Are our Hubpages "followers" for real, or simply fishing for traffic?

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  1. Steele Fields profile image68
    Steele Fieldsposted 12 years ago

    How in the world do people get so many hits/ readers/ comments/ followers?  I figure these folks must be really dedicated and do a lot of reading.  Either that or they must be claiming to be "following" a plethora of randomly selected hubbers that they don't even particularly admire, merely for the sake of gaining reciprocal followers for themselves.  Am I right or wrong?

    1. Randy Godwin profile image59
      Randy Godwinposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I can only speak for myself, but I follow very few people here compared to the number who follow me.  So I cannot help you much with your query.  I think they merely like my face! smile

      1. Steele Fields profile image68
        Steele Fieldsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Lol.  Cute.

    2. Debby Bruck profile image67
      Debby Bruckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Gee, never thought that people were fishing on Hubpages. When members either write awesome hubs or write awesome comments, I follow them and let them know it with fan mail. Whether they are new members or have been here for years. I've learned from others that encouragement makes you feel like a million dollars, even if you don't earn a dollar.

      Blessings, Debby

      1. molometer profile image81
        molometerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with Debby,
        the harder you work the more people appreciate your efforts. Fishing on hubpages will not work as most hubbers have brains and will not tolerate free loaders.
        You have to engage with the community.
        We are here for each other foremost, we are a community of writers from a diverse variety of backgrounds and want to know what our contemporaries feel about the work we produce.
        We may not always agree but at least we can acknowledge other peoples views and opinions.
        Hope this answers your question.

      2. Steele Fields profile image68
        Steele Fieldsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        You're right, Debby.  I'm not here for money, that's for sure.

        1. Debby Bruck profile image67
          Debby Bruckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          You have a very cute smile on your profile picture. Smiling is healthy for the heart and mind. I must remember to wear one all the time.

          1. Steele Fields profile image68
            Steele Fieldsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks, Debby- so do you:)

    3. relache profile image65
      relacheposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Give those choices, I'm going to go with wrong.

      Although there are over 3500 people following my Hubs, I myself only follow about a dozen people.  Go figure...

      1. Marisa Wright profile image86
        Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this


    4. Shadesbreath profile image76
      Shadesbreathposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's bits of that for sure. But, there are some people who actually DO read--some very regularly, and some here-and-there but consistently so over the course of years. If I had to guess what percentage really do read, I'd put it at about 10%. But that's gut feeling.

      If you want a little more analytical approach: I can take the number of page views my last seven hubs have generated and calculate page views. This is perhaps useful because none of my traffic will have come from search engines--I write satire, so all the traffic is reader oriented (and all the titles are, in terms of SEO, as horrific as I could possibly make them). Doing that, I come up with 23% of the total number of fans/followers in page views on average over seven hubs in just under six months. Obviously the ones that are new drag the average down, but the fact that two of them were for the writing contest and probably got some traffic that way probably helps average that out. Whatever. Investment companies are hardly as careful with their math these days, so, this number is probably not that bad.

      So, somewhere between my first figure and this other may lie something of use as a reply to your inquiry.

      What you write probably matters though. Like I said, I write to amuse and entertain. Hubbers writing selling articles or stuff meant to hit key words for Adsense might not have numbers as high since they aren't really writing for the purpose establishing a reader base.

    5. profile image0
      kimberlyslyricsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      To your Thread heading I suppose only you can define what a follower vs traffic is for you.  My question is, does it need to be defined and why?  The importance lyes where?

      1. Steele Fields profile image68
        Steele Fieldsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I guess it lies within. (awww, shucks)  I think I was jealous-- coveting my neighbor's traffic. ( Is that a Commandment?  If it isn't, it should be:)

    6. Wayne Brown profile image82
      Wayne Brownposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think there is some of both based on my experiences. Some folks actually get the impression that you can make money simply by having large numbers of fans, hubs, etc.  While that does increase one's surface area, I really do not think that is what drives the financial side as much as traffic does. In my almost two years here, I have seen fans show up once and never again and watched some writers drop out of disallusionment that they did not gain the attention they were seeking or the financial gain they had hoped for. Those who stay, as someone else pointed out, really stay here to write first and foremost. I think that is the only viable expectation and anything else is "gravy". WB

      1. Debby Bruck profile image67
        Debby Bruckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        As time flies. I'm surprised that I'm here for 3 years already. Like the "gravy" metaphor. People come and go based upon many factors and what's happening in their lives and changing goals.

  2. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    I'll follow any reasonably sane person. Especially if they have a low follower count. It's just a nice thing to do. I realize that my philosophy goes against the popular consensus. I don't care. big_smile

    1. Steele Fields profile image68
      Steele Fieldsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think that's really cool of you.  I have done that as well, but I think I will do more of it.

    2. profile image0
      kimberlyslyricsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      see you rock which is why I don't follow you mate

      Totally kidding, I was like your first follower and haven't missed a hub yet so I count as traffic too, slightly congested

  3. profile image0
    Arlene V. Pomaposted 12 years ago

    I spend a lot of time thinking about what to write, and I do make it a goal to write and publish at least one Hub each day.  I am very grateful for my followers because I didn't get any comments or encouragement when I had my blog.  I probably had one faithful follower back then.  I dropped my blog and now give my attention to HubPages.  As followers, we really don't  have a lot of time to read everything.  We do have lives, and it is hit and miss when it comes to the reading.  Anyway, that's what it is for me.  I do get a kick out finding new writers and watching their growth on HubPages.  Not everyone is going to stay because they are only interested in making fast money.  As far as followers go, I don't question whether they are real or not.  I do appreciate that I have followers.  I hope it's because of my writing, my comments, and my encouragement.  I have not won any HubPages writing awards or contests in terms of exposure and drawing followers, so you might say I earn my followers the hard way.  By writing!

