Explain how Trump's Wall will be different from the Berlin Wall or the Wall in Israel. How will it "keep us safe"?
Although I do not claim to be either a politician or structural engineer, and neither was Reagan, who was a politician, I have to believe that Trump has more than just a materialistic wall built up his sleeve to protect our country from illegal immigrants.
If he would start a revamping of the naturalizing process and make them citizens, no wall would be needed.
The solution is rather simple but it will cost employers and that is something Congress can't stomach. Fine the hell out of an employer who hires an illegal and double every recurring infraction and you will see an exodus very quickly. The Democrats will also block any of this as the Latino vote is becoming crucial in the current elections. We are indeed too greedy for our own good. We deserve to fail.
And fail will happen in order to reset into something much better.
But only with attitudes of dissention and desertion ! .........You Know what I mean?
Absolutely agree, we can see it happening (those who have eyes to see). Trump is a product of what is already a failed Democracy...that has created a vacuum for an unstoppable phenomenon. He is the guy!
Trump has been good at exposing many flaws.
He is too much a wild man driving all over the map without sound solutions
Trump's solutions are so simple that when he talks about them people don't seem to understand how he will begin to implement them on day one as president. People are so hypnotised by the anti-Trump rhetoric that they can't hear what he says in plain English.
The advantages of a good business leader are of WHO he surrounds himself with that CAN make those changes required for success , a delegator in motion and so moving things .
A motivator !
Yup.....You are CORRECT ahorseback, and Trump has surrounded himself with some REAL Bona Fide "Winners" alright.....For EXAMPLE ~ Chris LOW 20's APPROVAL Rating & Bridgegate Scandal" Christy, Sherrif "I DESPISE Latinos Racist " Joe Arpaio, Jeff "Gimme a White POINTY Hat n' Hood ASAP" Sessions, and of course Alaska's Sarah "What else do I need to say" Palin ~
Oh, and Yup, believe it or NOT, the "DONALD" wants this incompetent Wall Street Numbskull to be his "BIG Winning DEALz for AMERICA" Chief Trade Negotiator ~ ~ Just think, maybe he'll commission incompetent Carl to Build the "GREAT Delusional Wall within his HEAD" with Beautiful, Pristine WALL STREET Money ~
~ Unfortunately, Mr. Icahn might need any JOB he can get soon ~
~ I guess this is what Trump considers the "FACE of a Winner" ~
http://www.marketwatch.com/story/icahns … =bigcharts
So there U have it, a Great BIG "CREW of Winners" ~ ~ In Reality, Trump has always been a JOKE to the Majority of Americans, but we as Democrats still must treat him as Legitimate, as Surreal as that seems, and "GET OUT the VOTE" ~
Yes, AP, the only thing standing up to Trump will be the VOTERS! If you don't get out and vote, you have only yourselves to blame. That goes for EVERY election! Local to National and mid-terms too. And stop electing the DO NOTHING a-holes who are just taking our money for their cushy "jobs" in Congress/Senate. The obstructionists/lazy creeps need to get fired!
Yes , a "Trump wall" will keep us safe if it can be built around him.
I totally agree! Walls work best when keeping people IN, not OUT! Case in point - all of our prisons have pretty good walls. But they are manned with gun toting guards. Prison breaks are RARE. But the wall that already exists on the border between Texas and Mexico has people getting over it DAILY! There are not enough guards to man a wall that would span the entire southern border.
We have got to find a better way of dealing with illegal immigration than a "wall".
Austinstar, no one so far has made "this" comment: Have you ever wondered if "some," not all, of the border guards are "on the take?" It's very possible. Just saying.
A wall is a joke...the Mexicans drug cartels have many tunnels under the border and soon the "wall'
Agreed. No matter how high a wall is built, there's always someone who can find a way under it, over it, around it, or through it.
Electing Trump for President will present the opposite problem; rather than Mexicans trying to come here, Americans will flee there!
Could work.
10 million American already live in Mexico.
Mexico is a wonderful place, and I speak as someone hat does live there for winter months. It's not easy to become a Mexican citizen. Infact it is very hard and tedious, with most being refused. They do not have the same leniency as the United States if you break their immigration laws. We need to take a page out of Mexico's book. They detain, and deport in good fashion if your paperwork is not intact.
It's not meant to keep us safe from anything. The idea of a border wall is simply a (dog-whistle) way to communicate one's hatred for immigrants/non-whites in an effort to garner support from like-minded bigots.
In reality: Net migration from Mexico has been less than zero for eight years now; undocumented immigrants arrive from many countries besides Mexico; walls don't stop airplanes; 40% undocumented immigrants simply overstay their visas; immigrants commit far less crimes per capita than natural-born citizens; undocumented immigrants pay more in taxes than benefits received; American businesses rely upon immigrant labor to do jobs natural-born Americans just won't do; border walls force seasonal workers to stay permanently along with their families rather than returning their homelands during off-seasons...
Oh my, you brought facts into the discussion. Watch those in the conservative bubble either ignore them, deny them, or pretend they didn't see them.
Or at least statements purported to be factual. A little evidence would be nice, but it is going to be a tiny bit difficult to show that illegals commit less crime when every day the choice to remain is a crime, when every time they get under the wheel of a car they are committing multiple crimes, when every time they perform labor it is a criminal act, etc. Or that the taxes paid by illegal aliens pays for the education of their children, let alone the rest of what they get from the system. Or even the foolish notion that the migration from Mexico (not just Mexicans, but anyone crossing that border) is less than zero. Unless forced deportations are counted as negative numbers?
These aren't "facts"; they are political lies designed to convince an unwary public that unlimited numbers of illegal aliens is good for our country and for them personally.
Your making things up doesn't refute easily confirmable statistics. Immigrants committ far few crimes per capita than natural-born citizens. I understand that facts have a well-known liberal bias - that doesn't mean they aren't true, no matter how unfortunate for your person biases. Illegally crossing the border and overstaying your visa are crimes - once - waking in the morning is not a crime. Driving wo a licence is a simple traffic infraction - not a crime - and many states provide drivers' licences to undocumented immigrants, so your characterization of immigrants as perpetual criminals is ugly and bigoted as well as counter-factual.
Justin ~ I'm sure you know by NOW that trying to Discuss the FACTs with a Republican, as you have, is unfortunately a "Literal Exercise in Futility" ~ Its NEARLY Impossible for they reside in "Republican PRETEND-Land" , a Distant Geographical Quadrant where FACTs are Conveniently Banished into the NIGHT ~
Many Republicans Rely SOLEY upon FOX Loser Snooze or other Right-Wing Nut-Job sites for their INFO, which as we all know, is a BIG Mistake if TRUTH is what they are trying to UNCOVER ~
Perfect EXAMPLE was an attempted intelligent "FACT Based Discussion" Chris Hayes ATTEMPTED to have with one of Trump's "TOP Advisors" last night ~ Trump's advisor was adamant that the MEXICAN Government was involved with and INTENTIONALLY sending Criminals to the United States ~ Chris Hayes called him out on that fabrication and what was the Trump Flunky's RESPONSE? The Mexican Government was sending Criminals by being "Complicit or Implicit" ~ I don't even think he understood his OWN Vocabulary ~
REALLY? How could he POSSIBLY know that for a FACT? Is he a DUEL Agent? Mexican SPY Perhaps? ~ Talking to republicans is like embarking upon a "Vicious Cycle of Denial", rarely is it PRODUCTIVE ~
The Nonsensical Incoherent WORDS & Lies of the TRUMP Campaign Continue ~
The problem with immigration is the same problem of drugs. As long as there is a demand for drugs, somebody will make them. As long as there is a demand for low wages, people will continue to cross the border. The funny thing is that the person who most screams about an issue is usually the person who most benefits from that issue. I remember when Michael Huffington, a Republican, was running for office. He was tough on illegal immigration. Yet it was discovered that he employed a nanny who was undocumented. Go figure. All politicians and people are the same. It's all about appearances.
How many of you want to go pick grapes? Seriously! Shut up!
The wall will create for some a speed bump and others just an obstacle that can be overcome. Unless you deny those that choose to come here jobs and support to enable their choice, it will not make a difference. The gains outweigh the minuses. We are the problem by hiring them and providing ourselves the saved cost as our income. Tack on a $25,000 penalty for hiring an illegal worker and the problem will soon dissipate. But greed is so intertwined with our moral outrage that we seem to have already made our choice.
Mexico has shed the America dollar from their banking system.
America has much greater problems than building walls around the world. When the US Dollar crashes, fighting boarder wars with Mexico will seem like a vacation. Also when American try to Escapes to Mexico and no longer their money is good.
A wall on it's own won't do the trick, as others have said. But a well-built wall will slow down illegal immigration, and meanwhile will hinder foreign terrorist operatives from gaining easy entry. But a static barrier DOES invite the intruder to find ways around/over/under it, so in addition to a wall there HAS to be a second more fluid line of protection. Further, our coasts need far better monitoring to protect from intrusion by sea.....the Gulf of Mexico is brimming with opportunity for that. Finally, E-verify with stiff penalties. I don't support Trump, but if he takes the office, I suspect he'll do more than anyone since Clinton to secure the southern border - Bush and Obummer are both advocates of weak border security and amnesty. These policies will eventually lead to something or a number of somethings going BOOM, meaning we lose a city and thousands of American lives.
No walls serve any purpose. Ultimately all walls to have a meaning must be manned and that costs money. Trump is making castles in the air and talking just for votes. I wonder if americans can be impressed with this rhetoric.
There isn't going to be any wall, so the question is irrelevant. I see the wall as more of a metaphor anyway. It's a good way of understanding his economic and foreign policies. Keep out dangerous job-stealing foreigners, bring jobs back from China, etc. It's good old fashioned nativism mixed with protectionism. By building a metaphorical wall, "real" Americans will be looking out for their own interests and staying safe from outsiders.
Oh, so now the wall is "metaphorical." How will Mexico pay for this metaphorical wall? Or, is Trump asking them for "metaphorical" money? [snort]
With only 18% American are traveling abroad. Most America feel they are the World. Not enough to open up the mind much. Already many US boarders are backed up for hours.
Yes, and some of those Americans are supporting a spoiled, rich, greedy, narcissistic con artist for President. I'm truly embarrassed. I was embarrassed when GWB was our President, but this is infinitely worse.
Lol They only keep getting worse.
People don't realize they are better off without a Federal Government. The state and local governments can handle smaller protection stuff.
Let the people make the major decision they have changed things for the better throughout human history.
It won't keep anyone safe. But the root of the problem has yet to be addressed. A global capitalist system is what drives the wheel of poverty and desperation. It is ironic that the people south of the border must suffer the humility of seeking deliverance from the colonialist powers that created the problem in the first place. The proper wall to build is around the ruling elite, replete with barbed wire, and attack dogs on the perimeter. Or, to save time and money, we could just call Orkin.
Don't believe in killing these kind of pests.
Just locked them in a cage for 74 year for mental illness research. Like they did with the banisters in Iceland.
I agree. For all the misery they have caused, killing them would be an act of mercy.
If walls don't work to keep us safe why do wealthy neighborhoods and country clubs have them?
Why is it wrong for America to have a firm border?
Did you know Mexico has a southern wall and routinely deports thousands of South Americans who cross their border illegally?
I think a well built wall will cut down on some of the migration, along with better border patrols. Plus hopefully Trump will make it easier for Mexicans to come in legally. It's only my opinion, but I think we have to take some steps to try to decrease the influx of Mexican immigrants.We need to try to cut down on the drugs coming, and I am sick of my taxes going to undocumented immigrants. I Think it's time to get our heads out of the sand, and at least make an attempt to solve the ongoing problems that undocumented immigrants are causing. We need to take a page out of Mexico's book. It is very hard to become a citizen of Mexico, and they detain and deport with good speed any undocumented immigrants including Americans. I live in Mexico during winter months, so I am aware of their laws. I have papers I carry with me anytime I leave my home in Mexico. I am not a citizen, and must only spend so many days in the country before I would be considered there illegally.
Walls went out of style in Germany many years ago under Ronald Reagan. Trump won't build a wall, and if he did the Mexicans won't pay for it. What a lying, bullying pile of crap he is.
I will take a crack at answering this question.
A wall will prevent undocumented immigrants from entering our country.
Our current law is such that once a person comes over, he or she is entitled to a court hearing...which takes time. In the meantime, most if not all are given a court date in months and released to the population where they disapear into the woodworks.
By the same token, if a pregnant lady coms over, and give birth, that baby is automatically a citzen of the US with full priviledges.
It is our laws that actually encourage people to coming here illegally.
A wall, different from the Berlin wall, which kept people in, is to keep people out. There is no 100%. You are right that there are other means to breach a wall, such as tunnels... It just has to work 90% of the time.
This will send a message if nothing else that we are serious about protecting our sovereignty. In case you don’t know, we have not been serious despite all the politicians promising border security...at election time. They do not believe it on both sides of the political spectrum. They just lie to the American people and with a wink and a nod to allow illegals to flood our country year after year.
This number of 12 million illegals here is a joke. The actual number is much higher. No one really knows because we are not suppose to ask or count them unless it is a census...which they do want it counted but just not distingushable from legal immigrants. Once they are here, they are considered immigrants. No distinction is made. If anything, they are priviledged. They are protected by sanctuary cities. Their children go to state colleges and pay in state rates... they reap all the social benefits of a citizen... they are not undocumented but have false documents. It is easy to buy a fake social security card or drivers license or passports...
