It has been under reported by MSM, but Donald Trump has always supported the LGBT community. Some of Trump's greatest online supporters are members of the LGBT, and are activist. At one of his yuge rallies, Trump was given a rainbow flag by some of his supporters at the rally. That was a moment that warmed my heart as I saw how happy and honored Trump was to receive the flag for gay equality and waved it for everyone to see.
* … -equality/
The crowd cheered!
Trump was raised in a borough of NY and lived all his life in NYC, so is used to people being who they are. I don't think he will concentrate too much on social issues, I think the economy and infrastructure will be his first tasks. It is hard to predict anything lately, though!
Yes, Trump was born in Queens, he has also lived in Palm Beach and Manhattan in the Trump Tower.
Many social issues can be resolved rather easily by the truth. Say, the shield law that protects mainstream media is dropped and they can't legally lie to the public / world anymore. I think some lawsuits could even be allowed.
The infrastructure is important for families, communities, and every single business. That is how we will thrive again.
Trump will have to deal with China soon, I pray for a fair outcome. The Chinese people are wonderful, but the ruling Communist government is corrupt.
I'm still shocked at the outcome of the election. All the polls were way off. I was a Hillary supporter and am a left leaning progressive.
Trump may have said anything to get elected, we will have to see what he actually does. The fact he is choosing Rudy Guiliani for his cabinet is bad; it;s obvious Rudy is in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's. Chris Christie has ruined New Jersey. And Newt Gingrich was old news in the 1980s. A sad day for America, friends have been crying and calling me all day.
Jean, I have been emphatic that the polls were rigged to favor Hillary. Many people sat down with their pop and popcorn to watch the election results expecting Hillary to win because of weighted scales. People are hurt and angry because of the deceptive media pollsters who were trying to sway the election, and because they were taken in by the deception.
Accurate scientific political models predicted Trump to win.
I hope this helps more people to realize that they can't trust the corporate media drama and their bias narratives. Evidently, most Americans are aware because they weren't swayed by fake polls, and voted their hearts.
Its nearly impossible to stop a movement. Trump's win is a phenomena, and its inexplicable to those who do not believe God's will was done in this election. There is no other explanation I can offer.
We the people.
One nation under God.
In God we trust.
The American people have spoken, this is totally REFRESHING to say the least.
We the people. Okay I can go with that.
One nation under God (an imaginary magic man who was created by the Canaanites during the Middle Bronze Age) now left-over propaganda from the Cold War days.
In God we trust? Who's 'we'? God abandoned the Jews to the Babylonians, Romans, Medieval monarchs, and Hitler - and those were his chosen ones!
"One nation under God"
"In God we trust?"
Excellent examples of the tyranny of the majority, when those words were added in the 50's. Other examples might include prohibition, Sunday blue laws, anti-gay legislation and even the end of slavery (sometimes the majority really is right, rather than just controlling).
I am not surprised that there is such shock on the left .And there should be . After all the bias of the media alone and the fact that the left bought it ? Totally bogus integrity on the left , look at the DNC tricks , no wonder so many tears and wailing against the right , rioting in the streets ! Blame your media !
The left is in turmoil .
I'm not protesting in the streets. I believe in the peaceful transfer of power. While I was not a Trump supporter, I do believe he has strengths to offer, especially in renegotiating all the terrible trade deals, and dealing with our crumbling infrastructure.
People will say anything to win an election, I learned that years ago while serving at the lowly county level. It's not an indication of how they will behave in office. Trump deserves a fair chance, and maybe can break this gridlock.
I also had concerns about Hillary's health, colorfulone. I can't put my finger on it, but kept getting a feeling that if she won, she would die in office. I pray she takes care of herself, and our country can get together again. We've been divided for way too long.
It is very obvious that the LEFT is in turmoil. There are massive protests, even riots because of Trump's win. WHAT are they fearful of. Trump is going to improve American in ways that Obama didn't, couldn't, & won't. America became much worse under Obama. ENOUGH I say. At least Trump will be a breath of FRESH air. Trump is unconventional, I like UNCONVENTIONAL people. Trump will fix America in a way that Clinton & many of the Leftist Democrats won't. While I am a Liberal, I AM NOT A LEFTIST!!!!! The protesters are very radical. Many are calling for the IMPEACHMENT of Donald Trump. TOTALLY BEYOND the pale, if you ask me.
Exactly, Jean. I believe that at this juncture, we need a President who will fix the economy. Let's put a temporary freeze on the sociopolitical stuff. Although I am a Liberal Democrat, I am happy w/Trump's win. I feel that he will fix the economy for the better.
