

    Because sometimes when we look at them we thought they were not looking at us, may or may not be the eyes may squint one of you or both of you.You need to correct your vision to each other,,,

  5. Lovey McLaughlin profile image60
    Lovey McLaughlinposted 8 years ago

    That they are lying or you have something on your face. Then again maybe they are just socially awkward.

  6. MichaelMcNabb profile image58
    MichaelMcNabbposted 8 years ago

    I have always had a difficult time looking people in the eye.  It's creepy, weird and I don't like the look of your eyes.  I am sick and tired of being told that I have a confidence problem or I'm not honest or whatever.  The fact is I can't stand looking at your eyes.

  7. Fred Johnson Jr profile image53
    Fred Johnson Jrposted 8 years ago

    a lot of the time, when someone doesnt make eye contact, its for a number of reasons but the main reasons are,
    1.Sexual Interest,
    2.He Feels guilty about something he's done to you,
    3.He feels inferior to you.
    4.he doesn't want to talk to you and wants to keep moving.
    he might just want to be friends with you and is afraid to approach you for one reason or another. so id walk up and break the ice and see where it goes

  8. Seiyefa Okirika profile image59
    Seiyefa Okirikaposted 8 years ago

    He is just shy. I probably guess he has not been with woman as beautiful as you. Just take it easy with him, he would surely feel free with you time.

  9. profile image52
    Robin Inghamposted 8 years ago

    The human's brain and heart are the most controversial things to understand. There are more than many reasons for someone not to look into your eyes :

    1. Guilt

    2. Ignorance

    3. Disinterest

    4. Annoyance

    5. Shame

    6. Feelings of superiority or inferiority

    7. Nervousness

    8. A gesture telling you to stay away

    9. Confession

    10. Uneasiness

    11. If the person likes you and is too shy to tell

    12. Anxiety.

    Many people believe that when lying a person cannot look into your eyes, but that theory is false in the practical life. So beware, people CAN look into your eyes when they are lying.

    Hope my reply helped you in anyway possible. Have a good day!

  10. profile image47
    citswebposted 8 years ago

    I have always had difficulty making eye contact with people when speaking, unless I know them very well.   I never really noticed this until someone brought it to my attention some 25 years ago.  It is something that I work on to this very day: I have managed to train myself to do better through sheer force of will, but it's still not particularly easy, and when I am nervous I find it hard to maintain.   Before I learned of autism spectrum disorders, I simply thought I was shy, although the reality is that once I break the ice, I can usually speak fairly easily, although perhaps not without some anxiety at times.

  11. profile image45
    hema777posted 8 years ago

    However, usually in a romantic situation it's going to mean one of two things, that the person is lying and hiding something or that they are indeed afraid to trust you. ... because I am nervous and also because im likely not sure if I am able to trust them. Those are the general reasons I won't look someone in the eye.

  12. Kiss andTales profile image60
    Kiss andTalesposted 8 years ago

    Very interesting  question AT,
    Looking one straight in the eye can not mean just one meaning of guilty, it could be a timid habit of youth, and a person just can not break a habit of looking people in their eyes.
    There is a good side to this as well as a bad sad.
    The good is that yes people can be a very good judge of body language , certain posture ,certain movements
    Can mean things about a person.
    But can we just apply this to every human. I would say no ! Could you imagine if person in the military just started his drill Sargent in the face every time something was said., or could you really apply this to a blind person, or it just could be a person is making that person feel guilty or unconfortable by their stare.
    I don't think the look in the eye is always a good judge of character.
    Because actors play roles ,convincing their veiwers on the big screens yes you can look a person in the eyes and not be guilty of anything Even in the movies !
    so if a movie star can pretend a role like looking into the eyes, kissing, crying ,all are just acting, people can do this and not be actors, just something  to think about.

  13. deeqlaki profile image56
    deeqlakiposted 8 years ago

    This is easy question coz  if someone can't look your eye's we can say he/she in love.

    Isn't it that?

    1. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Love can be conveyed by a touch and deeds of expression,  the look in eyes is still a maybe, since some people have been known to be abitual liers and look you dead in your face and dare you to say or do something about it.
      Think Actors , who protay

    2. profile image0
      LoliHeyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      No, that's not it.

  14. Strategic Nandan profile image57
    Strategic Nandanposted 8 years ago

    This is a typical human mentality of people who are low in confidence or those who have a sting a jealousy within them. This kind of people will behave like the best of buddies when they are alone with you but dont want to behave the same way in public. They kind of feel insecured that people might give more importance to you than what they are getting. They want to hold on to their existing set for friends and network. They dont want to share their network or friends with anyone else lest he or she runs away with them and he is left alone. The best way is just to leave the thought alone and behave your natural self.

