I feel it is necessary to explain what Trump is about to all you Trump haters.
He has played all of you like a fiddle. You keep falling for it.
When are you going to learn?
His MO is this...
He will say or tweet something incendiary.
The press will jump all over it..."how can he do this....or say this?"
He sucks all the oxygen from the room.
He moves on to another subject and all is forgotten...until another tweet...
Meanwhile, the press and the media is left scratching their head...what the heck just happened?
He has used this same MO to win the nomination and later the presidency.
When will you ever learn.
He is a master at manipulations.
He knows how you will react and takes full advantage of it.
Why do you keep falling for it?
You should know by now this man cannot be trusted for the words he say.
You need to watch what he actually does in office, his executive actions and his legislation agenda...
That is the only way you will know what he is up to.
His strength is he never backs down. If attacked, he will counter attack twice as hard.
If he loses, he doesn't give up. He redouble his efforts...
His whole career is full of ups and downs...and yet he ends up more successful than before...
Why is that? Because he does not give up...
I hope this little tutorial will help all you Trump haters.
What you are doing is reacting...not proactive...
You are doing what Trump wants and I may add, at your own detriment. Some of the things that are said and reported by the media and their TDS has made them look rediculous and lost all credibility with the American people. They are committing suicide and Trump is giving them the rope... and they gladly took it.
I am saying all this to help you. I am not a Trump supporter. I have watched this going on for the past year with amazement. He has done the impossible - beat the press and the bias media at their own game and they don't even know it. Good luck.
Don't worry, we will GET HIM, it is just a matter time.
He is hanging himself. Today's press conference just tightened the noose.
Jack, Trump is not smart enough to survive the presidency.
Are we watching the same press conference?
I don't know. Are we? The one where he said there were fine people on both sides and reverted back to his true supremacist apologist self to such an extent that David Duke thanked him for it again?
So let me ask you this question. Is Black Lives Matter racist?
Is LaRaza a racist organization?
Do you understand the full picture of what happened in Virginia?
This group was there protesting the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee....
You don't have to be a racist and still admire and respect a general who fought for the south?
Where does it stop?
Are you going to remove all references to Lee? There are countless schools named after Lee, there is a barrack in West Point Military Academy named after Lee...
His point in the news conference is to stand up against this witch hunt....
Our checkered past is history. As someone who loves studying history and learning from history and who worked in preserving our history by volunteering at the local archives, I personally does not want to erase our past warts and all.
Where does it end? Should we remove references to Washington and Jefferson because they were slave owners?
Would you march alongside Nazis or KKK members carrying torches to protect a statue?
No, but it is still a free country and people are free to gather and assemble and voice grievance peacefully...It is in the Constitution...or are you one of those who only believes in free speech when it agrees with you...?
Sigh...my point is that it is highly unlikely that a non-racist who only cared about the statue was part of a rally of Nazis and KKK members wielding shields and weapons.
That is why it's absurd to characterize both sides as equally "good."
I already stated previously on these forums that everyone has a right to peacefully assembly, including neo Nazis and the KKK.
Good, we agree on that point.
And the same goes for pro-life groups...?
Can a group with good conscience and who believes in the sanctity of life protest peacefully against Planned Parenthood? Or the abortion doctor...?
That's irrelevant. What matters is the behaviour of the people on both sides.
VERY good job of outlining what I have previously told you several times - and then FLIPPING it back onto 'Trump haters' as well as any professional politician ever has - as if we are clueless about his obvious public diversions & manipulations.
What WE are concerned with that YOU don't seem to be, is WHY does he keep trying to divert our attention and keep everyone divided? WTF is he doing behind the scenes while he keeps everyone fighting?
As a patriotic American - that concerns me. Thanks for regurgitating this explanation so well - if not from the opposite perspective, LoL! Some peeps in your ilk really needed to see it from one of their own.
I am glad to hear you are patriotic?
Did you voice similar concerns when Obama was president?
He did very similar things of pitting one group against another...
He was more eloquent than Trump but was far worse in my opinion.
He is the reason, indirectly, why we ended up with a Trump presidency...
Anyone who rationalizes the greatness of Donald Trump is a Trump supporter.
Is that what you think I am doing?
A few years ago, I had a chance to visit the beautiful city of Seattle.
