Now, before you deny the findings, spend some time listing to the evidence with an open mind. This is not going away anytime soon by the looks of the evidence this investigation found.
Sheriff Joe & his posse set out in this investigation to once and for all clear Obama's name over the birth certificate controversy. But...
The Cold Case Posse advised Arpaio that they believed forgers committed two crimes. First, they say it appeared the White House fraudulently created a forgery that it characterized as an officially produced governmental birth record. Second, the White House fraudulently presented to the residents of Maricopa County and to the American public at large a forgery represented as “proof positive” of President Obama’s authentic 1961 Hawaii long-form birth certificate.
The investigators also said they had developed credible evidence that Obama’s Selective Service card was a forgery, based on an examination of the postal date stamp on the document. Also, records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards filled out by passengers arriving on international flights originating outside the United States in the month of August 1961, examined at the National Archives in Washington, D.C., were missing records for the week of President Obama’s birth.
Sheriff Joe slaps Obama with new birth-certificate bombshell
* … bombshell/
Alleged crimes of forgery and fraud.
Who done it!
Don't you people ever quit?
I did read it, CO, and it is still right wing bovine excrement. The man, Obama, is out of office in a few days. For heavens sake. His Accidency has won, isn't that enough for you?
His Accidency, John Tyler was the president from 1841-1845.
Get your facts straight much? He didn't win, he succeeded.
Obama might not have had a hand in the crimes of forgery and fraud, but someone did. There is evidence.
Colorfulone if you are going to correct me, you got to get your facts straight, it is John Tyler, not Taylor, he was the 12th president. Trump's status is considered an accident by me because he had substantially lost the popular vote, and as a result his legitimacy is in question by so many. But, you won anyway, so why not just be happy and move on?
An interesting factoid, did you know that Mr. Tyler, 10th President, 1791-1862 was a prolific family man who actually has 2 living grandsons in their 80s?
I'm very happy! When new evidence is discovered and goes public...I call that "moving on"...its going forward, not backwards. New evidence of alleged forgery and fraud ... is all new! Discovery is exciting to me!
How are those sore grapes?
This is about a president who has already been president. It's over, it can't be undone. It's irrelevant and anyone who feels they can't move on has a real problem, IMO.
Alternatively, maybe they're trying to divert attention from something else....
The forensic results won't be undone. The fact that Obama's birth certificate document has nine (9) points of forgery won't be undone. I do believe Obama's presidential legacy is being undone.
As an American, that really hurts, a lot. Its unprecedented as far as I know, and it will take years to heal from this, but we will eventually have closure. I have to believe that we will heal as a nation. Its a shock.
Which is it? John Tyler, was the 12th president or the 10th president?
Never mind, I can find reliable facts myself.
They cited nine (9) points of forgery in this investigation, 9. I encourage you to take the time to view ALL of the evidence with an open mind, if possible. It really does take some time to go through all of it, but its really very exciting to see the findings.
Chief Investigator Mike Zullo said, “Forensic analysis showing the characters on the document were pieced together from secondary sources. Words, letters and hand placed date stamps have been digitally copied from Ah’Nee’s birth certificate and pasted onto Obama’s longform birth certificate. We’re pretty confident with these results.”
It will be gratifying once we have a DOJ that believes in enforcing the law. Rather than, an Attorney General that pleads the 5th to avoid incriminating herself.
That's ok, Colorfulone. But the real story will be Trump and how he deals with the (so called) liberal media. IF, he sucks up and plays into all the machinations and schemes behind the GOP agenda, then I am for his failure. If he is the true maverick and takes his stand as the man of the people that everybody says he is, then we will see.
Anyway, the glaring eye of the television camera will always be there and as it is with any rightwinger affected with the psychosis of authoritarianism, he will attempt to move his doings and that of his administration into the shadows. But, that in itself will make banner front page headlines, wonderful global attention. Once frustrated with that, he will find little use in the free press, as it will not praise and fawn for his attention. Then, he will be left with only alternative of 'shooting the messenger'. But the message still remains and cannot be denied.
"...I am for his failure."...
Got your back.