Hi Grace,
I took it hard at first, really wanted to see the first woman POTUS in the U.S. But she just wasn't popular enough. Trump has potential.
More young people have to start getting involved in the political process, instead of blocking traffic and staging peaceful protests after the fact. I know, I was young once, and they are upset. But we all have to grow up. They don't have to lose their idealism, but they do have to channel it in the right way.
Look closely at the photo of Trump holding the rainbow flag. It was given to him by a local political LGBT group, not a LGBTQ group. Not every gay, lesbian, transsexual, or bisexual wants to be identified with queers. Its their right. Right?
I was makin' a funny based on Trump's method of saying "LGBT [pause] Q" during one of the debates.
I thought the Q stands for "Questioning"?
Well, you might have picked up on a subtle I didn't. Not all queers support same sex marriage, so you can see how LGBT political groups might draw a line. ? Maybe Trump being inclusive.
So, you're saying the Q stands for "queer"?
And, yes I am aware that there are divergent views on gay marriage within all demographic categories.
I don't even know what a "queer" is nowadays...
Queers is more informal used by gays like the N word for blacks.
How do you interpret gueer, strange person or being friendly with a gay having a ha ha funny?
Colorful one,
You are right about the LGBTQ letters. The Q used to mean "questioning." It's now "queer" again. Older gays who fought and rioted on Stonewall Street abhor the word Queer, and denounce it, because they have terrible scars and memories from being called Queer. But it's becoming popular in the Millennial age group to bring "Queer" back. It's an umbrella term for everyone, instead of the increasing alphabet soup of letters and labels. Younger people don't feel insulted by queer.
It know this is weird, but during the years I practiced Astrology, much of my clientele was gay or from the LGBTQ community. I am open minded and will read for anyone, but have always been straight. So I am usually up on these issues. Anyway, I don't think Trump cares much about social issues, I believe he will concentrate on more serious issues that affect our country.
Some put an 'I' in the LGBTIQ.
What I am most concerned about are the ones who identify as cats or dogs, etc. There are about 250 different identity groups on Facebook, and it gets weird. (Face palm)
I have noticed that you are open minded, Jean. BTW, I am straight too, and I have always been treated respectfully by LGBTIQs. Its interesting to stay up on their issues a little bit anyway.
Trump is a public figure and the social issues are very important to him. We've got problems on the streets with paid protesters and rioters. Domestic terrorists, illegal aliens...
I truly hope you are right that he "will concentrate on more serious issues that affect our country" along side his chief strategist and senior counselor, Steve Bannon.
For a group of young people who insist they hate labels, they sure have a lot of them. But I, too, am concerned. I pray Trump will deal with other issues rather than social ones. He has been awful to women, disabled people, dream students are crying and afraid of deportation, the list is long. I know Hillary was so disliked many less D's came out to vote. In my local newspaper this morning, I read about R's who didn't vote in 40 years who came out to vote for Trump.
The group I see him surrounding himself with now is scary to me. But we do need change, no matter how we look at it. The protesters are in their first weekend, so many only had time to get out now. They are within their rights if they stay peaceful, and Trump already tweeted he wanted to limit rights on media and freedom of peaceful protests. That would require an amendment to the Constitution though, so cooler minds would prevail. These people out blocking streets aren't helping anything. Really, he should leave his 5th Ave.residence and go to another one, he owns other properties and I heard 100 extra NY cops are out there along with the Secret Service. People are trying to Christmas shop.
It is a really difficult time, and hard to predict how he will proceed once his Presidency begins. Do you think Obama should make a public statement to try to smooth things out with the protesters? He's still the President and could speak with Donald before he speaks so they can see if somehow they can come up with a positive statement they can both get behind. We are truly stronger together.
you know the bar has been set really low when not hating gay people is considered an achievement. Trump has probably never strangled a puppy either, but that's not something to brag about is it. I mean, what else would you list as Trump achievements:
Has never committed a bank robbery*.
Has never pushed someone under a speeding train*.
Does not torture cats*.
I mean really, GTFO
*as far as we know
He has legally robbed banks and I'm sure he has a cat haters book somewhere.
I don't believe Rothschild or any other banker would allow anyone to rob their banks legally. That would take a special kind of love.
Not sure. He may have owned a bank though. As they say: give a man a gun and he'll rob a bank. Give a man a bank and he'll rob the world. Not sure about the cats either. I have a sneaking suspicion he admires cats (he also reminds me a little of a pampered house cat). Can any Trump supporters confirm or deny whether Donald likes cats? It's very important that we know.
Trump hasn't owned a bank but he may have built some. Trump is a bit of a germaphobe so I doubt he has any cats (liter boxes, licking their ___ , germy-paws and all), but he may love cats, IDK.
