I find it hard to believe that even people who voted for Donald Trump aren't starting to realize that there is something seriously wrong with him. He is either insane or such a narcissist that he's incapable of rational thought.
Let's not even talk about his policies. Let's just discuss his irrational statements in the last 24 hours. He told the CIA the media invented his problems with them when he's quoted as accusing them of leaking information and losing the war against ISIS when all intelligence points to the opposite. But I suppose that's debatable.
Then there's the absolutely crazy stuff about crowd sizes at his inauguration (why does he even care?). It's verifiable that the crowd size was low compared to past inaugurations and to the size of the women's march on Washington. Again, why does he even care. He lied about the fact that it was raining during his speech. And then there was this statement about the IQ of his cabinet. Maybe his cabinet is the smartest and maybe it isn't. He seems to be confusing smart with rich.
The point almost isn't even that he's lying. It's more like: why does he even care about this stuff or waste his time with it?
Don't hold your breath until you pass out or anything but Trump is beginning the DE- politicizing of the recently ultra-politicized agencies of government ! The FBI , DOJ, CIA , the Supreme Courts ,etc............Pres. Obama brought political ideologies INTO every department of government and the media !......I for one want them out .
The insanity is of and on the ultra-left .
Let's play with a little logic, if logic is allowed.
Let me ask you---are you a psychiatrist to call anybody "insane"? Even if you were, you are forgetting that it takers many tests before you can come to that kind of diagnosis. A psychopath can act as a perfectly normal person---all until he snaps and kills someone; so no visible symptoms are necessary to be really insane. But here you go playing an expert.
I would assume that you also agree with those who are calling Trump a "Hitler", or a "dictator". Let me refresh your memory: Hitler was infamous for basically three things: he occupied other countries, he put all Jews in a concentration camp, and he had all of his opponents killed. How does that translate to anything that Trump is doing? Moreover, according to the REAL insanities on the streets these days that pass for "messages", it's not likely that he is going to "kill" anybody, but the opposite looks much more likely. And then, how in the SANE minds of his opponents can he become a dictator in a country where presidents get impeached if they go extremists??? Why is that word "dictator" even mentioned, unless we just want to dump on someone any crappy thing that comes on our SANE minds.
Let's leave "insanity", and move to the question of --- what do you REALLY know about Trump? Since you don't know the dude personally, you must "know" him from what you are hearing from the media, right?
Now, do you also "know" that media is calling Hillary a traitor, that her prosecution is only a little matter of collecting enough evidence from those agencies that are slacking the process? Do you know that media was saying some horrible stuff about the Clinton Foundation and where the money was coming from?
Oh, I got you...you "don't care" about that part of the media, only the one that's demonizing Trump. Again, 1) you don't know Trump personally, 2) you only know what the media is saying, 3) you find yourself competent to decide which side of the media is speaking truth. Hmmm, interesting.
Furthermore, how much do you know about the business of running a country? I mean, do you have degrees in economy, politics, home security, education...all that stuff?
I mean, if you are calling Trump incompetent, you must "know" it from a perspective of an expert. Again, it's obvious that you are just picking sides, and joining the bunch of other pissed-off "experts" who KNOW exactly how to smash store windows, burn cars and beat the Trump's supporters. Long live democracy!!! And then, of course, it is Trump who is "hateful", yeah, right.
For my last word, a little surprise---I don't give a rat's behind who gets elected in the US because I am a Canadian, and for another difference, I can use some logic.
Now you can delete all this, because it would be so typical. LOL.
Hitler/Trump = don't smoke, drink booze, swear
Yup, not the same, Hitler was also a vegan
What a pearl of logicalness---meaning that those who 1)don't smoke, 2) don't drink booze,3) swear, 4) are vegans = Hitler? Oh, yes, Trump also has two feet, two hands, and a nose in the middle of his face ---just like Hitler did. Amazing!!!
Look up many famous doctors who given their opinions on Trump either narcissist, a Megalomaniac or psychopath or Emotional and mentally retarded. From my personal experience with Trump I concur. After seeing porn tapes of his wife having foot longs and tossed salad, Trump screws people on both ends too.
Aren't you people supposed to be the anti-slut-shaming side, yet you slut-shame the First Lady to make a point. Trolololol hypocrites. You know those videos are fake right? They fake porn of many celebrities using look-alikes and CGI shit. Way to keep a political discussion classy!
I think many of us agree (certainly not all) that Castle is floating the opposite way of Trump in a place that is just as dangerous. His ego is as big as Trump's & he likes to puff up drama in fancy ways - I'm guessing to impress people. He seems to need back-pats as much as Trump - even if he is the only one doing it for himself, LoL!
The First Lady is cool and so is Ivanka - I don't really know much about his other kids; and I worry about Barron. I bet Melania does, too. It can't be very comfortable to know that her husband has brought so much hate down on their heads. She seems very protective of him and I'm glad someone is. I really liked her 'no more mean words' speech & wish Donald & his supporters would have taken it to heart. She looked great in that gown on inaguration night. Her & Ivanka bring a little bit of class & elegance into a very unsophisticated atmosphere. Kelly certainly doesn't. It helps.
She know him better than any of us. Maybe that is why she did not go to the WH. It has to be hard on her to catch flak based on his actions.
I'm guessing both she & Barron probably feel safer in NY. Its not like she doesn't go to the WH, ever. Plus, its a transition that doesn't need to happen asap; and Barron is old enough to help make that decision. Melania is doing just fine under the circumstances.
I think Trump is vile but I'll stick up for Melania all day long. Trying to de-value her based on her modelling or alleged porn is pathetic and not much better than the things many of us look down on Trump for saying.
Can you prove it not true, my integrity as a fine artist and police work for IDs at stake.
Can I prove that she didn't do porn? No. I honestly haven't looked into it, it makes no difference to me. Repeatedly bringing it up, whether it's true or not, has no bearing on anything. She didn't run for president and the choices that she has made in the past regarding her own body are not my concern.
A first lady would make an important difference of a balance, for a person like Trump. Remember Bill Clinton got impeach over sex. I too, say stay out of someone personally sex life but public focus too much on it. If a porn film is in public, wow. you can not fake that many parts.
Whether Melania was ever in porn is completely besides the point. If she was, she eventually got out of it, found herself a millionaire and became an upstanding member of society. Whatever she did before Trump is about as irrelevant as everything you just said about her. Young people often make desperate choices. There are not very many women in porn who actually enjoy it. I, for one, would not hold it against her anymore than I hold it against Hillary for not divorcing Bill. Neither decision was mine to make; and they do not affect the present in any kind of significant way.
It's clear that the behaviour of high ranking politicians is very important as it sets a standard. That's what leaders and their wives are supposed to do. It's just another sign that neither Donald nor his wife are equipped for the job. He is like a bling crim daddy with a moll by his side. Not presidential not even decent humans.
The majority of people on this planet are judged as 'indecent humans' by someone or another. You must be one of those generic-haters T-fans keep talking about: no credit at all where credit is due for either The Donald or his family. Everyone needs to put their judge-weapons DOWN until if/when they are needed. This isn't one of those times. Also, learn how to use it - you sound like you've got it stuck up your butt.
Yes, the behaviour of high ranking politicians should be important. Melania did not run for president, her husband did. She hasn't chosen to enter politics. And to be honest, even if she did and had some nude photos in the past, what does that matter exactly? It's not the same situation as her husband where his past is filled with talking about sexual assault, demeaning remarks about women, lawsuits, etc. It's her doing something with her own body. That's allowed.
Also, are you suggesting that every girl/woman should live their life as though one day millions of people will be judging her every move and mistake if it does not live up to "First Lady" standards? She probably did not foresee this kind of role for herself when she was doing whatever she was doing before. She shouldn't be judged on it now, unless you feel that posing for some nude photos automatically means a woman cannot be good at anything else? Frankly if she's not good at being a traditional First Lady I'd say it's because she didn't want the job in the first place and that is entirely within her rights.
I promote sex as the greatest pleasure in world and laughing 2nd. Personally sex is sacred and would not let any tapes escape. Melania is a lot nicer than Donald, yet her hardcore action is beyond me and imagine even Bill Clinton.
Christain America made Adultery number 1 sin in America. Can you imagine firing a king in the biblical days, thou shall not, rod thou stuff.
America has a seriously mature problem on how to handle sex and war. Steve Bannon may be running the Country like Dick Cheney did.
That is why you have a Bann-on.
Blah, blah, blah... We get that you consider yourself to be a man of the whole wide world who knows everything, has done everything, are one of the best sculpters on the planet, are self-proclaimed super-spiritual and lots of other stuff that I don't want to remember. Your reputation as a megalomaniac similar to Trump is in tact. I bet you & your exwife were quite the two peas in a pod for a while. Get over yourself. Its not nearly as interesting to us as you think.
A little ego is a good thing. Calling someone a melogolomaic, Wow.!!! I never called you mentally ill or down you, just disagree on a few things.
You have no idea what you are talking about or how horrible this mental illnesses is. You don't know how harmful it is or how destructive these people are.. Ex told everyone I knew I hated her, while never hated anyone in my adult life. Was stalked til 5 years, and she tried to kill me for it disgraced her Religion to have a divorce, it was a contract to death part.
I get rid of negative people or warn others of my visions of Trumps involved onto the largest genocide to come. It is humanity and love duty for earth.
Think twice next time.
Spent 18 years in court over this woman. While for 40 years in my own bussiness have not been in a court room, zero. I fought over my daughter Paloma. She is my Best friend and love of my life and a professional artist too.. She is moving to Bolivia, for we are lifers.
All other relationship with women have been spiritual guilds and growth. Being a man, I'm Sorry, if other men have harmed you in the pass.
At first I did believe yet had a tiny doubt because of her pass that's hidden in the dark with her plastic surgery. Nobody in the world is better at covering up muzzling people than Donald.
There were wittiness's and signatures that claim Melania was in porn business. Still was not convince. But then again, when the US government can delusion America that the 9/11 was not an inside job, Then Trump uses that BS and lies to ban and attack Muslims they will lie about anything.
Being one of best human figure sculptor in the world in my sculpting materials. I study other fakes like the other Trump in the blue tie, true not the real Trump. Tiffany in porn, from what I saw, fake. Now from studying Melania in 6 porn tapes, two were fake and the 4 were shocking true. I know Melania movements, her voice, her distinctive smile and markings. I do make ID detective work sometimes for the police, they trust my ID talents to identified criminals actuality over two dimensional weak drawings or photo shop. I don't know the original Melania well enough even through many documenters and don't care to study dog sex tapes. I don't care if she has sex with women or men or Donald having sex with a 100 women.
