Holidays. Is this a time to relax or does it make you nervous for being inactive

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  1. Escobana profile image77
    Escobanaposted 10 years ago

    Holidays. Is this a time to relax or does it make you nervous for being inactive?

    For some people holidays are the time of their life to disconnect themselves from long days of work. For others it's the perfect time to bring their laptop/tablet to the swimming pool, to continue their work because they can't do nothing or they just enjoy their work so much. What are holidays to you and do you need them to disconnect or not?

  2. Mabalani profile image70
    Mabalaniposted 10 years ago

    It's nice to get away from your usual surroundings from time to time. Whether its a short city break or a longer holiday on land or near water. And if you live in the British Isles its nice to go anywhere were there will be sunshine for more than three days at a time, although I'd settle for that at the moment. This is summer is marjinally better than last year, simply because we are not suffering from floods.
    For me my state of mind is what determines whether I am able to 'disconnet' or not. Irrespective where I am, if my state of mind is not at peace then I will not be able to manage disconneting from the issue or issues that have caused me to be disquite. Neither sunshine nor luxury will be able to do it. I am ruled by my state of mind. 

    The only thing I can think of that a holiday may be able to do it for me, would be to afford me to go walking in some awe inspriring landscape so that I can think my way out of my predicament, that I feel like I'm making some head way towards solving whatever may be ailing me, and in that way it will have been a factor towards recharding one's batteries.

    1. Escobana profile image77
      Escobanaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I guess I'm ruled by my state of mind as well. To get away from my usual surroundings always work for me though I travel (too) much this year which almost makes me long for the usual stuff. I'm blessed to be able to travel much though:-) I love it!

    2. Gabriel Wilson profile image91
      Gabriel Wilsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It sounds like you would love Madeira; sunshine and walking is what this island is all about. I like your attitude of state of mind; very true. Go steady smile

    3. Escobana profile image77
      Escobanaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Madeira is on the bucketlist! First I'll see Capri this year and Sicily I have to revisit as well. I should meet a rich Italian to travel to other gems in this world as well LOL. Know any (rich) Italian around my age? ;-)

  3. Victoria Lynn profile image87
    Victoria Lynnposted 10 years ago

    I'm too busy to be inactive. Holidays for me mean extra time to try to catch up on my writing, teaching, housework, yard work. I might visit some, too. I look forward to the extra time for things I need to get done. I wish it weren't that way. I don't really take vacations. I used to take a week off work to do stuff at home. I loved it. I would be too stressed out to take a real vacation (or holiday, as many call it). Too much work with packing and traveling and coming back to a mess. Aw, maybe one day I'll have a real vacation!

    1. Escobana profile image77
      Escobanaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Oh Victoria! I definitely see you lying on a towel, surrounded by palmtrees, the fresh breeze of the tropicals and no WIFI:-) Or maybe I should keep you company to keep you busy LOL. Two girls talking about random stuff.

    2. Victoria Lynn profile image87
      Victoria Lynnposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      LOL, Escobana. Two girls talking about random stuff sounds fun! :-)

  4. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 10 years ago

    I feel like I should be relaxing or going on trips like most people I know. Yet I'm just working, going through my reading list fast as lightning, taking discount courses during the summer, and a time to refresh and feel more comfortable. It's a little saddening but a few things are getting done. It just seems slow going.

    1. Escobana profile image77
      Escobanaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I think it's a matter of choice. You could try holidays at Ibiza and forget about discount courses. At Ibiza you reconnect with nature, yourself, the sun the sea and the Ibiza magic. Afterwards you come back completely refreshed, ready to rock.

  5. Gabriel Wilson profile image91
    Gabriel Wilsonposted 10 years ago

    When I lived in England, I regularly had a holiday to recharge my batteries, the need for sunshine and swimming in the sea was a must for me; I always had this as a child growing up in Ireland; many moons ago, when summers were summers.
    These days: holidays are not so important; my weekends are though. I will work through the week but come Saturday afternoon, it's time to switch off till Monday morning. Any work done, is only because it must be so; ordinarily that doesn't happen too often. It's important to recharge and give your brain a break. An overworked body/brain is no good to anyone.
    In answer to your question: no, if I need a holiday, I'll have a holiday no bother about being inactive; I'll work twice as hard with less effort for having a break.

    1. Escobana profile image77
      Escobanaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree an overworked body/brain is no good to anyone. I can also see your point in recharging during the weekends. If you do so, holidays can be very relaxing because you start your holiday in a fit shape.

  6. ameliam.michelle1 profile image59
    ameliam.michelle1posted 10 years ago

    Ummmmmmmmm, for me holidays are the best time to unwind myself, whenever I feel that that stress is getting the better off me, I love to plunge into vacations, for me they are the times to rejig your tired soul.

    1. Escobana profile image77
      Escobanaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I recognize the feeling of plunging into holidays:-) Stress should be a non issue in our lives but unfortunately it isn't. When was your last holiday? Where did you go to?

    2. ameliam.michelle1 profile image59
      ameliam.michelle1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Well, it has been ages I feel since my last blissful trip, it was in the mysterious Machu Picchu, really brought goose bumps

    3. Escobana profile image77
      Escobanaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      WOW! That must have been an amazing trip! Hope you'll have a next one soon:-)

    4. ameliam.michelle1 profile image59
      ameliam.michelle1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Ya, hope so

  7. LensMan999 profile image57
    LensMan999posted 10 years ago

    For me it is the best time I get to spend with my family. It's a time for relaxation too. If we go on working continuously without taking such breaks the life would be very boring. Holidays provide a new freshness to us so that we could do our job much better.

    1. Escobana profile image77
      Escobanaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      True. Life would be borig without a holiday break once in a while. When I couldn't afford expensive trips, I visited cities nearby and booked a hotel. Even like that you feel you've been 'out' for real. Recharged too.

  8. Jackie Lynnley profile image86
    Jackie Lynnleyposted 10 years ago

    I don't see how any woman can manage to be inactive at holidays, but like Christmas I make sure my present buying is done and ready so I can enjoy the season.

    1. Escobana profile image77
      Escobanaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That's a great way to start the Christmas holidays. Buying those presents can be very stressful. Having it done and ready makes it possible to enjoy this wonderful season to the max:-)


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