As long as we're speculating, I wouldn't be surprised if he tortured cats as a child. It fits right in with his psychological profile.
This is factually incorrect. I know you don't care but some people do.
Hillary "The Unborn does not have Constitutional Rights on its due date"
I watched your video. She stated the facts that under the law, an unborn child has no constitutional rights. She also said that she favors a woman's right to choose, including in situations where the life of the mother is at stake. She did not say you can kill a baby the day of its delivery just hours before it is born. You intentionally and honestly misrepresented her position.
"Are you saying that a child on its due date, just hours before delivery still has no constitutional right?"
Hillary said that under the law that is the case. And she would have appointed Supreme Court justices? Oh, God no!
I remember abortion was the first question at the last debt.
Trump let her know that it is not okey with him.
Its not okey with me either.
Trump will appoint Constitutional justices.
A lot of babies will get to live. Its morally right.
C-section, induced labor...not murdering babies.
So, you would let your daughter die rather than have an abortion if it were required to save her life?
Trump is so ignorant that he doesn't understand that it is not abortion to end a pregnancy on the due date, it is a c-section.
"So, you would let your daughter die rather than have an abortion if it were required to save her life?"
That would be up to my daughter, but knowing her she would never have an abortion.
"Trump is so ignorant that he doesn't understand that it is not abortion to end a pregnancy on the due date, it is a c-section."
Trump is not ignorant. Hillary supports ABORTION up to an unborn babies due date just hours before delivery. She was NOT talking about a c-section. But, Trump understands that a c-section or induced labor are better choices for the health of a mother, and for a child's life.
Keywords to do your own research "abortion procedure graphics".
I'm not up to describing the gory details.
Human Animal Chimeras, its really happening here in the USA. Its not just Science Fiction, or is it? The Matrix. University of Nazi Reprogramming (mind control) never ended.
Donald Trump: Late-term abortion is "ripping a baby out of the womb of the mother."
Later term abortion is not a C-section, but a C-section or induced labor would be better for the health of a mother, and the life of a child. Hillary believes in abortion up to hours before a baby is due. Wrong!
Hillary "The Unborn does not have Constitutional Rights"
This is not misinformation!
Reminds me of a nursery rhyme:
Ding, dong, bell,
Pussy’s in the well.
Who put her in?
Little Johnny Flynn.
I wonder if junior Trump ever grabbed pussy and threw her in the well. It's entirely possible.
In fact I wonder if Trump had a pet growing up? Or maybe a favorite toy that he was taken away from, like the sled in Citizen Kane. Might be onto something here.
I sure for a voters with cats, Trump would say I like cats because orange cats look like me.
Once Trump did say cats are sad and useless. This is true story, cats across the nation actually have attacked the TV set went Trump was on TV. Or Cats would get very upset.
Based on that evidence, there seems to be enough reasonable doubt to remove "not torturing cats" from Trump's list of achievements. We did well to clarify that issue. High fives all round.
This is my verdict, Trump did not have the time to torture cats, he had much bigger fish to fry like racist issues.
It would be interesting to know more about his childhood.
At this point, it really doesn't matter. This all came about because your response to any questioning of Donnie's character is to bash Hillary. I thought you would be done with that since she's no longer a candidate, but perhaps it has become ingrained in your DNA.
"At this point, it really doesn't matter." ~ PrettyPanther
"What difference at this point does it make?" ~ Hillary Clinton
That kind of remark after disusing late term abortion?
That kind of remark after four Americans died in Benghazi?
Got it!
"I mean, what else would you list as Trump achievements"
* … wsrc%5Etfw
The point is to counteract the hysteria that Donald Trump will trample on LGBT rights, not to praise his minimum level of decency.
I think misfit chick has it right. In another thread she said people are not going to be able to simply forget every ugly thing he said. That will only begin to happen if he makes a heartfelt attempt to mend fences and assure people he will respect everyone from this point forward. Even then, it will take time and evidence of sincerity for people to believe it.
Do you think the hysteria about Trump regarding LGBT members is valid?
Well, I haven't seen any hysteria specifically over LGBT rights but if some exists I think that is an overreaction. Concern is warranted, but not hysteria. … -election/
"Chief concerns among callers were worries about being put in camps, access to healthcare and the possibility of losing the right to change identity documents."
I'm sure none of this has anything to do with calling Trump "literally Hitler" and a psychopath. … t-election
The accounts of trans suicides after Trump's win are unverified, but if they're true, the promoters of this hysteria are to blame.