  15. Omar Eldamsheety profile image69
    Omar Eldamsheetyposted 8 years ago

    It could mean many things ... may be he doesn't like you but don't want you to read that in his eyes ... maybe he did a mistake or will do a mistake.

  16. profile image51
    laielariposted 8 years ago

    Well, shyness, inferiority complex, attention deficit or hiperativity (like someone who can't keep the eye in one thing), maybe esquizophrenia, can also means someone is not being trully, or yes, have a good chance to someone like you. But this two last sentences I wrote is more difficult to tell because, when people see you everyday/ live seeing you day by day, they try to mask a lot if they aren't trully or they like you. Shyness and psycologhyc issues as inferiority complex are more for people who doesn't even know you and never saw you. well i think wink

  17. makemoneygirl profile image59
    makemoneygirlposted 8 years ago

    I never look people in the eye
    I find that very uncomfortable as a lot of people do. That's gross in my humble opinion but it doesn't make me a liar or deceptive, I just don't want to be looking in your face like that.

  18. profile image52
    Joshua Gbengaposted 8 years ago

    Answer to this question is very relative. Relative in the sense that looking into someone's eyes could interpret or mean different things according to the culture. To some culture looking into your eyes means 'I have confidence in you. Or I am staying the truth. Meanwhile some culture interpret this same act of looking straight into the eyes as an act of disrespect. Now if the person can't look straight into your eyes it could be 1. The person does not trust you or have confidence in you. Or the person respect you. find out from the person or his/her cultural background

  19. profile image53
    Jameia Alvesposted 8 years ago

    If someone can't look you in the eyes mean they are lying in my opinion or that they are nervouse

  20. profile image0
    Martine Andersenposted 8 years ago

    He may be shy.

    The person who stares the most is usually the most dominant.

  21. profile image0
    Claudia Tressposted 8 years ago

    Not being able to look someone in the eyes could be caused from excessive shyness, and being self-conscience. Sometimes when someone is lying, they might not be able to look a person in the eyes due to guilt.

    Strangely, Narcissists and Sociopaths, will lie profusely, but still look a person directly in the eyes because they are so proficient at lying, and it comes so natural to them. They also are unable to feel guilt, or remorse, so they have no problem with staring a person in the eye, while they lie, lie, lie.

    Did I mention that Narcissists and Sociopaths lie? (lol)

    Tamara Yancosky Moore

    1. Kiss andTales profile image60
      Kiss andTalesposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your comment of truth Claudia. some rules do not apply to all humans. As in the case of a blind person, the habit of a very shy person. People need to know ones background before premature judging. People can judge wrong as imperfect

  22. profile image53
    Jason Hopkinsposted 8 years ago

    He may just have something else going on in his mind that is distracting him n he don't want to bother you with his problems

  23. LeahMartin profile image59
    LeahMartinposted 7 years ago

    It means that they know you so well that they can tell how you are feeling. So if you are feeling sad but you are hiding it by acting happy, they can tell that you are sad.

  24. Happy Knees profile image59
    Happy Kneesposted 7 years ago

    I think he has a hidden feelings for you. Maybe he is shy because he can't express his true feelings for you smile .

  25. profile image0
    lindaspeaksposted 7 years ago

    I was always taught if a person can't look you in the eye they are either lying about something or they are not listening to any you have to say to them because they don't think it that important. They are only interested what they have to say to you which is selfish.

  26. padmendra profile image46
    padmendraposted 7 years ago

    The person who is not making eye contact with you clearly reveals that he or she might have done something wrong or acted in a manner that was not right in the eyes of everyone. In other words, the action on the part of that person also  gives an indication of repenting for
    his/her mistake.

  27. alistairjdarcy profile image60
    alistairjdarcyposted 7 years ago

    In my experience, this has almost nothing to do with you. It's something about him, he may be nervous, shy, uncomfortable with social interaction for whatever reason. I really don't think that he would be 'up to something', or have something you should be suspicious of.

  28. Darknlovely3436 profile image68
    Darknlovely3436posted 7 years ago

    They probably ashamed of something...so they are afraid that you might see the truth within their eyes..

  29. creativewriter123 profile image59
    creativewriter123posted 7 years ago

    It can go both ways. he may be hiding something from you or having any other agenda. It can also be that he just don't talk looking directly in the eyes, I have seen people who don't always look in your eyes while having conversation with you. It can a habit that they are not really aware of and doing it on an unconscious level. It could be anything.
    I would suggest if you have doubts just be careful while meting this person. Like saying goes...you can't be too careful.