It turned out in one local park, there ia a bronze statue of Lenin. It you know your history,
He was the father of the Rusaian revolution and ended up killing millions of people...and instituted a Communist state that lasted 80 years...until the fall of the Iron Curtain.
So, by the logic of some, should we order the take down of this statue because it is offensive?
If not, why not? If so, where do we stop?
What about Jefferson and Washingron, who were slave owners...
What about Woodrow Wilson who was a racist in his time...
You see what I mean?
Does it seem odd that under the 8 years of Obama, there was no problem with this statue in Virginia, and suddenly, under a Trump administration, it became over night a problem? It had to be removed...
So who is offended? Really?
This whole incident in Va, reminded me of a time back in the 1980s under a Reagan administration.
The news media would report on the homeless problem, day in day out...
Somehow, under a Carter administration or a Clinton administration, the homeless problem magically disappeared.
You asked a direct question and I answered. You seem to get upset when you don't get the answer you want.
Don't you think it is arrogant of you to state you know what I am doing...when I clearly told you what I am doing? You think you know better than me about what I am doing... so be it, I can't argue with that.
You asked the question and I answered based on your pattern of many posts about Trump and Obama. I'm commenting on your own written words.
If you don't think I had a right to answer the question, why did you ask it in the first place?
You must be selective in reading my comments. It is very clear that I didn't support Trump and in fact did not vote for him... how do you square that?
I admire you for not voting for Trump. But your OP is filled with glowing compliments about him.
You are mistaken. I am defending him at times when I see the unfairness of the attacks on him. I also criticized him when I disagree with him. He is our president. I can only do my part to help our country. Don't forget, if he fails, we all fail.
No Jack, if he fails we'll get a better person to lead the nation. Almost anyone would be better...
That means you are ok with inaction for the next 3 years?...
How disappointing...
Jack, I doubt seriously Trump will make one year in office after Mueller gets through with him.
I am getting the impression that Trump never really wanted the job. He has an autocratic style that works for his empire or TV show but is a poor fit for the Presidency where the ability to negotiate and persuade are far more important. So much for the Conservative's idea of the advantages of having a businessman in the White House. I would be surprised if he did not step down or his own accord, soon.
The city of Seattle keeps getting dinged by the right-wing as a 'socialists haven'. Lenin was a bad guy; but there are many people who think he had some good ideas (like Trump, apparently). Go figure. But, there are people guarding our few Confederate memorials because we DO care MUCH about our freedoms - including free speech and acknowledging our history. Although our memorials are not iconic statues - which is kind of the problem. Some people have written good articles about 'what the problem is' with these statues and why they need to come down. Do a search and go somewhere other than your alt-right media sources to read some of them.
Also, this is why most of us refuse to even attempt to understand Trump. Perhaps it will be helpful for you and other Trump supporters who just have to support him no matter what. I just copied this comment from a news article:
8/16/2017 7:13 AM MST
I listened as they called my President a Muslim.
I listened as they called him and his family a pack of monkeys.
I listened as they said he wasn't born here.
I watched as they blocked every single path to progress that they could.
I saw the pictures of him as Hitler.
I watched them shut down the government and hurt the entire nation twice.
I watched them turn their backs on every opportunity to open worthwhile dialog.
I watched them say that they would not even listen to any choice for Supreme Court no matter who the nominee was.
I listened as they openly said that they will oppose him at every turn.
I watched as they did just that.
I listened.
I watched.
I paid attention.
Now, I'm being called on to be tolerant.
To move forward.
To denounce protesters.
To "Get over it."
To accept this...
I will not.
I will do my part to make sure this great American mistake becomes the embarrassing footnote of our history that it deserves to be.
I will do this as quickly as possible every chance I get.
I will do my part to limit the damage that this man can do to my country.
I will watch his every move and point out every single mistake and misdeed in a loud and proud voice.
I will let you know in a loud voice every time this man backs away from a promise he made to them.
Them. The people who voted for him.
The ones who sold their souls and prayed for him to win.
I will do this so that they never forget.
And they will hear me.
They will see it in my eyes when I look at them.
They will hear it in my voice when I talk to them.
They will know that I know who they are.
They will know that I know what they are.
Do not call for my tolerance. I've tolerated all I can.
Now it's their turn to tolerate ridicule.
