What keeps you using Hubpages over other similar sites?

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  1. ThompsonPen profile image65
    ThompsonPenposted 11 years ago

    What keeps you using Hubpages over other similar sites?

    I have seen a lot of people with concerns about Hubpages in one form or another, but I wonder what inspires people to stick with it. Personally, while I would prefer to make money faster, I like that I don't because I see it as a challenge. I enjoy the community of Hubpages, and I do find the Hubscore to be inspiring. I have yet to find the comfort in other writing sites that I do in this one.

  2. DDE profile image45
    DDEposted 11 years ago

    Since I found HP I feel most comfortable writing here and learning more about HP has made me continue, of all the sites I have written for I am most pleased here. It is more about the friendly community and that no spammers allowed her it makes it  a better place to write for.

  3. Shinkicker profile image59
    Shinkickerposted 11 years ago

    Better the devil you know I suppose. But I agree that the community is good and the site has been better at getting rid of spam articles.

  4. QudsiaP1 profile image61
    QudsiaP1posted 11 years ago

    For me personally it was never about the money but infact about the community of friends that I have found here. People of my frame of mind; a place where age is irrelevant and conversation flow in the direction we choose. Where creative writing is inspired and inspiring; where we support and encourage each other. Irrespective of what hubpages rules become; it is the people that keep me here and hubpages is my second home.

  5. JohnGreasyGamer profile image72
    JohnGreasyGamerposted 11 years ago

    Mostly the community - never in my entire life have I seen such a professional and adult community on the internet, or in the world for that matter. If any non-Hubbers were to read this, I'd have to say that they ought to join in because the feedback one recieves from other Hubbers is amazing, as well as some of the most insightful comments and discussions, not to mention any questions I have get answered almost immediately with people who know what they're talking about. On HubPages you're not treated like an idiot for getting something wrong or not knowing the answer to a particular question, and you're treated with respect and dignity when someone comes to your Hub, because they're stepping on your turf. The HubPages community is one of the closest I've ever found when it comes to publishing articles and blog entries, and I've yet to see the day when someone joins for the sake of making fellow publishers' lives Hell.

    If it's not the community that keeps me here, it's the fact that it's so easy to get used to HubPages. The tutorials are great and templates for articles really help out when needed, and even to this day I still find myself learning more and more about increasing the quality of my articles. When I look at my HubPage, I see pride in my work and my literature dreams in virtual form, and I wouldn't have done it without such amazing people - both working for HubPages, and working within HubPages.

  6. Ericdierker profile image46
    Ericdierkerposted 11 years ago

    I may look good and may talk well, or not: But I write for a living, although not like most here. I write legal/technical stuff mostly off line.
    I write my good stuff on HP, at least good for me.
    I understand I have to step up to other sites, and my wordpress and my blog to get it on writing creatively for a living. But not yet.
    I like HP very much. "I like how you can take a swing at them, hit them square in the jaw, and they take it like a trooper and let you know what is up" They are changing constantly which pisses off an old man that likes constancy and derides change, but I think that is good for me.
    I think you should only write elsewhere, to drive traffic here.

  7. Diana Lee profile image78
    Diana Leeposted 11 years ago

    Money is nice, but it is a good thing I'm not here for that because in two years I've only seen a pay out once.  I'm sure someday I'll figure out how to get more traffic.

    My main goal to writing hubs or any other articles and stories is to be read.  What good is a writer without an audience?  The more exposure one gets the better.  We find friends willing to read our efforts and follow us as hopefully we improve with each encounter.

    I've wrote all my life. I seldom let my work be seen though unless it was by an instructor of the writing class I was taking. That was until I found Hub pages. Hub pages has given me a great platform to practice my craft and find my fans to inspire me in future endeavors. I'm still very much in a learning mode and I know my grammar as well as my word choices need polishing.

  8. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    I wish I knew. I joined Zujava and was just about to post there and at the last minute put the hub up here instead.  I was asking myself why the entire time. I do think that Hubpages has a much easier site to navigate then the other ones I have checked out.

