Does writing help you to become a better communicator verbally?

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  1. Rosie writes profile image83
    Rosie writesposted 13 years ago

    Does writing help you to become a better communicator verbally?

    It seems that writing on a regular basis would help you to gather your thoughts more easily, find the words you are looking for more readily, and become more knowledgeable in general; all of these would transfer directly to your thought processes when communicating with others verbally.  Have you found this to be true.  What is your experience?

    1. Kristeen profile image71
      Kristeenposted 13 years ago

      Good Question! Yes it does because when I write I have more time to organize my thoughts and therefore am able to express myself more clearly.

    2. profile image0
      femmeflashpointposted 13 years ago

      I think so.  At least it does if I take a little time to think before I speak.  In writing, it's a bit more spontaneous, or the words seem to form in my head faster.  If I foul, there's always the backspace button, lol.  However, I do think both writing and reading are excellent ways to reinforce proper word useage when speaking.  And, it probably helps me slow down a little.  Talking fast isn't always a good thing to be doing. smile  Good question!

    3. Helena Ricketts profile image94
      Helena Rickettsposted 13 years ago

      Yes, most definitely!  It makes it easier to say whats on the mind quickly.  At least I think that's a good thing, but I could be wrong.

    4. profile image0
      Arlene V. Pomaposted 13 years ago

      Just because you write doesn't make you better at verbal communication.  As a writer, I spent a lot of time using my writing to communicate.  But you can also hide behind your writing.  I wouldn't depend on the writing to see me through.  I would suggest taking speech classes.  I had a friend who gained a lot of confidence when he joined Toastmasters.  In a job, you get experience in verbal communication when you have to deal with the public or the people in the workplace.  Same goes for volunteer work.  You're dealing with people.  Anything you do in life which has to do with communication comes into play to make you a better communicator.  Writing is only a small part of verbal communication.  When I wanted to express myself verbally and went through with it, that's my writing skills helped me out.  You could write and be organized all you want in your writing.  But if you can't look someone in the eye or speak to a group of people without falling apart, what good are your writing skills?

    5. The Blagsmith profile image69
      The Blagsmithposted 13 years ago

      Hmm I am quite different from the writers below. I flummox and can get nervous in company especially if they are strangers and I get a suspicious feeling from them. I am not a great orator but I have been told I write well.

      We can reflect before publishing writing, therefore tidying things up.We cannot do that orally when speaking normally. However, I did work in customer care on the telephones and I could be influential in retaining irate customers. Face to face though is quite different for me.

    6. cmlindblom profile image69
      cmlindblomposted 13 years ago

      It helps me write a little more properly. I very cared about spelling or proper grammer but now I actually pay more attention to what I'm writing no matter what it is. I also started using capital letters where they are supposed to.

    7. randomcreative profile image85
      randomcreativeposted 13 years ago

      Interesting question!  Not necessary, but I think that it certainly can.  I definitely think better on paper, so writing things out can be a great way for me to think things through before presenting them verbally.

    8. jcoop profile image61
      jcoopposted 13 years ago

      Absolutely, especially for English language learners.  I have had students who had a great deal of trouble communicating verbally, but made huge improvements with only daily journal writing.  You can't become a fluent speaker until you have become a fluent writer.

    9. Heather McMillan profile image61
      Heather McMillanposted 13 years ago

      I think being a good communicator has helped me to be a better writer. I also think my passion to read has been combined to help my writing.  I do my best to make my words, whether written or spoken, make sense and be grammatically correct.

    10. moiragallaga profile image76
      moiragallagaposted 13 years ago

      I would say writing would help you be a better communicator verbally because as some mentioned here, the discipline and effort involved in writing helps develop your thought processes. Writing and verbal communication are forms of expression, means of getting your message across, so improvement in one should basically help improve the other.

      However, as some have pointed out, public speaking is an entirely different matter. Speaking to large groups of people or in a public setting requires certain sets of skills. Writing will help, but not in all aspects when it comes to talking to groups of people or a large crowd. Otherwise, in terms of a casual conversation or a discussion among friends, family or people you are familiar and confortable with, writing is very likely to improve your ability to communicate your thoughts and feelings to them more effectively.

    11. edhan profile image36
      edhanposted 13 years ago

      I find writing is more difficult than communication.

      I can communicate easily with people around me but when comes to writing, I find it rather hard to express. I always envy those who can really write. They are gifted with this skill. It is not for anyone or everyone.

      It is a good skill that people can write as well as communicate. But not everyone can do both though.

    12. Attikos profile image80
      Attikosposted 13 years ago

      Writing and speaking use different thought processes. You can see that in the gulf between the end results when you put a piece directly on paper and when you dictate it. The division isn't complete. There is some bleeding between the methods, for instance in the vocabulary building that occurs when you write. They don't have much influence over one another, though. Few people do both well, and practicing one doesn't do much to improve the other.