Be aware, make no mistake about it, every single thing that goes wrong in our country from this day
forward is now Trump's fault just as much as they thought it was Obama's.
I find it unreasonable for them to expect from me what they were entirely unwilling to give."
Certainly helpful as a reminder for me, MC, of what this struggle is all about and its true nature.
Be honest, did Obama do what he said he was going to be the uniter? It cuts both ways...
Depends on what your expectations were, Jack. The fact that Obama was President wasn't going to undo the fundamentals of a society and culture that have ALWAYS had a problem with race. I did not expect him to "pull a rabbit out of a hat". No more than I really believe that race relations. will improve under Trump
Unfortunately, I 'm afraid you are right. I agree with your statement. We still have a long way to go...
Well said - others made idiots of themselves over Obama, and now it is your turn to do the same. It is your turn to ridicule the reasonable, to impede progress and to generally make yourself look like a fool.
It is the American way, after all - if I can't have my way I will do everything possible to disrupt the country and punish everyone in it, including myself. We saw it in the past and we see it continuing now.
One day perhaps we'll all mature a little and decide to work with what we are dealt instead of throwing temper tantrums in a futile effort to get a re-deal.
But, how much did you ridicule the reasonable, when Obama was in office? Democrats and Republicans are different parties and have differing ideologies for a reason. The obstructionism of the GOP will have to be countered to return to a balance. The GOP should have been thinking of this possibility when they were turning a deaf ear to the Democrats. So, now I say 'too bad' to the GOP
About as much as I do now. The "birthers" were, for instance, total idiots and it got worse when his birth certificate was produced and, within minutes, declared fraudulent.
I know your response is "too bad" - it is absolutely the least helpful thing you could do for the country. But revenge is sweet, isn't it, and that's all that counts. Not the country, not the people, nothing but an emotional response to idiotic comments from idiots years ago.
so, are progressive thinking people just going to capitulate before Trump and the Right? hardly...
Again, the GOP has the White House and both chambers of Congress, when have they seriously reached out to the Democrats to get anything passed? Is this your idea of "working together"? It can't just be one sided, you know.
Of course they won't "capitulate". They will continue with lies, spun statements, half-truths and, most important, a great deal of name calling and very emotional cries. All very effective...at spreading hate and division but not much else.
Congress will continue to do much the same - doing damage to the country in the name of revenge because it just isn't possible to be adults. It can't be "one sided", so revenge is absolutely necessary. While the needs of the country and its people are sidelined while the politicians posture and behave as children.
I've gotten to the point that every time he does something outrageous over here - daily- I look for what he is doing over there - where the real damage is. For instance, keep an eye on the federal judges he is appointing. They will be around long after the Trump circus has left town.
Now you are being smart...
Don't react to everything he say...
He can't be trusted anyway.
Don't be the fools at the media...
they are out played by a master.
At first things looked good until he took office and things went down hill fast. It's kind of like hanging Star Wars wallpaper in the kitchen - at first it was awesome then moments later it has to go.
WAY downhill, with illegal border crossings down, illegal residents down, stock market setting record highs, companies investing in the country instead of overseas etc. etc.
But liberals throwing a fit...guess that counteracts all of it, doesn't it?
Yeah, "All men are created equal," not a part of the W. s. ideology. There's nothing noble about a European divisive philosophy. Lee refused to take command of the Union troops when his President asked him: Traitor! I study history, too.
You may not understand the full picture here Jack. There may have been a group there to protest the statue, but there were a whole bunch of other people in that 'group' there spouting bigotry and white supremacist hatred.
People in this country, aside from guys named Trump, have no tolerance for that kind of bigotry. Whenever these groups demonstrate, they will be met with vehement resistance from people that understand every citizen of this country deserves equal rights.
So where do you draw the line?
There are ignorant people every where...
Have you been to some cities in California...where the whole city, 95% is Asian...?
Is that what you want the US to become?
I am Asian by birth but I am an American and have been for 50 years...
I don't like it when any group take over a whole city.
It is not our country any more.
That is why immigration is such a contested issue.
Both legal and illegal immigration.
A country will loose its identity if too many people are let in in a short time. There is no time to assimilate.
It is not a race issue though many on the left will use it as an excuse.
I am against illegal immigration because it devalues our labor.
No other country in the world has such a porous border as ours...
Look at what is happening in Europe now with all the Syrian refugees...