I care about too many lies and two or more people killing each other, behind Trumps house of cards.
Seems to me that describes the breakup of America.
GDPR Deleted
LOL Hope you have your armchair license! It's required for that kind of analysis, you know.
Who in the world do you think you are? You sound ridiculous, and it's time someone told you... You have no right to assume so much about so many.
GDPR Deleted
You have a perfect right to your opinion. However, you state it so matter of fact... Is it fair to label an entire group of people (Trump supporters) as you did in your comment with such derogatory qualities. I voted for Trump, and I do not have one of the qualities you so blatantly listed ... Very unfair, mean spirited, and narcissistic.
The part I did not get is Trump supporters don't have enough experience. Don't you think your reply is too over the top from not knowing this person.
It sounds like someone who thinks they are above everyone else trying to "school" us on how things should be, instead of seeing them for how they actually are.
No shouding please, a live and let liver..
I can't help if I have an Adult view of life, while many just need to wake up from being hypnotized. I'm no better or worst than anyone else. Knowingly from being a worldly person, i get a good sense of where things are coming from and where they are going than most.
Braced myself on this chair.
Please, tell me actually how the world really is. Ready for you to blow my mind.
GO ahead, make my life.
I am not a Trump's supporter; actually I am a cynic when it's about leadership, since I don't trust any politician. However, I find it extremely amusing as I see so many non-sequiturs in the ways Trump is being accused.
For an example, about his illegal aliens policy.
He never said that he hated ALL Latinos, but his plan to screen those illegal aliens for their criminal record right away was twisted into such a "hate".
Let's see an example in this matter.
Suppose a bunch of homeless people storm your home, help themselves with your food, and tell you that you have to support them from now on, BECAUSE THEY ARE THERE NOW. Would you let them stay, because it would be an "inhuman thing" to show them the door ---or should I make it just a rhetorical question?
Come on, folks, it's one thing to be a good Christian, and an entirely another thing to be naively altruistic. But again, because it's not about YOUR money, but TAXPAYERS' money, Trump is called a "racist".
Then he made a typically-man's remark about women in some locker room, and that right away made him a "woman-hater". I shamelessly admit that I have told many jokes about blondes' intelligence, without having absolutely nothing against their intelligence. If I did, that wouldn't say much about my own, right? But, that's another non-sequitur, another illogical conclusion made just out of an obvious intention to dump as much as possible against his qualification for a president. For Pete's sake, even the size of his hands and his hair style somehow found a place on his bad resume---what else should we say about the objectivity of his accusers.
It amuses me no end to read all those sterile slogans against him that stand there without any real support of some healthy arguments. Just stating that "he is going to ruin the country...that he is going to start another world war...that he doesn't know what he is doing"...and alike ---are empty slogans, not concrete proofs of anything. And, as for him being a "narcissist", why not, it takes one to ever aiming at getting that much power. In that respect he is not any different from any imaginable candidate---except for the fact that he doesn't bother hiding it.
Again, despite what it may look like, I am not taking Trump's side. I am not for him or against him, if he was my president (I am a Canadian), I would give the dude a chance to either do something for the nation or to be impeached. It would be downright naïve to expect that the Congress will impeach him just because you are burning some cars and breaking some windows.
Judging him in advance is a symptom of a mind being contaminated with useless emotionalism typical for a kindergarten level of logicalness. He is the president, whether you like it or not, and unless he is doing something that Congress and Senate would call illegal---your emotional opinion doesn't count. Remember, you can burn a few more cars, but the dude has all military on his side. At one point that may become a matter of "national security", and then you can write your slogans on the wall of a jail.
I honestly can't see how all that bitching is working for you, other than vent out some of those private frustrations by projecting them onto the big picture. But, you probably know more about it.
Judging him in ADVANCE?!! He's seventy-ish years old with a portfolio of business transactions, bankruptsies & a distorted personality that doesn't respect the majority of people on this planet. We've seen how fast he has been with the EO's. He's obviously overly-EAGER to please his fanatical supporters. He knows his alt-right buddies will come at him with guns if he doesn't fulfil his campaign promises - and he doesn't care, because he does fulfil them - with barely any time to learn the ropes, do his own analysis', or get input from experienced people in the offices he is affecting.
He's proven himself over & over since he took office with his mouth as much as with his signature - and frankly, long before that. Also, Hillary didn't get any 'non-judgment in advance' - so why shouldn't Trump?!
He has blantantly-LIED to manipulate his supporters & make everyone else angrier with him on so many ocassions. This is just ONE:
The same slogans over and over again..."his fanatical supporters...his distorted personality."..and as if this cartoon illustration is supposed to make it all more convincing, somehow reminding of all other "proofs" against Trump.
Can you see what's really happening on all these political forums, on social media, and the News? His haters and his supporters kicking the insulting crap back and forth for the whole world to watch, while having a show of their lifetime.
And in the meantime, Trump is being a president of your country, regardless of who chooses to get a heart attack, a nervous breakdown, or a stomach ulcer over it.
News media are making a big buck, and they don't want the crap to settle down, which would mean their having to get back to those boring reports of traffic accidents and a few homicides to satisfy the public dark passion for negativities.
They just can't allow that---business first, truth later. It's easy for them, because to the public anything goes as truth anyway. Those smart professionals just have to keep adding oil on the fire which they started in the first place.
Well, every fun comes to an end, and all this is becoming a sort of too predictable, so here I go to replace it with something equally fiction---just more entertaining, like "The Big Bang Theory". Those actors are at least making a good money in their constant comical disagreements, while you guys are getting upset for free.
Yes, and condescending non-Americans (and Americans, let's be fair) like you who think you're so smart refuse to acknowledge Trump's words or actions since he started running for office a couple years ago. Just forget everything and let him start over with no push-back to see what he does. Again, we've seen it - the insults, offenses & EO's are not the media meddling with things. He has a twitter account, remember?
Don't like cartoons? How about direct quotes. We can only hope that something eventually helps. If not, more protesting. Enjoy!
It's very hard to argue with liberal's that live by soundbites, and a misleading headline, that if one reads any given article the headline is walked back. It's easier to ignore, and let them tun around like slow chickens with their heads cut off, bumping into each other. Calling any and all names or making a glib statement or two... Save your energy on people that do research, and use a bit of common sense.
Except that I'm not a leeberal. When will T-fans get it through their heads that conservatives are not the only ones who voted for him? You have many MANY eleetists in your camp. Trump would not have won with 'only conservatives' cuz there are not enough of you, anymore.
You're all angry with the middle of the road crowd. You really should come up with a new label for us. We don't like extremists who go into office to gut the country for their own personal gain. Bad us. Perhaps you could just call us the bad guys.
I know how difficult is to nail down a psychopath and Megalomaniacs I married one.
I never have sweat the small stuff, just study the grestest up sides and the worst down side and all the other small stuff works it's self out. The silver lining later was how to defeat Trump.
No doubt in my experience and study Trumps worst side is psychopath and Megalomaniac and his up side is perseverance and stubbornness. Combined those two upsides and downsides, you got a dangerous flaming Royal asshole.
The big problem is that Trump had put forward some welcomed rhetoric on the way forward to make America great again. It was sweet music to many US citizen's ears to hear Trump say that he will be endeavoring to place America on top the world once more, because many of them felt that the country had lost its pride of place; however, the way he is going about the affairs has left much to be desired in many people's opinion.
Trump believes that the kick-ass-approach is the ultimate means by which his intended goals may be achieved; everyone should fall in line to the gospel according to Trump, and if you don't, you may most likely be dismissed, fired, or even be disrespected.
He wants a wall to be built between Mexico and the US, which would be beneficial to the US, but not to Mexico, and he wants to command Mexico to pay for it. He wants to arbitrarily cancel free trade agreements without prior consultation. Take a look at the Caribbean Basin Initiative: The US has more to gain from trade with the Caribbean countries than the other way around; think about the numerous US fast food franchises is in these countries and the multiple units of machines technology and equipment and clothing that these countries from the US compared to what they might have to offer as goods and services. He is abolishing the Obama Care program, but he has not introduced a viable alternative, it seems that he just wants to throw out the baby with the bath water because the program was an Obama initiative. He believes that he should arbitrarily renege on agreements between the US and allied countries with any consultation. He should realize that no man or country can stand alone, everyone needs a good friend. There are technocrats in the administration who were employed through their realized level of expertise, but he seems to not to want to give them a voice if they ever oppose his views, therefore, it seems he just do without them and take on all the roles. He has this propensity to take on anyone of not and the media if they don't agree with him on any issue. He should realize that there is not one person in this world who will be liked by everyone so he should stop following up on every opposing view and get on with the nation's business.
Trump isn't insane; he could not have built his huge, successful business empire. The problem is that he doesn't understand the power of diplomacy, that there is a marked difference when it comes to running one's personal business compared to the running of a country, and spite and malice should be on the main agenda of a country's leader.
Trump could be a very effective leader if he is able to get rid of some of these undesirable traits, failing to do so he may find it very difficult to unite his country.
Some good points, except he has a type of emotionally and mentally illness that can not be changed. Thus megalomania, when he has been given this much power it makes him the most dangerous person on the Planet. The CIA may do something about that. Or as long as he keeps increasing war for Israel that he is 1000% behind, they may keep him alive. Wow! a 1000% behind Israel, that is insane.
The left is destroying his good intentions which could pave the way to the economic boon we had in the 80's because he understands what makes humans tick.
so I hope everyone will give him a chance
…. but will the left ?
Go ahead make your day, I will be underground in a land far away.
Go ahead and make YOUR day … underground!
Good intentions? How do you know that?
And does hiring a bunch of former Goldman Sachs executives amount to good intentions? How does dismantling Dodd-Frank amount to good intentions. The law was written to prevent the kind of economic catastrophe that happens when Wall St. runs unchecked. This point, incidentally, is one Trump himself promoted during his campaign.
Exactly. Trump hasn't changed his tune since he started running for office a couple years ago; and he continues to view the country as 'just his' while he does a really good job of convincing his supporters that he is on their side. He's doing things that he knows his general GOP supporters want that don't really affect him; while ramping up his own agendas in the background - some of which we can obviously see, and some we probably can't.
So far, all he has done since he got into office is prove his incompetance over & over again. If he didn't have a twitter account, we probably wouldn't know nearly as much as we do about his incompetance & personality disorder - but, he just keeps on talking.
I don't understand how his supporters can't see how distorted & manipulative he is, either; but I do understand that desperate people really only see the thing they need or want - whatever that is: jobs, acknowledgment, probably a list of things.
Well, if they wanted the whole wide world's attention, they have it, now. I hope they put it to good use. Four years isn't nearly as long as you think.
