Why Are Almost All The Popular & "Best" Questions Religious or Political? Can We Agree To Disagree?!
Myself guilty, I think this site has a ton of religious questions that are getting all the attention while there are so many other topics that could be covered. Yes we know some of us believe certain things and others believe other things. However maybe... just maybe we can look past that and find a common ground whether it be animals, or music, or fashion. Peace out folks... well actually peace in! Btw the first part of the question was rhetorical, I for one am not going to comment and debate religiously anymore. I was wondering if others could talk to someone nicely, putting beliefs aside?
I think it's not that we can't agree to disagree - it's more that we are confused and trying to clarify certain things for ourselves.
For example - I have no idea how any self respecting female can be a Republican, or in particular a Trump supporter - however, I might ask questions to try and give me some idea (as it doesn't away my vote - I can't vote as I'm not in America or American, just curious).
I'm also an agnostic atheist, so I like to learn about world religions, despite not believing in their God/s, but there are also things that confuse me about Christianity, Islam and a number of others. As there are a number of Christians here, I do answer their questions of atheists, and I do ask questions of their faith - because I don't get it - be it the contradictions, the 'this is carried over from the OT to the NT, but nothing else' claims. Or just a confusion about something in general. I like to learn, so I ask. I also feel that a challenge to ones faith can strengthen it as well.
I think it's because we are a curious bunch, and thanks to the Internet - can now easily get the answers we want.
That's my girl - "open minded" seeking "understanding!"
Yeah I understand a curious bunch but in my opinion it just seemed like a lot of the religious ?s were the same things being argued back and forth, like he said she said. I'm all for curing curiosity, just not repeating the same stuff over & over
People learn differently - maybe it takes a few goes, or the same question asked differently for someone to get it - on both sides of the spectrum.
Yeah thats true. As long as people are sharing info trying to help or do good then I think its great. I just don't like when ppl debate with some1 just to try & make them look like a fool. When they just wana prove some1 wrong. You know what I me
I "know what you mean!" But Satan doesn't want TRUTH (WORD) given (John 10:10)!
Scripture will be FULFILLED (Matt 24:14)!
I doubt it's to make them look like a fool - if someone can't back their statement of fact with proof, they shouldn't make the statement as fact. And a lot of people will pull a person up on that. I find challenging serves to strengthen, so encourage
You're a refreshing "voice of reason!"
Since I'm a "Believer," it's my "belief" that ALL of His Word is "TRUE" & should be "studied" in "chronological order!" If so, 1 would come to SAME conclusion! Other bks not rd "out of sequence," why Bible
Which is wha I'm doing - reading in order. (Gathering you mean front to back..as no idea how to figure out Bible's chrono order otherwise). Still many contradictions + other things but let me finish it first...haha
Great job! How far along are you? I think I'll join you! Each time one reads, there's something overlooked, forgotten or new! The WORD is "alive" (Heb 4:12)!
Ok that is your opinion, I respect it. Mine is that SOME people want to prove others wrong or be right. just to be right. Where as some people want to teach and share with the goodness of their heart. We can agree to disagree.
Christians never "Agree to disagree!" How could they IF they serve "I AM" who is ONE SPIRIT! It's just they do not have "Spiritual ears" to "hear!"
"You who have "have ears," let him "hear" (Mk 4:9)!
Tradition/ego/pride prevents (I Jn 2:16)!
Roob - that we can. I'm happy to agree to disagree. Sometimes, if someone is trying really hard to prove they are right, but has no proof + refuses to provide any, I'll call them out. But I'm usually happy to agree to disagree and learn at same time.
Who could've KNOWN to inspire men to write as many "accurate" fulfilled prophecies as in Bible but GOD! Why don't u unbelievers provide another bk written BEFORE Bible with as many? Where do u thk u came fm? Evolution? Body,soul & spirit? ONLY G
Awesome!(: sorry if i was too aggressive at first in those other threads!
I wonder if Norine speaks 80% in scriptures in real life, too. That would be a trip.
YUP! I "Walk in the Spirit" & try not to "fulfill the lust of the flesh" (Gal5:16)!
Ps 34:1 "I will bless the LORD at ALL times; his praise will CONTINUALLY be in my mouth!"
U talking to me Rob?If so, it's OK!I have confidence in U (2 Cor 7:16)
Not a problem Rob. I think all of us can be at the start.
Aime - it would be! It'd be terribly weird tho too.
GOD! Y'all continue to "fulfill" Scripture! I Cor 2:14 "But the natural man recvth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness ("weird") unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
Controversy sells, and politics and religion has that in abundance these days.
Also it seems a little late for you to ask others to do something you didn't actually bother to do yourself...