A wall will put a stop to the inflow or at minimum slow it by 90%.
That is all we are asking. Once the flow is stopped, we can address how to deal with the ones that are here already and DACA... otherwise, it would be like 1980s all over again. We offer amnesty and 20 million more show up...
Do you think any fence or wall will stop any type of immigration coming from the south?
Stop someone who has gone through extreme situations, in his country can not even survive, and you believe that a wall will care.
The solution is the free movement of people, then surely there is no mafias.
This isn't about a "wall", it never has been. Regardless of what people may think, Trump is not a stupid man, he knows damn good and well that you can't build a 2,000 mile wall on the border, and that it wouldn't do any good if you did; I'm sure he understands the old adage: "You show me a 10' wall and I'll show you an 11' ladder".
This is all straight out of "The Art of the Deal". Trump never planned on actually building a wall, he's simply setting the stage and establishing control of the negotiation. I promise you his real plan looks a lot more like immigration reform, more border guards, and a national E-Verify system with stiff penalties for violators. The best way to get that through congress (and sell the American people on it) is to have an "initial offer" that's completely outrageous.
Everyone of a reasonable amount of compassion and intelligence in humanity realizes completely that "the wall " , a wall, any wall , is but one factor in an immigration policy , The iron , inanimate wall is one factor and one factor alone . All means of immigration control are necessary especially given the southern borders issues , I just watched a documentary about a death in the desert . In that documentary a description of the numbers of deaths of desert crossings of illegals showing the process of simply identifying a dead body , who is it , where are they from , how the notification process works , or actually doesn't work , and how the difficulties affect all involved .
Many people , advocates of mass legalization especially would have us all living in denial that real human tragedies occur every single day , that there is a data base of thousands of sets of remains to deal with right now and from all countries , not just Mexico . That hundreds of people each year die in these desert crossings , diseased , sickened by travels , exploited for the thousands of dollars in carried cash by those willing to hurt someone for that money .
So the "wall" , which will not "stop " anything in real numbers ,-is but one tool to be used to at least slow down the migrating masses . That , along with the changing tactics of strategic enforcement can and will at least help to slow the traffic ! Like it or not the wall will help .
Nowhere here in these forums do I ever here much liberal fact in their opinions , Do any of you ever goggle up crime statistics in Texas , along the borders of New Mexico , Arizona , California or anywhere along their border cities ? How conveniently open border pundits forget to look at local dynamics . Liberal naysayers usually disappear into the shadows when fact and statistical information arrives on the scene .
41.7 Percent of Federal Criminal Cases in 5 Districts on US-Mexico Border (2015)
* http://townhall.com/columnists/terryjef … r-n2022551
The criminals (along with the good folks) are given incentives to come into the US illegally, and given amnesty because of Obama's illegal executive orders. That case is at the Supreme Court against Obama, yet to be ruled on.
I do Google this stuff, and listen to what border patrol officers and sheriffs have to say. They do not respect the Obama Administration for putting Americans at risk at the hands of the criminal illegal aliens. MSM doesn't report on those criminals much at all...their views are dumbed down.
I do believe that a strong southern border would cut down on crimes greatly, its just common sense.
No president has EVER kept the borders closed or safe! No need to bash Obama about it.
You have not researched that, or you would not have said that m'dear. That is purely your uneducated and biased opinion. Want facts or can you do your own research without my help?
I wasn't bashing Obama, just stating the facts.
But, I could bash him if you would like. I might start.
Here, Goggle this "Obama Tells Border Agents To Stand Down"
Do you understand what that means to good honest border patrol agents who want to do their jobs and protect the United States' citizens from 'illegal aliens'?
There are many families in America who have had loved ones killed at the hands of repeat criminal illegal aliens that cross the southern border. But, you won't hear it reported on mainstream media. They brainwash views instead about how terrible Trump is for wanting to protect America and its' citizens. We might as well call it the Brainwashing News, because that's what they do...and we have plenty of their zombies around here.
Everyone has guns in those border cities for protection from illegal criminals, who also happen to have guns illegally.
I happen to care deeply. God bless America!
OK, let's try this again - NO PRESIDENT EVER! has closed or effectively regulated the borders of the United States of America.
YOU are probably most likely descended from an immigrant.
Trump is not going to be able to stop immigration any better than ANY other president.
This forum is NOT about Obama. I specifically mention TRUMP! "Will the Trump Wall keep us safe?"
So don't post here if you can't answer the question posed for this forum.
So don't post here if you can't answer the question posed for this forum. lol
Immigration and illegal aliens are two different topics m'dear. ...
Trump does not want to stop immigration.
What is that you don't get about "criminals or illegals"?
Define "effectively regulated". You might be right that the borders have not been effectively regulated ever, ... but that doesn't mean that they can't be. Having the border patrol officers enforcing the law on illegal entry again for starters would be good, yes! And, yes a strong border with gates would help keep us safe. Its only common sense, ... which I know many people are lacking.
Do you think people can illegally cross the border into Russia without being shot down? (the answer is NO)
How about the Vatican, the Rainbow House (WH) or Israel? Fences, walls and security guards or agents work for protection and safety!
This forum is NOT about Obama.
Anti-America Obama is one of the reasons for this thread.
"Immigration and illegal aliens are two different topics m'dear. ... "
What is it that you don't get about the TOPIC of THIS FORUM???
I'm sorry if I have upset you by adding to the discussion on your thread. I'll let you have your 'safe space' now. - Cheers!
You have hit the nail on the big fat head there! As long as America keeps paying people to come here, they will come. No wall is going to stop them.
Donald Trump is only making promises, and hoping that people will believe him. What most people don't know, or think about, is that a lot of our border with mexico is not protected. It is mostly a chain link fence, that divides us from Mexico, and there are not enough guards to cover the entire region.
It is very easy for people to just walk across the border, and get under the fence, and just walk across un-occupied land to get to people who might be waiting for them.
What is not discussed is how many Americans there are, who are going into mexico and charging to bring illegals across the border. There is no way to stop that, unless every vehicle s searched from top to bottom, no matter how big a wall they build. They just won't have the man power to watch who is coming and going, especially at the busier city borders.
Another thing not taken into account is Canada. There was a report that illegals coming from China, and middle east countries, are coming across the border from there, where there are no fences. There are worse people coming across our borders from Canada. Not, as many of course, but it easier for them to get here then people from mexico.
People who have done harm to this country, and do things like terrorists acts come here legally by plane. All of the mass shootings lately, have been done by people who are here legally. So, making every immigrant legal, will just allow those small amount of people who want to do harm, a free ticket to crazy town.
In Addition ~ There are Several Layers of LEGALITIES & Property Transference Obstacles which will Render this Unrealistic, Unreliable & Impractical Imaginary PROJECT Potentially an Impossibility ~
Trump either understands these issues and is Deceiving his Small yet Rabid Fan Base as USUAL, or he's Ignorant of the FACTs, either way, the WALL will not be BUILT and even if it were, unless it Encompasses the ENTIRE Continent in a Virtual 360, it would be Ridiculously Ineffective ~
You're wrong - us gov can take easements along border at any time - do some research / it's public
I was Waiting for this "Eminent Domain" Nonsense ~
"TAKE" ~ By your FEDERAL GOVERNMENT? The Evil Federal Government which you already believe "Over-Reaches"? ~ It will NEVER happen for OBVIOUS Reasons ~ It's a WALL not a Fence and Landowners along the Border are already "Up in ARMs" about this ridiculous notion ~ A 1,000 foot wall would equate to about 5,000 feet of Pleading Paper LAW Suits Filed AGAINST Con-Man Trump ~ An uncomfortably COSTLY LEGAL Situation in which he is VERY Familiar, only this TIME it would be an Enormous COST to ALL us Tax Payers ~
I Understand the LAWs RJ and you are simply WRONG, it's not as "CUT & DRY" as simply "TAKING" Thousands upon Thousands of ACRES of Private Property from Americans to build an Enormously Ineffective CONCRETE Wall ~ Even "Drumpf" Understands this FACT because he has already "Waffled" on his BIG Ingenius Idea ~ He clearly understands it will be "QUASHED" in Short Order ~ Believe me, he isn't the FIRST Numbskull to suggest this Nonsensical NON-Idea ~
in the Beginning of his CON-Job he said he would build a 2,000 foot WALL for 15 Billion, now it's down to a 1,000 foot WALL at a cost of 10 Billion because of "Natural Barriers" whatever that means, next it will be down to a 100 Foot Chain-Link Fence at $107.50 ~ Follow his Never-Ending B.S. Trail, unfortunately for AMERICA, its the LONGEST in Political HISTORY ~
By the TIME a "Border Wall" is Built, if ever, we as Humans will be Colonizing MARs, or even Pluto ~
Tell us oh great Hillart disciple how is this a bad thing? National defense against the Mexican invaders certainly qualifies as a reason to protect a few feet of border space. A border wall won't require anywhere near the space you are so fictitiously using to advance your talking point. No lawsuit will be filed since most people who own border property have been begging the gov't for years to do something about the steady string of murders, rapists, drug dealers, and perverts coming illegally across the border.
The Coyotaje charge a fee of $3000 - $4000 to bring illegal aliens cross the Mexican border. The women and girls are usually raped, some (children too) are sold into human traffic rings for unspeakable reasons. This has to be stopped for their own protection, (its insane) because some are good people that would be allowed to come into the US legally.
My question is why are all these people wanting to get out of Mexico so badly, that they would risk so much to cross into the U.S. and maybe get deported? I just thought maybe someone has researched that and knows.
I have lived in Mexico, and for the life of me, i can't understand why they want to come here.
True, there are few jobs in Mexico, but no one starves.
The motto is: Pobre Mexico, tan lejos de dios, tan cerca do los estados unidos del norte - Poor Mexico, so far from god, so close to the United States of the North (America).
Mostly, the young men just came here for the seasonal jobs, then they went right back home.
Now, the drug money is so fantastical, that they come to be rich like us.
But Americans created the market! If we quit buying illegal drugs, then that market will dry up. All it would take is to make drugs legal and tax the crap out of it. Have drug clinics like they do in the UK and Spain.
Americans created this mess, but don't want to give up those drug profits. Follow the money trail.
Ellis Island, in Upper New York Bay, was the gateway for over 12 million immigrants to the United States as the nation's busiest immigrant inspection station from 1892 until 1954. - Wikipedia
We wouldn't need to secure the Mexican border if everyone in the US were Libertarians and everyone in MX was Libertarian. There wouldn't be a problem, everyone would get along like good neighbors. Its easy to see that Communists don't make good neighbors.
The people coming from Mexico are welcomed by our Communist Marxist so-called president and his administration. (Clinton, Bush administrations).
That saying..."Strong fences make good neighbors". Its just common sense.
We need to lock up the corrupt politicians and throw away the keys.
The problem is that no matter how stongly you build a fence, if someone wants to get over, under, around, or through that fence, they can and will do so.
Better to be friends with your neighbors. Then they wll watch out for you, while you watch out for them.
But, i guess it is useless to believe that we can all act like grown ups and behave ourselves. It's a useless goal/dream that i have for the humans on our planet. We are all too greedy and will never learn to share and share alike.
Stamp out hate!
Small fan base?
You realize he's broken every voter turnout record so far in the US, right?
Land mines, armed soldiers and tanks - a human wall of sorts / empowered guards with shoot to kill status - why is this so difficult to imagine ? If the troops come home they'll need to work
You want to live in a country that kills people for attempting to cross the border? North Korea would love to have you, I'm sure.
I want to live in a nation where laws are laws and criminals suffer the worst possible way - it's an effective way to stop crime. Dead men tell no tales and don't rape little girls, kill elderly people, or push drugs on high school students. I guess you'd rather live in a open border wild,wild,west town right?
Looks like you need to move to Iraq or Iran where Sharia law is their normal life. Please do. Biblical Dominion is just a white man's fantasy wet dream there, bud.
Good luck living in debauchery land otherwise - ask the Romans how that worked out....
I live in intelligent land. Where the government is for the people and by the people. Where our constitution grants ALL humans the rights of equality.
Remember that little phrase - innocent until proven guilty? It means that we all have basic human rights.
I want to stop immigration (illegal AND legal) just as much as the next American. I wish people would not feel the need to migrate. We should make our birthplaces our home and quit trying to invade other countries. But that day isn't here yet.
Wrong - the Obama and Democrat government regularly steps on the rights of citizens to grant rights to people who decide to invent a gender of the day. Rights are not granted by government - nor are they regulated by government.
Oh...but, but...they are evolutionists creating another gender.
Transsexuals need to go pee! Great way to create chaos / confusion!
I thinks its a distraction.
Nature told me it was snowing for the past two days every-time I looked out a window or went outside. This morning the ground was covered in white, in the USA.
Globalist's global warming is a hoax folks. (that was free)
I hate war! People need to realize that Mexico has threatened war against the USA.
One of their military choppers fired on border patrol agents who were doing their job to enforce the law.
Obama ordered border patrol agents to stand down and not enforce the law, so he is working with the Mexican Communist party and is a traitor. The Globalists plan is to overthrow the United States while Obama lies to the public and tells everyone everything is ok.
We have drones that could protect the borders, too.
An excellent article to read is "Obama of Arabia", (the traitor in chef).
I'm glad that you are awake.
Have you seen "Eyes Wide Shut"?
Bush and Clinton families are corrupt.
This isn't an election about Republican vs Democrats. The Globalist's plan is to merge Mexico, the USA, and Canada into one Communist country. They aren't hiding their plans, its on the internet for anyone to read, its well documented through out history.