Wow... more than 60 million Americans fall under that Definition then?
Trump isn't going anywhere anytime soon, it is amazing how those opposed to him want to drag this on... like all these insane threats to kill, to blow things up, will actually alter who is President, or what he does.
I suppose that is the ultimate frustration in all this, knowing that Trump is the type of personality that will not be swayed by any amount protesters... he has determined what he wants to do, and is going to do it, no matter how much the opposition carries on.
There were 65 million people who voted against Obama in 2012... those 65 million people didn't take to the streets, didn't shout that they wanted to blow up the White House, or Assassinate him, or call him Stalin... they went and voted in 2014 and again in 2016, and after the past couple of weeks, if they are anything like me, they are far more motivated now to vote in 2018 than ever before.
Calling for blowing up the White House, for the President's Assassination, causing riots, assaulting people, lead opposing politicians calling officials White Supremacists, unfit for duty, etc. etc. ... I think you will be surprised at how that strengthens people's support for Trump. I think you will be in for a big surprise come 2018... when we revisit the 2010 flushing on Congress all over again.
"More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than any other losing presidential candidate in US history."
http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/21/politics/ … nal-count/
There are 200 million registered voters, now. Hillary got over 65 million and Trump was under by a few million. Let's round up, that's 130 million voters who came out to vote with them split roughly in half between each candidate. And let's not forget the many 'never-Trumpsters' who were cringing while they voted for him; and all those who voted for him who are turning on him now for a few different reasons.
That sounds about right... Roughly 1/4 of our country are raging populists. Populism is the new terrorism, LoL! It is basically holding the entire country hostage while we throw all of Trump's supporters into the same category as Trump: manipulative, egotistical cry babies who wouldn't know they were being played if Trump came out and actually told them he was doing so. (And probably worse, they wouldn't admit it if they eventually recognized it.)
And even then, they would still respect their gool 'ol locker room pal for telling them the truth to their face, LoL!
NY Times
Wash Post
20 years ago, they were the most trusted news sources around... now, just about everyone realizes what total garbage they produce. I wouldn't give them the click.
I feel bad for anyone that doesn't realize how dishonest those three are, they fabricate, falsify and outright lie.
Nah, I wouldn't call it insanity. The man's a narcissist with more power and money than the majority of people. His T.V. personae and... interesting business practices have got him where he is. But are those qualities we want in a U.S. president? I'd argue a resounding heck no! He's also extremely unqualified for the role, having absolutely no experience in the political sphere other than throwing money at politicians. Trump's currently doing what he's always been doing, the difference is what he does now no longer affects only his companies and employees, but THE ENTIRE WORLD.
If you took a baker and asked him to apply his techniques to plumbing, I bet you'd think he was insane too. Not bashing your opinion, but I think calling the man insane is underestimating him, which is what we've been doing, which got us in this mess in the first place, unfortunately. He's a calculating, egoistic, narcissistic, cruel businessman, but not insane.
That does sound concerning... until you realize that Obama had far LESS experience than Trump at EVERYTHING OTHER THAN running for political office.
That's absolute fact. He essentially went from smalltime state politician in a relatively non-responsible position, to a Senator, to President, in a few years... few... more than half of which he was running for one office or another. NO EXECUTIVE experience, NO worldly political experience.
So I would say that Trump actually has world's more experience than Obama, he has run Businesses for decades, employed tens of thousands of people, traveled the world over and making deals and doing business.
He's just not used to being a politician... but then, at times I sense he is using even the naïve act to his benefit... under estimate him at your own peril, be you Democrat or Iranian Shah... I don't think a man is as simple as he appears to be, when he is a billionaire and President the country.
Not impressed with any President except
JFK and a bit of Clinton because they all have been puppets. Still Obama compared to Trump is like mobster to a Constitutional lawyer. Most pass President have been lawyers, this one came from Harvard. Obama Works in law, and Trump deals in lawsuites to con money.
Obama did not go through bankrupty or divorce, Trump had a few. Trump business cheated me like the women he cheats on because I love work most. I had a wife who a psychopath and a Megolomanic so I clearly recognize Trump as a worst one.
Trump himself mostly made his money from corrupted businesses and he will have a world record in lawsuits soon. I am sure he will have a world record for wars, if he is not done in by someone or himself.
I better stop there,, don't get me started or the King of the Universe may come after me with a hit man.
I know, Trump did that stint in a military school that is supposedly the equivelant of serving in the military. And, we all know that he's a multi-bankrupted-yet-still-somehow-rich business man (New Jersey is still paying for a few of his past bankruptsies) who is a master manipulator & chronic liar.
What did Trump go to college for? I believe Obama had an extensive education in Constitutional Law with the intention of making a career in politics - which, he pursued. Obama had at least SOME political experience (he certainly knew 'how things worked').
We voted Obama into office basically for the same reasons Trump won this time: he was NEW & different; and was supposed to shake things up and create bipartisan policies as opposed to the 'all us or all you' ones the GOP shoves down our throats every damn time they get into office. Obama gets dinged a LOT for being a GOP compromiser, and technically falls into the conservative-democrat category - for all anyone blusters about him being a raging liberal.
...and most of all, While I'm sure he said many things the right-wing found offensive - Obama didn't make it a game to insult and/or offend as many people as he could every time he opened his mouth. He had a good personality & disposition on top of both political & people intelligence, in general - to run that office.
- PLUS, Obama had impressed enough Democrats by the time he ran for office, that he didn't have to hijack the party like Trump did the GOP. Many people in his own party don't like him & didn't want him in there. Lots of GOPers voted for Trump because they felt that they 'had to'; OR they stayed home. Also, Trump would not be in that office if so many leeberals hadn't voted for him.
The lines dividing us are SO jagged, LoL!
The biggest problem for the world, now probably more than ever in my lifetime... fanatics, believers in political parties, or religious extremism... Socialist, Sharia Law, Supremacist, etc. all clueless, pitiful people that think, believe, that one extremism or another is what needs to be forced on all people.
That is why your 'side' will lose overwhelmingly in future elections... because riots, assaults, insults, death threats, only make Trump look like the calm, rational, sane one.
The MAJORITY doesn't want extremism... doesn't want Socialism, doesn't want to become a Muslim, doesn't want to hate all other races... they just want to get on with their lives, in relative peace, without being intruded on, without being taxed into poverty, without people telling them what they say or do or think or believe is wrong.
I am certain you disagree with everything I just typed, you don't need to tack on another 10 comics to reply. I think the 20 or so you have already posted in this thread cover it.
I know the quotes & cartoons are hard for people with your beliefs to look at. Regarding your previous post before this one: So you don't believe any news at all now except the stuff that comes from Trump's mouth or one of his alt-right minions? That's scary. If you're getting all your news in only a few places, especially if it is news directed specifically at a certain kind of audience - you're seriously limiting the scope of the situation & you are being pandered to. There is strength in diversity regarding more than one thing. Its how you analyze & discern between fake news & semi-facts, LoL! (Also, follow through on some of the 'facts' to see if they hold water - an INVALUABLE tactic!)
If you actually read this post, you either missed the bipartisan stuff or don't know what the word means. Thanks for reiterating my point: things should not be all one extreme or the other. Simply because me & over half of the country don't appreciate Trump's hate-stirring, close-minded, childish (and often lying) rants doesn't mean that we are extreme-leftists.
On the contrary, I'm quite in the middle and do not appreciate having the country uber-divided like it is - just divided was plenty. Trump took advantage of it; and protests are the beginning of the solutions. They have to be, its the only weapon we have against people who twist facts to suit their own virtual realities & agendas.
It has got to be very expensive to take the country from one extreme to the other every 4 to 8 years; plus its unproductive as hell. I've voted on both sides of the isle in the past; and frankly, I'm tired of the back-and-forth while politicians draw lines & REFUSE to work together for the benefit of EVERYONE in the country. We just went through eight years of GOP obstructionism, and now we get to deal with Dem obstructionism. In four years Trump will be replaced (cuz peeps will actually come out and vote) with someone else who will completely change things yet again. Its STUPID!
Keep trying to force us all into your stunted little box, judging & ignoring us all you want. We'll just get louder. And yeah, sorry - the ones who can't handle the pressure and stand toe to toe against these frustrating political divisions will probably do something extra-silly and/or violent on both sides. (Really, with the person you elected - don't think for a moment that you are in with the peace, love & understanding crowd, LoL!) The volcano has been building for years as many people like to point out; and people do silly & violent stuff every day due to far less destructive forces.
@ Ken Burgess: Umm... You do realize you contradicted yourself, right?
"That's absolute fact. He essentially went from smalltime state politician in a relatively non-responsible position, to a Senator, to President, in a few years... few... more than half of which he was running for one office or another. NO EXECUTIVE experience, NO worldly political experience."
He was a senator for 7 years, and a lawyer before that... Meaning he not only had an understanding of the political sphere (that knowledge would have prevented Trump from making the gaffs he's been making if he had it...) but he also has an understanding of how the law works. President Trump's best recognizable skill is his ability to market himself. Sure, he can get a following with that, but then what? As a president, what other knowledge regarding politics does he bring to the table, other than the Reaganomics business model? Unfortunately, I'd argue his best quality is also his most dangerous one, especially when he hasn't showed empathy for anyone outside his supporters. He's showing himself to be a "Me-First" plutocrat of a president.
Food for Thought: I also find it concerning he is supposedly such a great businessman and world traveler, as you stated, when his current policies alienating us not only from the tech-business field, but also the world for his stance on immigration.
Great comments! It puzzled me that people spoke of him as a "community organizer." However, organization is very important.
"when all intelligence points to the opposite" what sources are there for that? Is it "intelligence" coming from the guilty parties? From the Obama administration?
Scott Adams of Dilbert fame has detailed at length the persuasion tactics Trump has used throughout the campaign. It isn't insanity, it is a deliberate set of methods used from Trump's days in business negotiation through today.
You don't think being a mobster is insane. He will soon have be a world record holder in Lawsuits. You don't need to do someone with a gun anymore. We got Corporatism Governments doing far greater greedy acts. Now you got a God father with unlimited bank account and nukes rather than a machine gun. A phycho mask on super steriods.
He did a really good job, too - I read it a while ago. Our own Mike Russo on HP does a really good job of explaining things, as well. Why people think he will suddenly stop being a manipulative, greedy businessman is beyond me. Before he was elected, so many of his supporters insisted that he would 'become more presidential' after he was elected. He hasn't, and Scott & Mike both do a good job of explaining why he hasn't. For one, he's used a lot of the GOP's own tactics against them to hijack their party. Oh sure, he'll do the things he promised their supporters who voted for him - like, stamp down on immigration & get rid of abortion, etc. But, what the hell ELSE is he doing while these diversions are happening?!! He intentionally divided the GOP, our country & the entire world - and continues to happily do so, with the permission of his minions. Why?!!