It is because of the way HP has the 'most popular' stuff on the front page - instead of actual hubs (writing content) from the site. I hate it. At this moment in time, all five of the things being highlighted on the front page are religious Q&A - not Hubs or Forum topics. I guess it is based on 'whatever is coming out' on top of 'what gets commented on' as they are coming out. So, maybe we should stop commenting on all Q&A - then again, HP could correct the situation.
Yeah I am fine with some religious questions but when it is the same thing over and over, just fighting, it gets lame. I am pretty new here so after a couple weeks of the arguing, myself guilty, I am over it lol.(:
Actually, this very question gets asked a lot as a result of that, too - I'd guess about every couple dozen questions, this one comes up. It would be nice if HP was paying attention.
Why would a forum topic get classified with a hub? It's basically a lengthy question with lengthy debate - not a hub and not real writing
I think that I have trouble ignoring topics that light a fire under my butt because I'm incredibly stubborn.
I also think that there have been some really interesting and even civil conversations regarding religion/politics, but most of the time you have a handful of people (a lot of repeat offenders...) that come in and show no interest in rational conversation and just want to be abrasive and rude.
I don't think discussing our differences is the problem so much as HOW some people go about 'discussing' them.
I also hold no grudges here and am totally willing to have nice conversations with people who I've disagreed with in other conversations - I mean hey, we got into it pretty good and I actually quite like you outside of that conversation.
As far as "religious " questions these usually fall under the banner of bigoted anti-religious questions by a handful of cliques of obsessive atheists who never tire of stereotyping and agreeing with each other to practice intolerance and hatred.
Such questions need to be addressed and queried by rational thinkers who practice religious tolerance in order to contradict the mental swill of the said atheists.
Well I am a Christian and I debated against the atheists pretty harshly. I just noticed it was the same stuff being argued and ppl were getting hostile, myself included. It didn't seem to be a place for growing in my opinion.
Do me a favor Rob! Wasn't Jesus born,gave ex how we should live, promised Holy Spirit, DIED, Sent HS, Chose Paul to cont His work (Acts 9:15)? If 1 would "look" @ WORD, they'd know this but MOST stop @ "The Gospels!" TRUE? All I say New Cov EFF!
I google search about 30 times a day. NEVER have I come across the Q and A section of hubpages while searching google. I saw someone on HP the other day saying they thought the Q and A section would keep viewers from coming here. I highly doubt it.
I think religious and political debate does do some good sometimes. Even if it is helpful in a small way, like someone coming to an understanding that what they thought about a group of people isn't always true.
When I was 18 I was a conservative. Now in my early 30's I am a liberal libertarian. A lot of that change came from debate. I started questioning my own beliefs and why I believed what I did.
I'm also a minority on many levels, so certain things make me feel like I HAVE to debate.
Debate is healthy, as long as we are all civil, that is the key! I'll keep debating!
+1 Great answer. You've inspired me to keep in the debates. Like the author of this question, I get tired of it too sometimes - and just have to walk away. Breaks are okay, I think - just come back.
I don't think people would google & see it. But as a newer member of the site on the home page I see a lot of religious & political ?s get more attention than other content usually. I agree with you debate is good only with respect.(: & t
Norine, you asked me earlier why I didn't continue 'in god's word' to continue learning. I did, its just that god's word is inside of each of us & scattered within lies. We ALL already KNOW the truth w/o having to go through a 'spiritual initiati
We all worship the dark lord - there is no true God
Actually Ralph I don't worship no dark lord lol. You can though, I ain't gunna stop ya.
Myself guilty I have been in heated debate when my heart just wanted to prove the other person wrong and "win" the debate.
When I realize this, I try to shy away from these kind of conversations.
I only want to share and be shared with... with love. With a kind heart and intention.
Some quotes that I like & think represent this would be...
"If you reason with an arrogant cynic, you’ll get slapped in the face;
confront bad behavior and get a kick in the shins.
So don’t waste your time on a scoffer;
all you’ll get for your pains is abuse.
But if you correct those who care about life,
that’s different—they’ll love you for it!
Save your breath for the wise—they’ll be wiser for it;
tell good people what you know—they’ll profit from it."
This doesn't have to be religious it could be for life in general. If you see someone, saying something about a medicine that is not factual, you would be wise to correct that person for safety reasons. Unless that person is stubborn and won't listen, then it would not be worth your breath.
This is my opinion people so don't think i'm correcting you lol!(:
MOST on HP don't want "TRUTH" only playing "The Devil's Advocate!" However, during debates w/Satan, others are "watching" & "learning" & those who desire SALVATION, will "Study!"
I'm doing what GOD said!
This is the problem with debate here. The comment above mine. Her TRUTH is the only truth to her. A debate is impossible with that type of person. It is a waste of time. Just keep trying to be kind roob! We can all agree to disagree!