I am trying to remember the shadow government (the 7th floor group)? ... Was it exposed in Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails? Something like they protected her email investigation? I can drudge all that up.
Let's try to stay on topic. Forgery! This is important.
Merry Christmas!
You led with birther nonsense from a completely disreputable news site that no sensible person would take any notice of. Then you segue into Clinton's emails while simultaneously exhorting people to stay on topic, lol.
Just for the record:
Birtherism = racist smear (he is not one of us and we must prove it)
Bitherism = desperate attempt to destroy the reputation of someone whose personal record is impeccable.
Birtherism = a sure sign you will never be able to stay on topic (that requires reason)
I'm still waiting for you to explain why this is so important.
A person who is legally an American got elected as President. What's the problem?
His biological father may or may not have been a member of the Communist party, at a time when blacks were disgustingly oppressed in America and therefore it was understandable if a black person turned to any organisation that might help them remove that oppression, including that party. The Americans are the only people in the world who think Communism equates to devil worship, it's not that big a deal.
Wake up, the world is moving on.
If you want to drudge, you're welcome to scrub my floors.
Trump will do his utmost to ban all legitimate news media in every way possible.
The whole birther thing is testimony to the fact that no serious charges of impropriety, corruption, sexual misconduct or law breaking have ever been leveled against Obama.
Trump, on other hand, has to be the least moral individual to ever become President. You don't need to create conspiracy theories.
He admits to using his celebrity and the status that his wealth brings to sexually assault women.
He also used parties filled with underaged girls and fueled by drugs to lure potential buyers for his condos and customers for his casinos. Leonardo DiCaprio called Trump's parties, 'one stop date shopping'.
This is an interesting read: … odels.html
Trump makes the distinctly sleazy, Bill Clinton, look saintly.
I'm really not sure what people like you expect to achieve out of stuff like this NOW that Obama is LEAVING office tomorrow...
Really? No matter where he was born or whatever 'proof' you may think you have to back it up - that obviously didn't have a single thing to do with him 'being the antichrist' - AGAIN, since he is LEAVING!!
We all know why this question is up here, because of the reputation of the person writing it along with countless others who were SO SURE that Obama was the Anti-christ. (Do a search, TONS of websites out there about this.)
It is also why they won't vote for anyone other than a Republican: because a Republican could NEVER be the anti-christ - and they ALL know that Democrats are EVIL demons (literally).
You can all relax, now... Our pretty-scandalless black President with the nice family and weird name that scares you won't be calling the shots, anymore. Now you've got Trump: a scandal-infused hothead - BUT, at least he was born in the right place; and he is absolutely NOT the anti-christ!
Healing the deep wounds in our country is easier than we realize - Christians & ex-Christians Prove God Exists by Debunking Salvation: Science & Spirituality Reveal the Real Jesus Christ. Look it up. No more wannabee armchair scientists or Christian militants voting on fake hype, fake news or fake fear. America was founded on diversity. It is meant to be our strength.
I don't believe so, but okey, its funny! Thanks for the laugh.
I'll play along!
Trump WON the Electoral Vote by a Landslide again!. ~ Winning!
"We did it! Thank you to all of my great supporters, we just officially won the election (despite all of the distorted and inaccurate media)." ~ Donald J Trump
He's leaving office today? Does that mean that we will be without a Commander in Chief until Jan. 20th? When did all this start?
We listened to this for eight + years. I agree we should give it a rest.
I think this is a very important investigation because of all of the new evidence. Its gone public, now someone is going to have to look at it.
No one has been accused of the alleged crimes that the investigation brought to light.
Maybe once and for all this will be resolved.
Obama's mother was an American. Anyone born of an American is a natural born citizen. Even if you buy the theory that a white American woman gave birth in Kenya (totally crazy) he'd still be a natural born citizen. Or do you birthers believe both of his parents are Kenyan?? Look at him, he's clearly half-white.
It's the same thing with Ted Cruz. Even though he was born in Canada, his mother being American made him eligible to be president.
This is about an investigation of documents that show they were forged and probably fraud committed. The federal government put out an investigation report in 2000 about many birth certificates being forged and fraud being committed. Its against the law.