The definition of insanity is in your question.
"Insane" may be hyperbole, I strongly believe he is mentally ill. The personality characteristics he presents to the world fit Narcissistic Personality Disorder like a glove.
http://hubpages.com/politics/American-P … lness-3001
The problem is that people are poorly informed or educated. To know the reality, you need to be educated, must be well informed. You cannot judge the person in short time or under certain circumstances. Leaders are born utilizing the odd times and taking advantages of the certain situation. Divide and rule, take advantage of current situation, stealing election, popular vote, electoral vote, corruption, money power and so many factors plays to be the place where he is sitting now.
Only thing surprise me that if everything seems right and normal, then how he keeps climbing the ladder from bottom up to top and now you have to ask such questions. Only time will tell who is wrong and who is right and who control the remote. But very good question.
That so isn't true. You don't need to be well-educated - just informed & aware of how the manipulations of people affect judgement & compensate for it. Intuition & instincts: those are the important things. I'm not well-educated, more self-educated. Plus, I value common sense - everyone should. This has been a good learning experience for a lot of people on both sides; and there is no undoing it until if/when it all comes undone. So yeah, what else can we do but make the best of the situation; and protest when needed & the time is right? Its going to be an interesting four years.
After surviving a 20 yr relationship w/ a narcissist I see Trump for exactly what he is, a self-serving jerk who will destroy a nation just to get his twisted ego stroked. Narcissistic personalities create their own realities & it's not based on truth, logic, right or wrong. It's mindboggling the lengths they go to prove their right, smarter, better, etc. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that so many people thought Trump could relate to the average American. He has no idea, nor could care less, of middle class struggles. The only
good thing that will come of his time in office is an education on the devastation of narcissistic personality disorder
Wouldn't a narcissist president feel the need to prove he is right by doing all the things he said he would do? It would seem a bit self destructive for a narcissist to fail in his promises, no? So, even if he doesn't care about or is out of touch with middle class Americans, it only seems sensible that if he follows through on his campaign promises, which to date would appear he is doing just that, that all citizens will beneift to some degree?
Narcissists do what they say they will do? Please!?! They say what they think you want to hear & when called on it rewrite what was said. It's a manipulative trick called gaslighting. Narcissists (N's) are really good at twisting everything around & making you question your own reality. They want you to mirror what they think. There's numerous sites that keep track of all the lies told by Trump. When presented w/ evidence of his deceit he won't admit the truth. N's are never wrong. Dealing w/ narcissism in any relationship is a hell I wouldn't wish on anyone. It drains you emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually. They take & take & take until there is nothing but ruin. I've yet to understand how easily & casually they can destroy & discard & not show one bit of concern of the impact. I'm speaking of the devastation it has in an intimate relationship. I'm scared shitless what this kind of behavior will do to a nation. Trump isn't going to change. He's not going to have any thought provoking insight. We are the ones that need to wake up.
You know it, narcissistic is the same as Megolomanic when the Universe evolves around you.
My wife is a Megolomanic and can act like mother Teresa. They are sharp mentally and can imitated characterize of any good person and spin that freight train to a quick right hand turn. After all the suckers have had enough, they move on to their next victim. Suckers are born everyday.
Because President Trump loves honesty. The CIA loves President Trump, and he loves them.
First stop on Day #1: President Donald J. Trump & VP Mike Pence Deliver Remarks At CIA Headquarters
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsbO5NCJvIw
CIA applauded Trump when he said the media is dishonest. They know it!
At about 16:00 mark on the video.
This is sweet! (nite, nite for sure this time)
Here's what he tweeted about the intelligence agencies:
Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?
You have no clue as to the internal war that was going on in intelligence agencies. There was a coup, and a counter coup. Trump won, now its time to root out the bad guys (socialist Nazis / globalists), and promote the good guys (patriots / nationalist) in intelligence and give them awards.
I don't think intelligence agencies have had a good house cleaning since Jimmy Carter was president. But, hacks have been put back in intelligence by proceeding presidents. Trump cannot trust some members of intelligence so they will need to go. Most of the people in intelligence are trustworthy, honest and smart people, and several of them have helped get Trump elected. They applaud this president because they know he is telling the truth.
The old guard is going out, the new guard is coming in. This will be a very good change for America and for the world. It will be safer!
Since Trump has his staffers applaud his speeches, it's a little hard to tell who is applauding and whether the applause is genuine.
I understand how that could be difficult to grasp. I'll be more gentle.
Well said, colorfulone -- in total agreement. Obama swung our national pendulum too far to the left and now we're in a correction. People need to wake up and see Trump is trying to drain the swamp and improve our lives. His executive order on lobbying will benefit ALL Americans, not just the splinter groups.
Trump might take some crocodile out, only to put worst ones in to his swamp. He does not give hoot for natural environments, just more toxic swamps.
It is true, and many of his former-supporters who voted for him have turned on him for filling up the swamp with GOP warmongers with alt-right agendas. He was supposed to empty the swamp. He didn't say anything about filling it up with worse politicans. Seems there is a split happening in the wall of T-supporters. I've heard that some have joined the protestors because of it. Nothing confirmed, however. Its not like that is a fact, yet.
Trump is the Worst in the environment community in the world. The Paris accord was wiped out by his disapproval.
so what big deal
From National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
Volume 1
General Guidance
and Reporting:
"This section provides a brief overview of the overall structure of uncertainty analysis," of gas house emissions.
Emissions/removals estimates are based on:
(1) conceptualisation
(2) models
(3) input data
(4) assumptions (e.g., emission factor and activity data)."
"Each of these three can be a source of uncertainty.
The analysis begins with a conceptualisation. This is a set of assumptions regarding the structure of an inventory or of a sector. These assumptions typically include the scope of geographic area, temporal averaging time, categories, emissions or removal processes, and gases that are included. The assumptions and the methodological choice determine the needs for data and information …"
FROM http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/public … inties.pdf
The catch-phrase of Trump's enablers, LoL!
Oh gee, sorry - there was only the first line when I wrote this. I'll assume you had to go cut & paste something. Thanks for the additional info. That helps a LOT.
Free market capitalism can be shut down by over-regulating in accordance with surmises, guesses and false data. Is this what we want? really?
Being an strong environmentalist. I can say from travelling for 56 years to a 100 countries. The greatest threat to mankind is the natural envoirment. When did Trump with a attention span of a 2 year old , have enough focus on nature from his tower. Where repunzel lives, and she wishes to let her hair extensions down.
"The CIA loves President Trump, and he loves them".
Former director of CIA called Trump's speech a “despicable display of self-aggrandizement in front of C.I.A.’s Memorial Wall of Agency heroes” and suggests Trump should be "ashamed of himself" for making it.
A week ago Trump suggested US intelligence agencies were like nazis: "Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?"
Yep, sounds like a real love-in between Trump and the CIA.
As I said here to explain a little bit.
"You have no clue as to the internal war that was going on in intelligence agencies. There was a coup, and a counter coup. Trump won, now its time to root out the bad guys (socialist Nazis / globalists), and promote the good guys (patriots / nationalist) in intelligence and give them awards.
I don't think intelligence agencies have had a good house cleaning since Jimmy Carter was president. But, hacks have been put back in intelligence by proceeding presidents. Trump cannot trust some members of intelligence so they will need to go. Most of the people in intelligence are trustworthy, honest and smart people, and several of them have helped get Trump elected. They applaud this president because they know he is telling the truth.
The old guard is going out, the new guard is coming in. This will be a very good change for America and for the world. It will be safer!"
That former CIA director, lets call him "Haji Brennan" is a radical Salafist Islam convert and proud of it. The CIA has been a moving-target of disasters because of hacks like him, and DCI John Brennan is a poster child of one disaster after another. Brennan created wars and terrorist groups in Libya [Benghazi], Syria, ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Muslim Brotherhood. They are CIA covert operations.
Brennan is good at self-aggrandizing and coming up with fictional stories to cover his butt and let's not forget covering for BHO / HRC / CIA regarding Benghazi. He is a LIAR and he should be behind bars because he is anti-human. He should have been charged for lying under oath long ago.
Most of the people in the CIA and other intelligence are pro-human, good people who love their country and are happy to have a patriotic President like Trump, who loves us. Trump isn't going to leave anyone behind to die like in Benghazi.
They loved Trump and what he had to say. They gave him a standing ovation!
First stop on Day #1: President Donald J. Trump & VP Mike Pence Deliver Remarks At CIA Headquarters
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsbO5NCJvIw
It is rather interesting getting to know who the characters are in intelligence. Who the hacks are, and who the good guys are.
I enjoy it!
None of the people visible in that video (admittedly few for obvious reasons) were cheering, and now reports are emerging that Trump took around 40 people with him to be in the audience. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sources-say … cia-visit/
And no offense, but when you say things like the former CIA director is a "radical Salafist Islam convert", you sound kind of insane. I'm not saying you are. Just saying that this really makes it difficult to engage with you on any kind of sensible level.
All we could see in the video was the backs of heads...people were cheering and applauding. Its not likely Trump brought a crowd and they were the only ones cheering, that would be dumb for anyone to do at such an important meeting with the CIA. Its illogical to say otherwise.
Trump mentioned Pence, Flynn, Reince, Mattis, Kelly, and Pompeo. Not sure if Pompeo was there because he hadn't been approved yet, and he certainly should have been as he is Trump's pick as CIA Director. He was set to be approved. Its embarrassing that he wasn't there, but the Democrats are holding things up. I'm sure Trump's duty of Secret Service were there, but its not likely they were sitting in the crowd because they were on duty.
No offence, Don. John Brennan is a Salafist Islam convert, he admits it, he proudly did a speech about it. He made the Haj to Mecca and Medina. “Haji Brennan”. Look it up. I say "radical" because of the freaking wars he created and blood shed, and the creation of al Qaeda and ISIS.
I listen to intelligence that have been around for decades, people I trust who have shown great integrity, and have proven themselves to be honest and to give accurate information. People write books about them.
We haven't really engaged in any meaningful discourse at any level. So, what is going to change. Would be insane to continue trying?
Reportedly, sources at the CIA have said "there were about 40 people who’d been invited by the Trump, Mike Pence and Rep Mike Pompeo teams".
http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sources-say … cia-visit/
Here's the thing about information on the internet. Someone could create a blog right now, and say that colorfulone is a radical Muslim.