People also do not realize that Hitler was a Muslim. It wasn't blonde blue eyed Germans that fought for Hitler, he had 400,000 Muslims fighting. The facts are there.
AP - +111111! You are so right. I am sick of our government wasting BILLIONS of OUR dollars on pure, unadulterated CRAP. Benghazi, private emails, school bathroom bigots, WTF???
And the Repubs are constantly saying they want smaller government all the while trying to legislate our EVERY MOVE!
I am SICK of them! Fire these MFs!
The Mexican president said no to building a US/Mexico wall. Plus suggests Trump is acting like Hitler.
IFa Berlin like wall was built across the Mexican boarder it would cost 10s of billions of $. It will never happen, so Trump is lying again. Who trusts a man who lies for a living.
Trump's wall is only the first of thousands of lies that Trump tells. He gets caught with his pants on fire daily, yet the Trumpsters still believe him! What is wrong with these people?
Trump's fantasy wall will be just as big as his lies and ego. What I don't understand is why anyone thinks The Donald knows ANYTHING! He failed as a businessman - FOUR times! On record! Yet everyone still praises him as a "businessman". INSANE!
How much did those 4 failures cost Donald Trump personally? How much did his fortune drop as a result of those failures? Or did they successfully earn Trump money?
Apparently, Trump is worth less now than he would have been if his casinos hadn't failed. How do you bankrupt a casino anyway? That has to be the dumbest move by any businessman.
And by going bankrupt, he harmed all the companies he owed money to. And all the people that worked for those companies.
I can go out and make money by borrowing money too. Then I can declare bankruptcy and be better off financially than I was before too. It's no great skill.
Why do you think this is the smart way to do business?
Can you supply figures or are you simply making it up because it satisfies your desire for his failure? The "apparently" rather says you're just saying it without having the faintest idea if it's true or not.
I'll answer your question as soon as you answer the question I asked first,"Why do you think this is the smart way to do business?"
Did it gain Trump income? If so, perhaps it was the smart thing to do. Without seeing spread sheets of the financials of each business neither I nor you can tell whether it was smart or not.
Now, do you have facts and figures, or are you just making them up?
(What makes you think I said is was a smart way to do business? I did not indicate that at all!)
Um, wilderness....your HERO Trump DROVE the Taj Mahal Casino into the DIRT, then into Bankruptcy where "We the People" once again "Picked Up the TAB" for his ineptitude ~ AND Now you'd Entrust him with a MASSIVE Project like POURING a THOUSAND Miles of Ineffective CONCRETE?
Yup, that's right, for those of you who are unaware of this "Gargantuan Business BLUNDER", this incompetent Moron SANK a C*A*S*I*N*O !!.....Do you even understand how Difficult that is to do??...Well the "DONALD" managed to accomplish the "Un-Accomplishable" and Actually LOST Money on a Guaranteed WINNER ~
Don't Believe the FACTs? go GOOGLE it ~
P.S. ~ Trump is Financially Unable to Self-FUND his General E Campaign and that's a FACT unless he begins to "Sell-OFF" assets and it's STILL Questionable as to whether or not he would be able to Legally Liquidate Assets let alone RAISE enough CASH to pay for his ongoing "Racist Parade" ~
Hello Austinstar,
You prompted me to look around a bit with this statement; "...How do you bankrupt a casino anyway? That has to be the dumbest move by any businessman...."
Are you familiar with the rules and regulations and fees and expenditure mandates that the state requires for New Jersey Casinos?
I wasn't either until I stumbled across this NJ Casino Control Act & Commission Regulations link.
Holy Cow! You should take a quick read to see all the extra taxes and stuff levied on casino monies and their operations.
The only required payout percentage I stumbled across was the state-mandated 83% slots payout. I did find one source that stated NJ casinos had an average over-all gambling payout of around 91.03% of gross income.
Crudely viewed this means that NJ casinos are operating their business' on about 9% of all the money they take in. Now that could amount to hundreds of millions of dollars - I don't know. But I do know that a 9% slice of the pie to handle operating costs and profits doesn't seem like your implied no-brainer gravy train to me.
As a Maryland resident I am a little more familiar with MD's casino requirements, (which are higher than NJ's), and this year's news that all five of our casino's are in such dire financial fixes that they are asking for relief from MD's current requirements. Since all five are not owned by the same person or company, by your logic, all five owners must be real numbskulls to not be making a killing from their gambling houses.
Or maybe you are forming your impressions from the old movie portrayals of the mob guys drooling over sacks and sacks of cash skimmed from their movie casino operations?
Maybe I should look a little deeper, but I am not that sure it would be worth the effort, I don't think modern day legal casino operations are like the old mob days portrayed in the movies.
So even though I think yours is an unsupported and inexact "everybody knows" statement, I will leave you to it. It sounds good as an anti-Trump comment, so have at it.
So, what you are saying is that "Drumpf" Trump was either IGNORANT of the LAWs in New Jersey, or he clearly understood the LAWs yet opened a CASINO despite them?? ~ ~ Either scenario spells POOR Planning for Trump ~
G.A. ~ If you are trying to DEFEND the Indefensible you've actually illustrated that Trump is even MORE Inept than Previously Assumed ~ You've managed to make Trump appear even DUMBER than he truely is ~ That's a pretty difficult task ~
However, This type of "RECKLESS Business Behavior" and POOR Judgement is unfortunately a "HALLMARK" of "Drumpf" Trump's LONG List of Failed Ventures ~
The FACTs ~ Trump opened the Taj Mahal Casino in New Jersey using a virtual TON of OUR Money via Bank LOANS & due to his Irresponsible Management & Decision Making, Ran it into the DIRT then into Bankruptcy where "We the PEOPLE" were forced to Pick Up his TAB ~ Shortly thereafter, his Cohort in Crime Carl Icahn, who himself is UNDERWATER with his OWN FAILING Venture which is essentially Categorized as an INCH Away from "JUNK" by Rating Agencies, Assumed CONTROL and the Casino is STILL LOSING Money ~ SURPRISED? Believe me, nobody in the industry is ~
AND Now, there is actually a small Minority of Numbskulls in the Republican Party who would like to hand over the Responsibility of Border Security to "DRUMPF" who thinks the "Nucler TRIAD" is a Brand of Bubble Gum and a Concrete Slab will actually enhance said security ?? ~ GOOD Luck with that ~
Facts...how refreshing instead of the propaganda spew everywhere
Native American casinos do well because states ban competition. I long ago earmarked the BIA as a socialist organization that does little to help those still living on reservations in poverty. But, the BIA spends billions a year. It seems to be a revolving door of government corruption.
It is because of good leaders who educate their people about the benefits of entrepreneurship who are being most effective at getting their people out of poverty. And, the changing of people's minds to invest in themselves and their futures to break free of the reservation poverty mentality. On average the Native Americans who are in business for themselves earn about half of what the average American does.
It wasn't long ago that Native Americans could not get regular jobs to get ahead. Because the government wanted to keep them on the res?
So, there is progress but it isn't because of the paternal government, its because of heart.
Unlike Trump's Failed "Taj Mahal Casino Venture", which is Situated in a PRIME Location with Robust TRAFFIC, Native American Casinos Thrive primarily due to SOUND & Competent Management & Operation, A Clear Understanding of the Business & Market, Proper TRAINING of Employees, & OWNERs who are Educated in the Industry and BASIC Fundamental Business Practices ~
It's pretty simple, Trump Failed at trying to run a Casino and if he ever got ahold of OUR White House Keys, a Dangerous Scenario which they will NEVER allow to happen, he would be a DISASTEROUS Failure at "Concrete POURING", anoher scenario which even he knows is nearly an impossibility ~ ~
So, you WANT WAR! And you want Obama to not stand down rather than go to war. I hope your loved ones don't have to fight and die in any of the wars that the Repuclicans seem to constantly want.
War, war, war. It's all the right wingers seem to think about.
I have no idea what you are talking about...that is the most confused assumption of what I said ever. You deserve this reply.
The only Republican I know who did not want war was Ron Paul. And he is disguises as a libertarian.
Now you know 2, for I am listed as Republican and don't want war. I'll introduce you to as many others of the same persuasion as you'd like to meet, as well.
That's good, now convince your leaders.
They won't buy it because federals no longer work for the people, they serve themselves
The Republican and Democratic parties don't exist anymore, they do not represent the people who elected them...DC is run by the Globalists, the politicians are their puppets. Right now the Republican party is the Trump party. The corrupt establishment on both sides now want Crooked Hillary to be president because they know she can be bought and will do as the Globalists wish.
Trump is a manifestation (and he knows it is not about him) of the people's will to clean up Washington, to defend our Constitutional Rights, individual liberties, and our nation from tyranny... Trump is a phenomenon and that wave is only going to keep getting bigger!
Its going to be a really bad day for the bad guys if Trump wins, they will be crapping their pants.
If the election is not fixed for a select of the President from the puppet masters. Then the 100s trllions $ of our slave master haves will drown out Trumps few billions of have nots.
Only the people in great numbers can really make a change for the better, as it always has been in human history. From Kings of centuries ago to dark empires of today.
I love Ron Paul, and I believe Rand is truly his father's son with the same values. I'm a Libertarian and a Humanitarian.
Great new poll numbers with Latino voters vs. Crooked Hillary Clinton!
The majority of American Latino voters know that the Mexican border needs to be secure. They are good citizens who care about the future of America. The Obama Adm. can't shut down our borders but the TSA asked for more money.
Is that a POLL from "Republican PRETEND-Land" ?? ~
Here are the actual FACTs in the REAL World ~
75% to 90% of Hispanics / Latinos REJECT "Drumpf" Trump ~
He's finding out the HARD Way that you can't DESPISE Minorities by calling them "Rapists & Murderers" and get away with it ~
The Globalist Agenda represents a plan to bring all of Earth's inhabitants under the control of a single, global state. There is a small, but powerful group of individuals who are the architects and instigators behind the formation and implementation of this "New World Order". Using their influence through international organizations such as the IMF, World Bank, the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the United Nations, NATO, and hundreds of other non-governmental organizations, the objective of these internationalists is nothing less than the subjugation of everyone on the planet as servants to a one world government (servants means slaves). A government run by the same small group of elite that have ruled the masses for a very long time under various guises. These elite are the descendents of those that ruled for at least the past 2 centuries - kings and queens, bankers, robber barrons, priests, and assorted subservient oligarchs and media representatives. Their desire for a return to a one world feudal state should come as no surprise to anyone who has read a little history. It is their nature after all.
* http://www.globalistagenda.org/
Even most American don't want war, they will be paying for it anyways. The war on drugs is another global war used to invade or occupying other countries. The Mexican drug war on the boarder could be greatly reduced over legalising pot. Religion is used as a tool also for war. Can you imagine one world Religion.
Thank dog, for the true super power of the 21st century, China. Their wall is as old as 10,000 years and only used for show, before they grew up.
Native American casinos thrive because they are on federal land and treaties, lobbyists and Congress, etc. Corruption and corny capitalism go hand in hand with no regard for the people. Its a good socialist model, it only works for a few and those they decide should benefit. Money talks!
Its the socialist communist way to burden private enterprises with one regulation after another. Then, what they do is demonize it when it ultimately fails because of taxes, higher costs, fees, and official orders. Not to even get into The Federal Reserve and Wall Street.
Trump was never demonized until he decided to run for president against Democrats. Hmm! (I am not saying the RNC establishment is any better because they are not). Trump is taking on the status quo.
Bernie Sanders' wife, Jane, bankrupted Burlington College, in Vermont, (Burlington Free Press reported). She would make as bad of a first lady as a Bush, Clinton or Michael / Michelle Obama the transgender.
Trump represents making more money for the rich. Already America has been set up to fail, by over focusing on money rather than balance. Only way Trump can help is destory the criminal reserve (cash) faster with his walls and lack of diversity. So we can reset our debt and natural lives.
Trump would replace Yellen the Chair of the Federal Reserve with someone who wants to make America great again, that would take care of that corruption, on Wall Street and in Washington. There are easy solutions to our biggest problems, we just need someone smart who cares and dares, someone like Trump. Is Trump perfect, is anyone?
Pension funds are going bankrupt. The economy is going to collapse, its just a matter of when. Venezuela use to be one of the richest countries in the world. Now, there is a food and toilet paper crises...
Good thing I'm planning on working til the day I die.
The best liar wins unless it is a selected President. No matter who wins, the dollar crash and purge will happen. Then may the most natural diverse man win.
I'm watching the whole trump and immigration thing. If he becomes President, he will deport millions of people. He will do what Bush did, when he added the military to the job market, and claimed that there were millions of jobs suddenly created, so it would look like unemployment was going down.
Think about this for a moment, a good portion of mintority people in the Us own businesses, or came here with lots of money in their pockets. Some work jobs that nobody else want to do. If those millions of people were to suddenly forced to leave country, all those businesses and jobs would suddenly open up, and then he could say "See how much employment there is now."
Everything he says is what the republican party wants to say but hasn't wanted to open their mouths to say it. They want an ever poor country where the poor depend on the rich to survive. A country where people will work for any wage just so they can afford to eat. While the rich just suck up every dime, and live like kings. Which could be the reason why the stepped so easily aside to let Trump take the heat for them.
This whole election is turning out to be one of the saddest times in our recent history.
Very true. And now it comes out that Trump doesn't pay a dime in taxes. He is screwing more than just his bought and paid for wives! He is screwing Republicans and America.