"you birthers" ... What? I don't care where Obama was born.
This is an on going investigation with new evidence made public.
I always wondered about his birth certificate because when I compared it to my Hawaiian birth certificate from the 50s and my children's Hawaiian certificates from the 60s and 70s, Obama's is different. His certificate looks new like the ones being issued to newborns in the 2000 era. As you pointed out, it's not a question of his citizenship, it has been a question of a forged American document and why a forgery was necessary in the first place? If he was born in Iran, so what? He would have duel citizenship if he chose to claim it. I just don't get why it was necessary to forge the document.
Really hard to believe that anyone going to that much effort would forge a copy of a modern certificate 50 years out of date. That doesn't even make sense.
Exactly. None of it makes sense. If you watch the videos from the link posted, which I did after my last post, it appears to bring actual evidence to light that there is something wrong with his BC. Again, the question is what was the purpose of the forgery? I read a few more things about the interpretation of the constitution as to the birth of a candidate running for the US presidency. It does state that a President must be a "natural-born" US candidate. Nothing is stated about dual-citizenship. Only that the President must be born in the US. So I was wrong in stating that it didn't matter if he was born in Iran as long as his mother was a US citizen. The constitution says "natural-born" US citizen. So that could very well be the reason for the forgery. No one knows where he was born. The videos also stated that all of the records of entry into the US from foreign countries in the year of his birth have gone missing.
Now look up the Supreme Court decisions on what "natural born" means. You will find that it does not mean born on American soil. That you were right in that he could be born anywhere in the world as long as a parent was a citizen.
Neither you nor the birthers get to make the call on that definition; the SCOTUS already has.
The official document posted on the White House website five years ago, is a fabricated forgery. What the investigators have is court room ready kind of evidence, the kind that is taken to court to convict somebody and put them in prison. This is like the DNA of that kind of a case. They have the source document that was used to fabricate the forged document that was passed off as official identification of Obama. It is not an official document, it is clearly a fabricated forgery.
This is very serious stuff for people with integrity who can look at the big picture and all the complex ramifications. I'll have to listen to some attorneys on talk shows discus it. This discovery is profound! Now the questions are, Why? Why would people commit crimes? and Who, committed the crime? ...
Can you point to a crime that happened? Is making a false birth certificate, given that it is never used for anything but placate the conspiracy theorists of the country, a crime? If so, can you provide text and number of the written law forbidding it?
Color, there is zero evidence of any crime. There is zero "evidence" of falsifying a birth certificate. The only "evidence" to be had is evidence that birthers will never drop the matter and will never have anything with which to support their outlandish claims.
I sure will, when I find out. First, I need to spend some time listening to attorneys discus the legalities, and study. This is beyond my experience in contractual law. I have never handled forgery cases.
Why would the president of the United States defraud the American people? The answers I get are not good, because numerous federal laws have been broken, I suspect.
The conspiracy theorists have been vindicated!
There was in-fact a conspiracy, its no longer a theory.
No one in this investigative team thought there was any validity to the claim that the document was a forgery. They set out to prove the document was official to clear Obama's name in the matter once and for all. The evidence said otherwise with nine (9) points of forgery. They know that the document was forged in 2011, from the PDF file.
The conspiracy theorists have been vindicated - no they haven't. Their theory was proved to be wrong. Obama is American
Just because they've "unearthed" another conspiracy doesn't mean they're vindicated. It just means they're starting again, from scratch.
And like I said, Obama's Presidency is over. The only thing to be gained from this silly hysteria is for bitter and twisted people who can't let go past grudges.
M'dear, denial can be blinding. Obama's official birth certificate is a forgery. You can't use forged documents for identification without committing a crime.
They have court ready evidence that a forgery and fraud was committed.
"And like I said, Obama's Presidency is over."
Um, Obama is still the president of the USA. I guess?
Yes, Obama is still President but only for a very short time - can you explain what difference it makes now?
Like I said, it all seems utterly pointless. The conspiracy theorists have been proved wrong in their original assertion. This is a new conspiracy which has no relevance to anything because it's too late to get rid of Obama - he's already practically gone. And the latest report is just repeating stuff that's already been debunked anyway. What a storm in a teacup. Yawn. … ficate.asp
With ... "what difference it makes now" sound like Hillary sounded when making an excuse for the four Americans who died in Benghazi.