ProbleM: With the Word of GOD, there is only ONE WAY or WORD says "ACCURSED" (Gal 1:6-9)! If ppl would READ rather than thinking "I GOT THIS," following "tradition, they would "see," but MOST don't want to bother "studying" & say "She's wrong!"
Most people you argue with (because it sure isn't debating) HAVE studied and they still disagree with your book. You almost never even address what's actually being talked about, just scripture, scripture, scripture.
Why do U not blv Bible? What other bk is fm GOD? What other bk written BEFORE Bible has as many "accurate" fulfilled prophecies? Who could've known this but GOD? Why r u so angry w/HIM? U're still here! That's a blessing w/in itself!
I'm still here because of ME. I'm not angry at anything I don't believe in, but IF (big IF) there were a god this world would not be what it is, and if there were a god who allowed this to be I would choose not to worship it!
Is your life that horrible? Others have problems too but haven't become bitter! Visit hospitals, jails, shelters, etc. THEN "count YOUR blessings!"
There's ALWAYS someone suffering worst than us but GOD is merciful!
We're still here!
Why do you imply my life must be horrible because I don't think like you? I love my godless life! I have made a wonderful family. I have all my needs met. I really can't ask for more, but I am not about to hand credit to an imaginary friend!
What made u come to the conclusion "imaginary?" How did u get here? Evolution? How do u know not real if you've never tried? Who could have known all the "accurate" fulfilled prophecies in Bible but GOD if "imaginary?"
Evr heard of Nostradamus predicting stuff? I tried, nothing magical happened, nothing changed, didn't feel any presence, nothing. Came to conclusion by thinking logically. None of it makes any sense. ZERO physical proof = imaginary.
Yes! I've heard of Nostradamus' stolen fm Bible prophecies!
JESUS' last commandment to disciples was to "WAIT" (Acts 1:4) for HOLY SPIRIT! MOST don't, become "disgruntled," & feel exactly as u, when, in fact, THEY didn't do as commanded!
Errr - was gonna stay out of it but - Nor - proof of your statement re: Nostradamus and 'stealing' from Bible please. Otherwise it's just yr say so, and well, I'd prefer proof
Nostradamus "proof?" What came first Nostradamus or Bible? There's you "proof!" Anyone can study Bible & "prophecy(?)!"
If you believe GOD is CREATOR, HE created Nostradamus! If not, you don't believe in GOD!
You state he stole his prophecies from the Bible - therefore it is on you to prove your statement - claiming the Bible came first is not proof. Where? Which prophecies of Nos's are from the Bible? Have you looked him up at all?
You don't believe JESUS "created ALL?" If not, you will fall into trap of "Nostradamus" or anything/one else!
Colossians 2:8 "Beware lest any man spoil u through philosophy & vain deceit, after the tradition of men, ..& not after Christ!"
Nor - Bible before Nos is NOT proof. You made the statement - YOU provide the proof. Otherwise, you're basically lying as you are making things up as you go along - isn't that a sin? Look Nos up, or admit you have no proof.
AGAIN! "IF" u don't blv GOD created ALL (including Nost), then "unbeliever!" So, provide a book that has as many "accurate" fulfilled prophecies written BEFORE Bible or u LIE!
Isn't Nos a "man?" Who created "man?" Who came 1st? U need "proof"=unblvr
Sorry I turned your answer into this roob, but it's frustrating, I guess on all sides. I have to remind myself not to partake with her, there is no debating there. I'll walk away at this point so I don't continue under yr post. Have good day roob!
One can't "debate" w/WORD! If IT IS WRITTEN - no debate! That's why they RUN!
One's "philosophy" is NOT "TRUTH!" I AM A BELIEVER!!! If not in WORD, just an "opinion!"
I give WORD = TRUTH!
Its fine Ann I don't blame ya but I would recommend staying away from Norine as well, very frustrating lol sorry Norine but you are. Jackie was like I shoulda stayed out, she knows whatsup too lol.
No apology necessary! Scripture will be "fulfilled." The world was prophesied to respond exactly the way MOST do "Right is wrong & wrong is right" (2Tim 3; Is 5:20)!
Thk u for proving I'm on the LORD'S side! Jn 15:18 says "They hated me 1st!"
Nor - last go. I'm an atheist, therefore I don't believe in God creating all men. So your statement of 'proof' holds no proof what so ever. You've not looked up Nos, - just say u have no proof. I asked you respectfully, at least respect me.
"You've not looked up Nos" Why assume? How did u get here if no God?
I have proof! NO MAN (including Nos) has "accurately" prophesied as many fulfilled prophecies as in the Bible w/o being Inspired by GOD!
Provide bk!
I asked you for proof first. You made statement that Nos stole from Bible - what prophecies of Nos were stolen from Bible? If u know them, have looked up Nos, this should be easy. But saying 'Bible here before Nos' is not proof. Try again
NO! U did not ask to provide Nos proof BEFORE I asked "unbelievers" (YOU) to provide a book w/as many "accurate" fulfilled prophecies written BEFORE Bible! ANYTHING Nos prophesied written fm Bible was stolen! Nos child when Bible written! Try again!