The rich are world champions at stealing money.
Cheating on taxes is the 3rd worst sin in America. Rich will never get to heaven if they break the Federal Government heart, if any of them have a heart.
I would check your facts before believing that anyone who is running for president doesn't pay a dime in taxes...that wouldn't work with Americans. That has to be something made up, its not logical at all. Trump has said he pays the least amount of taxes he can...but doesn't everyone do that.
I remember him saying that he gets audited like every 8 to 10 years, he just got audited again by the IRS.
Trump has already released one tax return showing he paid zero dollars. He will be pressured into releasing his current tax return. Hillary and Bernie have released theirs. You need to check your facts!
Have YOU verified what you wrote? I doubt it.
Well, that's your problem, colorful, you doubt facts and accuse people of lying when they are not. Yes, i did check my facts. Why don't you googlemit and verify it for yourself. And try not to go to just fox news sites.
No one accused anyone of lying. Having doubts about something isn't an accusation, its more of a feeling. I'm sorry if you thought that, and especially so if you felt badly. Thank you for speaking out, I like that.
(hint: check the PDF files)
Hillary lying on Trump. Just the facts!
* https://www.facebook.com/10813271752402 … 507541836/
Trump ignore the success of the Colorado's cannibus trade. He rather fight than switch. Worst thing about cannabis is it's illegal
About 76% of Mexican offenses are illegally crossing the boarder.. other is 17% drugs, 3% sex offenders. Yet Trump assume some are good people.
Trump would rather fight than switch? He must smoke Tareyton cigarettes! LOL!
Tobacco kills more people than all drugs combined yet legal in every country in the World.
The Federal Government never stops thinking of ways to harm us.
Nope, PEOPLE never cease thinking of ways to harm themselves. Stop blaming the government for personal problems! Take some responsibility for your own actions and harmful behaviors.
After all, people elect government representatives and have the power to fire them with your votes.
Federal government are broken and can not be fix without a revolution. You can't fire the Government when you pay them half your money and vote for lesser of the two evils.
Then each election they give you same or less wages wail increasing ten fold your basic cost of living since the 70s. They take away your constitutional rights, then you must beg for privileges from them. Then indebt you and your children for life.
I have taken my responsibility of avoiding Federal Government by building land base community self sustainable food and energy. Yes I blame the people for allowing this slavery and destruction of the natural environment by electing these world largest criminal organizations. Just cancel the Feds, lower forms of government can still be of service.
Since the introduction of instant mass media , here has NEVER been more of a blame game played by sore losers than in present day America . America right now is paying extremely dearly for decades of voter apathy . Yet the ability to instantly checkmate common sense by injecting mass stupidity into forums like this is absolutely astounding . Sad part is ; a symbolic wall would be most effective IF only there was an adherence to existing immigration law to begin with .
Scenario ----An illegal crosses the completely open US. border without properly channeling him- her-self-- through PROPER legal immigration procedure; He is immediately stymied by NOT finding economic livelihood by NOT finding a job, any job !
Problem one - its not illegal to hire an illegal immigrant ! Easy to fix right ?..........Right ? Not so , giving the moral, legal , constitutional vacuum that IS the US. congress ,senate and White house " leadership ". Illegal Immigration is an easy fix ! It is so easy as to render the Border Patrol almost totally unnecessary.
There is a legal directive imposing immigration control that is being totally ignored by government officials ! How does THAT make Americans feel ?
You will redefine your idea of mass stupidity when the dollar collapse, shortly followed by America collapses.
It will be very difficult and unfriendly when you try to reach out to other countries for help to be stopped by your own walls in your own mind. War will not help, the printed dollar won't help. Many will forget decades ago when America did help the world a great deal. Your only as good as your last show.
Castlepaloma ;
If America is so miserably failing ?
Why are so many of the worlds produced exports so dependent on America's consumerism ?
Why has the economics of Socialist countries failed SO miserably in the world in the last thirty years ?
Why has the economics of Communism failed so miserably as well ?
Why is a country, like even our friend Canada where you live , so dependent on our economy ?
The entire worlds economies are directly or indirectly ,not only attached but extremely dependent on the capitalism of North America and similar free market systems of the world , China for example , would probably die a fast death economically IF the United States ever demanded more economic fair trade , even Southeast Asia ; have you looked at the labels inside your undershorts lately , how about your tee-shirts and other clothes ? Take a look at where your smart phone is made , your TV., how about your favorite car ? If it wasn't for the Last Bastion of political- economic success story of the U.S. capitalism and free trade system , you and I would have starved to death decades ago .
Like it or not Castlepaloma , capitalism will be the last thing happening on earth , Why you ask ? Because just before you eat your last meal on earth , you'll have to trade something for the baloney = i.e. capitalism ! You are ,more than obviously , an America hater and that is most obvious in most of your post's , Fine , hate America and it's capitalist system , but stop crying like a resentful child , "the sky is falling ".
As to walls , the next one will be around Washington D.C., congress and senate should be permanently contained .
Yes, Canada is dependent on US economy and when US collapses we, do too. It will effect almost every person on the planet. I'm 100% US dollar will collasp, I'm sure accordingly every money currency that has collapsed in World history it is following the same pattern. A good friend warns another friend when he is headed for their ultimate destruction. I'm want a friendlier world and USA are in the same boat. Please stop using the hate when ID-ing me.
Your leaders are liars to the highest degree floating on printed money backed by nothing.
Your in a recession, unemployment is more like 10%- 15% your GDP is in the minus. US has farmed much of your Industry elsewhere. Many countries deeply dislike America and their new world order aim with polities holding them at gun point.
Yes, some socialist countries fail, a lot more often they are the happiest places because their basic living is covered. Capitalism mix with socialism has proven a great balance, not corporatism rule.
BRICS- 42% of the world population is planing on dumping the US dollar starting with Russia and they have kicked out the Rothschild's. They can match or Better the US in every area except military equipment.
The last thing anybody wants is war on this scale. Not only have my nightmares/dream of world events come true, the last 30 years. It is backed by flawless logic.
Where's the hatred , I ask ?
Just stating facts that you obviously dislike .
Our country's , like ALL countries leaders , are crooks by nature . The Capitalism that you so love to hate is one of the finest economic basis' of ANY monetary system in the world . It's just that ours is protected by our constitution against government infraction by massive taxation and mass civilian entitlements [ so far ]. Other counties are running to the U.S. dollar , quite the opposite of that which you state . Those that run away are sadly lacking in Geo-political- economic success anyway. The fact that the U.S dollar was the last to enter economic failure alone ,SHOULD tell you something . Corporatism in the form of free trade is what created America's ongoing economic success to begin with . Your country alone sure LOVES NAFTA . The fact that Canada is so attached to the US economy is exactly WHY Canada is also doing so well !
The only reason America IS in recession is the continuing escalation of social entitlement spending by a socialist reforming President . One who fails to see the strength of our unregulated capitalist free trade AND has doubled and will see the tripling of our national debt . For the most part our economy has mushroomed in size , if not underlying strength , it simply needs less social reforming .
By the way , it is you who's message always runs towards hatred of ANYTHING -US. Why don't you drop that ?
Horse, you got to stop worshipping mainstream presstitutes , corporatism and this fraud empire. I care about 99% of Americans those 1% greedy elistist don't care about the death of dollar or you.
If you don't believe me, than you should believe Trump the only candidate that said the dollar will collapse. What is Trump going to build the wall with, toilet paper or Mexican toilet paper. About 23 countries are on board to dump the dollar and the rest of countries will follow putting the golden nails into their coffins. US debt exceed their assets. Study most top economsist not politician, their leader will soon try to sell you gold on paper. Stay away from almost all software buy anything hardware with a receipt.
Hillary is a the queen of chaos and her position on Russia worries both the right and left of WWIII (in 5-6 years). After all, that is a part of the Globalist agenda...which she is a part of and why its such a fight for the presidential candidates who are the most popular to voters.
With Trump we have the strongest likelihood that war with Russia wouldn't happen. He and Putin have had good words for each other.
"State Department audit faults Clinton on emails, says she broke records rules"
* http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/05 … l-use.html
And the strategies of diplomacy with Obama- Clinton for the last eight years in the middle east has has been a total disaster ! Libya , Syria , including the responses to Putin's aggressions against former Russian regions !
The entire Syrian refugee crisis across Europe is directly a cause and effect of poor diplomacy. Just who caused the Arab Spring which started it all ?
For probably the first time in US. -Israeli relations , there is friction between once very strong allies , poorly directed and followed through Obama --Clinton foreign policy is the cause ! Believe me the strength of the Israeli's in the middle east has been the reason for past political stabilization ALL OVER that region , and Obama's obvious hated of the Jews is pushing the entire region into chaos !
What uncounted trillions of dollars has the refugee situation alone cost the E.U , to say nothing of U.S. Dollars in the near future , And some people want eight MORE years of lousy diplomacy ?
Oh yea ! But they sure are closing Gitmo aren't they . What a colossal failure !
Gee ........Not Bad for an anti- war President .
It would seem that the ultimate goal of the Globalists' is to have that seat in Jerusalem.
Try listening to BrietBart * radio, or T.V. they even play that in Canada ,actual honestly is my only media . Total honesty . This is an election cycle to simply hold your nose and simply Vote trump in , Who doe's like him , I don't but I don't have to like someone to allow them to break the chains of P.C. leadership in Washington ! Obama - Clinton "leadership", has been an unmitigated disaster for not only America , but the entire free market world and it is the Free Market world 's economy that is the only driving force of positive economic success .
And by the way , just how far have you removed yourself from America's economy, that you so hate , when you live just over the border in Canada ? How is that NAFTA doing for your economy and personal bank accounts ? Hate America all you want to Castlepaloma , consider yourself even removed from it's politics , but really , your answer is to move to Canada for escape ! All the present day political negativity facing America today is leveled on us because of resentments to our economic success .
The fact that any other political entity or country or political ideology hates and fears Trump only excites me all the more about the lack of respect other countries have shown us ,as a nation , for quite some time , including your dislike . America , it's economy , it's citizen owned government , will be the last one standing in the end , get used to that !
I don't know what world you are living in, but my life has vastly improved since Obama took office and started fixing all the disastrous decisions from the G.W. Bush years.
All we really need to do is get rid of our obstructionist Congress and Senate and belligerent do-nothings that inhabit our government - no matter what party they declare themselves to be. They are taking our tax money and blowing it on their lavish/perverted lifestyle (screw the middle class that elected them).
Trump is a failed businessman (no matter how many times his supporters keep calling him "great businessman" it will never be true). He is a belligerent liar who not only lies about every issue, he straddles the issues in single sentences. Why his supporters can't see this is beyond me.
Trump is a narcissistic psychopath who cheats on his taxes, his wives, his mistresses, his church, his followers, his business dealings, and wants to "do" his own daughter.
Fools following fools, I guess.
+1 ... the litmus test is going to be Trump's VP choice.
We'll find out who that is in June I do believe. But, I can guarantee it will be a Nationalist, not a Globalist. I trust Donald J. Trump to make the best choice. I believe he will be our next president if he is not assassinated (or whatever). He is very brave because these are very dangerous times for him to be taking on the status quo.
One thing I feel strongly is that Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama has been the worst years for America...Clinton being the ultimate worst because of policies that Bush and Obama kept as their own (NAFTA).
Here' s a surprise for you , I don't like him , I don't like Trump , I don't like the celebrity-ism he uses , I don't like the divisive rhetoric he uses , AND I hoped that the obvious lame message the other candidates pleaded with all through the primary competition would have built a good enough head of steam o beat him !
HEADLINE -Island Bites ,So far , He wins the pre- primaries! At least I am man enough to know that holding my nose to vote is still a viable American way of voting ! And NOT delving into the customary P.C. tirades of mediocre candidates . On the left a pant suit wearing Obama -like Clinton clown can't even beat out a seventy -four year old curmudgeon socialist !
At least the GOP primaries are on the level , we don't have to rig the system wit super-delegates for a lame candidate ! Looking at the Trump -Clinton polls lately ?
How politically shallow have we become ? Donald Trump , the greatest empty suit of all time. This entire episode of stupidity merely shows the total lack of political savvy of the American voter .
Well , That isn't true ? The American voter isn't naïve ? THAT is exactly what got us into this shape to begin with ! NO? .....Now we have to play catch up , eliminating as much apathy as possible ......reinventing real candidates , IN THE MEAN TIME , we go with the best choice possible , to regain the ownership of our government TO the American voting public .
I know how to hold my nose , don't you ? Personally , I'd have to cut my nose off to vote for Hillary or especially Sanders .
You've heard the term "Got milk"? Got a political outsider candidate?
From many times before I said I'm not into hate or anti anything. This gift I return to it's rightful owner, you..
Only anger as a child and just once at my megalomaniac ex wife. Even the most horrible people in the world will tell something negative about you where your friends won't. I take that kind of weakness (if It's true) and work on that weakness more than my strength for a best balance. That is all I'm asking American to do, get rid of the bad apple corporatism/bankers.
The gist of the outsider political message being sent to Washington right now is doing just that Castle , Not many people I've talked to "like " Trump , I can't stand him , but a return to the people of the power of it's OWN government in America is "on the move " why else is a political outsider rising in the polls ? We all want to divorce corporate lobbyism from congress again , it shows in the polls too,
Voter Apathy , yours and mine , is what got us where we are my adversarial friend , Now let's let conscientious voter participation get us out of it !