It has been proven by two highly rated professional forensics organizations on two different continents that birth certificate document Obama had published on the White House website had nine (9) confirmed forgeries, clearly without a doubt.
This is completely new evidence, never before discovered. I am not getting this forgery evidence report off some websit. I'm getting it right from the investigators themselves, who put their lives on the line and risking getting wacked. So! Don't shoot the messenger.
Snopes is nothing but a liberal rag from hell.
Hillary was running for President. Obama is running for .....?
So, what it boils down to is that you choose to believe one website and not another.
All you need to do is read the Snopes article and then do some research yourself to find out whether what they say is correct or not, e.g. about Kenya etc. But no, you're obviously one of the closed-minded people I was referring to - you won't even LOOK at sites that present an alternative view, just in case your mindset is "contaminated".
Considering that the birth certificate was made public several years ago, don't you find it strange that they've only now discovered these "anomalies"?
You claim that some websites are peddling rubbish, yet you swallow allegations from other websites as God's truth, simply because they're saying what you want to hear. Unfortunately it seems as though there are millions of people like you in the world now, living in your little bubble, and deciding that every time someone presents a fact you don't like, that they must by lying and out to get you. What a sad existence that must be.
"You claim that some websites are peddling rubbish, yet you swallow allegations from other websites as God's truth, simply because they're saying what you want to hear. Unfortunately it seems as though there are millions of people like you in the world now, living in your little bubble, and deciding that every time someone presents a fact you don't like, that they must by lying and out to get you. What a sad existence that must be"
Funny, it seems a lot like that to me, as well.
I have no problem with people believing a theory IF they've done their research. I respect people who think for themselves, even if I disagree with them.
Unfortunately I keep meeting people who won't even look at competing evidence for anything, they just swallow every word their favourite website or social network feeds them.
Yes, Isay that this entire matter has been a witchunt hunt at conception. Time and time again the issue has been found to be a red herring, a needless distraction. It is only the right wing rags that continue to beat a dead horse. I am sure that those reactionary publications did not identify some aspect Mr. Obama's credibility that was missed by those officials that were responsible for properly vetting him.
Mike Zullo, Arpaio’s lead investigator since 2011 on the birth certificate issue, told WND he wants to get the evidence to members of Congress for evaluation. It could support a Presidential Transparency Act, which would give secretaries of state across the nation the authority to investigate candidates with suspect qualifications.
“This is what we have learned. Every secretary of state is powerless to investigate a candidate,” he told WND. “They have to take everything on face value.”
That means a candidate whose qualifications are questioned cannot be reviewed by state secretaries of state, who run the elections
Read more at … QUWumDt.99
It's like you have been kidnapped by a cult.
In fact, the entire American right is beginning to look like a gigantic cult.
One prolific poster becomes the American right? Wow.
I would be so pleased to find some US conservatives who were just plain honest.
I remember George W Bush driving me mad because, although he accepted the science of climate change, he was not prepared to do anything about it (bad for business, he claimed). That is sane. Not admirable, but sane.
This new wave of Trumpites dwell in a Breibart/WND universe (and worse).
That is not sane.
Who IS willing to do something about it?
The greenies, flying in 747's from cause to cause?
Hollywoodites, living in their mansions and driving monster SUV's?
Common people, driving 1 block to the grocery story and keeping their home at 78 degrees in the winter?
Politicians, taking bribes with one hand while handing out grants for solar cells with the other?
Coal miners, crying out to the heavens that we are taking their livelihoods with alternative power?
Environmentalists, demanding removal of all dams (and their electric production) to save the salmon?
Truthfully, I don't see hardly anyone actually doing anything. Just talking about it and wanting someone else to take the hard steps.
Perhaps. If the doomsayers are correct and there is no self correction occurring, if there really is a point of no return just slightly above current temperatures, is mankind continues to grow without killing ourselves off, If continued killing of wildlife doesn't have a positive effect, if no "cooling chemicals" begin to be released, if, if, if.
