Make real money at home.

Jump to Last Post 1-36 of 36 discussions (55 posts)
  1. habee profile image90
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    So this is a pyramid system?

    1. Hub Llama profile image51
      Hub Llamaposted 14 years ago

      No admin fee? Wow that is amazing. Of course, legitimate work from home programs don't have a fee to join either.

      By the way, whenever you see that math with number of people you sign up times whatever, it is what is called multi-level marketing (if you are being nice) or a more commonly, a pyramid scheme.

      1. kellydove profile image60
        kellydoveposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        follow me i will tell you some real way to earn money at home

        1. breakingnews profile image38
          breakingnewsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Hows we can follow you for make money

      2. nicomp profile image62
        nicompposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        1. darkside profile image60
          darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          And some are but they skirt around it by saying that you have 'two legs'. Which, after your two legs sprout two legs, and each of those two legs have two legs, ends up looking a lot like a pyramid.

      3. profile image48
        sabrinathomasposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Forex trading is the best option, however there are so many option but forex trading is a type of investment and if you trade smartly in the market then you can make huge amount of money, there is no limitation of making money. I also trade with Ufx Bank.

      4. genejr1224 profile image59
        genejr1224posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Wow how easy for people to automatically believe it is a pyramid scheme. Look at the shape of a pyramid. Triangular with four sides. A point on top of the structure. The most stable structure on earth. Take a look at the structure  of the army. President at the top, a finite number of generals, some more officers, then the enlisted with privates at the bottom. A pyramid. Look at a corporation or any business. Someone on top making the most money and on the bottom the people making the least amount of money. The people on the bottom will never have a chance to earn more money than the person on top of that  pyramid. Multilevel marketing the person that is sponsored has the ability to earn more than their sponsor. Multilevel marketing you are your own boss and will never get fired,laid off, downsized or lose your job in any way unlike a regular job. So which pyramid would you rather belong to?

        1. Mark Ewbie profile image60
          Mark Ewbieposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Which pyramid?  Are there two pyramids?  Is there a choice?

          Seriously I am a bit confused.  How can a triangle have four sides?

          1. ediggity profile image60
            ediggityposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Easy, that's what happens to a triangle after Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks it.

            1. megs11237 profile image60
              megs11237posted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I just stumbled across these posts and you guys had me in tears.

              But seriously how does a triangle have four sides.

    2. Greek One profile image64
      Greek Oneposted 14 years ago

      does this involve prostitution?

      I'm not allowed to get into that according to my wife.

      1. kmackey32 profile image52
        kmackey32posted 14 years agoin reply to this


      2. FlowerW profile image59
        FlowerWposted 14 years ago

        Interesting... smile

        1. goldenpath profile image66
          goldenpathposted 14 years ago

          The best "free" money maker out there is the one right in your own home.  Make use of the money in your Monopoly game.

        2. Cagsil profile image70
          Cagsilposted 14 years ago

          Any newcomers into this thread the OP is missing. If it helps. smile

          1. profile image0
            Contriceposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Yes it does...I was having a hard time following big_smile

        3. webspider20 profile image61
          webspider20posted 14 years ago

          Making money at home is not as tough as it once was now that there are millions of things you can do both at home and online. It is just a matter of finding the right person to follow and learn from.

          1. dutchman1951 profile image59
            dutchman1951posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I agree Web

        4. ocbill profile image54
          ocbillposted 14 years ago

          admin fee. that's funny. maybe it's writing?

        5. Anamika S profile image60
          Anamika Sposted 14 years ago

          I am not willing to pay a fee for getting into a home based business. I definitely would also do my own research to find it the site pays.

          1. becomeaffiliatewa profile image57
            becomeaffiliatewaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            The right home based business does not require you to pay a fee. Clickbank provides the opportunity for everyone become their affiliates with free to joint.

            1. breakingnews profile image38
              breakingnewsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Yes Clickbank is very good , but very difficult to work / sale products, can you please explain good and easy idea hows to work with Clickbank

        6. jcales profile image52
          jcalesposted 14 years ago

          clickbank took my money I earned. When I made no earnings for 4 months. talk about a rip-off company.

        7. realfun profile image61
          realfunposted 14 years ago

          I did a scheme like that once, covering utility bills in the UK. People were so skeptical when I approached them. Started affiliate marketing which took months to get going by worth it.

          I would never pay a fee to join up to something although I did spend £200 back then, managed to get it back though

          Good luck to anyone who looks to make money at home though, setup a little website and read up on seo. So many scams out there so dont buy any ebooks.. you never learn anything that is available for free.


