Is your spelling getting worse?

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  1. rfmoran profile image68
    rfmoranposted 11 years ago

    Is your spelling getting worse?

    I prided myself as a kid on my excellent spelling. As the years go by it's getting constantly worse. I think it's the fault of Spell Checker, a blessed little program but one that makes us rely on it. Are you having the same experience?

  2. Electro-Denizen profile image80
    Electro-Denizenposted 11 years ago

    Ha... very funny question :-) 

    Overall I'd say it's getting better, but on the other hand, I blame spell checker for flagging things which in the UK are normal. Colour.. color.. etc So it looks like my spelling is getting worse, and I can say with all confidence, that it really is the fault of spellchecker! But for a different reason to yours.

    1. rfmoran profile image68
      rfmoranposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the comment my friend. We both labour on! Spell check didn't like what I just said.

  3. hawaiianodysseus profile image70
    hawaiianodysseusposted 11 years ago

    Yes and no. Let me explain.

    I write more at the age of sixty than I've ever written before. Thus, as the adage suggests, practice makes (almost) perfect. : ) However, after having had cataract surgery on both eyes last year, I am sometimes at a distance from the computer screen that allows me to see the general shape of the letters without having to rely on reading glasses yet prevents me from seeing the letters correctly even if I do have them on. I pretty much have to lean over in my chair and be the precise amount of inches away from the screen. So sometimes I miss a letter as I type or hit the wrong keystroke, and since I'm unable to see the error, I end up looking like a bad speller.

    Ah, what's an old guy gonna do?

    1. rfmoran profile image68
      rfmoranposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have no such excuse - At the ripe young age of 66 my spelling is just getting lousy. By the way - Hve you considered a larger screen?

  4. MPG Narratives profile image60
    MPG Narrativesposted 11 years ago

    Ah yes the dreaded Spell Check. We in Australia have the same problem as those in UK but I try and ignore the almost constant 'wiggly red lines' and try and rely on my excellent 'kid' spelling, something I pride myself on just like you. I do at times double check with dictionaries when I type a word I think is right and spell check tells me its not, that's usually when spell check wins because my memory isn't what it used to be. smile

    1. rfmoran profile image68
      rfmoranposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks my friend. I hate it when my computer wins, as it usually does.

  5. Faith A Mullen profile image81
    Faith A Mullenposted 11 years ago

    I am frequently annoyed at myself for questioning spelling now when I used to be so good at it in high school. I know for sure it is the fault of spell checker for me!

    1. rfmoran profile image68
      rfmoranposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      My feelings exactly Faith.

  6. Lisa HW profile image61
    Lisa HWposted 11 years ago

    It doesn't happen to be, but I've never relied on spell-checker for anything but the occasional hunting for what are often typos after I've already finished writing something.  However, I can see that your "theory" could be a reasonable one; because years ago I decided not to use speed-dialing on my phone after I realized that I hadn't even learned my own children's phone numbers (because I hadn't had to).    I couldn't help but think that we're probably better off making sure our brain gets plenty of exercise at things like recalling phone numbers (or whatever).  It's said that brain-exercise can help fend off some types of age-related mental decline.  Because of that I just decided not to ever rely on electronics for the more basic stuff that our brains can do perfectly well.

    1. rfmoran profile image68
      rfmoranposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Lisa. I don't use speed dial for the same reason. Spell checker has taken over part of my brain.

  7. Marcus99 profile image59
    Marcus99posted 11 years ago

    I thinc my speling has ben geting wurse for shur...

    1. rfmoran profile image68
      rfmoranposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Looks okay to me Marcus!

    2. Marcus99 profile image59
      Marcus99posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Why, thank you! I do try.

  8. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    YES!  I used to be an excellent speller and now that I am older, apparently that part of my brain has retired.  I don't think spell check is responsible--just age for me.

    1. rfmoran profile image68
      rfmoranposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think in my case its a combination of both.

  9. sparkleyfinger profile image84
    sparkleyfingerposted 11 years ago

    Yes! If I am writing by hand, I can spell great... As soon as I type, because I use an iPad and iMac, all of the correct spellings flag up as incorrect because the language is americanised, even though it is set to English uk... Anyway, because of that, I have lost confidence in my spelling, whereas before I was always sure!

    1. rfmoran profile image68
      rfmoranposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So you have experienced similar problems. They should at least put in UK alternative spellings which are acceptable.

  10. profile image0
    Moeskyposted 11 years ago

    Not only my spelling, but also my grammar has gotten worse over the last 20 years. The reason here is that I converse generally in Dutch,  and that has become so familiar that I have moments when I forget English words altogether, or I question whether a certain word is English or Dutch (or even German in some cases). And spellings that look alike in both languages have completely different sounds, so that complicates things too.
    It's getting better lately because I'm doing so much writing (and often more talking) in English. If I make mistakes for another reason, it's because I choose (American over English...doesn't bother me which so long as it's consequent), or I'm building my vocabulary with words I've always known but never written - then I double-check for the spelling (if it's not obvious), and sometimes even for the definition.
    But none of this has ANYTHING to do with my age.....