Yes, I did think that was the case. There has been a lot of hype and misinformation throughout this campaign cycle and I am so glad that many Americans saw right through it. Many Americans did not, and continue to not see what they don't want to see. I appreciate any efforts by anyone to get out the truth about all kinds of topics.
I genuinely don't understand what we as a nation have to gain by just believing what we want to believe over what seems to make more sense or is actually true. There is actually a lot of hurt that comes from this kind of chosen behavior.
Lots of misinformation and misinformed. This thread is proof of that, people will listen to the fabricating liars and spew the same hateful lies about good people. This thread is proof of that. Thank you for a ray of sunshine. Your post speaks volumes to me. - You are a blessing!
What Trump says and does in an election campaign is not necessarily any guide to how he will behave in office. He is a consummate showman and an actor. Let's wait and see.
Trump has been a consummate businessman, he has lived it all his life and loves it. Like Sanders is referred to by people who know him as a consummate politician. I guess Sanders breaths politics, its what he loves.
I love that Trump will not take a salary for his presidency, he doesn't it. He is handing over his business to his family so he can dedicate is time serving for the American people.
My thoughts are with Hillary tonight. I hear she is taking the lose very hard. So! Send some of those positive vibes of yours her way. I am still concerned about her health.
Trump will blow anyone for a vote, then two face them later. Trump running mate is very anti gay , you will experience more law suits battles in court than anytime in Americans history.
And this opine is exactly why the leftist ideology fails every time, immensely popular immaturity!
Just wait for my predictions to come true, like they always have come true 100% in the last 40 years. It is a gift beyond my artist skills.
I did not make a predictions about this election other than it would be a selection, that came true. People voted for Hillary which I sense that came true too.
Alex Jones did come on his show per maturily and stated Hillary has won the election because it is fixed. Then stated Trump will win the people's vote. You think with all his experience in political issues he would have this gift, not me.
Your franchises of Corporatism have spoken, follow your one true God that all US servants and slaves must worship.
Somethings are unimaginable. The general public is ill-informed, because of the lack of adequate knowledge. It saddens me.
You remember me saying I cant get a read on this election because it is going to be a selection. I said selection a few times and think Hillary is more likely to win . She did win people vote and Trump was selected for President.
Then I mention Alex Jones came on his show before they announce of the President and said Hillary has won yet Trump won peoples vote..
Colorfulone, remember the saying that karma is a ..............! Hillary did some things & she received a "karmic reward". One cannot be dishonest & expect good things to happen. Karma came back to bit her in the ............... Hillary was FOUND OUT & the American people WOULDN'T take it anymore. This Trump win brings to mind the 70s song by the duet Barbara Streisand & Donna Summer, NO MORE TEARS. This songs resonates with this election. The American people said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, CAN'T TAKE NO MORE regarding the current political regime & the probable Hillary regime. They said HELL TO THE NO & the result is a Trump win & future presidency. Again, this is.....SO REFRESHING!!!!
Barbara Streisand song resonated with this election?
Streisand said if Trump gets elected she will move to Canada. If she can't get into Canada because it's too full. She will move to Australia.
It's nice she can always travel with her songs.
I dont understand Streisand. Shes older now and from a much simpler time. I wonder if she had the chance to do it all again, would she, could she?
I have seen her in a few movies, she still looks good and still got it. America will loose among many others national treasure too. Since Hollywood best represents America at world cultural fairs and events.
I had to listen to that song, hadn't heard it for years. Enough is enough! Hillary should receive justice due for compromising our national security as Secretary of State, the Clinton Foundation pay to play, money laundering and much more. Without the internet, I don't believe Hillary would have been stopped, its her emails hacked and leaked to Julian Assange / Wikileaks that will ultimately convict her, (unless Obama gives her amnesty).
Jay Rockefeller said some years ago that he wished the internet hadn't been invented. Basically, the government's secrets and security are open for attacks and hacks because of their strong desire for cyber surveillance and spying on us all, that they didn't want to close up back-doors that left them open. Edward Snowden showed us that, (I see E.S. is smiling now and looking relaxed with a Trump victory, he'll get to live).
Julian Assange should receive amnesty, and be offered US citizenship. He is a true liberal and a hero. Edward Snowden, well that's a different story, but one that needs recognition. I have to thank whistle-blowers in the government and especially intelligence, who did the right thing to expose Hillary and others. And, the alternative media that kicked mainstream media's butts.
Snowden was a Republican his wife was a liberal. He found his conciseness could not support either side. He discovered Americans lead far greater in spying and lead far greater in terrorist attacks.
Why would Snowden feel safer with Trump elected?, Trump wants to kill him.
We know Trump loves his privacy, but he just needs to do a study.