In this thread, YOU made the statement - therefore You need to provide proof of it. It is this particular time we are talking abt - proof that Nos stole. Not the times u fallback on the same 'you find me a book that' - usually when U r asked + can't
U're asking for something that u can very easily "Google" as I did! Nos' DOB & date man (inspired by God) began writing Bible!
R u just arguing for argument's sake?
GOD hates "...feet that be swift in running to mischief" (Prov 6:19)!
YOU stated the fact, it is up TO U to prove it. I was not asking for dates of publication but actual proof of your statement that his proph r stolen - which ones of Nos's do you mean? Even a link will do. I'm not arguing - u aren't giving any proof
Proof of Nos' DOB & proof of earliest writings of Bible is "proof!" Nos child when early writings! Google!
U still can't provide bk, can u? Is that what "really" angers u?
GOD told me to ask u "unbelievers" & u can't "Withstand the hand of
Not angry - I'm smiling. U just keep proving that U hv no proof other thn yr theory. U can't even provide the proph's stolen, which if it were true wld b simple. Yr jb 2 provd proof if u mk the statement, nt mine. Anyway, it was fun, but I'm tired.
Provide the book or again GOD has proven HE is the ALMIGHTY "I AM!"
Seriously good question. with the general election on our doorstep, the political questions, although sometime polarizing, do have value in exposing things or reinforcing things about a candidate. As far as the religious questions, they serve mainly as sounding boards for the far ends of the spectrum to repeat their same old talking points over and over. It doesn't take much to round up "the usual suspects" who participate in these discussions either. The questions act like magnets to some people who feel they need to be heard. Forums are another area where controversy is being spouted now as well; unhappy people who feel ideologically wronged are looking for sympathy, Social Justice Warriors looking to hammer home their viewpoints and try to destroy anyone who disagrees with them, and more religion and politics too.
I ask questions, but I would much rather see only hubs considered for the featured sections, but that's not my choice.
You are right in referring to me as "very unhappy!" I AM "very unhappy" that Satan has deceived MOST in that they don't live under THE NEW COVENANT (what Jesus DIED for) & have them believe that the GIFT of the Holy Spirit (POWER) "religly incor
I'm glad you agree too Ralph! Thanks for the logical answer.
Norine - please, just shut your pie hole. I'll pray for your soul to Hecate, Demeter, Anubis, Freya, Meng Po, Whiro, Yama, Morrighan, Osiris, Hel, and Hades to protect you in the underworld. All of these predate your God...
Ralph, thanks for saying that for me. Saves having to wash my mouth out....lol
Even you know he's demonized ("...saves fm having to wash my mouth out.")! However, your agreement shows you are also!
GOD HATES "A false witness that speaketh lies, & he that soweth discord among brethren" (Prov 3:19)!
I'm also quite tired of it. I took a break from Facebook for a year (lost my VPN in China where Facebook is blocked so it was a forced exile) and when I was able to get back I was overcome with all of the patronizing, antagonizing and belittling vitriol that blanketed my homepage. It's a bit embarrassing. I too wish that HubPages would stick to actual hubs on the front page.
Yeah I think people might be more inclined to write hubs, because i've been here a few weeks and wanted to write a Q&A or two because it looked like a lot of traffic was going that way!(: & wow China thats scary lolol
Then it appears you have your work cut out for you by writing HUBS of "substance" that appeals to audience!
Welcome back & Good luck!
Yup I gotta get to work too, writing up some hubs... ima procrastinator.
I think we tend to post responses to questions we are interested in. People are interested in religious and political topics. This doesn't mean that we cannot have respectful discussions.
Such questions makes one use deep inductive & deductive analysis. Some of such questions garner deep discussion, even disagreement. Politics & religion have always been so-called controversial subjects as they oftentimes lead to quite, spicy conversations. Nothing sets a conversation/discussion off than to mention a political or religious subject. Seldom is anyone silent or neutral regarding religion or politics, one always has one opinion or another regarding the subject at hand. Apart from political & religious subjects/questions garnering deep analytical discussions, such subjects/questions also can create quite emotional, even visceral responses which can get quite animated!
"...can get quite animated!"
Especially when it goes against one's "traditional" beliefs (as w/ Jesus' teachings then & "The Gospel of Christ" now!) & can be "proven" in WORD!
Looks like you hit the jackpot with this one. Do you see the irony with this this currently being at the top of the intro page?
He's very "intelligent!" Knows how to "stir up the pot!" But all things are for the "Glory of God!"
Ding ding ding! Lol. Yes I see the irony.(: & nice comment Norine!
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