They could then Tweet the link to that blog, share it via facebook, even create a video on YouTube discussing it, and post the link on a forum like this one. All for free.
And it could be read, watched, shared and commented on by thousands, even millions of people.
Does that mean you really are a radical Muslim? Of course not.
So we've got to make sure we don't accept something as true, just because a lot of people say it on the internet. That can't be our standard for accepting something as true. We've got to consider what evidence we have, where the evidence comes from, how reliable the sources are, what their motivations are etc. before we can determine if something is true.
And if we don't have any evidence, or don't know where the evidence comes from, or the source is unreliable, or the motives of individuals is questionable, then we have to say we don't know if this is true or not.
If we don't, and we just accept something because lots of people on the internet say it, then that means people can accept you are a radical Muslim just because lots of people say it. Can you see the problem?
And if we don't all apply a similar standard of truth, then we can't really talk to to each other, because everyone can just say anything is true, and we'll all just talk past one another.
So even if you have read or heard that Brennan is a radical Muslim on blogs and comments, and maybe on Twitter and Facebook etc. Unless we can prove something like that is true, with very reliable evidence, we can't just say it's true as if it's a fact.
I know you are a huge fan of Donald Trump, so try this as a rule of thumb. If someone said Donald Trump is secretly a radical Muslim, what would it take for you to accept it as true? Now apply that standard to the claim about Brennan.
"John Brennan is a Salafist Islam convert, he admits it, he proudly did a speech about it. He made the Haj to Mecca and Medina. “Haji Brennan”. Look it up. I say "radical" because of the freaking wars he created and blood shed, and the creation of al Qaeda and ISIS. "
~ me
Don't just take my word for it, research it...it takes time to do good research and find reliable source, declassified information, etc. It takes lots of time, but individuals should do that for themselves. Its something I love doing.
I wouldn't call myself a fan of Donald Trump's. I feel very blessed to have a President who honors God, and has surrounded himself with many Christians in his cabinet. I have a spiritual connection to Trump and to the new WH now, haven't sensed that for decades. God has truly blessed America.
We are not going to be hearing Iama Obama praising Islam anymore and saying we are no longer a Christian nation, etc. What an idiot.
You said Brennan is a "radical Salafist Islam convert", but let's ignore the radical part for now to make things nice and easy and look at the claim that Brennan is a Muslim convert.
First of all, I'm not prejudiced against Muslims, so I wouldn't have a problem with him being a Muslim anyway, but I'd still be interested to know if it's true.
You've obviously researched this, so can you give me a head start on my own research. You said there's a speech where he admitted to being a Muslim convert. That would be a helpful piece of evidence. What speech was it? Do you have a link?
You also said there's lots of reliable sources. Can you share one or two? That would be helpful.
Trump honors God? Oh my, what a joke. The justifications of religious people are always so amusing. Here's how he honors God - and this is a direct quote:
"I did try and fuck her. She was married. I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look. I gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful - I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything... grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."
Praise Jesus!
let's see who can throw the first stone.
When Jesus said "Anybody without sin cast the first stone." Then he said "Now , put down that rock Mom!"
Catholic Immaculate conception joke
I guess if Trump legalizes assault on women, that would be interesting. I'm sure Jesus would approve.
And to think, he kisses his children with that mouth!
CIA calling the Media dishonest.
Tell me the joke about military intelligence
The immense greed and narcissism of Donald is certainly at an extremely insane level.
Modern society worships money, greed and bling as "good" hence the insanity is sheltered by a tempoeary illusion of tv style reality.
The best analogy is the "emperors new clothes".
As we all live thorough what's about to unfold we will see that Donald has a lot more medically in common with Reagan. Mental deterioration. In public. On TV.
The cringe factor is already 9.5 out of 10. Soon it will be (to quote Donald) at 1000%.
He is a textbook narcissist. How some people find that appealing I will never know. Perhaps some are narcissists themselves so appreciate that quality. Shrug.
I can on some level understand those who voted for him because they felt they had no other choice but for the people who actually like the guy... yeah, I dunno. I'll never understand it.
You want to see insanity? Watch and listen as people say "I hate Donald Trump so I will smash a limousine, burn a car and break the windows in a Starbucks!". No need to invent or exaggerate what our President says or does; the insanity was all around him and quite evident.
Yes wilderness, we get it, the violent protesters are bad. I'm willing to bet everyone here would agree with that. You're focusing, repeatedly, on a very small section of people who dislike Trump. The vast majority do not act that way and do not condone acting that way. Also none of those people are in charge of running a country so their insanity is perhaps not comparable when it comes to this particular post.
We are seeing online chronic atheists supporting Donald who has a ultra right wing "religious" fundamentalist agenda (or a hitler like version of political religion)
An atheist who supports Donald? It's like terminal hypocrisy.
What next.
Uh huh. And what about all the Trump supporters who were threatening us with GUNS before he won the election if he didn't win - because he was spouting off about how the election was being rigged for Hillary?!
Tell us some more about how unreasonable anti-Trump people are. You should be grateful for peace-loving, protesting pacifists. If Trump had put forth far more effort to uniting this country instead of stirring the hate as often as possible (his NYD tweet is a great example) - we would not be in this place. That proves more that ANYTHING what a bad choice for president he was.
Constant whining, constanty flat-out lying, constant twisting of the truth to make himself look better to his gullible supporters - he's definitely a narcisist with a particularly YUGE ego.
I'm not sure all of those folks (violent protestors) dislike Trump. Some people look for an excuse to be violently act out, or riot, if you please. I think the peaceful protestors either dislike him or are afraid of him, or both, but the violent ones are just crazy looking for an excuse to happen.
Yes, violent protest is wrong. But a handful of violent protesters (some of whom may have been hired by Trump) don't compare to the millions who protested yesterday without violence.
I make the suggestion that some of them may have been hired by Trump only because he claimed the same thing about his opponents many times. What goes around comes around.
Pure Ideological Divisiveness and drivel . The rhetorical divide in America - like this constant drivel , -Is going to continue for the far distant future . No one on the left wants to work towards unification and solutions , period . I say to Trump , 'let lose the dogs of war " , the left constantly calls for divide so let them have it . We could effectively have one chance for Americans to truly drain the swamp , term limits - etc., Guess what people ; the left loves this swamp , They wallow in the swamp , As long as there is a "swamp " the left gets more from government entitlements . They get to keep things the way there are , the "progress" of polarization simply feeds the state of sameness ! The major American cities , the strongholds of liberal politics , are the finest example of cultural chaos in the entire world , crime , welfare , homeless , hunger , minority wars , over-taxation , the greatest political spenders , .etc........ Keep up the good word lefties , You are winning .
I don't recall mentioning "wrong" at all. Just the mentality and sanity of anyone reasoning that smashing a window will correct Trump being President. That presents a total lack of connection to reality - one good definition of insanity.
Trump has not demonstrated such a lack, bearing in mind that intentionally lying is not the same thing at all. Unless you are prepared to show somehow that Trump actually believes his lies - something more than he said it, or your biased claim based only on a desire to denigrate Trump?
The question had nothing to do with violent protesters or the left, it had to do with the verifiable lies that Trump has been telling that are refuted by his own statements, in many cases, and hard evidence, in others.
Do you find that politicians, in general, tell the truth most of the time? I certainly don't - I find that they lie when they open their mouth - which must mean that ALL legislators are certifiably insane, right?
I offer you a true example of insanity: anyone reasoning that smashing a Starbucks window will "fix" the Trump situation in the white house is lacking any connection with reality and thus insane. And you reply once more that liars are insane. Or just one of them because you don't like the man?
Or is Trumps "insanity" just gross exaggeration, intended to evoke an emotional response rather than offering any real, factual, information?
I read this morning that there were 230 protesters arrested on felony charges. That's up to 10 years in prison plus up to $25,000 fines.
I don't feel sorry for people who are paid protesters and rioters, and so easily used as brown-shirts. The people who paid them don't care if they are going to prison.
I heard that nasty Madonna is now under investigation for wanting to blow up the White House. The Hellywood devil worshipers are insane. ... And, the crowd cheered Madonna. Let that sink in.
Pretty insane! Liberalism is a mental illness.
Again, that has nothing to do with the question. You can deflect all you want. No president has ever sent his press secretary out to belittle the press and claim his crowd was the biggest ever when it verifiably wasn't. The question isn't even about the lie so much as it is about why in the world he's so worked up over it.
Good luck on trying to keep people focused on your topic. I've tried. :
Good luck Crank! People are so entrenched in their positions they will defend them to the death. It would be great to experience objectivity.
Selective objectivity is what I see here, not objectivity.
Its narrow mindedness vs seeing the bigger picture.
Look at the big picture like a painting. God is the artist and He can add or take away whatever He wants with the stroke of a brush.
Focus on CNN, MSNBC, etc. and the negative and you will not see anything except the negative that reinforces your own mental conditioning through programming. Free world?... not if Satan is the god of this world. Guess who his mouth pieces are in that echo chamber.
Its easy to see the big picture unless the god of this world has blinded you.
I agree, "It would be great to experience objectivity" here ... if possible!
The big picture is the Federal Government works for the wealthy, not for you.
Civil war has picked their sides, the wealthy and their ISIS false flags plan is in play. They sit in their luxury bomb shelters. Many will be enjoying watching the freak show from South America eating their pop corn.
"The big picture is the Federal Government works for the wealthy, not for you."
That is how its been, but that is changing and the wealthiest elites who want complete control are being defeated in, Jesus Mighty Name!
I think what we're seeing and hearing is the death screams while they try to gain any power they can through useful idiots.
"Civil war has picked their sides, the wealthy and their ISIS false flags plan is in play. They sit in their luxury bomb shelters. Many will be enjoying watching the freak show from South America eating their pop corn."
We are not in a 'civil war', I would call it a 'cold civil war'. The opposition wants it to become a civil war. Notice they only kill or riot in gun free zones? What if the people they attack start carrying legal weapons to defend themselves, like they carry and use to beat people up?
I believe you are right that many of the elites have gone to their bunkers, that are digitally free zones, but it is known where these bunkers are. There are plenty of them right here in the states. They have been building them for themselves for years, but not for us.
Did not say it a full civil, just a few deaths, they just have picked their sides.When 90% of the world wars are predominate Religious and there is a ban on Muslims and now US in some countries. It's time to think about high tailing your way out of there. Most of the world is a gun free zones, your better almost anywhere else rather than sitting in ground zero and who is crazy enough to bunker down in USA, OH,,, I FORGOT it is the USA
So let me get this straight. Trump hires every Goldman Sachs executive he can find and his government is working for us? Really? Can you provide a link to the Kool-Aid you're drinking because I'd like to have some.