I agree that voter apathy is what caused this mess.
But I certainly don't agree on voting for D. Trump! He's everything the middle class needs to be afraid of!
Check the records and platforms of ALL the candidates at isidewith.com and study the issues!
Vote for the person who best fits your wants and needs.
Then vote AGAINST those that vote against your wants and needs.
Get informed!
Don't be "the undereducated American" that Trump is sucking up to.
Get involved and help your country, don't destroy it.
Political polls are not reliable, like isidewith.com's.
No offence, just saying. - Hugs!
Trump's mind has been set for 30-40 years on the issues he is running not, there is no doubt in my mind that he will stand firm on them and make America great again.
He loves you, baby! xxx
Oh my God, first there was chimp, Bush. Now there is a orange orangutan running.
We are not the advanced apes we thought we were.
That must be why Obama was elected to begin with - P.C. apologist voters looking to rectify the past "racist "history of the entire world . How many times did I hear " But he makes such great speeches ,........... So did Hitler .
I like monkeys, these ones are very questionable.
America has grown into an uncaring morally lax culture , a wild west show on steroids , Why ?
A softening of prosecution and punishment of ALL crimes since the sixties ! And no one cares about that - the collective apathy in a society of any culture is irreversible.
Blame the supreme courts .
I'm a Brit, but this is my understanding of the situation:-
. Donald Trump wants to build a wall to define the US/Mexico border.
. He wants Mexico to pay for the construction.
. Mexico have already refused to pay for the construction.
. If the US wants Mexico to pay for a US/Mexican border wall, it will have to force Mexico to do so.
. This means the US will have to declare war on Mexico.
. Wars are expensive.
. Wars have unexpected consequences; often those consequences are not good. I can't foresee any of those consequences leader to a more secure America. It's more likely that they will lead to a destabilized world.
So I'll end this comment with a question: How on earth could anyone think that building a wall across the US/Mexican border will make the US safer?
First of all , the wall is mostly built , by act of congress during the bush years I believe ,
-secondly , only the British apparently , go to war over economics ?
-thirdly , if America gives Mexico a hundred million dollars a year in foreign aid - how about we deduct the cost of said wall from said aid , we don't have to nuke them according to your plan .
-fourth, even symboliclyit will send a message to the world - come here legally or stay home
- Your understanding may be the reason England no longer controls the American borders to begin with .
There are 28,000 American troops guarding the border in South Korea, ready to protect the South from the North. Reports say S. Korea is paying for 50% of the cost for our military support. Why they are not paying 100% for US protection of their border is beyond me. We have troops deployed all over the world to protect other countries but we are not protecting our own southern border. The Border Patrol Agents have been ordered by the Obama Administration to stand down and are not allowed to do their job to enforce the law. If they were allowed to do the job they are trained to do and want to do, we wouldn't have illegal aliens pouring into the USA.
The Border Patrol has never endoresed a presidential candidate in all of history, but they endoresed D. Trump for president.
We have civil unrest in America, protests, riots, and violence at Trump rallies by people who don't even know what the hell they are protesting about...they are idiots, and waving Mexican flags (and other flags), and burning American flags. Anything wrong with this picture? Its happening, but mainstream media isn't reporting it the way it really is.
The Trump wall will never be built. Many people would rather quit their job as a government construction contractor than build a symbol of ignorance and narrow mindedness.
Even Trump understands a Concrete Wall will NEVER be built due to a Plethora of Legal Obstacles but his "FANz" are a little too Pre-Occupied with his Blatant Racist Message to look at the Hardcore FACTs ~
"Drumpf" has Managed to "Bamboozle" a tiny Fraction of Republicans which was expected, The Majority of Republicans & AMERICANs Despise him, and that's a FACT ~
Trump's Candidacy has been nothing more than a "Publicity Stunt SHAM" from the beginning, and he's been trying to "GET Out" of it for months ~ The ONLY problem is that he's in a little too DEEP Now and Investigative Reporting on his PAST, Present & Future Business DEALINGz could conceivably land him in a Cozy Little PRISON Cell......For a VERY Long TIME .......
Charlie - What makes you thing Trump will be using government contractors? Many Americans who have been unemployed would gladly line up to do this project. Walls are not symbolic of either ignorance or narrow mindedness, despite what your liberal school teachers and media sources tell you. They are just physical borders that define where one thing starts or ends. Try having a discussion in the real world - other than impacting your political beliefs, list all the ways a wall hurts America - I'll list many more for how it helps...sorry, but math is math and pros outweigh cons on this subject.
Yep, the pros are many. And really, the greater threat to the US comes from foreign terrorist operatives rather than illegals anyway - they can't be chased out with E-Verify, and they're willing to die for Allah. If Trump is elected I suspect that a wall will be only part of his plan for securing the southern border; to be effective, there have to be other layers of security down there.
ONLY One of Many Obstacles for "Trump's DELUSIONAL Wall" ~ They will NEVER give this Moron the KEYs to OUR White House for obvious reasons, but I can tell you there are Many Landowners along the Border who "Hold Title" to their property, Parcels which would be "Essential for Continuity", who are already "Up in ARMs" AGAINST the "Donald" and would NEVER allow his Ridiculous Ideas to ruin their pristine views ~
One thing the "DONALD" is certainy adept at, and that's making ENEMIES of Americans ~
You're funny, RJ - You think Americans will line up to build a wall across the wild, hot, nasty Southern border (and risk being killed by drug cartels)!
Where are these people lining up for the relatively cushy job of guarding our airports?
" So now the agency (TSA), which is part of the Department of Homeland Security, is spending around $8 million to accelerate the hiring of more officers. It's also spending approximately $26 million to increase part-time and overtime hours.
The TSA has seen a boost in applications for the nearly 800 openings, which can be found on the government's job website USAJobs.gov. "
They have 800 CURRENT openings, yet can't get or find qualified Americans to fill those jobs!
You think they will apply for the extremely poor working conditions of building a Mexico wall when they won't even apply for screening jobs for Homeland Security!
You are amusing me to no end!
TSA agents are known as some of the biggest bullies in government. Employees don't have much good to say about their bosses and it does no good to complain, unless you don't care if you get fired or demoted in pay. Don't file a complaint unless you want to go to jail is a popular saying these days. Who the heck wants to work for the TSA for $25-$30,000. a year? Bullies and gropers maybe.
When all the race color white, yellow, red and black mix we will all be brown. Whites are afraid they will be breeding out of existence. The World in 2 decades with bring whites population down from 14% to 9% people on earth. Many pro whites in America, a wall will never stop the mixing of colors from happening..
I envision a day boarders will not be needed. Cultures of area will replace people learning how to share more than just money.
LOL, I'm amazed at the naivete of those who believe Trump when he says he will build a wall. The guy is just saying what a certain type of voter wants to hear, like he always does. The man is con artist extraordinaire.
But, no, a wall wouldn't keep us safe, and it would be a massive waste of money.
The Pope told Trump. Christain need to build bridges, not wall.
Funny, many call Pope Francis the anti-Christ
There have been so many anti-Christs, I have lost track! And Christians wonder why we laugh at their silly Rapture fantasies.
The rapture false prophesies mainly come from the futurists like the JWs.
There would be no Christain ancient beginning without the book of Jews, OT. Plus Jesus.
Hmm hmm. You get it!
It amazes me how people rely on false religions, government propaganda, common core, and MSM to brainwash their minds and they don't care about digging for the truth of matters, or the Truth in the Bible. Its pretty amusing at times and entertaining. Better then Saturday Night Live (haven't watch it in years).
Pope Francis has come out of the closet likening Jesus to ISIS. I never heard of Jesus beheading people, torturing, raping, and sell them into slavery.
Christianity vs Religion
Even though it's been around for a LONG time, I'm still amazed at the efficiency of the right-wing echo chamber. I googled your contention that the Pope linked Jesus to ISIS and the results included three full pages of right-wing and Christian "news" sites. I stopped looking at three pages. Didn't find a single credible source.
World war 111 starts out religious in the east and ends up about money in the west. That gold will really taste nice after much of the earth is destroyed.
Maybe the Pope means, America is ISIS or at least the whole background.
The alternatives to the poll numbers from ALL ideologies supporting Trump ARE :
Hillary , Not an ounce of business experience .A horrible record of political accomplishment .
Sanders , One who's entire premise is socialism and when you dig deeper into his ideals , they have zero depth ! Once he answers HOW he will accomplish ONE of his idea's for social change , you instantly realize he is a complete moron !
How about this , If you are immigrating to Mexico from another country , You must first prove that you will positively contribute to the economy of Mexico ! Ask an illegal alien to do that here , you would be immediately chastised all the way around .
Instead an illegal alien if detained in America , immediately gets free , transportation ,health care , free food , free birthing , drug prescription and medical treatment costs , free everything !
AND they get it all sooner than a veteran of the U.S. military service !
Go to Mexico and ask the same treatment .
Apparently the more things change, the more they also stay the same. The illegal European immigrants got everything for free also. And I do mean everything. They stole an entire continent with vast amounts of natural resources; killing anyone who stood in their way. And whenever they got bored, they would round up the locals and rape their wives, sisters, and daughters. They even had the nerve to put up a statue on Ellis Island, inviting their brethren to come and take what was left. If what goes around truly comes around, I predict some very nasty weather.
Yeah, and guess who's still here for the ride?? You're so interested in blaming people who're alive today for what happened in the 1800's that you're forgetting that "your people" remaining in America will share in our "very nasty weather". Are they also getting what comes around?
There are many here on Hubpages who do not hesitate to erect a strawman whenever they are at a loss for meaningful commentary, which is quite often. On the contrary, I do not blame anyone for the past that brought us here. But I refuse to glorify an evil past; the foundation for this facade of freedom laid upon the blood and bones of innocents. And yes, I have nothing but utter contempt for those of any color or nationality who continue to honor the memory of tyrants and butchers, as such celebrations are a disgrace to all of mankind.
Apparently, you have confused life and death with good and evil. If I should see the end of this abomination before my death, or if the end of this evil should cause my death, then let it be so. I will welcome the end under any circumstance. Because it is the end that will balance the past , the present, and the future. And so I would welcome my suffering, as I would be thankful for a good death and a glorious new beginning.
"On the contrary, I do not blame anyone for the past that brought us here"
But quite willing to put the onus of reparations on those innocent of any wrongdoing, right? Let the innocent pay the price for the evils of someone else, is that it?
Speaking of strawmen, I spoke nary a word about reparations. But since you dared to go even further off topic, I will throw you a bone. I am a professional musician. I love my guitars the same way people in Idaho love their guns. But if a man approached me one day with proof that an instrument I had purchased some years ago on Craig's list was actually stolen from the man's grandfather, I would not hesitate to give it back. It would not matter that I would suffer a monetary loss. What would matter most is that I would retain my self respect, and honor my ancestors by doing the right thing. But there is very little honor among Americans, and without a conscience, it is hard to lose your self respect. This is why the thought of reparations makes many Americans angry. However, to the credit of a few, there have been white men who have returned land that they legally purchased to the original tribe it was stolen from.
Many tools of violence used not only ON encroaching white enemies but in tribal violence by and against tribal members .
I Grow a little fatigued with the implications by under-informed , undereducated apologist drivel that American history is somehow twisted in recording the path of Manifest Destiny . You now , The" BIg- -Bad -Wolf- - Columbus " that slaughtered millions of Native American innocents . Stealing their lands , raping their women , slaughtering the new born children , drilling oil and natural gas wells in the remaining Tee Pee circles.
While all along , even most native Americans know the whole truths , For one , that Native American tribes were most often of a very divided leadership , were most often lead by two major factions within each tribe , one the spiritual leader , the other most often the warrior class of leader , both separate powers often divided in social-political views .
Many North American tribes were so divided in opinion and resolve that they couldn't even singularly agree on strategies of attack against this manifest destiny , most often allying themselves in divided , unorganized factions with fractured leadership .
Todays under-informed historical apologist's really need to bone up on what remains of the history actually written or at least recorded of REAL native histories, even BY native historians , by ALL historians and not just those that feed YOUR agenda.
Expand your minds !
You are the one who knows little of history, as is evident in your commentary. Your spin is also not up to par. The image you have displayed, along with your hyperbole, is meant to illustrate that overall the native people were warlike and aggressive, but the journal of Columbus, written in his own hand, tells a different story. The image I provided here bears his original text. And what was true of the Arawak was true of many of our nations. We were a peaceful people who respected the Earth and the wild life upon it. In the beginning, even Goyathlay (Geronimo) was a peaceful man. It is only after his wife,3 children, mother, and other tribal members was brutally murdered by the colonialist Mexican Army that he declared war on Mexico, and later the U.S..
To suggest that all of the First Nations were warlike and unorganized is like suggesting all Europeans were tyrants and monsters like Columbus or George Washington, but the truth is: they were not. Your problem is that you have believed in a myth your entire life, and when a more educated person challenges that myth, your narrative doesn't sound as sweet. Read and Learn.
Wrench ......Ah Columbus never set foot in "your " neighborhood, in fact even in the US. . Talk about the mythology and naiveté of unknown history . Better read a book bud !
And stop acting like you were there dude , neither of us were .
