with aids being a fact of life, do you feel sorry for people who contact it from

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  1. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 14 years ago

    with aids being a fact of life, do you feel sorry for people who contact it from continously...

    practicing non-safe sex?what will it take for people to take responsibility for their actions. common sense dictates you need to wrap it if your having sex with someone who you don't know if they are safe.

  2. yazoogal43 profile image39
    yazoogal43posted 14 years ago

    Those who have aides from participation in unsafe sex do not have my sympathy, but those who work in hospitals to help them live do, as do the people who contacted it from blood transfusions Let us remember the facts.

  3. profile image0
    Phoebe Pikeposted 14 years ago

    That's like feeling bad for a smoker who got cancer. I feel bad that they are unwell, even if they did actions that could have easily been avoided, but a sickness is a sickness nonetheless. I just wish we had more advances in medical sciences to help anyone and everyone who gets sick.

  4. Doc Snow profile image82
    Doc Snowposted 13 years ago

    Sure, I feel sorry for them.

    It's not easy, being an idiot.

  5. LeeWalls profile image59
    LeeWallsposted 13 years ago

    I feel bad for them because that's terrible. I've seen aids patients not in movies but in person, but if they're promiscuous what is that saying? You reap what you sow.

  6. kelbethc profile image60
    kelbethcposted 13 years ago

    1 of 4 women are sexually assaulted at some point in their life

    Over 80% of those assaults occur before age 25

    78% of the assaults came from someone they knew

    Victims of sexual assault are
    3x more likely to suffer depression
    6x more likely to suffer PTSD
    13x more likely to abuse alcohol
    26x more likely to abuse drugs
    4x more likely to contemplate suicide

    Yes, I feel sorry for those who get HIV from promiscuity - the same way I feel sorry for those who got it from any other way.

  7. Frank Atanacio profile image74
    Frank Atanacioposted 13 years ago

    Non-safe-sex had been a practice we shared since the beginning of Man--  what we fail to see is the many partners we have sex with-- unprotected of course.. I feel badly for anyone who is sick-- Now is there really a cure-- because the money isn't in a cure it's in the medication..  so who should we really blame?

  8. geiser093 profile image60
    geiser093posted 13 years ago

    My wish is to see no one suffer. I personally have made many bad descisions in my life. Some have had serious consequences. Normally the most serious consequences come from the repeating of the unhealthiest actions.

    I do feel empathy for those whose actions have led to suffering. It should be a wake up call for us all to take a look at ourselves. Everything we do affects another in some way. We should look for ways to build up those we encounter. Many people suffer because of systematic abuse that leads to defects of character causing unhealthy behaviors.

  9. hobbynob profile image80
    hobbynobposted 12 years ago

    Not one of us has led a perfect life, so we should always be compassionate no matter what people have done to put themselves in poor circumstances. How can anyone know what another's life has been like or what led them to that place? It is not for us to judge other people and say what they deserve. It is for us to lead them in the right direction, by example, and help them realize that what they deserve is so much more than the path they've chosen.

    If someone has HIV, that is a terrible punishment for people who were looking for love or maybe even tricked into a bad decision. Sufferers of AIDS certainly don't need people looking down at them and condemning them in their misery. They need a helping hand, to show them that there IS love in the world and they DO have something to give, still.


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