People do work for Goldman Sachs so that they can understand how it works, without getting involved in the darkside of what they do. There are people who watch what the heck is going on, learn, and then use that knowledge for good. For your good.
In every organization, agency, whatever...there are good people, and there are bad people.
In secret societies there are secret societies inside of secret societies. That stuff is very interesting to me.
Did you know that Trump has some moles or shills working in the WH, that are going to have to be weeded out? This is big time stuff! There are leaks coming from somewhere inside.
PS this is worth repeating:
The Hegelian Dialectic and its use in Controlling Modern Society
* https://realnewsaustralia.com/2013/08/0 … n-society/
Color, when specific lies are brought up, people segue into something else. Supporting a person is one thing. If the person lies, you should love the person enough to tell him/her the truth.
Galatians 1:8
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be under a divine curse!
God is not the author of confusion.
Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said to the woman, You shall not surely die:
Leviticus 19:11 You shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another.
Psalms 119:163 I hate and abhor lying: but your law do I love.
Proverbs 12:22 Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight.
Proverbs 13:5 A righteous man hates lying: but a wicked man is loathsome, and comes to shame.
Proverbs 14:5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.
Proverbs 17:7 Excellent speech becomes not a fool: much less do lying lips a prince.
Hosea 11:12 Ephraim compasses me about with lies, and the house of Israel with deceit: but Judah yet rules with God, and is faithful with the saints.
Zephaniah 3:13 The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.
John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and stayed not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Acts 5:3 But Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?
Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearers.
Colossians 3:9 Lie not one to another, seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds;
1 Timothy 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
James 3:1 My brothers, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.
Revelation 22:15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and fornicators, and murderers, and idolaters, and whoever loves and makes a lie.
Not right/left, conservative/liberal, DNC/GOP, but TRUTH/LIE
oop! I'm off topic. I forgot this was "INSANE" and not a liar.
He is undisputably a narcissist. Professionals have talked about his characteristics. Maybe he isn't insane. He has issues. It's nothing to be ashamed of. He should seek professional help.
It was the best thing that ever happened to me.
I'm sorry I went off topic.
Those are lovely Scriptures, BTW. Just between you and I, Christian to Christian, because you are a blessing and you do have favor with God and me.
Diane, you may have fallen into exactly what the Hegelian Dialectic is intended for, and you are better than that. --- This is telling: "Not right/left, conservative/liberal, DNC/GOP, but TRUTH/LIE"
Unless you are able to step back and take an objective view I don't care how many Scriptures you use, because you are not able to engage in logical discussions, but only a narrow view. (I could talk Scriptures all day long.) This is a political forum!
The Hegelian Dialectic and its use in Controlling Modern Society
* https://realnewsaustralia.com/2013/08/0 … n-society/
Thank you! You say you pray for Donald Trump, but have you ever thought of forgiving, forgetting and leaving your concerns at the feet of Jesus, and just trust Him and obey? Love covers a multitude of sins. When we are forgiven by God, He doesn't remember our wrong doing anymore. The Bible says He throws them into the sea of forgetfulness. God forgave Donald Trump.
Its the devil that wants to keep bringing up our sins to try to condemn us. To me, you sound like a clanging gong going...no love. I keep expecting more from you because you say you are a Christian. We are only human, thank God we are forgiven. It is finishes.
1 Corinthians 13:1
If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.
I'm calling you higher (believe me I'm speaking to myself now too). I'd like nothing better than to be able to talk to other Christians openly in these forums, and set better examples of Christ in us. I wouldn't talk to anyone else like this in the forums, but you have expressed some recognition of the meat of the Word...I'd like to see it reflected too. I hope you know I love you, with the love of Jesus.
Jesus does not condemn anyone, He forgave us all!
We are the salt of the earth, but...
What is important is that we Christians pray to be emptied of ourselves and daily filled with the Holy Spirit to make sure we are doing His will and not bringing Him down to ours.
May the peace of God guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
I do pray for him and all of our leaders.
Yep, he's a certifiable whackjob. Think the following explains EXACTLY what you're saying and what most normal people realize. Unfortunately, far too many of his minions appear to be afflicted with the same mental issues:
Fortunately, he probably won't be president for too long because the swamp critters that surround him also know he's a whackjob - unless, of course, he morphs into his true self, becomes a dictator and refuses to leave:
http://www.rawstory.com/2017/01/theyll- … -dump-him/
The downside to all of this is that the damage he will do before he gets boosted could be enormous. VERY scary times!
Oh my God...The Young Turks are totally out of touch with reality and anyone who listens to their liberal brainwashing. They are a joke!
They are insane!
You can't be serious.
I see you are afflicted with Trumpophrenia . . . can't argue with someone who refuses to recognize facts.
"I see you are afflicted with Trumpophrenia . . . can't argue with someone who refuses to recognize facts."
You are partly right. I can't agree with someone who refuses to recognize facts. But, its your right to "argue with someone who refuses to recognize facts". Having fun with that?
Thank you so much for that logic. You can't be serious.
THANK YOU for giving a PERFECT EXAMPLE of what crankalicious and the video (which I'm guessing you didn't even watch!) is talking about - as I knew you would do! Now, for your own sake, get some help!
"I knew you would do!" ?
Let me know if you need some help with that crystal ball.
Are we having fun now? I don't know what to expect next.
The Young Turks: Frauds, liars for hire, the new face of fascism...
At least I know what to expect with them.
Didn't need the help of my crystal ball for that one! Trump followers are SO predictable.
"crankalicious" . . . . um, yes . . . the OP . . . try to keep up . . .
No, I'm quite sure you don't know what to expect next. Trump followers are, shall we say, "critical thinking challenged." Which is why they voted for him.
And, pray tell, what news source do you get your 'facts' from? Whichever ones agree with your agenda? I read many different sources, both right and left, b/c I want the actual facts (as in reality), not just the ones I want to hear and the so-called 'facts' your fuhrer spews - which change by the hour if not within the same sentence. You obviously don't do this and therefore have an extremely biased view of the world as evidenced by your comment "Liberalism is a mental illness" - wow, where did you get that?! One of your "news" sources? Let me guess as to what that might have been . . . Fox, Breitbart, bumper stickers . . . .
Oh, and speaking of facts, you may want to check out the dictionary definition of facism b/c that is Trump absolutely (should I say it?!) to a 'T'.
Yes, having fun!
Spew over from the Imama-fuhrer Obama era.
"Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder" by Michael Savage stayed on the Top 10 New York Times best-seller list for three weeks, after its release on April 12, 2005.
The deliberate, willful denial of truth and reality is a mental illness. Joke!
"The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness"
by a clinical and forensic psychiatrist, Lyle Rossiter
Among Rossiter's observations:
Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.
A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity — as liberals do. A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population — as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation's citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state — as liberals do.
The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
Rossiter said the kind of liberalism being displayed by both Barack Obama and his Democratic primary opponent Hillary Clinton can only be understood as a psychological disorder.
"A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity"
Free choice like a woman having control over her own body, like protesting, like marrying who you love regardless of gender, like living your life outside of religious constraints? Voluntary cooperation like paying taxes so that people can afford healthcare so they don't die? Moral integrity like treating humans as equals regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation, like valuing a woman's life over a zygote, like trying to save resources and avoid climate change that will make this planet nearly uninhabitable for future generations not to mention thousands of other species?
"The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious."
Hmm, clearly identified where? Does he go into any detail or does he just say "guys, I can indentify where, trust me!" Distorted development produces many things but I somehow missed in my 9 years of studying psychology and my two degrees where distorted development results in "liberalism." My universities must be fake news.
These are also not "imaginary victims," these are real people. I have a transgendered friend who tried to commit suicide numerous times as a teenager because his parents kicked him out of the house instead of supporting him. I have a gay friend who still gets called a fag and who came into work crying one day because one his "friends" sent him a Facebook message about how disgusting he is for being gay. I have female friends who have been raped, and even more who have been harassed. I have Muslim friends who feel judged every time they leave the house. I have Sikh friends who feel the same because people don't bother to learn the damn difference and assume that brown skin = dangerous. I have friends in the US who are constantly asking people for advice if they should take their sick kids into the emergency room or not because they know they're very ill but they don't want to foot the hospital bill if it's not a life or death situation, who get told "it's better to be safe than sorry" and then have to pay hundreds of dollars to be told "it's the flu, take some Tylenol" and are discouraged from going back next time for a potentially more dangerous illness.
People are in pain. People don't feel safe. And people don't like having to explain this over and over and over again only to be dismissed by those who have been lucky enough not to experience that. It's not fun and it's most certainly not "imaginary." To say as much is to be willfully ignorant and anyone who is willfully ignorant to the inequalities and injustices taking place every single day is in no place to speak of moral integrity.
I thought this interesting when I first read it. The full article was accepted at Behavioral and Brain Sciences, one of the highest impact journals in psychology. It is written by an open minded liberal.
Psychologists have demonstrated the value of diversity—particularly diversity of viewpoints—for enhancing creativity, discovery, and problem solving. But one key type of viewpoint diversity is lacking in academic psychology in general and social psychology in particular: political diversity. This article reviews the available evidence and finds support for four claims:
1) Academic psychology once had considerable political diversity, but has lost nearly all of it in the last 50 years;
2) This lack of political diversity can undermine the validity of social psychological science via mechanisms such as the embedding of liberal values into research questions and methods, steering researchers away from important but politically unpalatable research topics, and producing conclusions that mischaracterize liberals and conservatives alike;
3) Increased political diversity would improve social psychological science by reducing the impact of bias mechanisms such as confirmation bias, and by empowering dissenting minorities to improve the quality of the majority's thinking;
4) The underrepresentation of non-liberals in social psychology is most likely due to a combination of self-selection, hostile climate, and discrimination. We close with recommendations for increasing political diversity in social psychology.
* https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/ra … -education
Remember everyone, it's hard being retired and paranoid.
Sane or not, the fact is many more people in America didn't want him as president than those who did. 77 million registered voters weren't enamored of him enough to cast a vote at all; 63 million voted against him, and only 60 million voted for him (or possibly against Hillary thinking she'd probably win anyway.) Electoral College or not, there are two larger groups who didn't want him.
But he's the president. Sane or not, he's got to do the job, and those who put him there need to take responsibility for how he manages to do that and stop blaming everyone else for his flaws. They are his. Everybody saw them before the election. "You broke it. You own it."
By your stats.77 million didnt vote for hillary. There is no popular vote, it is EC. It is an unknown who would have won if there was. Math should never be spun.
The only thing that has been broken so far is people business windows storefronts and car windows
Noone has owned that yet to my knowledge.