Snowden spoke about 18 hours ago.
For me its hard to tell if Snowden is a liberal or a libertarian, I don't think he is a conservative, but I could be wrong. He isn't someone that can be put in a box.
I agree Julian Assange should get amnesty, but don't see how what Snowden did is any worse. They are both alerting us to our lack of privacy and the dangers that come along with it. Wouldn't you rather have them on our side?
I know Snowden took an oath of silence, but when you find out revelations the world should see, is that a bad thing? Should we live in the dark and punish a few daring people who won't allow that to happen?
US Government is not transparent with it's people and they should be because you hire them. Presidents do not control the Country, the national security runs it, because the people are brainwashed for safety over important than freedom. That is when you loose both security and freedom.
US fights with the world for the greedy few, not for security of it"s people. Who is attacking US unless it is the Saudi Arabia like on those plane crashing into the twin towers..Even Trump said the twin tower was too strong to collapse from those two planes.
Gay do not harm anyone, unless you put a uniforms on them and they kill someone. Then 9 times out of 10 it's murder in a uniform.
If you could make that stuff up, you could write books.
From Being unattached to any large body of fictional entity like US Corp. I am free to give my love and uncorrupted options.
I know humans are very social animals , yet if the pack breaks their own ethics greater than anyone. Then they are living a lie and truly are trapped living in a synthetic fictional world bubble.
Boy howdy, you said a mouth full there. Its the communist way through social engineering by subversion and demoralization?
Gotta create special interest groups somehow.
Jean, I have had a change of heart about Snowden since I wrote that post. I do think he should receive amnesty, and I am beginning to think he will down the line. What impresses me so much is that Snowden is more concerned about 'we the people' than he is about himself. I really do feel that he is sincere, but than I believe the best of everyone until they prove me wrong.
I'm very tired right now and need it hit the pillow, but thank you for your encouragement. I'll fall asleep considering yours words. More later...
I judge every candidate by everything that candidate has said and done. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of the press are part of the fabric of our nation. When a candidate speaks about violating any of these freedoms, I take it extremely serious.
Getting back on topic: It seems like Trump is for gay marriage and abortion.
Sorry to rekindle your fears but Trump just announced Stephen Bannon as his chief strategist(1). Bannon was the head of the far-right website Breitbart News. Here are some quotes from articles written by or for Bannon:
“Your birth control injection will add on pounds that will prevent the injection you really want — of man meat.”
“Women should just log off. Given that men built the internet, along with the rest of modern civilisation, I think it’s only fair that they get to keep it.”
“I, Donald Trump and the rest of the alpha males will continue to dominate the internet without feminist whining.”
“None of the people involved in [the global warming] scam deserve the merest scintilla of respect. They are pure scum.”
Quote from his ex-wife: "...the biggest problem he had with Archer is the number of Jews that attend. He said that he doesn't like Jews and that he doesn't like the way they raise their kids to be 'whiney brats' and that he didn't want the girls going to school with Jews."
There's too many quotes to list.
Basically sexist, racist Trump has appointed sexist, racist Bannon as his closest advisor. So not looking promising for the whole "bring the country together" thing so far.
(1) … trump.html
To all those who hate Hilllary,
If she REALLY did all these crimes, why was she never charged, tried or convicted? Comey sabotaged this election. I have no other comments to make.
I thought, at first, that it was fishy. But I thought after it all played out that it played out in Hillary's favor. Nothing was found. That was made clear prior to election day. It ended up looking like Hillary was being picked on. I would have thought that would have brought those who wanted to see her elected out in greater force.
Live to Learn,
I believe many young Sanders supporters wouldn't come out to vote at all. The young women in particular forget they have the right to vote because of the women's shoulders they stand on. Protesting in the streets and blocking traffic will not result in changing this election result. Many commentators are saying Hillary missed the vote of poor, white voters, but she fought for them her whole career.
Kathleen Cochran,
We don't know each other, but I have seen your reasoned and rational comments on the forums during the pre-election period and now, and appreciated it!
One of your comments epitomizes why I was offended by part of Hillary's attempt to appeal. Women of any color are free to vote for whomever they choose. Attempting to bully them into voting minority is despicable, to me. I'm either free, or not. When a minority candidate tries to garner votes by pushing those within that minority to vote for them solely because of their status as the same minority they have stepped on dangerous ground. That may work in a local election but on the national level it tells me if they win the playing field may be unlevel.
Being a woman is not a reason to vote for anyone. In a truly equal society.
Look at my new thread with more reasons to vote for Hillary's than Trump.
Please, show me more pros than cons for Trump.
But we all know it's not a truly equal society. Why pretend? Just as there are no honest politicians.