Then homo sapiens will die off. Likely with anything larger than a bacteria.
The only 'trumpites' I've come in contact with are a couple here on hub pages. Just because someone has a computer and a will to use it we shouldn't assume they represent some vast group. Unless, by using the term 'Trumpite' you are implying anyone who voted for trump agrees with everything you disagree with. If so, yeh. That's a lot of people you are equating to things they don't believe in.
I have crows where I live. They too go around crying " cause cause cause". Yet they actually serve a purpose of eating the carrion on the roadways. Lefties bemoaning the climate gives them a warm smug feeling and thats about it. Now if they would be willing to chain themselves to smokestacks and take volleys of water cannons and rubber bullets then they would have my respect and admiration. Just put it on youtube so I can watch.
"As you pointed out, it's not a question of his citizenship, it has been a question of a forged American document and why a forgery was necessary in the first place?"
Concealment. There is conclusive evidence that Barack Obama's real father was Frank Marshall Davis. All that is needed is DNA, and about the only way anyone will get that is if Obama spits on someone.
Even, Malik Obama wants a DNA test to prove Barack is truly his brother, he doesn't believe he is. In this "tell all" interview with Director Joel Gilbert, Malik Obama, the "half-brother" of President Obama, reveals his pain and confusion over Barack's shunning of his Kenyan family after becoming President. Malik provides a stunning take on the film, Dreams from My Real Father, stating "Frank Marshall Davis and Barack look alike" and adds that Barack does not look like his father. Malik says he would like a DNA test so the truth can come out. Malik also states that Barack is "deceptive," "has not been an honest man," and is "a schemer." In the interview, Malik displays an early manuscript he helped edit of Barack's book Dreams from My Father with a different title. Malik Obama, also known as Abon'go (Roy) Obama, was born in 1958. He is the first child from the marriage of Barack Hussein Obama and Kezia Obama. Malik and Barack first met in 1985 when Barack flew from Chicago to Washington DC to visit Malik. Malik later hosted Barack in Kenya and they served as the best men at each other's weddings. Barack wrote of his lifelong relationship with Malik (Roy) in Dreams from My Father.
"I just don't get why it was necessary to forge the document."
Obama would never have become president if people knew his real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a Marxist communist... Who most likely groomed Barack in Hawaii. Neighbors have said that Barack was brought to Davis' house three time a week (from the age of about ten). Photo evidence plays a big roll in putting pieces of the puzzle together. I find it all interesting, and am excited whenever new evidence comes forward.
Joel Gilbert has put in a lot of time digging for facts, and has hours of footage on YouTube, I have been going through it all since he started going public with his investigations. I'm convinced that Barack's mother was a CIA operative, who had children with Davis, who all resemble Barack. He does not look at all like Malik, his father, or any other member of that family. We just need some spit.
There is a lot more to this, I couldn't possibly do the investigation justice in the forums. Its all on the internet, and takes time to go through piece by piece. I do believe Obama was born in Hawaii, but that his birth certificate is a forgery and a fraud.
OK, so it sounds like the conspiracy theorists have been beaten in their attempts to prove Obama isn't an American - so now they're trying to find a new problem. I'm sorry, but that's what this sounds like - desperation.
Even if Frank was his father, Communism isn't inherited, so it's irrelevant. Even if Frank did influence Obama's thinking, that tells you nothing. Just because you listen to someone doesn't mean you are persuaded, an intelligent person does have freewill you know!
It would be a very irresponsible, closed-minded, arrogant person who refuses to even listen to alternative views. How can you know your world view is right, unless you've considered all sides of the argument? Only the very stupid say, "I don't need to widen my horizons, I just KNOW I'm right". Sadly that seems to be in increasing percentage of the population.
Sadly, US politicians know their world view is right because it is the view the people paying for re-election efforts tell them is right. No need to listen to other views.
And we know this is true from the nearly perfect partisanship voting in congress. Regardless of what the other party proposes, it is wrong.
Sadly, that's happening all over the world. It wasn't the case in Australia until quite recently, but it became the norm when Tony Abbott was trying to regain power and it has stayed that way since. The sad thing is that it means nothing worthwhile ever gets done.