        8. casperquids profile image61
          casperquidsposted 14 years ago

          I have joined a site called CRYSTAL MONEY and it is the first time i have ever done anything like this before, but i must say it is well worth it, they give you 5 free website that you can make money from. I would and have recommend this to anyone, maybe i was lucky and just found the right website. There is a fee to pay, but there is three different fee's and you just choose which one you want to go for, i went for the cheap one which was £10 and i paid the free with my mobile phone credit, at first i thought 'sounds to easy, must be a scam' but believe me it isn't. All i ever paid was £10 with my mobile phone credit and that was it, the £10 has already been made back and then some. Feel free to check out the link on my page, cost's nothing to have a look around and see what you think, but i really do thing this is one of the good work form home jobs out there.

        9. ReggieD06 profile image61
          ReggieD06posted 14 years ago

          Believe it or not, true network marketing or mlm companies exist that have viable products that people would buy regardless of the business structure associated with it. The fact that the compensation plans have pyramid structures do not make them schemes or scams. If you interested in getting involved in network marketing, do your research and find a company that offers a product or service you can get excited about. Once you join, you have to treat it like a business. You will get more nos than yeses when you offer the opportunity and the products and services to others. This will be the case regardless of how great the product or service is. Since there will be a large number of nos you must be prepared for that, mentally. There are many notable figures that have endorsed network marketing as a way of amassing wealth (i.e. Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki to name a few). True network marketing opportunities are not get rich quick schemes. So if you find opportunities promising huge returns overnight with little work on your part, hold on tight to your money.

          1. deanoman777 profile image60
            deanoman777posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            You are correct sir. My wife has been with The Pampered Chef for almost 6 years now. I was skeptical at first and did my best to punch holes in the business plan. Fortunately for me I was unable to do so. My wife works about 10 hours per week and makes enough to pay our rent each month. She isnt making a ton of money but she is having a blast. She did have to purchase a kit, but well worth it.

        10. kazemaru2 profile image61
          kazemaru2posted 14 years ago

          pyramid schemes are illegal the best bet to make money at home is using the internet such as becoming a online consultant.

          1. xixi12 profile image71
            xixi12posted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Did not know pyramid schemes are illegal. I have never liked pyramid schemes though, you will have to start with friends and family which is usually a bother

          2. profile image0
            khmohsinposted 14 years ago

            Earning from Internet is good option smile
            And also the best to make money from home. There are so many jobs which are worthwhile for making money.

            1. profile image51
              tkrishnakumaranposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              i need a help to earn.
              tell the details.
              my id is

            2. MarissaG profile image59
              MarissaGposted 14 years ago

              I agree. There are a lot of people making a really good income from affiliate programs on the internet. Clickbank seems to be working out very well for a lot of affiliate marketers out there.

              1. cindylou6 profile image58
                cindylou6posted 14 years agoin reply to this

                I just started an online job. Its taken me 8 hours to get setup to be able to make money. I don't know if it'll work out but it only cost 3.97. I waste more than that every week. I was terrified but after being unemployed for 3 wks I need any kind of income. Also I play on the pc more hours than I used to work. Clickbank was one of the affiliates with a few others. I can upgrade for bigger resources but now I'm going slow & cheap. Besides the small cost it's just my time I'm wasting. LOL

            3. JMFConsulting profile image61
              JMFConsultingposted 14 years ago

              You can absolutely make good money online through affiliate programs and even some MLMs.  Most opportunities that require a fee I'd stay away from, but some programs are truly excellent opportunities.  I just wrote a page on one if you'd like to check it out.  Also research reputable affiliate companies, if you've got a website and a fair amount of traffic, you site can make a decent income.  I've found over time as you develop your site and relationships with affiliates, you will get more traffic and an incresed revenue. Good luck!

            4. profile image0
              Home Girlposted 14 years ago

              To earn money from MLM you have to become Donald Trump first or Robert KWhatever, then you'll be able to earn money there.

              1. profile image57
                gmrwebteamposted 14 years ago


                Working from home jobs is very best way for earn extra money.  work from home jobs is simply the freedom to choose your work. You can literally take the week, month or day off if your job allows with no worries of benefit loss or job loss.


              2. infinitep profile image60
                infinitepposted 14 years ago

                i have delt with forex trading and found it to not be rewarding enough for the time put in . personally i wont really do anything unless it can be run on auto pilot . it does take some time but if you can apply a good strategy and are willing to put in the time to build your business slowly , you deffinatly reap the benefits. just got to stick at it and go by trial and error. im deffinatly glad now that i never gave up

              3. seanorjohn profile image72
                seanorjohnposted 14 years ago

                I know the secret of living like a multi- millionaire even if you are on minimum wage. I have written about it on this very site.