77 million registered voters didn't vote for anyone. That's not spin. It's fact.
Trump sucks for sure...but the alternative was just as bad if not worse...a sad commentary on the state of American politics today.
Not one of us one is prefect. But, here is a list of pro-women, pro-minority things Trump has done. I saw some thing on the list I didn't know about. Like "Donald Trump changed Miss Universe rules to allow transgender contestants like Jenna Talackova to compete." And, one where Trump dated a black supermodel by the name of Kara Young when he was single. Interesting how many minority groups and individuals support Trump.
* https://www.reddit.com/r/WomenForTrump/ … ominority/
We don't hear about the good stuff Trump does on the biased media.
Hilarious choice of words. Trump thinks he is prefect.
No, Trump thinks you are prefectly lovable, and is willing to lay down his life for you so that you can prosper and be in good health my dear. Start dreaming big league. - I love you!
And all this ridiculous lying doesn't even address the bigger problem that he's currently in violation of the Constitution.
GDPR Deleted
Democracy has been long gone in America. There is so many US wars going on, and most Americans don't care or don't know it's going on.
Trump was declared war on Syria and Iraq.
For sure, I watch the recent battles on line. I wonder if the US will cut off all online filming.
Some reports have US declaring war on Australia, Mexico and China, yet not clear when or settlements are in progress. This has to be some kind of world record for rapid baning and wars.
I have visited 6 wars zones countries during action, there is no rules, no Justice, just pure insanity and hell.
Welcome to TRUMPWORLD. It's a small small world, we live in.... today, then add fireworks, shock and Awe.
Is this what you are talking about?
"We're engaged in a major counterterrorism operation," he, (John Kerry) told CBS News on Sept. 11. "I think war is the wrong terminology and analogy but the fact is that we are engaged in a very significant global effort to curb terrorist activity... I don't think people need to get into war fever on this. I think they have to view it as a heightened level of counter terrorist activity."
Kerry said similarly hedgy things during interviews on CNN and ABC.
By the next day, the Obama administration appeared more comfortable with the word war, yet hardly offered any more clarity. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters, "The United States is at war with ISIL in the same way we are at war with Al Qaeda and its affiliates."
The problem is that our traditional definition of "war" is outdated, and so is our imagination of what war means."
https://www.pri.org/stories/2014-09-16/ … nition-war
… can we all agree? Hating President Trump is insane! But it seems to be a new religion!
Here's a T shirt for them: No Dogmas Allowed!
First the NSP on crowd size gag order and now this:
Department of Labor has removed the website where Wells Fargo’s employees who were victims of the company’s fraudulent actions could file labor complaints or report illegal activity,” Warren wrote to acting Labor Secretary Edward Hugler in a letter Thursday. “Taking down this website enables Wells Fargo to escape full responsibility for its fraudulent actions and the department to shirk its outstanding obligations to American workers.” - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/wel … 637794732f
Thankfully, there is the possibility we may not have to deal with the Insane Clown President for too much longer – since it is becoming more apparent by the day (literally) that he is in meltdown mode. Think 25th Amendment:
http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/p … mp-deposed
He didn’t seem to have a clue that he was being inappropriate (re: his visit to the CIA). He compounded the bad impression by sending out his press secretary Sean Spicer to insist that the crowd for his inauguration was bigger than any in history. When Kellyanne Conway defended Spicer by saying he had simply offered “alternative facts,” members of the media were stunned. It’s not that they assume officials always tell the truth. But they were clearly shocked that the White House would chastise them for reporting something that was obviously and provably correct.
According to an article in The Washington Post, Trump’s inner circle is overwhelmed by power struggles and internecine battles while the president fulminates over every criticism. The New York Times has reported that his staff is concerned about his “simmering resentment” at what he thinks is unfair press coverage. Politico has reported that aides are trying to minimize his incessant TV viewing, and according to a report by Axios, Trump is running his administration almost entirely in reaction to what he sees in the media. He sounds as if he is unable to handle the stress and is using avoidance mechanisms.
It’s obvious that Trump has a narcissistic personality, which in itself is not disqualifying. He’s not the first president to have one; nor will he be the last. But his issues seem to run deeper than that. Some observers have suggested that he shows the characteristics of classic psychopathy. And there are plenty of people who see his behavior as blatantly self-destructive.
And if that doesn’t get the clown booted, certain powers that be are starting the lawsuits necessary to impeach him for breaking Constitutional law by refusing to put his businesses into a blind trust. Cannot happen soon enough! Course, then we'll get Pence, the sane in appearance only Christofascist.
https://youtu.be/AlIuNycZpFI?list=PLqSp … LOxsFua2Lu
As that is not the intent of the 25th amendment, it seems unlikely it would pass muster in the house and senate (you did know that it requires a 2/3 majority in both?).
And somehow I don't think he will be impeached for not following the constitution in putting his businesses in a blind trust as the constitution makes no such requirement.
Perhaps the clowns that come up with these wild ideas should sit back and enjoy the ride?
The first article does say at the end it is probably extremely unlikely that they would use the 25th amendment to boot him. His business issues could very quickly become another matter, though, as he is putting this country in danger with his refusal to cut his businesses loose. HRC was a slick enough politician to hide her corruption from most of the masses; Donny just can't control himself. He's a useful tool for some of the GOP right now - the minute he's not (or completely flips out) it will be amazing how fast he will be out.
One way or another he's a slow motion train wreck. It's actually rather comical that, just like the DNC couldn't admit HRC was tearing the Democrats apart , the GOP is so self absorbed with getting what they want that they can't see the damage he is doing to their party - which is just fine!
"as he is putting this country in danger with his refusal to cut his businesses loose."
Explain how that is putting the country in danger by not selling off his assets?
Personally, I'd rather have a politician that has a hard time hiding his corruption. Do you disagree?
The second link explains how he is putting this country in danger - and, again, is breaking Constitutional law. I'm going to assume the 'clown' lawyers starting this process know what they're doing. But here's another link that goes into much more detail:
http://www.newsweek.com/2016/12/23/dona … 31140.html
Personally, I'd rather have a politician that has a hard time hiding his corruption.
Ok, seriously, you're kidding, right?! That is setting the bar awfully low. Personally, I'd rather have a politician I feel I can trust, has some ethics and is working for the people - like Sanders, even though I don't wholly trust him either. Don't think this country will ever truly 'heal' (such an obnoxious word) until we demand ALL sides stop the corruption.
Sorry, Gemini, but selling his assets and losing hundreds of millions of income in order to placate those that think he's evil just is not something any rational person would suggest.
There hasn't been a politician in this country that I felt I could trust since Reagan, when I was younger and more naive. That doesn't seem to be an option either - I'll have to stand by the statement I'd rather have one that doesn't understand how to hide their corruption rather than one that does.
Of all the objections about Trump anyone would raise, it really surprises me that supporters of " pay to play " hillary would make this argument.
Why would it surprise you? One is normal political activity, one is a very rich businessman that doesn't belong to the club.
wilderness: sorry you're missing the entire, and what should be VERY obvious, point. No longer surprising.
PhoenixV: not a HRC supporter - think she should be in jail. But good try. You people really need to come up with something more creative.
Most politicians will put it in a blind trust. BS will probably put in a new home on lakefront property amongst his other vacation properties. Whatd Trump do.
Yes, precisely - most presidents have bent over backwards to AVOID any and all appearance of conflict of interest in this regard; Trumpie has basically given everyone the finger.
Jimmy Carter sold his peanut farm. He was forced to. Ah, how times have changed. As long as the corrupt are on our side, nobody cares anymore.
But, Wilderness, that's not what people are asking him to do. What he should do is transfer his assets to a blind trust. That means his businesses continue just as they are, he doesn't lose any money, it's just that he isn't involved in the running of those businesses. Instead, he has to put a board of directors in place who are independent and who are not answerable to him.
Before the election, Trump promised to transfer his business into the hands of his family - which was an inadequate safeguard for obvious reasons. Now he's not even going to do that.
You say you don't trust politicians. Neither do I. That's why he shouldn't be allowed to keep direct control of his business empire, because he'll exploit it. I'd like to see that opportunity taken away from him.
Actually, yes it is. From the link posted by Gemini:
"The only way to eliminate the conflicts—sell the company, divvy up the proceeds"
"Moreover, such a trust would be anything but blind: If Trump Tower Moscow goes under construction, Trump will see it while in Russia and know that his kids are making millions of dollars from it."
Ridiculous to the point of insanity.
I'd like to see a trust as well, but Trumps businesses are not some low key outfit hiding in the foothills of Tennessee. It is all very high profile, and with his name plastered everywhere. The article is correct in that sense; it can't be hidden from him. But as important as anything else is that he is not required to make any changes. We can hope that that will be changed before the next president, but for now it is what it is and to insist that it is unconstitutional or illegal any other way is just not true. We elected a President under a certain legal standard and cannot suddenly change it because we've decided we don't like it any more.
"We can hope that that will be changed before the next president, but for now it is what it is and to insist that it is unconstitutional or illegal any other way is just not true." = Alternative Facts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlIuNyc … LOxsFua2Lu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnrQObo … mp;index=9
The first one is about a separate issue entirely (receiving foreign payments), and the second one (as far as I got) was about people violating conflict of interest laws.
Neither one, then, addresses whether Trump is legally bound to either sell his businesses or to put them in a blind trust. Want to try again or was this intended as a change of topic?
Sorry you don't get it . . . I know complex subjects are difficult for Trump followers.
Then it WAS an attempt to change the subject. OK - what would you like to discuss this time? Complex subjects? Or will you just want to change it again when you can't support your claims again?
Atheist support for right wing back woods religious fundamentalism is terminal hypocrisy. It's so bizzare as to defy any semblance of ethical consistency and is without even a shred of commonsense.
And yet, somehow they are in bed together. Right-wing religious conservatives & uber-liberal (often) atheists who were Bernie supporters. Many of Bernie's supporters who voted for Trump are regretting their votes now, ha! Should be an interesting four years.
Conflicts of interest and tax returns. It seems a flaw of the Robin Hood understanding. People worth a million dollars sometimes owe 1 million and one dollars plus interest. Meanwhile they gotta make payroll for twenty five thousand people each week that their families kind of depend on. Theres not much pressure picking your check up on Friday. Try making payroll for 5000 people, 52 times a year while theres a mob outside thinking you are too greedy and are wanting to arbitrarily share your wealth.
In political debate t's called ,dodge and deflect , and when that doesn't work for liberals then just call anyone debating against you the usual six or seven pet names for conservatives .
Those names are fitting for Donald Duck Trump.
