What are some good tips on how to save money?

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  1. cindyvine profile image77
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    What are some good tips on how to save money?

  2. toby26 profile image38
    toby26posted 15 years ago

    To know that first thing you need to learn about your expense. Once you identify a pattern in your expense, you can try to see if those expense can be minimize somehow.

    For instance, I know that my expenses are mostly related to traveling since I use taxi alot to and from work. Hence, to save money, I reduce the taxi fare by using bus and other public transport instead.

    After all, saving is what is left after your expenditure...

  3. Danton Young profile image61
    Danton Youngposted 15 years ago

    First you should perform an audit on all of your income and expenses to see where you're at. Then you just need to cut out the things you don't really need and figure out a plan for the money you'll be saving. You should have some extra cash in no time!

  4. HubChief profile image72
    HubChiefposted 15 years ago

    Anything you buy, try researching online on popular discussion forums. here are some examples:

    fatwallet.com forum is very effective to find common deals...
    I go there often and read user posts. have been able to lower a good amount of money. For example, my friend told me about magicjack phone service from fatwallet.com (that is how I came to know about it)and I now pay only $20 per year. Have been majicjack customer for 10 months. a very effective local U.S. service

    When buying electronic, I do price research a lot. Bestbuy, frys, officedepot and what not. I often use salescircular.com that gives you one stop summary of all deals.

  5. charlettevidal profile image75
    charlettevidalposted 15 years ago
  6. charlettevidal profile image75
    charlettevidalposted 15 years ago

    Learn the art of living below your means.

  7. profile image0
    Richard Stephenposted 15 years ago


    I agree with those that recommend keeping track of all your spending first.  Carry around a notepad and keep track of every cent you spend.  Do this for about a month.  You will be surprised how much money you waste.

    I wrote a hub called "Cut the Fat from Your Budget".  You can read here:


    It may be of some help and give you some ideas for saving money.  Good luck in your quest!

  8. Caerleon profile image61
    Caerleonposted 15 years ago

    First find out where you are spending your money.  I use a computer program for my monthly bills and things I pay for by check and credit card.  It can be a shock to see the monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports on how much you spend on things like utilities and food. The little things really do add up to so keep track of those things that you pay cash for.  If you can keep track for a few months and know where it is going, you will know where to save.  Coupons and trying store brands for groceries.  Changing the type of light bulbs you use and shutting off lights etc for utilities.  Walking when you can, for gas.  Do you have to get your nails done every week.  Really look at your spending before making changes.

  9. stricktlydating profile image74
    stricktlydatingposted 15 years ago

    It's best to try to reduce your everyday spending. Try growing some of your own fruit and vegetables, to save on your grocery bills. Cut down on unnecessary items such as Magazines & Takeaway Coffee's.  Go somewhere cheaper for haircuts and clothing.  Put the money you are saving from doing things like this into a seperate bank account which doesn't have a key-card attached, so you can't easily access it.

  10. barryrutherford profile image75
    barryrutherfordposted 15 years ago

    The answer can be said to be universal. No matter where you live what you do the answer will always be the same. Accounting principles are applied.
      First you need to have a goal and that goal must and foremost be to spend less than you earn by at... read more

  11. Debt Free Girl profile image57
    Debt Free Girlposted 15 years ago

    Well a few off the top of my head:

    Do you buy lunch everyday? If yes stop and make your own butties maybe just treat yourself once a week on a friday to something from the shop. You will find this saves lots.

    Are you a smoker? Sorry but it does waste a lot of money just add up what you spend monthly and you will be shocked!

    Do you club a lot? Why not try and get tipsy before you go out, this is a great money saver. Sometimes if i am not getting searched in a club i will even take a small bottle of spirits and just buy coke. (a lovely trick i learnt in my student days)

    Are you a fan of Labels? Try cheaper brands they are just as good

    Do you only buy labelled food? I have smart price stuff in my trolly everytime i shop, they taste as nice or even better sometimes

    Well off back to work i go, hope this helps even a little

  12. soni2006 profile image70
    soni2006posted 15 years ago

    The New Year 2011 is coming near and 2010 is going to get over. On January 1st , the year-end excitement will be over and we will get hurt in the pocket for the costs of the Christmas and New Year holidays, so I am sharing with you five simple tips... read more

  13. Kmadhav profile image59
    Kmadhavposted 15 years ago

    Everyone wants to save money in his/her life. Just try to limit your needs  and you will see the difference.

  14. soni2006 profile image70
    soni2006posted 15 years ago

    Have you spent more in 2010 and
    would like to control your budget in 2011? If yes, then this article is for
    you. Sometimes, when you will review your budget and compare it with your
    income, you will realize that you are spending more money than what... read more

  15. Which4u profile image60
    Which4uposted 14 years ago

    There are hundreds of ways to save money, from cutting down your carbon footprint through lowering energy consumption both for travel and powering your home, to shopping around to make sure you're getting your purchases at the best price.

    Another important factor is how to make your savings work harder for you, so this includes finding the best savings account to house your savings, while taking advantage of any tax free allowances provided by the government.

    Here are a couple of articles that might help you to do this. I also recommend those of you in the UK to check out hotukdeals.com as this site has a large community of users that are always posting deals while the community votes them hot or cold to determine how good each deal is.

    Six tips for keeping your car fuel costs down
    http://hubpages.com/hub/Six-tips-for-ke … costs-down

    Making the most of your ISA allowance
    http://hubpages.com/hub/Making-the-most … -allowance

  16. Alternative Prime profile image58
    Alternative Primeposted 14 years ago

    If your employer offers a 401K plan then I would suggest looking into it. It's a great way to save money before your check is cashed and you have the chance to spend it. All you need to do is enroll in the plan and the specified amount is automatically deducted from your paycheck.

    You save money without the effort plus it's a tax deferred vehicle which means in theory, your principal amount grows faster than it would in a taxable account. The downside is you can't withdraw until retirement age. There are a few exceptions for withdrawal but as a general rule it's designed to supplement your social security income.

    Alternative Prime

  17. AOkay12 profile image61
    AOkay12posted 14 years ago

    Analyze your spending habits, set up and use a budget, and live well bellow your means.  Coupons and sales are very good for saving money.  Learning how to spend responsibly is important to the process of saving money.

  18. profile image0
    jca197493@yahoo.cposted 14 years ago

    Hello,  Living bellow your means. This means putting up money whenever you can. Ask yourself do I really need that new jacket or manicure that bad? Or would you rather have peace of mind that you are putting up a nest egg? I believe most of our money is spent somehow on food. Cut back eating out and you will be amazed of the cash you are holding onto. Watch what you are spending at the grocery store! Good luck..

  19. wiserworld profile image71
    wiserworldposted 11 years ago

    You can reduce your water bill by changing some of your habits in the bathroom. Check out my hub for more details: http://wiserworld.hubpages.com/hub/How- … e-Bathroom

  20. anence profile image61
    anenceposted 7 years ago

    Many, many ways out there.  I blogged about this not so long ago, please check it out http://www.selfdevelopshop.com/ideas-to … URr6BN95Yg


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