Do you want that to happen here?
So, sometimes, it may not be bigotry that drives protests against some groups...
It maybe standing up for the rule of law and preserving our heritage...
"So, sometimes, it may not be bigotry that drives protests against some groups...
It maybe standing up for the rule of law and preserving our heritage..."
But I certainly would not think that Nazis or Ku Kluxers are really there as support for those high sounding concepts, do you?
I am not defending these particular groups. From what I read, I understand that some who started the protest was there to protest the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee....if other groups came along and joined the protest, or co opt it, who can say what the intent of these other people were.
It is still a free country and people are free to assemble... just not to cause damage or violence.
The bigger question for all should be, what are we going to do about all these legacy statues? And schools and streets named after past prominent people? Are we going to go back and change all that?
Who is to decide? And who is going to pay for it?
I heard some in the news commenting that they belong in museums... it sounds good except how many museums can accommodate all these statues?
I for one believes they should be kept as is, as a reminder of our past history. In fact, it can be a teaching moment for the young. Some adult who knows our history can use these events and statues to teach the next generation about our past and the mistakes and lessons learned the hard way.
Jack, I don't know about all the legacy and such, for me it is simply too involved to remove every vestige of those historical figures that were offensive from today's standpoint. It simply is impractical, people just need to understand who these historical figures actually were when before, they were oblivious to it. If all the brouhaha does that, it is a good start.
Maybe, the statues can stay, but be supported by private donations.
I'm sorry Jack, but down here in the Deep South those I know who voted for trump are racist to a certain extent. I saw things in the 50's as a child which made me understand that many of my relatives were indeed racists in the way they looked at black people. I am truly ashamed of the words from our current POTUS concerning the Charlottesville incident. I'll be pleased when he is gone. Hopefully the Special Prosecutor will shorten the time we have left to abide the shame.
I am not saying there are no racists in our country. There will always be racists and criminals and murders...They are a small number. The point being, our government is not a racist government. We have laws on the books against discrimination...we have schools that teaches equlity...
Individuals are free to do and believe what they want in a free society provided that they don't harm others...that is the true test of discrimination.
For example, you are not allowed to discriminate in hiring and in renting housing based on race or religion...
Because, doing so, you are hurting someone either financially or otherwise.
You as an individual can associated with any people you choose or not to choose...called friend.
That is freedom of association, not discrimination in the eye of the law. I hope you see the distiction.
Jack, my point was that I know racists when I see them. I'm surrounded by them and can distinguish between patriots and racists. And those I know are racists voted for Trump....
That may be true but does that make Trump a racist? Or other Trump supporters?
Use you head... it is a free country, if the KKK wants to support Trump, who is to stop them?
It can be said of both parties. If the Communist party supports Hillary, does that make her a communist?
Of course not.
Trump's own words tells one more about his bigotry than anything else, Jack. If you cannot see/hear this yourself you are indeed confused. Stop defending Trump's own words...
I am not defending his words...you hear what you want to hear and not what he actually said.
Do you really think Trump is a racist? If you do, nothing he could say or do will be good enough for you. Do you see that?
Why don't we all just take a breath and relax and give each other the benefit of doubt...?
That may be true but does that make Trump a racist? Or other Trump supporters?
Use you head... it is a free country, if the KKK wants to support Trump, who is to stop them?
It can be said of both parties. If the Communist party supports Hillary, does that make her a communist?
Of course not.
Funny, there is a reason why flies are attracted to horse manure.....
David Duke and his organization sure expressed their support for Trump. The Communist Party is not presenting the same problems in this society that these Right wing groups present and you know that.
Who do you think is funding OWS and BLM and other left wing anarchists? The ones wearing masks at the WTO meetings and breaking windows...
Look it up...it is suported by communist front groups...
They learned a long time ago to use the dissent of the people to stir the pot and cause chaos and create a revolution to overthrow a sitting government...
Jack, how do you feel about Trump lying again today about General Pershing using bullets dipped in Pig's blood to execute Muslims many years ago? Do you not want your President to tell the truth about such things? He tells so many lies that I wonder how anyone could trust the words coming out of his mouth. I mean damn!!
Is this the WWI era "Blackjack Pershing"? I will have to check this one out.
Yep Credence, Trump told the same lie during his campaign and apparently doesn't care if this had been debunked many times before. He really doesn't care if he lies or not. Just the person we need to run the most powerful nation in the world.