I congratulate you on a non-partisan viewpoint.
I have it on good authority that Trump isn't American either. I have it on good authority that he is Russian.
I got this tip the same way the Trump supporters on this board get their news. I heard it from a guy who heard it from another guy who got it from his grandmother.
With the threat of a president hand picked by the Russians taking office in a few weeks, this is what you are concerned with? Jeeze - Give it a rest.
With the "threat" of a president that can get along with the Russians, thus making a better world for everyone on it's surface you mean? If there are two people that could make the world a better place by putting their heads together in a positive manner it would be those two. Rather than beating them both with a stick, maybe we should be encouraging them?
Funny how no one ever goes positive; everything possible must be expressed in a negative light when Trump is involved at all. Do liberals all walk around all day with their head hung low, forever mired in a morass of pessimism?
Hand picked by the Russians? Quite overly dramatic if you asked me.
I hear they now claim the Russians attempted to hack the RNC. I emphasize attempted. Funny how both Hillary and the DNC find it impossible to protect information. Makes one wonder if they even try.
Hillary now says the Russians "interfered" in the election because of her and her relationship with Putin. Have to ask ourselves if we'd rather have a congenial, cooperative relationship with Russia or one filled with hate, mistrust and meddling. … index.html
I read an article concerning that. Had there been a question of possible interference and it had seemed as if it were an attempt to help Hillary the left would have chalked it up to good sense.
Whether the Russians attempted to influence the election or not is still open for conjecture. What is not is how Hillary and her cronies sabotaged the democratic process during their primary and the media manipulation during the race. They refuse to talk about that problem.
Well, of course we won't talk about manipulating the primary! That would not be PC.
What I don't understand is the thinking that this is the first time Russia has ever tried to influence our elections. Or that no other nation has ever done so. Or that we haven't done so to other nations.
It seems the easiest, most cost effective method possible to alter or aim a nations future actions, yet nobody thinks it ever happens? A 1 year old is less naive than that!
You are the one who should be giving the Russian thing a rest - who in their right mind believes the Russians gave us Trump? when it is blatantly obvious that Hillary's and Obama's records are what gave us Trump, lies upon lies upon lies for 8 years. Had they nothing to hide from WeThe People they'd have had nothing to fear from Russians, Wikileaks or Trump!
And no presidential election in history has ever been run to win the popular vote so that is nothing but another liberal straw man, the tactic you libs always use when you have to deceive people into believing something that is false. That is lame and so transparent to discerning people who aren't Hillary and Obama zombies.
Credence, I don't remember anyone saying Hillary should have been the Democrat nominee after the 2008 Democrat primary. After all she won the popular vote in that primary, why wasn't Obama's status considered an accident by you because Obama had lost the popular vote? Why as a result wasn't his legitimacy in question by so many? Because your point about Hillary winning the popular vote against Trump is nothing but a straw man, that's why.
Kathleen, I wasn't ignoring you, I just really didn't know what to reply to your comment. M'dear, I have not seen any evidence that Russia interfered with the election. I have heard claims and that is all...when pressed to show proof of the claim...there is nothing, zero, zip.
Intelligence would then believe there is no evidence. Maybe a fabrication...perhaps to start a war with Russia under false pretenses. I heard Obama on NPR vowing to take action against Russia. Believe me, we do not want to go to war with Russia. Five more weeks of Obama.
We need to see the evidence!
In 2005, Senator Obama was held by Russian authorities. They thought he was a spy for the British, not for America. As far as we know there could be espionage going on here, double espionage, triple.
Mar. 2012 - Remember that 'hot mic' moment Obama had, when he said to the Russian leader at that time, "This will be my last election, after my election, I will have more flexibility."
Curious words! Does anyone really know who he works for? No one was upset with Obama when he was cordial with Russia, not the Republicans, not the Democrats, or the Libertarians. Strange how things change.
C'mon someone has to pick up on this comment. I haven't even got to the fraud settlement yet. Or the allegations of rape.