Obama was inexperienced, but he was a law professor and had a superb moral and work ethic. He accomplished more than he is given credit for. Especially considering the immaturity of the R's who blocked legislation that could have been good for the country every time.
I read the other day that he made good on about 40% of his promises. I think that is a good record for someone who has to get his ideas past another party.
As to society not being equal. It isn't, in some respects but I do not think anyone should vote for a person who is supposed to represent all of America because of their minority status. And Obama knew this when he ran for office. I don't ever remember hearing him saying 'vote for me because I am black'. That isn't what being president is all about.
Good evening, Jean. I hope you have had a happy and prosperous day. Say, I wasn't surprised one bit when I heard honest, Bernie Sanders, say it was not the fault of Comey. He laid it out, but I'm not sure you are ready to hear that. I don't always agree with Bernie but he tells it like he sees it. He blames the party.
I don't even think that Trump knows if he supports the LGBT. Seriously. He's made several contradictory statements on not only this topic but several others (including abortion). I can't believe his inconsistency isn't a concern for anyone.
I hope that when he said he would "strongly consider" overturning the SSM decision that he was just saying what he knew the conservatives/Christians would want to hear, but if he has no intent to do it shouldn't people be pissed that he lied about it? Lord knows you guys love jumping on Hillary for it.
Time will tell. All politicians lie. Trump is a New Yorker who was also once a Democrat, and I suspect he really doesn't care too much about social issues right now. His inconsistency is a concern, but we have to give him a chance.
I believe he chose Mike Pence to appease the Evangelical Christians. Lucky for Pence, he needed a job. I respect all religions, but this is a secular country, and I think the Evangelicals can do whatever they want,except dictate to everyone else what they should do.
I will fight tooth and nail to get Citizen's United overturned, and to be sure Roe VS Wade stands. I also have concerns about gay marriage. Again, nobody is telling straight people (like me) that they have to do it, but it's a basic Civil Right that the LGBT community fought for over more than 50 yrs. The Civil Rights Act was passed so long ago, and look how some reacted to our first black President. Had Hillary won, she would have faced the same obstructionism. Trump won't take that.
But Aime, I agree many R's are hypocrites and have that attitude all D's are Godless and unpatriotic people with no morals, which is not true. Trump is considering Newt Gingrich, married 3 X like him. They have no respect for the sanctity of marriage, and Guiliani doesn't always make sense when he speaks anymore, he's beginning to lose it mentally. Chris Christie is awful, our jails are full of innocent people, and he will add to the problem, not to mention the financial mess he would be leaving NJ in if Trump taps him for his cabinet. So far his selection ideas are awful.
Yes, this exactly.
I don't think Trump personally has strong feelings one way or the other about LGBT issues, but he has proven himself to be easily swayed, and his running mate is one of the most anti-LGBT politicians active in America right now. Both Pence and the GOP party platform support so-called "conversion therapy" for LGBT people, which can involve stuff like electroshock treatment that's basically torture. I think LGBT people have more than enough indications to justify being extremely worried about the future right now.
I'm sure he will "strongly consider" it. I believe that power should have been given to the states too, so I would agree with over-turning the Supreme Court decision and transferring the power to states.
If you want to make a mandate, demand it and you will get heard. Majority rule, because Trump isn't going to be bought by special interest groups. His "intent" is the will of the people.
However, there are far greater priorities in my opinion.
I will never forget the four Americans who died in Benghazi.
"13 Hours" they fought. They cannot speak for themselves.
Unborn babies cannot speak for themselves. I will speak for them.
Their lives matter to me! That won't change in my DNA.
Fine, but you do them all a disservice when you speak for them with false information.
I see it is still unfruitful to talk to you. That is where I do myself a "disservice"...not for the aborted babies and the four Americans who died in Benghazi.
Don't feed the trolls!
Yes, I'm sure it feels that way to you. What would be fruitful to you? Me carrying on a conversation by letting your falsehoods stand? Not happenin'.
Can we agree that the real issue is unwanted pregnancies, so if we focused attention on preventing such pregnancies through family planning, sex-education, and reducing instances of rape and incest, there would be a significant reduction in the number of unwanted pregnancies, and therefore a significant reduction in the number of women needing or wanting an abortion. And because reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies would be the goal, both pro-life and pro-choice advocates could unite behind that common cause. How about it?
I believe the real issue is ideological subversion through social engineering. #1 being demoralization. However, I can relate to you, Don, and I agree that many things need to be done that aren't being done mainly by pro-choice centers. I believe pro-life centers are a far better choice. I could go into that at length, but don't feel the need. Your smart, and I think you would agree that doing our own individual research and discovery is where its at. - Hugs!