I saw this on Facebook, thought worth sharing:
We have a hatred and an ignorance problem in this country. It's not stupidity. And we cannot address hatred and ignorance by concealing it (e.g. "just shut up"). There is truth to the old adage, "you can't fix stupid", and so we shouldn't identify it by that term. Cliche though it may be, the first step to any solution is to properly identify the problem.
It doesn't much matter whether we're talking about racism, sexism, xenophobia, LGBTQ-phobias...even harmless things like fears of flying, spiders, heights, and whatever else...the common denominator is ignorance. Either we simply don't know, or we are relying on bad information, through media, hearsay, or experience, and we have thus formed inaccurate conclusions/opinions. The former is far easier to address than the latter.
Racism, however you want to define it, is a subset of ignorance, and cannot exist without it. As such, like any other form of ignorance, it can only be addressed through education/experience and persistence. Condemnation has precisely zero chance of actually resolving the matter. We don't condemn people who can't add, can't read, or can't point to their state on a map. We don't deride people who can't drive stick shifts, or can't fly a plane, or can't tie their shoes. Ignorance is all around us, all the time, and can only be resolved through being SHOWN those answers or TAUGHT how to come to accurate conclusions. The same applies to race, sex, culture, origin, or orientation ignorance, and by extension, all the -ism and -phobia subsets thereof.
In order to address a problem like ignorance, you need it to be demonstrated in order to be aware that it exists. Those who would attempt to silence ignorance are simply kicking the can down the road. Imagine where we'd be if we addressed ALL modes of ignorance by silencing them... Let them speak. Let them rally. Let them congregate and reveal their ignorance, provided they do so peacefully, so that we can then approach that ignorance with the goal of understanding and rectifying it, rather than exterminating it (e.g. through violence). In fact, to the media, respectfully and objectively interview these people. We need to be able to identify the basis for those views so that we can better formulate an effective response.
Only through understanding and dialogue can we ever hope to separate those who are simply ignorant from those who are WILLFULLY ignorant. The former are manageable, just like any other form of ignorance. The latter use that deliberate ignorance to justify hatred/violence/discrimination because they are deranged/delusional, and I think we can all agree that they have no place in a free and equal society, regardless of their origin/skin color/orientation/sex/whatever.
Perhaps I give humanity more credit than it deserves, but I do believe that the vast majority of those with ignorant views can indeed modify those views if approached properly and respectfully.
It's worth noting: Lee did not want a statue of himself at Gettysburg, saying it "kept the wounds of war opened." That's what painful memories do. In order to end hatred, people of color must be willing to let go of the power of the stories we have heard and lived with and White Americans must recognize they have contributed to and engaged in a system which penalizes differences based on minor genetic factors. Challenge my Hub Pages friends: Have dinner with someone who is from another culture. Visit their homes and talk to them. That's how you end racism.
Hard to recognize what others contributed to when the memory is erased.
But I do take exception to "White Americans must recognize they have contributed to". Relatively few Americans alive today have contributed anything to racism - instead they condemn it when it raises it's ugly face.
I can't stand Donald Trump.
But I do have to say, I kind of agree with him on the topic of removing monuments. While I do think there can be reasons to remove certain monuments depending on why they were erected, I don't generally subscribe to the notion that we ought to go around tearing stuff down just because it offends people. It sets a bad precedent. Certainly, there's a conversation to be had about monuments that directly suggest a support for the Confederacy and, by extension, slavery. I just don't think tearing the monument down solves any particular problem. While I would agree they shouldn't be on government property and therefore supported by taxpayer dollars, I'd think they should just be moved to a museum or something. And you can probably even keep certain monuments and merely add to the display if necessary, explaining any historical significance of the monument.
In other words, it might actually be counter-productive to remove them.
I think his point about monuments of Washington and Jefferson is stupid and intellectually weak and shows he doesn't understand much about history, but one could kind of see the day when somebody argues for removing a WWII monument because that war ended with the use of the nuclear bomb and we shouldn't celebrate the mass killing of innocent people.
Thank God for some honesty...and some sanity...
Yeah, now the Rep. are screaming at him more. Good luck Trump supporters.
I take exception to Jim Crow, lynching-not you-but read history. Bad imposed system.
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