I started off on the easy stuff
Even if his birth certificate was forged/fudged, why do you assume he is the one who did it? Very often these things are done by the parents without their children's knowledge. I know two people who as adults discovered that their mothers had forged the dates on their birth certificates. One mother did it to enroll her child in school earlier to save money on daycare, the other did it to obscure paternity. What can either of these victims of fraud do about it now? They just have to go through life with a fake birthday and not worry about it.
There's no motive for Obama to have forged his birth certificate because as I said way upthread, he is American by virtue of his mother being American, regardless of where or when he was born. If it were a forgery it would most likely have been forged by his parents or guardians, and they are long since dead, so who cares?
"They know that the document was forged in 2011, from the PDF file." - I wrote that above. They do not know who forged the document or why. Who? ... Why? I certainly don't know. Its disheartening to me though. And, we can never allow this to happen again in America.
So you admit there's a possibility that Obama did not commit a crime, and that he could in fact be the victim rather than the perpetrator of fraud
I did not "admit there's a possibility that Obama did not commit a crime". I said that I certainly don't know. I'm not going to speculate. The law says that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. I am just astonished! This is truly astonishing.
That sounds like a conspiracy theory. Just kidding.
Actually, the investigation report is not conjecture without firm evidence. The evidence of forgery verified by professionals is rock solid. There is no way they would have come forward if they were not confident.
What exactly is the evidence? Just to help out, these kinds of thing are generally held to constitute evidence:
A credible witness corroborating part of a story
Documents corroborating part of a story that a credible witness will attest is genuine
Video or audio corroborating part of a story that a credible witness will attest is genuine
Confession of a suspect that a credible witness will attest is genuine
This does not constitute evidence:
speculation based on public record
photoshopped, unattributed images
unsubstantiated accusations
And in this particular case, Sheriff Joe and his unnamed 'people' spouting off to the local hate radio stations.
You should ask yourself what you get from this, Colorfulone. Why is a fantasy world more satisfying than the real one? What is this need for heroes and villains, good and evil all about?
This thread is about Obama's forged birth certificate document.
Yall need to leave Obama alone and worry bout this klansman racist asswipe in office now,
Yeshua, stunned the world with President-elect Donald Trump.
Merry Christmas!
Respectfully, I cannot take that seriously.
Unless you would also concede that Yeshua would have been responsible for the election of Hillary then I have no idea where you would come up with that claim.
I will go so far to say that Yeshua allowed Obama to be president, for two terms, and now Trump will be president. I believe it will be for two terms. But, Hillary lost the presidential race twice, so I won't even go there.
I hope you are having a good day!
I'm having a great day. But, I do wish you would think carefully before making claims of what God does and does not do in the political arena. I don't remember any stories of Yeshua being the slightest bit interested in politics.
Jesus spoke of nationalism and sovereignty. There is mention of a global ideology in Revelation with the Antichrist's empire.
Its a good day!
Nationalism, not Globalism, is Our Credo! ~ Trump
Could you share those passages where Jesus spoke? Not someone else, but Jesus.
Then Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the scriptures: ‘The stone which the builders rejected has become the main corner- stone. This is the LORD’s doing, and it is wonderful in our eyes’? Therefore, I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you, and given to a nation that yields the proper fruit.”
The Great Commission
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,"
Second Chronicles 20:6 “O Lord, God of our fathers, are you not God in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. In your hand are power and might, so that none is able to withstand you.”
The Lord Jesus Christ taught about the absolute Sovereignty!
If you stand by this statement then you concede that had Hillary been elected it would also have been by God's will.
I suspect with a high degree of confidence that hillary and team msm were weighed in the balance and came up short prior to election. What is outside the Will of God? Freewill is to choose to do the Will of God or refuse to do the Will of God and they are considered accordingly.
I highly doubt Trump is overly concerned with the will of God. At the least, he is no more or less concerned than Hillary is.
I certainly do not want the election of Trump to have sort of spiritual significance or be some spiritually ordained event in the affairs of men or some other sort of rot.
The reasons why we actually end up with Trump have nothing to do with 'lofty', it is most likely that word's very antonym that would be more appropriate.
I have to agree on this one. I would certainly hope the Almighty were as disgusted with Washington as we are and I can't, for the life of me, see where God might be enamored with Trump.