The correct term is LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM, you awful Nazi bigots: … 5348984832
(that's your college educated demographic by the way)
I do believe its all a part of the "Deliberate Dumbing Down of Education in America" at every level in mass, the new world order agenda starting back with Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, etc. It reads like sinister Marvel characters. Oh, and pharmas invent new drugs and psychiatry keeps coming up with new mental illnesses. ... Today I can identify as whatever I want, because of political correctness malarkey.
Its a kingdom on earth, a mountain of cultural influence that is great and mighty and its not coming down without a fight.
Trump would not say alot about gays during the election because they are 10℅ of the voters.
Now he is in, trouble starts, Trump wants to overturn gay marriage by the supreme Court Mr Pence will try to go as far as curing gayness. There a whole giant pile of social programs that will be destroyed or ignored by Trump. Most of which Governments should not be involved with at all anyways.
Pence probably wants to "pray away the gay." I didn't pay much attention since I never dreamed The Donald would win. I really think he was bored and never expected to be nominated or to win the Presidency. On Election night, he looked shocked when he had to make an acceptance speech. He stood up straight and didn't let his oversized tie flop around. He actually was brief and sounded humble. So many are in shock. We don't know what to expect.
Just the fact he spent an hour and a half with Obama, whose Presidency he tried to pretend didn't exist for 8 years, shows he was desperate and didn't even know how to start doing what had to be done. I read that he once asked the Gov of OH to be his VP, and told him his job would be foreign and domestic policy. That's the whole job!
Trying to be optimistic, but feel sorry for Hillary. I truly wanted to see a woman President in my lifetime.
You can only be a president of a Corporation, not a country. The are many American women who are president of Corporation. There are many women around the world who are prime minster or leaders of Countries.
To become a US President you have to be the best liar to win. Then they give you a licence to create genocide to millions of people. I can't imagine a worst job and a worst character then living a live and ultimately harming the most peoples.
I respect women's love and kindness most. Being President is no prize or honest achievement. It is why Ron Paul was not elected President, he has too strong a character and too honest. Hillary has a better chance of saving her own soul this way.
What - By being the CEO of the corruption , bias , and absolute criminality of the Clinton Foundation ?
That may very well be where Hilary Clinton belongs , But the whole foundation belongs in jail , And now they are Grooming Chelsea Clinton for a possible congressional run ! I sure am glad they only had one kid !
Absolute power corrupts, no matter if it was Hillary's or Trump win. You think Trump will investigate Hillary emails and put her in prison as he promised through out his campaign. Or will Trump whip out from another stark barking mad attrack.
If Clinton were elected, she would have been impeached for a cover up. She deliberately destroyed (not just deleted) emails from her private server and bragged about it during the Congressional investigation.
Apparently, neither Trump nor Clinton are pro-life. Trump said the woman who want abortions should travel to another state. Trump does not oppose Gay Marriage. I just recently learned this.
If Trump imprisons Hillary, both families would have to throw out all their married to the mob photos and gifts. Who want to break up the same pro wrestling for megalomaniac tag team
Trump contradicts himself multi time within weeks, never seem another human being able get aways with that so often
You learn Trump dose not oppose gay marriage, where?
Jean , You should know by now that ANY woman will never be president , why , because any black guy did ? Its not that simple , you were extremely lucky that Obama was an extremely groomed rising star for the left . You chose a burned out meteor for your first female president out of what , political correctness. I suggest next time you chose or at least groom a squeaky clean candidate NOT a morally , politically , ethically corrupt , has been .
Of course he does. He's more of a Democrat than a Republican. He just ran R to get elected.
Hi Kathleen! I just read this article and thought you might like reading it to understand our next president a bit more.
Trump Poised to Appoint An Openly Gay Cabinet Member
* … ber/35794/
I hope you are enjoying your day as well. Although I did not think Bernie had a chance, I do respect and like him. And I do agree the party should have done more. They had tunnel vision about Trump voters, describing them in the wrong way in many cases. However, Comey never should have come out with derogatory news days before the election, and made it worse when he walked it back. Did it cost Hillary the election? Maybe not solely, but it was a contributing factor.
But I am scared by the choices Trump is making for his advisers. A white supremacist? I've said before I didn't think Trump cares about Gays or Women or social issues. A born and bred New Yorker lives in the most diverse area of the country, and wouldn't give that another thought. But Bannon would. This man hates gays, anyone of color, Jews, women, the list is endless. Now a person like him is called alt-right? I can't stand all the labels!