    1. rfmoran profile image68
      rfmoranposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your comments Moesky.

  11. dailytop10 profile image86
    dailytop10posted 11 years ago

    Sad to say, yes. I think texting brought upon this problem. I'm now used to abbreviations and in eliminating vowels just to shorten a word. It's really annoying especially as I create a hub or articles which need to be free from spelling errors.

    1. rfmoran profile image68
      rfmoranposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      "Thumb writing" is affecting all of us.

  12. LoisRyan13903 profile image60
    LoisRyan13903posted 11 years ago

    In my case it is the typos.  I can type fast but sometimes my fingers are not where they should be.  A lot of times I catch it when I do it.  Other times my spell check catches it.

    1. rfmoran profile image68
      rfmoranposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Lois. My fingers used to find the right keys effortlessly, but now a little voice in my head says "don't worry, spell checker will catch the mistakes."

  13. janshares profile image91
    jansharesposted 11 years ago

    Yes! I think my dexterity is declining or something or my brain jumps ahead of my fingers. Seems I hit the wrong keys or the keys get stuck so I don't notice a character missing until I re-read. I never use Spell Checker, ever.  I try to be meticulous about checking and re-checking my spelling but yes, I have noticed that, too.

    1. rfmoran profile image68
      rfmoranposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Jan, you're doing the right thing. I wish I had read your comment years ago. Now I'm a spell checker junkie.

  14. Grinning Gremlin profile image87
    Grinning Gremlinposted 11 years ago

    I find that the more I read, the better my spelling - and vocabulary - gets. Since I've always been a voracious reader, I've not noticed much of a decline in my spelling ability.

    1. rfmoran profile image68
      rfmoranposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That used to be the same with me. I read constantly and my spelling gets worse.

  15. profile image0
    Larry Wallposted 11 years ago

    I never was a good speller--some of the spelling rules never made sense, and I have some issue, no medical name for it, but I just do not hear certain sounds, even though my hearing checks out as normal. I spell better than I use to, but I do use my spell checker. I do not accept every "correction" it offers. I also use a grammar checker, which helps with those missing sounds, but is not perfect. If I am writing something formal for a job interview or something like that, my wife, the former language arts teacher, applies her proofreading skills. If it is any comfort to others with spelling problems, my wife, who reads several books each month, is noticing more and more spelling errors in books by respected authors--the publisher proofreaders are depending too much on spell checkers.

  16. phillippeengel profile image82
    phillippeengelposted 11 years ago

    No, it's not the problem of having a Spell Checker software. Although Microsoft Word has it, I don't depend on it for correcting my spelling mistakes. What I would do is to just backspace and type the word again.

    Spelling is vital in formal communication. In informal circumstances, such as online games (MMORPGS, RPGS, etc), spelling will not be the priority of the consumers. That might explain why these people are weak in their command of language because all they want is to level up their character. If they do not focus on their studies, then the society would be replete with erroneous and facile words, bereft of the depth and wisdom of literature and philosophy.

    Honing your spelling prowess takes time and perseverance. You have to learn and learn. There is no detour. Reading novels cannot guarantee you an improvement in your spelling ability. You have to remember how to spell, and not to see how it is spelled.

  17. profile image0
    RTalloniposted 11 years ago

    Know its knot to bad.  Mr. Spell Check complements my righting.  I gnu it was good when heed approved the lynx I put in my hubs.  But I herd a roomer that their's always rheum four moor lessens.  I lichen roomers to humerus tells, tho, cause wee never no if there fairy tells or naught.

  18. edhan profile image36
    edhanposted 11 years ago


    I think I am being affected by my age as my thinking and speaking seems to be problematic.

    I hope it will not be as bad in future otherwise I will find myself hard to face.

  19. jasonplus profile image60
    jasonplusposted 11 years ago

    I don't think so, but my grammar is getting worst

  20. The Examiner-1 profile image60
    The Examiner-1posted 11 years ago

    Definitely not. I do not rely on spell checker I have it beat. It does not recognize normal words such as 'okay' and 'raptor'. If I am unsure of words I use my dictionaries.

  21. Ben Evans profile image64
    Ben Evansposted 8 years ago

    My spilling stains my writing as falls on the page.
    I try to correct it that is the war I wage.
    My worst are words like they're, there and their.
    The words are mixed up and I don't know from ware.

    It bugs my readers looking for a route.
    However the point is absolutely quiet mute.
    The entomology doesn't explain much to me
    nor does how the word is spilled differently you sea.

    I mix up words that sound closely the sane
    I don't know why It is just the way of my brain
    When written they slip passed the spell chuck
    If ewe don't be leave you can give me a buck.


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