              4. louwi10 profile image60
                louwi10posted 13 years ago

                Working at home really does work. Just ask me how i do it smile

              5. crymn profile image59
                crymnposted 13 years ago

                get some more information about ways to earn online here...check my hubs.. ;-)

                1. violann profile image61
                  violannposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  looks like from all the replys there actually is a way to make money working from home.  I will check out several of your pages so I can learn how to do it also.

              6. salt profile image59
                saltposted 13 years ago

                I didnt get much out of this forum post! There must be some good money making ideas somewhere.

              7. Dale Mazurek profile image62
                Dale Mazurekposted 13 years ago

                Its important to know the difference between an opportunity and a tool.

                Opportunities shouldnt cost money.  Any affiliate opportunity is free.

                So many people say they would never spend money to work online.  In cases there are some tools that can make your trek a bit easier.

                domain names

                There are also a few other tools that work great.

                However in saying that you can make money without the tools.  Its just a matter of what you want and need and what you can afford.


              8. killerdave profile image60
                killerdaveposted 13 years ago

                I found something that has a lot of promise and won't cost a single penny (i.e. no paid membership and nothing to buy. Let me know if this interests any of you.

              9. profile image0
                gamergirlPSposted 13 years ago

                The only real and safe way of making money online is writing articles. i have learned a lot over 4 years.

              10. gl0bal_experts profile image54
                gl0bal_expertsposted 13 years ago

                I've been using oDesk for over a year now. So far so good... I've been earning at least $300 per week in just one employer. I think oDesk is one of the best online job sites since it offer guaranteed pay for hourly rate jobs and it's free to join. smile

              11. allstayathome profile image69
                allstayathomeposted 13 years ago

                I do not waste time with affiliate marketing. I don't want to be responsible for scams. I do make a living at home with real stay at home jobs. You can go to to find hundreds of these absolutely free.

              12. moneymarketing profile image38
                moneymarketingposted 13 years ago

                As I mentioned in my hub, you can make money at home working with your computer, but it is not easy, especially if you have no She has worked, but I posted some valuable tips for beginners.

              13. profile image53
                kimbojimposted 13 years ago

                Making money, as a writer at least, isn't all that hard online.

                You have your upfront pay websites. I personally think WiseGEEK and BrightHub are the best here. Demand Studios gets you higher pay, but the titles make no sense, and I don't agree with a lot of their "ethics," or lack thereof.

                Next, you have your residuals. HubPages has been my favorite, though I have just started, but it seems the best thus far. Other places are Squidoo and Xomba.

                Then you have your freelance gigs. Fiverr is good if you just started, though you only get $5 per article. I find it best to look for new websites and just contact them to see if they need new content.

                Last, build your own content website, either around a niche or general information. Since I am bad at just thinking about one niche, I made my niche about everything.

                Use your residual articles to link to your content website, fill it with AdSense or affiliate ads, and use the upfront and freelance gigs to make a steady income.

                There, that's like an entire "Make Money At Home!" book summed down into a short post.

              14. Snapincome profile image61
                Snapincomeposted 12 years ago

                I will say this. The internet is changing the way people can make online. Its not just about running blogs anymore, theres a broad range of work from options available in many industries.

                1. noenhulk profile image60
                  noenhulkposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  really? join ebay. learn from the people here jow they manahe to be successful...

              15. adamsbell profile image53
                adamsbellposted 11 years ago

                You can make money online by sitting at home via network marketing or Multi-Level Marketing,
                It is one of the top marketing techniques.In this technique, the clients also act as sales-man and get compensated for the products marketed. They not only get compensated for the products marketed by them, but also they are compensated for the products marketed by the sales-people enrolled by them.In this way you can make money..

              16. thelyricwriter profile image79
                thelyricwriterposted 10 years ago

                Today, there's a lot of different ways to make money online at home. Most of these marketing schemes are just failed from the beginning. Not that the product or service don't work, just the fact that it is not properly marketed. If you offer services or products, you should take the time to build a domain around it. Don't spam, build it through content and informative information. If you have an idea, go for it. Why make someone else money when you can make it all alone? I would suggest research and development before you launch any idea. Data is always crucial.

              17. profile image51
                Johanna Dagoyposted 5 years ago

                There's a lot of ways to earn money at home. You just need to have the right guide and site to earn.

              18. Olamide235 profile image61
                Olamide235posted 4 years ago

                Yes true enough


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