Although Columbus was not the first European to set foot in the New World, it was only after his arrival in 1492 that the European Invasion began in earnest. But here you go once again! It is irrelevant whether he landed in the Caribbean or California.The Arawak were not unlike many Indigenous nations. And they certainly had more in common culturally, morally, and genetically with the Haudenosuanee of Central New York, and the Aniyunwiya of Georgia, than a Spaniard or an Englishman. I would suspect that a majority of Nazis never set foot in Jerusalem, but this did not prevent their anti-semitic evil from reaching out and contaminating the whole of Europe. Concerning your last remark: I must caution you to be careful about making such sweeping statements. You know nothing of this present life that I live, or any that I have lived before.Your lack of experience or understanding are not my concern. How arrogant of you to suggest that I, or anyone else, must share the limitations that have been placed upon you by God and man.
Okay so Wrench , Columbus wasn't the first person to set foot on American soil , I WAS ! My family was one of the first families to do so in pre- revolutionary New England , English ships loaded down with a mass invasion of starving English - Anglo- Saxon political- religious rejects . A well organized invasion of farmers , tinkers , shoe makers , clothiers , wagon-masters , timber scalers , loggers . Productive puritans looking for a new world , the Last new world ! The white faces traded , badgered , blackmailed , divided , connived , begged , and BOUGHT .
And the natives , traded , badgered , blackmailed , divided , connived , begged and SOLD without once ever successfully co-aligning themselves to save their own sovereignty from manifest destiny of an over powering , over population inevitability .
We both, we all , have family graveyards of members who died directly in and from that process . And much like after any land war , I can take you by your hand and lay it on my family graves and you can mine , I'm sure !, Now , There is an end to such wars , to all wars and the victor and the defeated move on . I suggest you do the same ! Sad truth , but if you can't - then you are simply choosing to glory in the victimizing of the noble past of a defeated people . Rather than honoring them .
I think that in the defeated yet honorable - You are dishonoring them .
Your opening comment betrays the depth of your knowledge. You have mistaken the United States to be the whole of America. But a fifth grader can tell you otherwise. The whole continent, from north to south, is America. And that also includes Cuba, Haiti, and all of the Caribbean. That's right Archie. Fidel Castro is a Cuban American.
Speaking of moving on, I would like to see mainstream America take your advice. The Mount Rushmore monument would be a good place to start. The Black Hills looked much better without the faces of tyrants and slave owners carved in them. What are those faces doing there? They are a thing of the past. Why hasn't mainstream America "moved on". In many small towns and big cities across the U.S there are statues of Columbus, Presidents, and other dead Europeans. What are they doing there? They are a thing of the past. Why hasn't mainstream America moved on? And then we have the holidays, such as the 4th of July and Columbus Day. Both of these holidays are celebrations of the past. Why hasn't mainstream America "moved on"? If you look in your wallet you will also see the faces of dead Presidents. Some of them are over 200 years old. Why are they there? Why are mainstream Americans still living in the past? And last but not least, at the beginning of many sporting events such as the Super Bowl, someone will sing the "Star Spangled Banner". But why are they doing this? This song is a thing of the past. And so, why are they still singing it today? Why haven't they moved on?
Of course the rhetorical questions I have posted here destroy your fiction that I am living in the past when the majority have "moved on". As I have illustrated, mainstream America has not "moved on" at all. They are as much connected to the past as you claim myself to be. And so what have we learned from this great teaching that I have been so generous to bestow upon you for the sake of goodness, in lieu of monetary compensation? Of course, we have learned that in America it is politically correct to glorify evil men and the cesspool they have created. This helps to explain the popularity of Donald Trump. But it is considered heresy to speak out against rape, theft, murder, and the destruction of the environment by capitalist entities. Finally, it is perverse to suggest that I dishonor my ancestors by refusing to sing along and glorify those who raped them, who murdered them, who stole my inheritance, and who enslaved us all.
Wrenchbisket , ALL OF THE TRUTHS in our American history are right there in front of us to know , accept it or not-- and they have been right along , Exactly what truths , cruel or wicked , of all races , ethnicities and minorities are hidden ? What mass invented lie's of recorded or unrecorded history for or against the Native American have you uncovered , what out of the misty past's of manifest destiny have you uncovered , that can not be brought to the surface of knowledge instantly today or that wasn't well recorded from the beginning ? The trials and tribulations of class warfare is a part of ALL human history , not just America's as the attitude of your victimhood would have us all believe and in spite of your agenda of apologist reformations or reparations , Yes , the cruelties performed by and of colonial America are the ones pretty much against ALL minorities , AND perpetrated pretty much by the same . Wow , that's huge news .
Do you believe that ,in an hour or two average a week , of the teachings of history in a given week to America's students , that all history can possibly crammed in ? Are you all for teaching of scalping's , mass graves , rape , pillaging and perversions should perhaps be taught to your six or seven year old ? Or are we not all responsible for attaining an extended knowledge of history as we mature ? As you and I have done - So Just what history is a lie ?
You really should get off the victimhood and racist blame game attitude , it is a disservice to the positive accomplishments of all minorities today , I realize that you and many like you are getting the benefit of a lot of P.C mass media , mileage. In reality , this mileage is only defeating the forward momentum of positive accomplishment .You might ask ,from where does my extensive cultural wisdom originate ? Not only am I a descendant of white colonialist America and proud of it , I am also of mixed race, Anglo , Native American , Irish , German , Scots , ........pretty much just like yourself I suspect . Who are any of us but percentages of all races ?
Go ahead and cling to your victimhood though , I'm sure it serves you well in the role as a performer.
Donald Trump has many little helpers who want to fortify the racist wall that already exists. Here you have expressed one of the latest racist tactics. The terms" victim" and "victim-hood" are used by racists to perversely paint the guilty as innocent, and the innocent as guilty for naming their oppressors. The absurdity of this tactic is apparent when we apply it to the criminal justice system.
In every murder case, act of theft, rape, or robbery there is a victim. But using your logic, judges should simply admonish the victims to "get over it!" Here are some of the things a judge might say:
"So your car was stolen! People were stealing horses before cars were invented. That's just the way of the world. You need to grow up, move on, and get over it!"
Or in a case of robbery: " The person who robbed you is obviously superior and more powerful than yourself. If you were stronger and superior this would not have happened to you. Quit whining about it and learn how to protect yourself!"
And in the case of rape: " What's the big deal? There are winners and losers, and it looks like you lost! This has been going on since the world began, but now you want us all to take time out for a pity party! You want to blame the man who did it, and also the state if we do not find him guilty. But where were your people? Why didn't your brother or father, or community protect you? If they had been organized and prepared this would have never happened. They are as much to blame as the perpetrator!"
Yes, people who seek to use these terms as weapons against the righteous are seeking to equate the word "victim" with weakness, immaturity, etc.. This has already had a negative effect on the populace, because it is not uncommon today to hear a minority person express: "I refuse to be a victim." But whenever someone expresses him or herself in this manner they are already defeated. A victim is simply someone who has suffered a transgression. The word itself does not imply strength or weakness. It only indicates a matter of fact. If I hit a man on the head with a ballpean hammer and then kick him in the groin with my steel toed Roy Rodgers boots, he may get right up, shout out loud, clap his hands together, and then run a marathon. But 20 years later, if someone should ask: "Have you ever been the victim of a violent assault?" The man can only reply: Yes, I "am" the victim" of such an assault. It would not be proper for him to use the past tense "was a victim" . This is because once someone has been victimized they will forever remain a victim of that transgression. It is the same if you graduate from college. Once you graduate you will forever be a college graduate, even if you become homeless and destitute. Read, Comprehend, Learn and be Thankful.
So now you are going to go back hundreds of years , all the way to the last of a migratory world globalization and compare that to the oversimplified comparison to a civil law breaker . Rape ,robbery , and lets see what else ? Ya' ..........., stolen cars and assault and battery with a hammer and compare that to the results of manifest destiny ?
Perhaps you should keep your attempts to emotionalize an issue in a people to your liberal arts performing . Because REAL history obviously isn't your best venue for doing that . I might even suggest that you check out archeological studies , a science and humanities library , or even documentaries , at least those done in conscientious attempts to discern real truth from fiction . Seriously . Hell, read Indian Times* from the Navajo Res.
If you are to make the cause for wars against indigenous peoples of the all America's , you could go to Today's Mexico , Chile , Argentina and any Nation in South America alone , These are modern cultures where wars against the indigenous are really happening . Or how about this :
Look at how indigenous have destroyed their very own cultures ,Here , the internal wars against America's --Native Americans are being perpetrated mostly by their very own people . The usual poverties , lack of proper education , hunger , mass exploitation of massive natural resources AND the wealth from them as well , the dissolution of an entire culture and all it's identities , The over exploitation of the singular asset of casino gaming , all being done by the tribal "leaders " themselves , graft and corruption being done by the elders while the youth culture is being exploited by drugs and alcoholism .
Your assuming the easier role of victim and your chosen path IS self victimization and not assimilation , moving forward rather that standing and looking behind . Wrenchbisket , a little advice , you were not Geronimo and I wasn't Custer . No one today was or is , Yes , even the liberal courts today , by mass liberal ideologies since the sixties HAVE chosen the result of legal infraction to resulting "get over it " for the victims , so I suggest you follow your own ideological advice and do the same.
Your arrogance is astounding. My comparison destroys all racist arguments, since civil law-breakers are treated with more severity than the Imperialist nation builders and their followers. The genocide of 100 million is completely ignored by those who celebrate Columbus Day and participate in this perverse ritual every year. Yet, men like Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy who collectively killed less than one hundred, as far as we know, have been demonized for their evil. But even if both men had collectively killed one thousand, it would only be like the bite of a fly compared to the venomous bite of the snake that slithered across the water in 1492. But Americans have attempted to white-wash a brutal invasion by naming it a "discovery".
Apparently you also have trouble comprehending the English language. Being a victim is not unlike being Gay. I am not assuming any role and I know it. It is not a matter of choice. The man who has suffered a transgression and says he is not a victim is nothing less than a fool. Your talk of corruption within the ranks is yet another pitiful strawman. Three wrongs don't make a right. Furthermore, the progeny of the colonialists are also victims, as you have inherited a lesser world because of miscreants such as Washington and Jefferson. The Revolutionary War, the Civil War, both World Wars, Vietnam, Irag, etc. have destroyed the lives of millions of poor white Europeans, and poor white Americans, as well as other races. The Imperialist aggression of the U.S. in the Middle East has only de-stabilized the region and put future generations of Americans at risk. This is not ancient history, but only more of the same Imperialist aggression we have seen since 1492. It has been estimated that between 50 and 80 million were victims of World War II alone. It is also safe to say that a great number of the victims were white. And when we considered how the capitalist system is destroying the environment and the health and well-being of millions of Americans, it only adds insult to injury. Yet, you persist in defending the dogs who are barking at your own heals! Bravo!
And once again you have revealed your lack of knowledge. The nations you have mentioned: Mexico, Argentina, etc. are also colonialist nations like the United States. They were created by Europeans on this continent and are part of the problem. You only assume the war is over here in North America simply because most of us have already been killed. But just like they say: "Size doesn't matter". And those of us who refuse to bow down to colonialism, even after 500 years of oppression, are not interested in assimilation or integration, but only liberation. Nothing less will do. Donald Trump says he will " make America Great Again". And I applaud Mr. Trump for his cleverness. He clearly understands that such a phrase is an oxymoron. But he also understands that the progeny of Archie Bunker see in this seemingly innocuous phrase a return to an era when poor whites could at least pretend they were superior, and minorities dare not speak out against them. If they want me to shut up then they will have to kill me . And if my voice becomes loud enough, I have no doubts.
Wrench , Your usual response to all historic debate , you continue to put your arms around too big a spread of rights and wrongs in order to clearly focus on one issue , one focus , one solution . For instance the native American issue , Its the entire worlds fault for manifestations of cruelty against any particular tribe , like mine the Mass. , Wampanoag's , for you , Its all about the big bad Europeans fault from the Romans to Columbus ?
Any yet what about the Wampanoag's themselves ,they sold their winter supplies of food stores to the whites , they sold their lands, their boats , they sold their wives , they sold their children , fought against the white invaders , fought against the French with the whites , then against the other Indians of the same region with white settlers , then mostly they simply assimilated into white populations disappearing into the midst's of another population . They are gone but for a percentage of their blood mixed with people like me .
Yet Isn't THAT the same as yours ? Isn't it the same as the Mohicans ? The Abenaki's ? .....My roman ancestors assimilated to my Saxon ancestors , then to Germans , and they assimilated to the English , my English assimilated to the America's , to Australia ,....................tell me when to stop here ,Wrench , I know you already know these histories , as well as your own .
We all have to stop the assumed victimization attitudes , the assumed apologists attitudes , there aren't enough federal monetary reparations to cure half the ills of yours or my downtrodden , And how do they make sense anyway , we all victimized ourselves ! I don't care if you are full blooded --whatever Native ! My people are mutts , Scots Irish , English , Native American , and finally American , So who you gonna blame ? Who you gonna cure ? Who's at fault ? How much fault is yours or how much mine . Who did you sell out to or how much did I get ? Where does it all end there angry man ?
Actually, no, I'm not confusing life and death with good and evil. "Very nasty weather" can mean a lot of things, and when you wrote it I simply took you at your word, regardless of what the "very nasty weather" entails. In regards to land that was stolen from various Indian tribes, to the best of its ability, this current generation should do what it can to make things right, without destroying the country - absolutely. Anyone that would ask us to destroy our country, or even to disavow the orgins of our freedoms (what few are left) is asking the impossible. We can suffer, as you put it, "monetary loss" in this process, but it would need to be done in a reasonable way that addresses, to the greatest extent possible, the theft of land from various tribes. There's no going back, but there can be and should be (and should have been for some time) a sincere effort to address the situation. And that's all I'll say about it.