  4. cardelean profile image87
    cardeleanposted 12 years ago

    Whew, glad to know that I'm still certifiably crazy paradigmsearch!  I was beginning to worry that I was starting to become sane!  tongue

    All joking aside, I agree.  It's a nice think to help newbies build up their following and I personally try to read as many as I can when time allows.

  5. barryrutherford profile image77
    barryrutherfordposted 12 years ago

    by reading others Hubs it gives me ideas for new Hubs

  6. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 12 years ago

    One of the main purposes for followers is so they can read your stuff and get updates on your stuff. When you get new comments on your hubs, just like everyone else, it creates freshness for the hub.

    It's not really about getting traffic. wink And, I follow a good number of people, but not compared to those who follow me.

  7. Happyboomernurse profile image85
    Happyboomernurseposted 12 years ago

    I only follow hubbers whose work I enjoy and admire and I therefore tend to read many, though certainly not all, of their hubs and leave comments when I'm touched by what I've read or have learned something interesting or found the hub very entertaining. 
    I've been here over a year now and I still get a thrill when I "discover" a newcomer who writes great hubs. It's fun to see if they take off as I think that they will and as long as they keep writing hubs, they generally do build up a loyal following and/or garner awards and accolades. 
    I am blessed with supportive followers and greatly appreciate the feedback and comments they leave for me. It's what makes writing here so special.

  8. rebekahELLE profile image84
    rebekahELLEposted 12 years ago

    People follow for different reasons. Some are genuine, some are fishing, some do it on a whim, or enjoy forum comments, etc. I definitely don't follow however many I have, but I follow more than 12. There are always new hubbers joining or I find someone on the feed. I'm always happy to discover a new hubber.

  9. molometer profile image81
    molometerposted 12 years ago

    'these folks must be really dedicated and do a lot of reading'  Correct!

  10. Smokes Angel profile image61
    Smokes Angelposted 12 years ago

    If someone follows me I will reciprocate by following back.  I have deleted a few over the past year however

    1. Barbara Kay profile image75
      Barbara Kayposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Same here. Alot of the followers are  newbies that add me and I'll follow them to encourage them. Later I'll go back and delete the ones that quit writing hubs.

  11. Moon Daisy profile image79
    Moon Daisyposted 12 years ago

    I follow people whose hubs I admire, or whose profiles I find particularly interesting.  Either way, I want to read more by them.  I don't expect them to follow me back though.  I don't believe in following someone just because they follow you.

  12. Pearldiver profile image69
    Pearldiverposted 12 years ago

    The OP is a particularly talented writer and poet.  If you have actually read her work and considered her freshly flowing philosophy, which is embedded subtly within her poetry.... then you would Find the definitive reason why you follow someone's efforts.

    Don't be hard on yourself Steele... you will burr your competitive edge! smile

    You are an awesome writer and very well liked in New Zealand big_smile

    1. Steele Fields profile image68
      Steele Fieldsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I love that I have a follower in New Zealand but none from New Jersey!  How very exotic it all is out here on the rim of the Hub.  Humble thanks once again, Pearl.

  13. rLcasaLme profile image69
    rLcasaLmeposted 12 years ago

    I still consider myself new to HubPages because even though I've signed up months ago, I've been busy with so many things and had just recently been active here and would like to keep it that way.
    With that being said, being a new hubber, I do not expect people to follow me if I do not interest them. I even told "aguasilver" that maybe I do not deserve his follow for I only have two hubs at that moment. He was sort of a mentor to me. I only follow people that interest me so that I could give legitimate and genuine comments once i've read their hubs, and also so that my brain wouldn't be so confused on the so many niches available. How am I gonna read them anyway.
    By the way, my very first follower was "earnestshub". I was so grateful to him to be my first friend and follower here in HubPages. He's the one who welcomed me and gave me a warm greeting. RIP my friend.

    1. Steele Fields profile image68
      Steele Fieldsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      earnesthub was one of my first welcomers and followers as well-  I had no idea he had passed- how sad and what a loss to us all.

  14. mactavers profile image91
    mactaversposted 12 years ago

    As a Hubber once wrote when I discovered Hub Pages 9 months ago, the only reason to write on Hub Pages is because you really love writing.  While this is mostly true, it is a great validation of what readers enjoy, and I have used this information to write longer paid articles based upon what Hub readers have read and commented on.

  15. tlpoague profile image79
    tlpoagueposted 12 years ago

    I find your question interesting. I have seen many hubbers start out with a bang, but soon fizzle; some that have been here for ages and moved on, and some that have stuck around, helping those around them. I have had a fair share that followed me, simply because they wanted me to follow them. I am one that is selective about my followers. I would rather follow someone for their writing than a popularity contest. I hate to disappoint the ones that are following me or I am following, but sometimes I start to panic when I feel overwhelmed by not keeping up with everyone's posts. So, I try to keep it down to where I can handle it without a panic attack.

    1. Debby Bruck profile image67
      Debby Bruckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Keeping stresses to a minimum by not having too many hubbers to follow sounds like a great idea. However, there are many wonderful authors and you might miss some of their hubs. Your choice to keep numbers low is probably the wisest to maintain equilibrium. Blessings, Debby

  16. Dardia profile image60
    Dardiaposted 12 years ago

    I personally follow a lot of people. In most cases I follow because they were interesting to me in some way. I have followed a few because they followed me. Unfortunately, I don't get back to many of them very often. I wonder sometimes why some people follow me though. I think that many of them follow everyone.

  17. paradigmsearch profile image59
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    1. Debby Bruck profile image67
      Debby Bruckposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      What a lovely fishy. Thank you.

      1. paradigmsearch profile image59
        paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this



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