I think you are right that Trump couldn't care less about social issues, and that in and of itself is scary when you consider that he elevated Steve Bannon to the position of his chief strategist and senior planner. My senator, Ron Wyden, released the following statement:
"Steve Bannon ran a website that trafficked in anti-Semitism and boasted of being the voice of white nationalists. That’s a fact. There’s no spinning that.
It’s outrageous the first announcement from the Trump administration is to announce the chief strategist will be a man who not only tolerated hate in every form, but actively courted it and fomented it.
I’m the son of German-Jewish immigrants. My family left Nazi Germany and came to America. But it’s not just me saying that Bannon is an unacceptable choice. Reasonable people on the left and the right are just speechless that the president-elect is choosing to invite someone with this kind of record into the White House.
The fact that Mr. Trump’s allies are dismissing anti-Semitism, misogyny and white nationalism so lightly demonstrates a shocking lack of respect for history and starts this administration off on a stunningly wrong foot."
More from Forbes magazine: Steve Bannon and Breitbart News: Why everyone but the alt-right fears Trump's top adviser pick
Excerpt: "Under Bannon’s tenure, Breitbart has become reliably and openly anti-women, anti-semetic, anti-progress, anti-immigrant, and anti-nonwhites. Some of Breitbart’s most controversial stories in recent years featured headlines such as: “There’s No Hiring Bias Against Women In Tech, They Just Suck At Interviews,” “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive And Crazy,” “Would You Rather Your Child Had Feminism Or Cancer?” and “Gabby Giffords: The Gun Control Movement’s Human Shield.” In July 2015, just two weeks after nine people were shot to death while praying in an African-American Charleston church by a confederate flag-loving white supremacist, Breitbart published a story with the headline, “Hoist It High And Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims A Glorious Heritage.” Breitbart employs Milo Yiannpolis, a flagrantly racist, misogynist commentator who was banned by Twitter this year after inciting violent, racially-fueled cyberbullying of Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones. This summer at the Republican National Convention, Bannon proudly told a reporter that Breitbart is a “platform for the alt-right.” And it’s also a potential platform for a Trump White House that could present an obstacle for news outlets without such privileged connections."
Question for Trump voters who have repeatedly said that Trump has nothing more than foot-in-mouth disease. Do you still believe his racist and misogynistic comments were just non-PC blather with no substance behind it? Or, are you starting to see a pattern here? Or, do you still think it's "trivial"?
Honest question, do you know who Milo Yiannopolous is? Were you familiar with him before this or are you only just now hearing his and Bannon's names?
Pretty Panther,
I completely agree this is a very serious situation. Trump also wants his 3 oldest children to have security clearance, and they will be running the Trump family business. The Clintons were crucified over the Clinton Foundation even after Chelsea began running it.
But what can be legally done to stop Trump's madness? One day he seems serious and in old video, when we see him in meetings, he is quiet and appears to be intently listening. But these choices are dangerous to be speaking in the President's ear. He is so naive he asked Obama how much of the White House staff he had to replace. Obama told him "everyone." I still contend he never thought he would win, it was another attention getting scheme.
Does the Constitution provide any action that can be taken against a President elect who is clearly in over his head, to the point he is willing to put our whole country in danger? Trump was willing to begin impeachment charges against Hillary on Inaugural Day. Can we do something like that against a man who clearly has no ideas about any of the issues and how to solve them, and is choosing to surround himself with dangerous people? And there is no reason why his adult children need security clearance, it's a conflict anyway as they will be running the family biz. Bannon hates everyone, and Priebus seems to have little convictions about anything. It's a scary and dangerous time for America. I tried to be fair and hoped he would drop the hateful, crazy act if he got elected. But apparently it's not an act, he really is that unstable.
You sound just like one of the ones who stood in line and clapped while each child got a trophy . Remember as the right ideology complained that a- too young -too inexperienced , too socialist - too naïve President was elected eight years ago , AND you knew it too? Well , this is the political balancing of the political system in a free republic nation . get used to it .
As to Steve Bannon , I always thought he was too liberal.
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When you look at the lopsided voting from Hispanic, Blacks, Asian, Women Muslims, Jews, non Christian s, Gays,, Environmentist, Pro choice and so on and so on, for Hillary.
Only lopsided with White Christian males.
Why have a Constitution, Just proclaim Jesus and the White House your Supreme God. The rest of World will refuse to worship them even if predominately whites own 90% of nukes.
Thank goodness we have free and open elections. I doubt if you will find any takers for your proposal.
They are not my facts these are facts that are presented mainly from white established organization. Always know when I'm on to something when people get very uncomfortable and shut down my thread for no good reason. Your Government has the greatest set of professionals liars in The world, why trust them?
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