It has become obvious to me in reviewing the posts on the subject of Sarah Palin that there are a multitude of liberals with their heads continually in the "sand". What are you all afraid of? The truth? Is what we have in the White House now, so great. We have a man who came out of the South side of Chicago, surrounded by communists, influenced by political hacks, and educated in foreign countries, who derides his own white grandmother, while ignoring his own ethnicity. He hires a total ignoramus as the White House press spokesman for the reason that he emulates what HE is all about.
And what is that? I see it as a narcissist egomaniac who had a less than stellar career in both the State Senate of Illinois and a one-third term in the US Senate before he used the race card to get elected by left wing apologists who feel, as does HE, that America is a dirty place that wants to rule the World. If they would open up their eyes they could see that we have added NO new lands to our so called Empire and have given Billions of our taxpayer dollars for the poor and needy throughout the world.
So what does our President do but travel to every corner of the world and apologize for the America that he "sees" as evil, while bowing to dictators and emperors of other, so called, free countries. He is a joke. Sarah Palin is the first breath of fresh air I have seen since Ronald Reagan.
I think the left will be shocked to find after the 2010 mid-term election that there are millions of Americans who will rebel at being the forgotten "Middle America", which is real conservatism.
The only thing I agree with in the thread of posts I have seen, is that there is no real party of the people anymore. As a Republican who has stopped supporting the party, I now look for individuals who can lead the USA out of the mess that both parties have brought us to.
If Lieberman can win as an Independant maybe that is a direction we can go. However,I really believe the best solution is to work from within the Republican Party to get rid of the so called moderates who just perpetuate the Washington spendthrift ideology. I believe I speak for the real middle American conservatives and that we are the real, albeit, non-vocal, public. I have become vocal and hope that thousands of others will also, so that millions will wake up! I believe they will!