Then the system brainwashed Americans away from Republican candidate that were much more opposite toward those negative names listed. They could have had the best President ever.
You have been suckered by a selective system.
As usual -- Trying to debate fact and politics with the most informed of the left is like trying to teach an alligator to throw a football - It 'ain't' ever going to happen !
Trump is on the one yard line. Score... world non whites is 86, world whites 14. How can Trump win this?
Do you not believe terrorism is a threat or a reality? Do you not believe the ever present, never ceasing destructive influence of radical Islam?
Is this spreading influence a reality or not?
"The question for America is whether it should seek to craft immigration policies designed to prevent America from facing the challenge now confronting France. It’s a question that most Americans clearly don’t want to face, as reflected in the reaction to Trump’s suggestion of a temporary halt to Muslim immigration. But, if the trend lines of violence continue along their current trajectory, here and throughout the West, political sensibilities on the issue could change."
http://nationalinterest.org/feature/tim … 987?page=2
"… political sensibilities on the issue could change."
trump is a good man there is going something wrong with him
Deepak Chopra second most famous spiritual teacher and medicals doctor. Said Trump is mentally and emotionally retarded. Dozens of famous doctor have came forth and all describe Donald Duck as narcissistic.
Narcissistic is the same as Megolomanic a mental illnesses discover from our experience with Hitler. The Universe evolves around that person. I know my ex wife was a Megolomanic and knowing Trump he is a greater one too.
Study the top ten thing that make up a psychopath, that is Trump to a T. Now look at how many wars Trump was started domestically and international in 2 weeks.
I rest my case.
Personally, I will stay as far away from any "doctor" that makes public a private, personal evaluation or examination as I can get. Neither their statements nor their healing is of any value whatsoever. They have obviously forgotten their oath as well as any ethical standards of doctor/patient privilege.
I rest my case.
If it acts like a duck and talks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is not your strongman Savior.
We should all stay well away from a Megalomaniac Trump , there is not doubt in my mind, he is one.. Why not have serious doctors and use them rather than having Trump's nukes and using them.? Donald will sue any real doctor that touches him, or you will find you get over one scam and find yourself into another scam when you come to the truth about him..
I hadn't thought about him suing a doctor. Oh well!!!
Good thing about Canada we are number on the world for treating women well. Sometimes the downside of that is when the deck in court stacked up against men. My ex wife got herself knocked up within 3 months and got herself a green card because had to have a choice for abortion of the child or marry her my Mexican, I normally love Mexican and their culture.
Ex wife manage to avoid 5 psychiatrist and our marriage had a sorry and sad history. The silver lining is my daughter is the love of my life, her name is Paloma and she is the white dove of peace. Castle is for Sandcastle builder's the love of my work for most hours of my life. For Trump to attack by unionizing sandcastle builders was an attack on my soul fulfilling work.
The president is supposes to represent the whole so we voted for him and, he won nobody should be complaining about it. Also the president doesent have the much people this is a democratic republic or representitive democracy, there is also a thing called checks and ballences you should look of up
The president doesn't have that much power sorry not people.
I Don’t Wanna Live Forever
You can live forever if you pick the right God among millions. Life is a Vegas lottery for most. I rather football tackle Trump. Just joking Trump, don't sue me.
Oh don't worry Misfit Chick, the smug Canadians won't be so dismissive once we have our own narcisstic reality television celebrity running our country. The Trump hype has already extended beyond the border and if we don't call this sh*t for what it is now then we'll be destined to repeat it with our very own Baby Trump (aka Kevin O'Leary). Then you can laugh at us and I won't blame you.
A Narcissistic Reality Show.
You would need a host braver than Jerry Stringer and Rothschild bank to insurance 1/2 a season for these shows. Trump screaming me me"s would have everyone bark raving and cats very upset. It could drive many people to enjoy the outdoor again.
All you need to do is turn the TV to Trump and you get all fiction and narcissistic reality. While that insurance is covered at tax payers expense.
You know, I really think Castle is in here just to see himself say something potentially clever. He's probably looking for a back-pat. He rarely makes a point other than to point out the obvious things that everyone else is already doing - except with as much dramatic flair as possible. Really not very helpful.
I'm going to guess that you enjoy the back & forth insults as much as any fan of Trump. Personally, I hate it and really wish people would start to allow themselves to see all sides beyond their own. I know, I'm a ridiculous optimist. But, these arguments aren't about proving who is right or wrong, its about getting close-minded people to open their brains just a little bit beyond their own little world.
I am a world class strategist in my pass sports and arts. I know, as predicted years ago America democracy is finished. Trump's strategy from his pass and what is unfolding now. Is to create a civil wars and world war 3.
Iran just a tested a nuke missile and US citizens a huge no no. US already seriously fighting 6 countries at the same time and a long list of other declare wars not fully engaged yet. My deepest desire to survive and with my family. Bolivia is my new home, still migrations bugs to work out. Sorry I''m not allowiing to be hypnotized by Zionist Trump's suckers payoff. Meaning America will never be able to keep up with Trump's scam after scam until everything is blown up.
I can't take politics or Religious seriously or the fairytales they aim for or life too seriously. My payoff is a few will get the sense to move to the southern hemisphere and I get some material for stand-up comedy. I've saved a few people's lives in the pass, and love to save just one more for the sake of happiness.
Who will win a war between all Muslims countries and US.
Its really not funny. Those who are not respecting Trump, although we saw NO ONE ELSE fit enough to be president … ! Now we have him and you can't give him a chance. He needs our hope and our prayers. He needs to be encouraged to do the best thing for the American people who he really does want to help. Gandhi said to believe a man. We have to believe he wants to help and not hinder the USA. Positivity is our only hope. Support him. He is trying to protect us. If he makes mistakes, he will learn. We elected him, we have to make the best of it.
We are making the best of it through protesting. I know it looks like we 'don't give him a chance' - but, there is a reason why so many people in his own party could not vote for him. He has a past that is much worse than Hillary's or pretty much any other politician. If he was an honest successful businessman, things would be different; but everything he is doing points to manipulating his supporters in order to both feed his gargantuan ego & expand his own empire. He's given us absolutely no reason at all yet to believe otherwise; and he complains about being picked on when you poke him for answers.
Believe it or not, I do pray for Trump. I'm not a religious person at all, but Jesus had some pretty good advice: Matthew 5 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others?"
However, just because I have prayed for him - doesn't mean that I'm going to bury my own conscious and hand my support over to him - until he figures out that provoking people to be vindictive & hateful against each other is profoundly uncool & not the disposition of an acceptable POTUS.
For one , How shallow the left explains their hatred of all things "right " , IF Trumps past were so much worse than Hillary's " then it wouldn't have been the left who defended every criminal act Hillary ever performed in the past . And there are dozens !
Two , If You are" not a religious person " and yet you do pray for America's progress , that shows an utter hypocrisy to begin with . Who DO you pray to , Hillary?
Three , ALMOST ALL OF THE "vindictive and hatful " acts come from the left these days in case you hadn't noticed .
In general , It's pretty amazing that the left doesn't taste its own hatred and yet so easily accuses the right of it .
Hillary commuted no "criminal" acts while Trump has, such as Fraud.
Do I HATE Trump, probably not ... but I should because I hate ALL bullies. I am, however, very afraid of him destroying what America stands for, if not America directly.
"ALMOST ALL OF THE "vindictive and hatful " acts come from the left these days" - the words, 'these days' being the keywords.
Who voted in Trump because you were impressed by his mouth being such an *ss to people and utterly non-PC? This nation has always been divided and it always will be. But intentionally manipulating people to cause the chasm to be as deep & wide as possible to create this mess is something only one of Trump's fans could, would & HAVE condoned, encouraged & participated in. And you've all had lots of fun & celebrations over it like a bunch of kids who just set off a smoke bomb in the teacher's lounge.
You reap what you sow.
Its really not Okay to give Trump a free pass on his past - and yeah, it is a great deal more shadier (and far more criminal) than Hillary's. Its just that he wasn't a politician before; and somehow that translated to you that it doesn't matter.
I pray to God/The Universe/The One/Source, etc. You don't have to be a religious person to believe in the power of God & Prayer. Ever heard of Spirituality? Read my top spotlight hub if that concept is confusing to you.
Hate is never good, it is like attempted murder.
Protest is better than a full scale violence revolution. But a revengeful violence revolution is unavoidable in the near future. If you had a peaceful demonstration I would come to that. Don't like bullies myself more than anything, by hating them like with Trump. Means they have won, Nooobody can promote hate and violences better than Trump.
Trump and his antics are uncannily similar to those of Hitler as he rose to power. Then the general population of Germany hid their heads in the sand and look what happened. Please let's not act like the Germans and ignore the reality of what his administration is doing. Let's not be part of history repeating itself.
When hitler first gained power there was a tendancy to see him as just a curious funny fellow. In the background he surrounded himself with sycophants and undertook secret crazy activities.
Donald is already drunk with power. It takes a much better man to resist this power. Better men than "sad" Donald have succumbed to the corruption of power. There is evidence to show he was very corrupt prior to his Russian propelled ascension. He has become a chronic megalomaniac.
This is all very hitlerian.
Like hitler sad Donald is obviously using cocaine to get through tough times like the debates the inauguration and trying to satisfy Melania. His porn star days are over so medicinal and illegal drug use is through the roof by now.
Let's face it he's a mess.
Unlike hitler he is 70. The pressure the drugs and soon hundreds of court cases will destroy him fairly quickly. I noticed he was already losing enthusiasm in his last tv appearances. The cocaine use will now increase.
Insanity is where ever you find it. I mean, wasn't it insanity that led George W. Bush to lie to us all about Iraqs non-existant weapons of mass destruction, ultimately killing over 1 million Iraqi non-combatant citizens? Wasn't it insane that before invading Afghanistan there was ZERO heroine coming out of that country and after the invasion it supplied 70% of the WORLDS heroine trade? Wasn't it insane for Barak Obama to make having health insurance law, and fining those who couldn't afford it $600 a year and up, increasing every year? And isn't it crazy that autism has risen to epidemic proportions since mandatory vaccinations yet no one will admit the connection? And the most insane thing of all, U.S. citizens, in 2016, didn't know that their votes would not elect the president in November! If President Trump is insane he's just the latest in a long line of insane presidents that govern a country of insane people.
George Bush - not insane
Heroin - non-sequitur
Obama - not insane
Autism - non-sequitur (and also incorrect)
Election - non-sequitur (and wrong)
Trump - not insane, just mentally ill.
Bush - lowest IQ
Temporary - mental illness
Temporary-insane level 6
Trump - full time- mental illness
level 9 insane- need to take him to the mental and emotional hospital
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