  30. Stella Kaye profile image82
    Stella Kayeposted 7 years ago

    The most obvious reason is that a person is lying to you, has something to hide or has deceived you in some way. Not making eye contact could also happen when someone is painfully shy. You have to decide depending on the context and how well you already know the person concerned. Someone might also have a physical disability like cerebral palsy which prevents them from making proper eye contact.

  31. Thomas Finney profile image63
    Thomas Finneyposted 7 years ago

    I believe it is a guilt reflex of sorts. Think of it like a human lie detector, it's why it was used to make people know if someone is lying or not. Some people might feel guilty or feel it and not realize it, me personally it shows that you have something to hide if you cannot look me in the eyes. But if it is just a meeting and the person can't look in your eyes it could also mean they are shy or intimidated, in the animal kingdom some species see staring into another's eyes as a challenge. That could also be a thing.

  32. MariaKhakwani profile image59
    MariaKhakwaniposted 7 years ago

    he/she wana skip from reality or Guilty conscious

  33. profile image52
    Hope Julietposted 7 years ago

    Mostly it's because people are intimidated.
    It mostly happens to me, people refuse to look at me in the eyes.

    In my case I know that I can read their expressions and body language. I've been told that my eyes are intimidating and hypnotizing. Which makes people feel uneasy though I don't stare people but I do want them to look in my eyes when I talk to them.

  34. Angela Khan profile image65
    Angela Khanposted 7 years ago

    In some cultures looking the eyes of someone is considered a sign of disrespect. This may not be the case here.

    Usually not looking into someone's eyes can be because they feel guilty about something. They feel ashamed about something. Lack of confidence. Depression too sometimes. Or may be he feels you are better than him. We can't know for sure.

  35. profile image0
    marcuscaineposted 7 years ago

    If someone cannot look you in the eyes it could mean several things:

    1. Cannot be trusted

    2. Shy and awkward ( time with a social worker helps with this one)

    3. Autistic

    4. You did something unforgivable or something perceived to be unforgivable

    5. Might have something ugly on your face( no offense, just spitballing here)

  36. bhargvi sharma profile image33
    bhargvi sharmaposted 7 years ago

    Thay are speaking their heart to you, they are just faking it. The one who lies will never look you in the eye.
    May be one is guilty and feel ashamed to look into.

  37. rania rubab profile image60
    rania rubabposted 7 years ago

    Because they are hiding something thatwhy people cannot look in the eye of other person.

  38. realtalk247 profile image74
    realtalk247posted 7 years ago

    Some people are shy. For others, avoiding eye contact is considered a sign that someone is not honest.

  39. Saint X Winston profile image58
    Saint X Winstonposted 7 years ago

    The person who refusses to make eye contact probably considers you an individual of higher social status than them (i.e. as would a nerdy guy consider a football team captain). This one is fixxed only by time spent together and sharing a few secrets here and there.

    Another possibility is that the person is attracted to you but hasn't had any experience whatsoever with the opposing sex. Usually a case with early teens guys/girls.

    These are two of the most probable reasons put simple.

  40. Modern Prometheus profile image59
    Modern Prometheusposted 7 years ago

    may be he does not remember your name any more.

  41. Dulce Merry profile image61
    Dulce Merryposted 7 years ago

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  42. fer-nie profile image76
    fer-nieposted 7 years ago

    It depends. Unfortunately, there is no right or wrong answer to this question because in the end, there's no way to know. You can't expect anyone to give you a detailed answer to something if you don't know the variables.

    However, what I can tell you is that you have nothing to worry about. He does sound disinterested in the person. However, there are times where people will do this when they are strictly nervous.

    If there's no reason for this guy to dislike your friend, then there's no reason to feel alarmed. This has nothing to do with trust. This is merely a problem with the other person and that's it. Tell your friend to just drop it and let it go. You can't please everyone.

  43. sunitibahl9 profile image60
    sunitibahl9posted 7 years ago

    The reason for this can be that that person feels you are aware of a part of him that he is ashamed of. He might be feeling guilty of something that he has been hiding from you. Or simply that person doesn't feel comfortable in your company,

  44. Ralph Castro profile image30
    Ralph Castroposted 7 years ago

    It's either he knows something or a secret you hide to any one else, or he did somehing terrible he cant tell you, or he has a crush on you, or lastly there is something in your face or something embarassing on you that he cant tell or something like that.

  45. Mea Hera profile image62
    Mea Heraposted 6 years ago

    I think it could be due to several reasons,
    1) They are not very honest with you
    2) They are shy around you
    3) They are scared of you
    4) They have a genetic condition


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