The karma is we are destructing to earth and american native worship the earth.
AMERICA'S BIGGEST PROBLEM IS IT'S CONGRESS AND SENATE AND THE FACT THAT THEY DO NOTHING ! And what do we constantly focus upon , one office , one campaign ,the presidency ? As if our Camelot dreams, hopes and campaign contributions to kings and queens and family dynasties were the solution to every issue we have . While in the mean time Congress and senate members plan and execute the greatest swindle of all time .
Why is this happening ? Because , In spite of the most recent REAL interest in the political , especially presidential races , The REAL homework for voters is the more local .........BORING! ......homework that has to be performed vigilantly every single year ! America , collectively , needs to get off it's lazy derriere and get informed .
Almost all public political , ideological debate is shallow , under-informed , instantly bread of miss-information , of agenda driven diversionary media tactic , by the two sided faces of political punditry and promise , Simply put ALL of US are lazy and stupid !
This is especially present in younger voters , even and especially in college " educated" crowds , which in voter quality and informed valuation itself means almost nothing today . Problem is ; most of you won't even finish reading this post !
LETS ALL LOOK AT THE SYMBOLISM OF WALLS BUILT ALL ACROSS AMERICA BY JUST PREDOMINANTLY LIBERAL IDEOLOGY . WASHINGTON D.C. , DETROIT MICH., BALTIMORE MD., L.A. , CINCCINATTI OH., STOCKTON CA. , NEW ORLEANS LA., , virtually every problem inner city across America where especially minority issues plague our justice systems , our education systems , our social welfare programs , ALL RUN by LIBERAL political "leadership " for the last one hundred years and more in some cases .
Liberals love to blame the tightwad wallets of the political right yet if you simply Goggle * up the most violent places in America for one . The poorest inner cities for a second , the greatest numbers of troubled minorities for three , And then look at who ran these cities into the ground . All of them surrounded by liberal walls .......Yea ! I suppose virtual walls are a bad thing ,
By the way ,None of the above came from Fox.
Just why do Liberals have such trouble with truths , I mean there is only one ?
Sheriff Babeu Talks Border Patrol Threats and Immigration - FULL NEWS CONFERENCE
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdauDYsV71c
People are brainwashed and get triggered if they see a video with 'Fox News' on it. BUT, the other MSM sites don't seem to want to let the general public know the truth of what it is like for the US Border Patrol Agents who want to protect and secure our southern border.
They want to stop Obama's lawless action without the support of Congress, just by a wave of his hand... Our borders are unprotected to drug traffickers, possible terrorists, and repeat criminal offenders...
People are being mislead by the administration and media. LISTEN to the video, please!
The Obama administration has issued non-public orders for a "Stand Down " in all border Patrol enforcement ,AND WORSE , For defensive Police actions against riot originators- professing first amendment rights at anti- Trump rallies . City police all across this country are literally hand- cuffed to defend themselves while ass hats destroy public property and perpetrate the injuring of cops and their police horses right and left .
This liberal soft shoeing didn't help in the sixties and it won't help now .
All of this while the leftist - mainstream- American -media ignores fact ,truth and integrity .
Obummer's lawless actions, along with those of Bush (failure to secure our border) have invited foreign terrorist operatives into our country for years. It's just a matter of time before we lose a city when something or a number of somethings go BOOM.
If Mexico "......is a wonderful place " , it IS because they have more stringent immigration laws all around .
It IS because they do not suffer an ignorant media presence .
It IS because they aren't dealing with a cultural hyper- P.C. plague of madness .
There is a good deal of truth to that. Mainstream media can turn a lot of people into somewhat robots and zombies. Some of my employees came to work all upset or angry. Why? They heard things on the new that life was hell on earth.
I said, do one simple thing. Turn off the TV.
It made a big change in that person .
Trump calls Elizabeth Warren, "Pocahontas" now, because she lied about being a citizen of the Cherokee Nation. What a Dingbat!
Dingbat? Really? I wonder what Percentage of Native Americans NOW REJECT Trump? A Conservative Number I would Assume is around 80% Maybe.....As we've all witnessed before, the ONLY thing Donald is competent at is making ENEMIES, he proves this perverse talent just about every day of his little existence ~
Speaking of DINGBats & LOSERs~ Here's "Drumpfs" MAIN Trade Negotiator ~ May 17, 2016 Spelled DISASTER for Carl Icahn ~ "BIG Great Winning DEALz" for AMERICA Right? You might wanna' Think Again when your Primary POINT Guy is the Proud OWNER & Operator of "JUNK" due to Extremely POOR Judgement & Atrocious Business Decisions ~ Kinda sounds a little like Trump dosen't it? ~ Maybe that's WHY they get along so well ~
Sorry, just the FACTs as usual ~
http://www.marketwatch.com/story/icahns … =bigcharts
Nobody has addressed the REAL Question of the "Practicality & Effectiveness" or Lack thereof, regarding the GREAT "Delusional" WALL in Trump's little head ~ It will NEVER be built, it's just one MORE Blatant LIE by the "Donald", but let's just assume it was poured, so what happens when "Evil Foreigners" decide to go AROUND, Under, and or OVER the big pile of cement? Then what?
Anti-s know that the wall will more than likely get finished , Mexico will or will not be paying for it , I don't care about either , as long as one , the federal government starts [TAXING} fining companies that hire illegals Two , we start requiring enforcement of all existing immigration laws TOTALLY being ignored by the house of King Obama .
The entire immigration issue could be handled so simply , the rhetoric of the wall is simply diversionary politics between the allies of Media and congress to keep YOU from watching them connive their crooked co-existence .
The modern world dictates and demands accountability in the protective element of nationalism . Borders are as important to countries as the are to neighbors . ALL countries look at borders the same way , "What's mine is mine and what's yours is yours" .
The American capitalist ,- political success story is being stolen by those from outside out of THIER failures and sold by those inside from THIER greed .It's Long Past Time for that -to End .
Sorry folks , Going to be a landslide I suspect , if you look at the polls alone for the last year , And everybody knows America is unpredictable , but .......just saying !
If I might inject , does that mean that all of you truth deniers will be going to Canada with Oprah , George Clooney , Susan Sharendon , Tim Robbins , The girls on the View ,Whoopie Goldberg , and such and such the rest..........?
Better apply for a work visa , you'll not get away with what you doo here . ..........:-]
Sorry, I love my home and won't leave it to you crazy Trump worshippers.
And where will all the "Trumpeters" go
lol ~ When the "Donald" is SMACKED Really Really Hard by Hillary in November, where will all the little "Trumpeters" go? Will they FOLLOW him to Prison if that's where he ENDz Up?......Unfortunately, some of his "FANz" are actually DUMB or Gullible enough to do that ~ ~
I don't seem to see any Republicans Responding to the following VALID Question ~
What happens when "EVIL Foreigners" decide to go UNDER, Over or AROUND or even right STRAIGHT through one of the Gargantuan HOLEs in the "Great Pile of CONCRETE in Trump's little HEAD"?
I am guessing that the Trumpsters all went to Trump University. That may be how they got swindled. They certainly are the "undereducated" people that Trump loves so much.
I have made it my mission to troll them endlessly. I am using the Donald School of Public Relations. Since they worship "savvy businessman" Sir Flipsalot, aka the whiny little b_____, they must admire my using his techniques, right?
Joe Arpaio, Chris Christy & Sister SARAH appear to be Alumni of "Trump U" too ~ I guess we can ONLY Assume they Majored in "RACISM" & How to Waste BILLIONs of TAXPAYER Monies on a Useless Gargantuan Pile of CONCRETE ~
SORRY Trumpees, but I ONLY Report the FACTs ~ Looks like Trump's in DEEP Deep Deep ~ Newsweek May 29, 2016 ~
UPDATE ~ Federal Judge ORDERs the Release of "PLAYBOOKs" Trump U Employees used to SELL Real-Estate Courses to Students ~ includes a VID with one of the "Donald's" usual FACTless Incoherent RANTz n' Ramblings complete with a Blatant Racist Under-Current directed at the JUDGE who happens to be Hispanic ~
http://www.newsweek.com/federal-judge-o … ?piano_t=1
Hey small minority of Republicants, STILL Diggin' the "Trumpster"?? I hope you're all good at Baking & Concealing "Metal Files & Wire Clippers" in Cakes or Scaling BIG Gigantic Concrete WALLz with a Ladder or ROPE ~
You guys are such sad losers......... , Just because most people see through the shallowness of Sanders policy ideas and the sneakiness of Hillary's law-breaking - ........don't Hate ! It's so unbecoming of supposed liberal hyper - intellectualism . Where are the real defenders .....you know ...... The ones with the answers , excuses or solutions?
Sanders can't begin to influence anyone outside of psuedo-hippy-extremists on any policy , and Hillary couldn't supply her own poll momentum without a bulldozer or Bill .
Show us the beef !
Aw, you tell us not to hate while supporting the king of name callers. How utterly lovely of you. This thread is about Trump's wall, not Sanders, but okay, do you actually want to discuss his policies in a factual way? Start a thread about it. Oh, and don't hate.
If you or those like you were political realists you would first realize that the wall is just one piece of a entirely necessary new immigration policy by any government , especially in todays world . Liberals will always be the first ones selfish enough to sue the federal government the next time a 9/ II comes knocking at your city door and yet still sue to keep from the enforcing of present day immigration policy and existing law , Liberal ideology makes absolutely no sense what so ever .
Sometime Google just how many John , Jane Does there are in city morgues on the border waiting for identification of and for claiming by family members outside of the southern borders . All of them dying in the deserts during illegal border crossings Instead of "teddy -bear " emotionalizing an issue of enforcement of the law , why don't you humanize real human tragedy in regards to tragic illegal border crossings ?
I know , that would be too "real" for pundits of pseudo-liberal ideology .
If it were northern spotted owls dying in border crossings , you'd understand completely .
Well, here's the deal, ahorseback. Sir Flipsalot has already backed off on the wall, saying it was just a "suggestion." He never intended to build a wall. He was conning the base to get votes.
You don't even know my thoughts on immigration because I have never once posted them here or on any forum. I don't intend to, other than to say that a wall would be outrageously expensive and would provide very little benefit for the cost, something conservatives claim to care about. And if you think President Enrique Peña Nieto is going to pay for it, then you deserve the disaster that would be a Trump presidency.
I'd say 90 billion dollars a year in foreign aid to Mexico .....Cancelled ......should just about cover the costs of that wall. Don't you ? There's always a way !
Oh, so it doesn't bother you that Sir Flipsalot just pulled that out of his whiny little rich kid a__ in order to get elected. Duly noted.
As long as he does it even symbolically , No , not a bit . If he doesn't he's out in Four !
A symbolic wall is now acceptable. You Trump lovers are hilarious.
Meaning a tightening of all forms of immigration policy and enforcement instead of the "stand down order" by Obama and the wall symbolic as it may seem to you ,would be one more protection ...... Jeees' Pretty , get with the program ?........ Bad day ?
So, an immigration policy like the policies of pretty much every other Republican politician. Hilarious!
I Think America again is cutting off their nose, to spite their own face.
1. To spend billions on a wall and to triple the guards along punishing Mexican if they don't pay for it is a drunken lie. Drink up Trump
2. Undocumented immigrants have 79% of their children born in the US
3. Mexican illegal make up 5.5% of the labor work force and pay 3.5 higher taxes then the 1% greedy in America.
4. Their crime rate is 2 and a half times less than native American.
5. Who would do the lowest paid jobs in America, when America is 100% sure it is collapsing in the next 2 year.
6. Germany is about to join BRICS along with many other countries. Who wants to stay with America besides Israel.
America is Israel's bitch.
Castle , not only do I know that you don't know of which you speak but , Ill be glad when all those deserting Hollywood liberals join you in Canada , got room ?
At least a dozen , but hey ,, grab some autographs ..........$ ;-]
Germany is joining the BRICS , good chance Italy and France too.
The largest ethnic group in America are Germans, about 50 million.
Now Hollywood is moving, US Image
Who is packing there bags next, the Elitist
I just wish that everyone that Loves to hate America would leave . America doesn't need those who have no sense of national pride , Pride in country has become a negative . Patriotism a disease . It's simply so selfish and self descriptive of a culture to have no national loyalties . I am just glad its a insignificant minority .
Video: We're Going To Kill Donald Trump - Says 3-Year-Old Mexican Girl Being Brainwashed by Her Parents
The liberal parents brainwashing of this child is child abuse, that child needs to be taken and removed from those parents' custody. Hamas brainwashes their children to kill Jews. People like that are evil.
Trump is right to want to build that wall to keep garbage like this out. I don't pay taxes so evil people can breed here in the USA on our dime.
I truly feel sorry for children that are abused in anyway, and brainwashed idiots in later life. We certainly have many of them allowed to roam the streets.
lol ~ "EVIL"? ~ What do you call "Drumpfy" Trump's Racist Hate FILLED Remarks about Mexicans being Rapists & Murderers? ~ 75% to 90% of ALL Hispanics / Latinos NOW REJECT Trump ~ Or his OFFER to pay the LEGAL Fees of his FANz who Commit VIOLENT Acts against fellow Human Beings? Violent ACTs which many say he INCITED? ~ Irrational Behavior which DISQUALIFIED him from OUR Presidency Long Ago ~
Moreover, everyone knows the Wall will NEVER be built except inside Trump's DELUSIONAL Mind, but if a Miracle were to happen and ALL Landowners Agreed to Sell their Property and the other Very LONG List of Legal Obstacles were overcome, then Massive Taxpayer Monies were indeed wasted on a "BIG Useless Pile of Poured Concrete", what happens when it's BREACHED by individuals going UNDER, Over or AROUND it?
