What annoys you?

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  1. The British Way profile image60
    The British Wayposted 13 years ago

    What annoys you?

    There are many things that annoy me, and I'm not some miserable old git. Tell me and others what annoys you. I only ask that you don't moan about someone else's happiness.


  2. preddyc profile image61
    preddycposted 13 years ago

    the corruption and blatant disregard for the welfare of the people in American politics. Most politicians take kickbacks and do not care about their constituents.

  3. Smartthinking profile image55
    Smartthinkingposted 13 years ago

    When someone do not cooperate with me make me annoy because when i cooperate with others than in need why other people do not cooperate is annoying for me.

  4. Jarn profile image59
    Jarnposted 13 years ago

    There are only a dozen professionally paying fiction magazines in the English speaking world. They either don't read your work and send you a rejection immediately after you submit it, or they wait 8 months, don't read it, and THEN send you a rejection. I'm working as hard as I can to get published, but the system's broke and I'm at my wit's end. So yeah, that's primarily what annoys me.

  5. dtchosen profile image61
    dtchosenposted 13 years ago

    When people just don't bother to think clearly, refuse to see the logic of what you are saying and are just too lazy to even analize things.

  6. montecristo profile image78
    montecristoposted 13 years ago

    Not being civil to one another. We should learn to respect other people's opinions. I understand that, sometimes, we can get passionate over some subjects but that does not justify calling people names and talking down to them. Recently, we had a congresswoman from Arizona shot. Why?
                        Because of differing opinions! When you can't disagree without respect and civility, these things happens! This young man, who shot the congresswoman, was disturbed and wanted to solve a problem, but unfortunately, he took a rifle and a few died because of his decision.

  7. Ralph Deeds profile image69
    Ralph Deedsposted 13 years ago

    Bad drivers on freeways who speed,  tailgate, change lanes frequently so that they can pass a couple of cars, and neglect to use their turn signals..People who drive too fast in parking lots.

  8. MickS profile image60
    MickSposted 13 years ago

    Only myself, if I stupidly allow myself to become annoyed at something.

  9. Seeker7 profile image78
    Seeker7posted 13 years ago

    Politicians, arrogant gits and the injustice present in the world today.

  10. ptosis profile image67
    ptosisposted 13 years ago

    Blatent lying to my face when it's SO obvisous that they are lying.
    My big fat nosy neighbor was caught red-handed squishing her face up against my window and she tells me that she was 'resting'.

    Hah! That's an insult to me to think I would believe such crap.

  11. mikielikie profile image59
    mikielikieposted 13 years ago

    I get annoyed  at people who don't smile or even acknowledge  my smiles or nods when waking by in public. I don't wanna give out hugs and kisses but just a head nod or smile that takes less muscles than that frown.

  12. Donna Janelle profile image66
    Donna Janelleposted 13 years ago

    When my computer is running super slow and taking five minutes to load a page...which is happening right now!!

  13. MoneyCreator24 profile image57
    MoneyCreator24posted 13 years ago

    It really annoys me when I have an appointment with an company at my place and they aren´t on time and they don´t tell and I can´t reach them on their phone and they are wasting my time. This annoys me a lot and makes me very angry.

    Like today. A company should come to install a new internet access. First they said they will come between 8 and 11am but I said this wont work. So they promised to come to me first before they visit other customers. Now I here and waiting for them. Its 12:25pm and I´m upset.

    This annoys me. It really does.

  14. Loveslove profile image60
    Lovesloveposted 13 years ago

    I do not like asking a question of someone and not getting a sraight answer....I  ask a question I like a straight forward honest answer

    Socks in the washing basket tied in knots

    The toilet seat left up

    Bad manners

    The list is endless.....

  15. Scott_Grigg profile image38
    Scott_Griggposted 13 years ago

    I'm in the States here. But, what annoys me? People who drive in the fast lane, going slow!

  16. Iontach profile image70
    Iontachposted 13 years ago

    Ermmm Stupidity, ignorance, lying, exaggeration, bitchiness and so on... bla bla bla. Also the lack of jobs annoys me quite a bit...

  17. soaps profile image60
    soapsposted 13 years ago

    Politicians,money hungry,loud people,pee on toilet sit .
    Or someone who think their know everything and do not shit


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