"I have to agree on this one."
I will take em where I can get em....
We'll have to find other things to agree with. I'm about to barf here and won't be reading any more ignorant posts on the topic.
I'm reminded of the old adage 'you can't fight stupid.'
That is very good. Let's not forget that Hillary and the DNC are being sued for election rigging, and racketeering. Something else too, but it escapes me right now...voter rigging I think.
People have a free will, and there are consequences for deeds outside the will of God. Many tens of thousands of true worshipers of God were praying and interceding for His will to be done. Trump said, he couldn't have done it without the Evangelicals. I have been blessed to be praying with An Appeal To Heaven. I was confident Trump would win, that's faith.
Without faith it is impossible to please God. All it takes is the faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains if it is His will.
Faith the size of a mustard seed didn't get the man elected. He needed the evangelicals to get elected and he used them for that purpose. He isn't a man of God. He hadn't been a man of God all the way up to that point.
Don't get me wrong. I voted for him. But it is truly hilarious to hear someone claiming God is for Trump. Considering who he has proven himself to be.
No, m'dear. You are using circular reasoning.
Concede: Timing of concession. If the vote is relatively close, it can be unclear when it is appropriate for a losing candidate to concede an election. ... A losing candidate commonly offers a private concession directly to the winning candidate, usually by telephone, before any public announcement is made. Concession speech. - Wikipedia
I guess if word definitions are too difficult for you that would explain your side of this conversation. I'll assume they aren't and you simply can't admit when you're wrong.
I would like to have Colorfulone enlighten me as well as to the pertinent passages to prove her point.
What does all this have to do with the Upcoming Trump regime?
It was a simple point, Cred. L2L asked me to show her where "Jesus spoke of nationalism and sovereignty." There are more than a few Scriptures that speak of nations and sovereignty. Nothing mysterious.
You have no idea what I think about it and you will not know.
2 PETER 3:
13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
14 Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless;
15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation—as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you,
16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.
17 You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked;
18 but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. NKJV
Trump To Employ Long List Of Christian Advisers
* … n-advisers
You are behind the times. Give up on Barack' birth certificate and keep looking for Donald' tax returns.
This isn't my investigation. I'm just the messenger on this thread.
Obama's birth certificate document has been proven to have nine (9) points of forgery on it, its a fraud.
If you took a photo of nine blood splatters on a wall and carpet in a room, say sixteen years earlier. Then, sixteen years later someone shows you a photo of that same room with the same nine blood splatters, but several other objects had been placed around in the room around those blood splatters, and they claimed it was an original photo...but you have the photo from sixteen years before and you know it is the original photo of the blood splatters....that is pretty conclusive evidence that the other photo is a fraud. And, someone is a conman.
Nine points on Obama's digitally produced BC document are an exact match from someone else's birth certificate that was produced by hand...they are like blood splatters, none are the same exact match ever. But, there they are on Obama's document.
Study the facts very carefully. Take head out of sand. … ion-image/
by Marlene Bertrand 12 years ago
Recently, I have been reading reports about how President Obama's birth certificate is a forgery. According to one reporter, the white house has a PDF version of the certificate that is publically available. I looked at the certificate and something about the numbers struck me as odd. Then, I read...
by OLYHOOCH 12 years ago
That was good. Now, you all have to remember two things. 1. This is about a Birth Certificate. NOT, about Obama, Ploatics, or any PERSON, yet. 2. Also this is about a, Selective Service Card. I will post the first e-mail from WND I got about an hour ago, once again, Her is the first e-mail I got...
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An alarming and nagging question has been dogging the Obama campaign for months. That is whether or not he was actually born a "natural born " American citizen as the Constitution requires.Section 1 of Article II of the Constitution contains the clause:“ No Person except a natural born...
by Joanne Lombardo 13 years ago
What if, as Donald Trump alluded to on the Today Show recently, President Obama has pulled off the biggest scam in America's history by being elected President of the United States without being a United States citizen?
by pisean282311 13 years ago
Whats the controversy regarding obama's birth certificate?obama birth certificate among hot searches today...why?.whats the controversy regarding obama's birth certificate?
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