Is the use of 1337sp34k, lolcat, and other internet jargon cool here?

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  1. Falsor Wing profile image60
    Falsor Wingposted 14 years ago

    I'm used to chat-rooms or forums but this one seems like the most... civilized? That I've ever really intended to frequent. So far typing everything, even forum posts, as professionally as I can without needing to whip out my Warner's English handbook seems to actually be helping me type more intelligibly when it's important to look professional, but I sure do enjoy my internet jargon. teh 1337speak helps me feel at home, also it amuses me no end.

    tl;dr: I can has lolspeak?

    1. kerryg profile image84
      kerrygposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      In my experience, a lot of people around here don't seem to understand much beyond the most basic internet jargon, like LOL and IMHO.

      LOLcats are popular enough that you can probably get away with some I can haz's but tl;dr (or, god forbid, teal deer) is going to leave some scratching their heads.

      Oh, and typing in ALL CAPS or L1k3 Th15 just pisses people off.

      1. Falsor Wing profile image60
        Falsor Wingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        lol it's nice to know someone speaks my language. I can haz is really enough to get me by. any thought on accidentlying the whole thing?

        1. kerryg profile image84
          kerrygposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          *g* I don't speak it well myself, but if you hang around fandom_wank long enough you do pick some stuff up.

          You should write a hub about it, actually! Quite a few people around this forum could stand to learn what Godwin's Law is. tongue

          1. Falsor Wing profile image60
            Falsor Wingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            You sir, are a brilliant man. I shall add it to the articles to write list, near the top even. is there a shout out function for individual hubs? In case Taylor Swift comes along, I want to be ready to let her finish.

            1. kerryg profile image84
              kerrygposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Or ma'am, as the case may be. Turns out there ARE girls on the internets. wink

              I'll definitely keep an eye out for the hub! I do love a good meme.

              1. Falsor Wing profile image60
                Falsor Wingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                LIES women don't fart and they can't go on the internet. 4chan said so it HAS to be true.

                1. kerryg profile image84
                  kerrygposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                  Darn, you've uncovered my secret! "kerryg" is my Rule Sixty Three Alternate Identity. I use "her" to infiltrate private women's discussions about masturbation.

                  I'm really a 13 year old boy.

                  In conclusion, BOOBIES!!!

                  1. Falsor Wing profile image60
                    Falsor Wingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                    Ah-Ha I said you were a brilliant man.

                    Seriously though that post is really funny. You've captured the essence of a 13 year old boy on the internet. hmmm hubbers probably don't know what the TMP virus is either.

  2. The10DollarMark profile image60
    The10DollarMarkposted 14 years ago

    Seeing as this is a forum for writers (since Hubpages is a writing community), most people will try to use correct English and not chat or l33t sp34k.

    But is it prohibited? I don't think so as I took a quick read through the hubpages FAQ, forum rules, and TOS and did not find anything (though it was a quick read, so maybe I just missed it).

    However, I will say people tend to not respond to people who seem to use a lot chatspeak/l33tspeak because often - though not always - such speech is used by spammers or people who are likely to quit HP before really giving it a go.

    Personally, I find chat and l33t speak to be distracting. I can read regular English in a flash, but weird speech can take me up to 3-5 times as long. A word here or there is fine, but whole paragraphs? ......

    Of course the sandpit is a subforum for goofing off, so maybe you can create a topic there where everyone has to speak in lol/chat/l33t speech.

    1. Falsor Wing profile image60
      Falsor Wingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It sounds like I spent too much time working on the lolcat bible. I'm very fluent. a chatspeak thread might indeed be fun. Thanks again Jeeves.

  3. thisisoli profile image72
    thisisoliposted 14 years ago

    You can use it if you want, but it yeah this is a writers forum, so there is generally a pretty high standard of English here!

  4. CMHypno profile image82
    CMHypnoposted 14 years ago

    You can use it, but as I wouldn't understand any of it you might not get an answer!

  5. ab420 profile image60
    ab420posted 14 years ago

    Personally, I don't think it's "cool" anywhere. wink

  6. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    I don't consider myself a writer but online marketer, and I wouldn't bother with a post written like that. But I don't read topics that are all written in capital letters either.

    Maybe you'd attract a different crowd to respond and you'd make new friends. Might be interesting.

    1. Falsor Wing profile image60
      Falsor Wingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      lol not so much new friends as old friends would be poking their heads into teh hubs, "wh4t is this? Nyuu is teh man nao? Row Row Fight the Powa!"

      yea its obnoxious if you are not "in" on the "in-joke" vocabulary.

      However you should check out the lolcat bible, that is legitimately interesting. Actually the lolcat bible might be a good hub topic.

      Hmm I wonder if babblefish will do chanspeak?


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