    13. whoisbid profile image62
      whoisbidposted 13 years ago

      I am much more powerful verbally and face to face with people and find that writing can be a great hindrance to communicating when you want to explain something very complex. In fact being verbal is not enough because you also have to be demonstrative in order to get people's attention, especially an audience. Writing is a weakness of mine and I wonder if some people have it the other way around.

    14. Keith Worth profile image59
      Keith Worthposted 13 years ago

      For me it's a case of the chicken and the egg. My verbal skills seems directly related to my writing but I'm not sure which is the cause and which is the effect. I know some people whose writing skills have actually hindered their verbal communications because they're more used to having time to sit down and write a response as opposed to needing to reply more spontaneously. On the flip side I know people who become better speakers as they become better writers so I could lean either way on the subject.

    15. tsmog profile image87
      tsmogposted 13 years ago

      The direct answer to your question "you" is 'no,' however my challenge isn't your examples. My challenge is cognitive functions. The words either tumble out so frickn' fast when I am dancing with hypomania - mania they aren't coherent. Or, they fall flat on the ground when in a depressed state in a jumbled mess of half sentences, convoluted words mixed together making no sense, or simply speechless. But, when in a normal, which is a setting on the washer, state my CBT is in high gear so I tend not to engage in topic discussions. However, put a keyboard in front of me and I am a totally different person - smile.

      But, I believe it does cause growth in communication as a whole or a holistic view.

    16. Rosie writes profile image83
      Rosie writesposted 13 years ago

      I wasn't expecting so many different responses, but it makes sense since we do not all perceive things in the same way.  I personally find that when I have been writing on a regular basis, my verbal communication improves.  I feel more confident because I am able to retrieve information quicker than usual, and also the words come more easily to express whatever I am trying to communicate.  I see our brains as large file cabinets that we file new information into on a regular basis.  We can find those files more easily, the more often we access them.

    17. RideRone profile image54
      RideRoneposted 4 years ago

      I do think that writing can definitely help you improve in verbal communication. Communication is all about turning what your thinking about into words. It is articulating what you actually want to say and how to say it. The more you practice it the better you will become and the more natural it will be, it doesn't matter if it is written or oral communication.

      Write everyday and put into words your thoughts everyday.

      However, to achieve the best results I think you should be practicing your verbal skills along with writing from essay writer. Try to explain in words a complicated concept. Even if you have no one to explain the concepts to, just explain it to yourself. Instead of just thinking it, say your thoughts out loud so that you will be accustomed to solidifying your thoughts into spoken form.

      If you do these two things, I think you will see huge improvement. Hope it helps.

    18. Jodah profile image86
      Jodahposted 4 years ago

      I am the first to admit that I am not a great orator, especially in regard to pubic speaking. Writing has helped me with this somewhat but I am still 1000 time better at conveying my thoughts and communicating through writing than I am orally. I can think about and organise my thoughts before I put pen to paper or finger to keyboard. When it is direct word to mouth you don’t have time and I often find myself pondering what to say while the moment passes and I am left open mouthed as I try to formulate what I want to say.

    19. skydancer profile image90
      skydancerposted 4 years ago

      Yes and no. I have always written better than I've talked (unless I have a prepared statement or am EXTREMELY well versed on the subject -- introvert problems!) However, I have found "morning pages" helpful in improving my verbal expression. If you don't know what morning pages are, it is taking time out of your morning to write three straight pages of stream of consciousness writing. Much of the time, what comes out is a whole lot of nonsense but every now and then I'll have a big moment of revelation about something that I have known deep inside but never knew how to explain. I then know how to put them in the words verbally for future reference. Overall, however, the written word will probably always come more naturally because I am freer to be creative/imaginative, which is what I tend to thrive on.

    20. EL Doll profile image80
      EL Dollposted 4 years ago

      Yes and no. While it is true that writing has helped me develop speeches or simply expanded my word bank and the sentence structures I use, my communication skills haven't significantly improved due to it. In a general sense, I find that I make so many errors in my verbal communication. You can reread a sentence to check for grammatical errors but you can't do that when you are talking.

    21. profile image54
      jangdongposted 3 years ago

      OMG keep it up bro amazing.  slope unblocked

    22. Brenda Arledge profile image81
      Brenda Arledgeposted 3 years ago

      Nope.  I still struggle whenever I want to express something with words, but give me a pen a paper and I can jot it down.

      The words always come out with a different meaning.

    23. Castlepaloma profile image74
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years ago

      Just writing things down, improves my memory retentions by.80%.


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