  9. gmwilliams profile image81
    gmwilliamsposted 11 years ago


    HubPages is so........well, fun.  One can be as creative as one wish.  The capsules are easy and fun to use, unlike other writing sites.  The community of writers are also wonderful.   I love the good natured arguments on the forums, especially the political, social, and religious forums.  Also, the money is nice; however, it takes a while to be paid nicely.  What MORE can a person ask for?  What MORE?  If HubPages were a number, it would be a multillion!

  10. sunilkunnoth2012 profile image65
    sunilkunnoth2012posted 11 years ago

    The community feel is so fine here as everyone is cooperative and lovable, except a very few.  Also, the traffic is high to HP platform when compare with other online platforms.  We can write any topics. Wonderful accolades, appreciation and a little bit of money... all these make HubPages a wonderful experience.

  11. ppc-specialist profile image58
    ppc-specialistposted 11 years ago

    I prefer hubpages for both the reason, income is better than rest of the website but specially community is superb

  12. Mouche profile image61
    Moucheposted 11 years ago

    I decided to use Hubpages again because I founf the information I was looking for in quality articles.

  13. Ronilo Blanca profile image61
    Ronilo Blancaposted 11 years ago

    Hubpages is better than other, Because there's a lot of inspiring in the community. Best of all. There is a lot of active writers on hubpages, that when we ask queries, automatically we got an answer to those active and more knowledgeable writers in the hubpages communitty. That is my point of view why peolple stick hubpages.

  14. Shrikrishnap profile image48
    Shrikrishnapposted 11 years ago

    First thing on Hubpages I like to visit the different hubs on variety of topics. Some of the hubs are very creative & informative. Another part I like is Hubscore. I like to chase that number smile It is fun to follow hubscore.

  15. Felisa Daskeo profile image82
    Felisa Daskeoposted 11 years ago

    I love the site because I see many challenges that make me improve as an online and learning writer.  There are lots of good writers here and I am learning a lot as I keep using hubpages.  Thanks to all the great hubbers.

  16. chefmancave profile image70
    chefmancaveposted 11 years ago

    When I first joined it was because the overall ranking (web reputation) of HubPages.com. Any article posted here has an advantage over many other sites. The second thing I noticed was the "Article Builder" software used to construct articles. It is simple to learn, yet sophisticated enough to allow for experimentation. The default traffic statistics available here are also very simple to learn and understand.

    The reason I stay: After submitting 25 or so articles, it would be difficult to establish that same "core" of articles and followers at another site.

  17. cherryseeds profile image60
    cherryseedsposted 11 years ago

    Dear Thompson, this site has a really invaluable community. even though many people don't know each other as I think it is, still  they interact and share the knowledge. It is mainly the knowledge sharing that keeps me up here. I like how we acquire knowledge from hubs and how people interact with each other when asking a question

  18. liesl5858 profile image87
    liesl5858posted 11 years ago

    I have been here over three months and I still prefer this site to write hubs about my interest as I find the Community is so welcoming and very friendly and helpful at all times. There's always someone to help when you need answers to your questions. I learn a lot of things here too. It enhances my writing capability as I never written articles on the net before. Hubpages has given me the opportunity to write about my interest and to interact with the whole world writers. I like talking or chatting to different kinds of people from other countries.

  19. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 11 years ago

    I came to HP looking for a job and found a community instead.  I haven't been thrilled with traditional writers' groups because of the under current of competitiveness.  There is none of that here - at least that I've experienced.  I've received support, constructive criticism, generosity of spirit, and good old fashioned friendship.  Where else can you get all that for free?

  20. krisaclark profile image63
    krisaclarkposted 11 years ago

    I like the community and the questions feature, although I should probably be more active in both. But as far as the posting, I just like the layout of everything. I've tried Squidoo multiple times, and honestly, I feel like the layout and formatting of the pages feel childish and immature.

  21. American_Choices profile image79
    American_Choicesposted 11 years ago

    I enjoy the Hubbers. We have been labelled a social site and at first I took offense and then I thought about my involvement and it is really a conversation. So in short, I love the many conversationalists here.


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