Gianella Labrador ~ Breakfast Then & Now

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  1. Brenda Arledge profile image81
    Brenda Arledgeposted 2 years ago

    Gianella writes a poem about what breakfast was like compared to how we eat breakfast as we get older. … -TRADITION

  2. Brenda Arledge profile image81
    Brenda Arledgeposted 2 years ago

    Gianella...i hope no one else has posted this one before now...i didn't see any.
    In any is my response to your delightful poem.

    You've introduced me to a few new words like tuyo, daing, & Silog.
    All of which I don't think I want for breakfast.
    Rice is not for me.  I can't imagine having it for breakfast either.

    I'm not sure if it's because we age that we don't fix ourselves an elaborate breakfast.

    It's more like...geez, if I do this then my kitchen is going to need cleaning again & I don't have time.

    Maybe tomorrow.   After all, it really sounds good.

    While growing up, I really didn't look forward to breakfast.   Sorry but my mom wasn't the greatest cook, but she is the kindest soul you'd ever meet.

    I love to cook pancakes, omlets, bacon & tomatoe is my favorite, but I rarely take the time.

    But we did have ham and eggs just like the Dr.suess book...afterall, we've got alot of leftover ham.

    I love your idea of having a breakfast date.
    That is awesome.

    Choosing to start the day with an open heart.
    Laughing & smiling, enjoying each moment.

    I think maybe I'll try this more often.  Even if it's just a yogurt & some toast.

    A breakfast each day before I begin my day.

    Thanks for the poem. I'll post a link in the word prompt article.

    1. ChitrangadaSharan profile image93
      ChitrangadaSharanposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Hello Gianella!
      I enjoyed reading your perfect response to the word prompt, Breakfast. Brings back memories of my younger days.
      Breakfast time is special at my home. I prefer an elaborate Breakfast, which includes all the necessary nutrients to carry us through the day.
      Thank you for sharing this wonderful response.
      Thanks Brenda for sharing this in the forum.

  3. Gianella Labrador profile image86
    Gianella Labradorposted 2 years ago

    My response was more of recounting my childhood memory and how it has been going recently. I agree cleaning after cooking is really what beats us to don't even get started cooking. But even then, having a morning walk or driving for a short while to meditate and grab something to eat in the morning will surely be rewarding. There's just a slightly difference than starting to eat at lunch time.  I'm aware of the cultural differences, too much rice isn't also good for the body. I'm not sure if someone ever has posted the same but it's more just a personal memory and story I was able to share.

    Thank you again for sharing and for responding Brenda.

    Have a blessed New Year Ahead.

    1. Brenda Arledge profile image81
      Brenda Arledgeposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I loved it Gianella, I just don't care much for rice.

      I'd never survive if that's all I had left to eat.

      Have a great day.

  4. Jodah profile image88
    Jodahposted 2 years ago

    I commented on the Word Prompt thread already, but this was an enjoyable read. My family always had breakfast growing up, but I especially loved visiting my grandmother’s house where it was a lavish feast. She so loved cooking for the family.
    I think I just carried that tradition on, and it is a rare day that I skip breakfast. I will often go without lunch, and sometimes dinner, and usually only have two meals a day and breakfast is usually one of them.
    Thank you for sharing this Brenda, and well done, Gianella.

    1. Brenda Arledge profile image81
      Brenda Arledgeposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks John.
      Going to your Grandma's sounded nice.

  5. Pamela99 profile image87
    Pamela99posted 2 years ago

    I also liked your poem for bringing back memories of my younger days. I loved breakfast, but now I rarely eat very much breakfast. I think this is a very good response to Brenda's prompt, Gianella. I enjoyed reading this poem.

  6. Gianella Labrador profile image86
    Gianella Labradorposted 2 years ago

    Thank you so much chitrangada and pamela, Glad you enjoyed reading it.

  7. Peggy W profile image98
    Peggy Wposted 2 years ago

    This brings back memories of growing up as a child and all of us having breakfast together at the kitchen table.  It was nice to take a look back in time.  Thanks!

  8. AliciaC profile image94
    AliciaCposted 2 years ago

    Your poem brought back childhood memories for me, too. My parents used to cook bacon, eggs, and fried tomatoes and big bowls of porridge. I like the message at the end of the poem. Facing the day with a smile is a lovely thought.

  9. Gianella Labrador profile image86
    Gianella Labradorposted 2 years ago

    Thank you everyone for all the support! May you all have great mornings for 2022 and the years to come. God bless all of you.


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