In case anyone wasn't listening closely to the "DONALD", Trump already admitted it would be a WALL with Gargantuan Holes in it ~
Well thousands are killed at the boarder each years. Luckily that 3 year old has many more election yet before she changes her thoughts about killing a President. Especially an unelected one like Trump.
Imagine families in the middle East who have over a million children killed along with millions orphans. Only a couple of Americans care yet don't do a thing about it, and most don't give 2 sh*ts. What ever Karma runs over Dogma in America will get their just deserved.
I didn't realize that thousands are still killed at the border each year, and read up on that, its true. A Trump Wall has been drawing a lot of attention to those areas even though MSM avoids reporting the truth, it is being told elsewhere. Through history it has been a place of mass killing which is a very sad history for Mexico and the USA.
There are many people who care about the crisis in the Middle East. You have to find the Christian ministry websites that are involved to find honest reports. Open Doors and Samaritans Purse are two that I stay connected with the ME through. Otherwise you are right, generally people don't care about what is happening on the other side of the world.
Good point: if a wall would stop even some illegal activity it will likely save some lives.
I'd thought it rather foolish, but you may have a point that it could save lives.
Building a wall like China is a crazy fantasy like that of an American dream myth, that you have to be asleep to experience it.
Mexican labor force has been declining in America because Mexican lifestyle and economy is not so bad. A realistic wall would not keep Mexican out if they wanted in and Mexican would never pay for such a nightmare. And certainly America has no money to fantasized these tboughts. Except in maybe Hollywood, even Mexican will act for money.
All of which I agree with (except illegal occupation is again rising as the economy improves), but then why talk about children dying because there is no fence to stop them from trying to walk across a deadly desert?
America economy is improving, another fantasy.
Printing money to prop up and show economy growth is not improving. When there are parts in Mexico where some people work for $4 a day rather than paying $12 to $16 an hour in America. Then still Mexican are happier because most of them have their basic need meet.
America declining empire is a 100% chance of not recovering unless they lock up tbeir bankers or get used to being a third world country.
You think you can say that its economy is failing , that's a bit naïve Castle. America's economy will be the last economy standing , Why , because it stables virtually every manufacturing economy in the world , including your adopted homeland , Canada 's! The consumerist market in America is the shining light of the world . The statue of liberty symbolically illuminates it's economy as well as its liberties , Look at the stock market for one , there are more people's livelihoods relying on that alone than in any part of America's history .
Of course any more of this liberal Obama blasphemy they call "leadership " and it will fail. !
Beside native being here first.
Horses were brought up from Mexico from Spain. First car engine from Germany. Statue of Liberty from France along with blow jobs. Pizza from Italy. Hollywood a ripoff of everyone cultures.
Since the background of all American was based on immigration. Why refuse or disapprove something that so is so American?
For hundreds of years conservative mainstream Americans have taught their children that this continent was discovered by Europeans. But that is a blatant lie, as it was invaded by Imperialist's and then colonized. Perhaps we should start taking children away from parents who tell such outrageous lies. And what do you propose to do with the garbage that came over here on Mayflower? Or have you grown so accustomed to the smell that you hardly notice anymore?
If that were true then every native American elder would be imprisoned for telling stories about their young about anything . From the legend of Devils Tower to The first people from beneath this very world ! Get over Columbus Wrench - he never went near the Cherokee's , the Navajo , the Sioux , the Modoc's . Stop blaming everyone but yourselves for the almost total self destruction of Native American tribes !
Columbus didn't bring Crack cocaine , Budweiser or Meth-amphetamines to you or your people , Wrench , you did that all by yourselves ........."You can lead a horse to water "...........Ring a bell?
You remind me a lot of Donald Trump. Neither one of you have a firm grasp on history. You both appear to be functionally literate, and so I think it it's due to a lack of interest more than anything else. But the biggest hole in your argument about Columbus is that I am not the one who petitioned the government to make Columbus Day a national holiday, which is of course, is a national disgrace. It appears racist Euro-Americans, Vendidos, and Uncle Toms are the ones who can't get over Columbus. Otherwise, why do they have great celebrations and parades every year? The answer is very clear: They can't get over Columbus! It is impossible for them to move on. Perhaps if the government wasn't shoving this colonialist crap down our throats every year many of us would stop talking about it. But as long as evil Americans openly celebrate the genocide of my people, then I will continue to speak out against it.
The only way to make America great again is to lose the European name, along with a mass exodus of racist Europeans back to Europa, which is where they belong. Then perhaps we should build a wall around the entire continent to keep them from returning.
"The only way to make America great again is to lose the European name, along with a mass exodus of racist Europeans back to Europa"
Would you then use the tech the Europeans developed and left behind or return to a stone age culture until someone else took it all away again?
Wrench , your solution to today's problems are almost as flawed as your interpretation of our history itself. What exactly isn't recorded in our history ? Both honorable and reviled ?What history exactly is distorted beyond total accuracy ? The only flaws in learned elementary history is that it's too brief , so seven year olds don't hear about the massacres for instance ; so what ? Everyone eventually does if hey read enough , what part disgusts you the most , the blankets soaked with smallpox or the massacres of the women and children ?
And just what atrocities weren't performed on both sides , or is it only the victor of these wars that bothers you the most ? Are you then a social media - warrior ? Today's media being your battle field ?If I were you my friend , I'd try getting over myself , time is flying by .
The wars are over and done by a couple hundred years , nothing remains the same or returns to it's original state . My suggestion to you and yours , clean up your own house !
I believe there are many politicians hiding behind avatars here on Hubpages. I believe this because many of you cannot answer a direct question, or focus your rebuttal on specific points previously made. But I am a tireless performer, and so I will try once again.
Some years ago a group of neo-Nazi's (I believe in Milwaukee), sought a permit to march in full regalia through a predominantly Jewish neighborhood. I am not Jewish, but I have German blood. In spite of my German ancestry, I was outraged that the miscreant Nazi's had the inhumanity to even suggest such a thing. And so it should be understood that being a member of any particular group is not a pre-requisite for righteous indignation, nor on the other hand, a reason to acquiesce to tyranny, oppression, or public displays that are offensive and demeaning.
But you have avoided the primary point I am making here. This particular argument is not about condemning anyone for the past, but it is a condemnation of the present. This year, just like last year, and the one before that, the United States and the other colonialist nations on this continent will celebrate a criminal who exceeded the barbarity of Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, and Idi Amin combined. And this all got started when you began with your Donald Trump-like assessment of the so-called illegals, who happen to be my brothers and sisters. Now I ask you 3 direct questions: Do you feel that the people who are celebrating Columbus Day, marching in parades, etc. are not the least bit offensive? Do you feel that the sanctioning of this holiday by the U.S. government is not the least bit offensive to all races? And finally: You suggest that I should forget about Columbus and move on. Can you honestly deny that the U.S. government, and the American people, should also do the same? You say I am living in the past by condemning the past. If this is true then it follows that those who glorify the past are also living there as well.
I'm with you, I'm the one who was kicked out of St. Petersburg Florida for building a pirate museum with the major features of Columbus presented.
Still we are in the same boat together and take pages from history for lessons, yet can't live there. People living in biblical times and repeating it Insanely is the worst.
How can we all get along in the now.?
It is senseless to try to answer senseless questions Wrench , But here's some clarification for you , The Columbus Day holiday is a shallowly painted, symbolic celebration of the discovery of America . It is no more a celebration of Columbus' time sensitive ,exploratory journeys , his treatments of native or non- native peoples , nor him himself . It is about the symbolic discovery of America . A national holiday ,like many others , to celebrate the founding of a nation . You probably don't mind the paid holiday and in that I compare you to the hypocrisy of Jehovah's witness' , who profess exclusion from celebrating or contributing but accept the monetary benefits of inclusion .
If Columbus day so offends you or any peoples within all of the America's , take heart , there are many other celebrated people that offend many others too , other than simply you but you are not alone . I for one don't like St.Patricks Day , or green beer , being one quarter Irish , I am offended by America's shallow understanding of the Irish and Irish victimhood in America ......guess what though , that makes me and my rant just about as insignificant as your rant .
Your scathing rant and dream regarding turning back the pages of history , is another delusional one , ....Yeeaa ! Lets reverse the course of history and drive the Anglo-Americans back all the way to Rome , that will work .........won't it ? It's not going to be all that hard now is it ? As usual you rant away delving directly through the flaming ring of professional victimhood , at the actual COST OF SOLVING REAL issues , hunger on the reservations , the spiking of illegal drug use , meth , coke , extreme alcoholism , under-educating the kids , .................The far worse offence to American Indians today is the delusional placing of blame , the ineffectual diversion of positive solutions . Rant on !
Hey Liberals !
There are more and more, still , central Americans killed at the border crossings ever year AND BY WHAT , by dehydration while walking for miles and miles to cross the Sonoran desert in Arizona on a dream and a prayer , there are more and more killed every day after their being exploited by human traffickers after they've been the payee of thousands of dollars per person for a "guided crossing " , there are more and more being killed every day as mules for carrying illegal drugs across the border .
The exploitation of illegal aliens ,by there own kind , is being perpetrated more than by anything the authorities do within the United States . WHY DON'T LIBERAL ANTI-WALL PEOPLE EVER ADDRESS THESE DEATHS being further exploited by YOU !
I would perfer the natives story about Turtle back Island.
White are people of fire and creation
Red or Brown are people of earth and spirit
Yellow are people of air and communication
Blacks of soul and water
All colors must share or the turtle will roll over and the earth will die.
I know the reds and brown have been hit the most. There will come a time soon that all colors are mixed, they all become brown and the spiritual age will rule the earth again.
That is a lovely story. But the train has already left the station. The European aristocracy stole everything and then in place of the land, the gold, all of the natural resources, and our dignity, we were given Jesus, and admonished to be peaceful and forgiving. Integration and assimilation are the final stages of genocide. If you have not aligned yourself with these racists then that is a good thing. And if the shoe doesn't fit you do not have to wear it.
It is the racists, the capitalists, and the Zionists who are the enemies of the people, otherwise, we do not have a problem with the European. But many of us are tired of this evil that has lasted 500 years too long. And as you can see with the popularity of Donald Trump, we have many enemies here. These are soulless animals that are like locusts upon the land. They only live to copulate, and to collect wealth and material possessions; all at the expense of humanity and the environment.
Hilary Clinton is running for president, and she has many supporters. And that is just as troubling as Donald Trump. If you haven't seen her interview about the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi then you need to watch the video on YouTube. She exemplifies the cold-blooded heart of the racist, imperalist American. In the video she giggles like a school girl and says," We came, we saw, and he died!" And of course, let us not forget about all of the innocent men, women, and children who were brutally murdered during Bill Clinton's administration near Waco Texas in 1993. Hillary is part and parcel of a cabal of evil. When the Turtle rolls over, this blight upon the land will be crushed and buried far beneath it, and on that day we will know peace.
Hillary Laughs About Murder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmIRYvJQeHM
Sounds like ants and cockroaches crawl out of crack of the earth and grow three stories high. Then the sky turns bluer blue, the sea turns green blue. Then tardigrade replace human.
The Clinton Dynasty , the most evil , murdering , lying , coke headed , raping and pillaging , corrupted marriage in the political world . graft ,corruption , political favors for money ,the most incompetent "leaders " to ever hoodwink the liberal voter .
But hey , Vote Hillary !
It won't matter after 100 million are killed in one area. People will get very spiritual when they fear extinction.
Under the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the department misplaced $60 Billion. Its on record, it happened. She gets away with murder.
It shows the double standards of the corrupt Democrats. They hold the Republicans to a much higher standard, except for it's corrupt establishment that gets in bed with them.
I don't see how "The Trump Wall" will keep us safe from the corporate corruption in DC.
(Pink Floyd)
Seriously, this forum is about the Trump wall keeping us safe or not and all you can come up with is ridiculous Hillary bashing and Witch accusations? Go hate Hillary somewhere else. Start your own forum for your hate and bigotry and mysogony. Especially you, ahorseback.
I say forget the Politicians, they are all part of the new world order pro wrestling team. Get prepared and get your lives own lives in Order for the money collapse.
Why do you think there is a collapse coming? Another conspiracy theory?
Whatever! Listen to yourself. "your hate and bigotry and mysogony" -Austinstar
I'm prepared, it's no conspiracy theory debt enslavement has been getting worst since 1971. Basic cost of living gone up 10 times and wages have not. If you think part times
jobs means 4.7 unemployment rate, your just asleep when experiencing the American dream. If people think these worst politician candidate ever are going to pull out this collapse, your just sheelps. Go back to sleep here more shows on America gladiator. Hollywood and media has prepared you for the real thing to shortly come. I Look at Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela now. Japanese Priminester warns G7 of total global collapse, more small countries will collapse first then next big is Japan. Greenspan Ron Paul, and a 100s more. Many billionaires are taking out their money out of the banks. Ground zero is America holding on for their dear life with fraud printed money and most dollars returning home.
Some people sure get defensive when truths are revealed .! No ? Typical leftist , don't disagree or you are asked to leave the party ! Surely you jest , me leave a forum !
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