no idea. i think it has more to do with that damn snl sketch where she made the uneducated remark about africa. when in reality, SHE DIDN'T SAY A DAMN THING ABOUT AFRICA, AS IT WAS JUST A DAMN SKETCH. HOWEVER, THAT DIDN'T STOP DEMOCRATS AND THE MEDIA FROM MAKING IT SOUND LIKE IT WAS HER ANYWAY. sorry, i yelled, but it really aggrivates me sometimes when people make that mistake about her, as she was not that bad of a candidate. seriously, she would've been a better president than o'bama. that's for damn sure.
Actually Steven, it WAS reported that she didn't know Africa was a continent, reported by FOX News via the McCain campaign.
Again, this is the problem...Palin and her supporters don't do research, don't learn anything. They look at themselves in the mirror, ask a question, and answer it for themselves. It is the long standing fight between those who are reactionary and don't care to learn, and those who think they know everything and any kind of differing information is left wing biased. These people think the dictionary is a document of left wing bias. It is ridiculous. The children in grown up bodies got a candidate.
She did not know there is a South and a North Korea either; it could be just because they are not visible from her backyard I suppose
She obviously meant to say South Korea. We all trip up on our words. Now whether she can find either North or South Korea on a map is a different story.
Actually there isn't too much she does know,certainly not anything that would qualify her to run for any office.Research her performance as Mayor of Wassila ! She left that town (it had a surplus before she became Mayor) with Millions of $ of debt.Also hired a city Mgr.To do her job in a Mayors office based in a storefront.Some resume!There isn't enough room to list her lackluster performance and lack of judgement.What makes anyone think she got smarter.
she's dumb as a brick and she tried to run for VP.
That about sums it up.
?Because they consider it presumptuous for someone so poorly informed to make such a big splash in American politics?
I read yesterday that at her book signings, she will not allow cameras, cell phones, purses, bookbags, etc. when approaching her. now today the article has been edited to just cell phones and cameras... I remember it said that because I thought it was highly pretentious of her demanding of the public not to have a purse or a cell phone in her presence. … =1&hpw
Because she such poor credibility. There isn't a world leader anywhere that could take her seriously because she simply doesn't have the smarts to formulate and execute good policy or decisions of any kind.
She faked it in Alaska and LEFT her governorship to STAND IN THE LIME LIGHT.
Her priorities are pretty obvious.
Because she is a one-trick pony who is ignorant of all the real facts. All that hokey crap she spouts is just that...crap. She doesn't mean any of it. She gets paid to do all that, and that's the only reason she does it.
So I hate her because she can be bought. I'm sure Alaska is glad she is no longer governor. I just wish she had stayed governor and stayed out of the spotlight, because I'm sick of her.
Hell, I think if the Dems paid her more, she'd change parties and spout environmentalism and defend global warming.
she's all about the money.
how anyone can take her seriously is beyond me.
even McCain saw through her..
I McCain did see through her, it was way too late to save his skin.
Ha! That's an interesting thought, Amie! The Democrats would never pay her a red (or blue) cent.
I personally detest Mrs. Palin because she is a two-faced, opportunistic, ego-maniacal liar.
She would not be anywhere, have any media platform whatsoever, if it wasn't for John McCain. And what's the first thing she did after they lost in 2008? Betrayed him. Not smart.
She is a total attention/glory hound. If she wants to be a motivational speaker, that is her right. But please don't pretend that you have any interest in what's good for this country.
Her handling of her daughter's personal life is disgusting. I'm sorry, but if Bristol wants to marry Levi, that's her right.Instead, she's parading around on dancing with the stars. Did you see the Nixon girls on TV? Amy Carter? Chelsea Clinton? Not even Jenna Bush would get that self-serving. It's trailer trash is what it is.
Finally-- and I am not alone in this, I seem to read an opinion piece on the subject daily. I do not appreciate her "jes plain folks" and "you betcha" speech. It is NOT admirable to not only be but to revel in being ignorant. This anti-intellectual movement she espouses is insane. Maybe if we all lived in Alaska and spent our days hunting wolves from helicopters we could pretend we're back in the 1800s. But we live in a sophisticated, complex, GLOBAL economy and our stupidity is not held up in high regard by our competitors (who laugh at us).
I could go on and on.
Final note: If you can't name a single magazine or newspaper that you read, you obviously DON'T. And her little protege in Delaware obviously idolizes her, as she (Christine O'Donnell) was unable to name a single Supreme Court Decision she disagreed with. Or a single Supreme Court Decision period.
And we want these women representing us... why?
I am so glad someone agrees with me about her stupid, trashy daughter! She agreed to marry Levi to get him to sign that non-disclosure agreement that said he could not dis the family or disclose anything personal that went on. As soon as it was signed, she dumped him. Wonder if anyone else but me noticed that?
And DWTS? Seriously? You're right...white trash in sequins.
As far as Bristol goes, like mother, like daughter..says it all.
What should we expect from a super christian that preaches abstinance, but could not convince her own daughter to abstain.
The hipocrisy of it all is just nauseating
not only was it the daughter but it looks like sarah has been fooling around for some time behind the hubbys back. thus reason for the divorce!
I can't think of much to add. She does have nice teeth.
palin is second best thing to happen to usa after bushism , palinism can become famous..
What is there to like? Leggs and no brains should not qualify for political office
She is mean..real mean.
When McCain put her out there that first night as his running mate, I was psyched! Wow--a woman who seems cool, modern, pro-woman's rights....
Next day, she is bashing Obama like there's no tomorrow..real nasty vicious attacks..personal. And lies. I thought, oh sh*t...I knew girls like this in high school.
Teases, pretenders, real nasty sort behind eveybody's back.
Baracuda is a good name for her. It fits.
GOLD DIGGER----a person who uses charm to extract money or gifts from others. Example: Such as the clothes she was given.
Sarah Palin is the Republican equivalent of Barack Obama.
Barack Obama is the embodiment of everything modern American liberalism values and holds dear: multiculturalism, diversity, cosmopolitanism, social progression, tolerance, internationalism, rags-to-riches opportunity for those born in difficult circumstances. Obama is multiracial, comes from a multicultural background (influenced by Muslim, Christian and atheist cultures in his youth, having spent time in Hawaii, Indonesia, East Africa and the mainland US), and speaks endlessly about the potential for America to become a more just place.
Similarly, Sarah Palin is the embodiment of everything modern American conservatism holds dear: patriotism, devout Christianity, tradition, independence, the power and value of the average folks over the Washington bureaucrats, and adept at handling a gun. Palin is a frontierswoman in love with the outdoors, raised to be very independent and individualist. She pokes a stick in the eye of the establishment and the coastal elites, and looks great doing it. The fact that she is a stylish woman to boot--overturning liberal stereotypes about the right--makes conservatives love her all the more. She also speaks endlessly about American exceptionalism.
It is the powerful image of someone who literally personifies everything you believe is great about America that has carried both Obama and Palin to their respective heights within their parties.
Both Obama and Palin are long on style and short on substance. They are big on rhetoric and imagery, but come up short on effective policy. They constitute intellectual junk food for the conservative and liberal bases--tastes great, feels great, but no real value. But still you can't resist.
So just as Obama is the personification of everything that pisses off conservatives, Palin is the personification of everything that pisses off liberals.
Yes, she is on the dumb side.
Boy!!! She can really hypnotize us men with her nasty sexy school teacher act and look.
Secularist - yours is one of the most lucid comments I've read on any political forum. You highlighted both sides of the argument in clear language without resorting to vulgarity, name-calling or trite innuendo. I always read the responses with the hope of finding some good debate but most people just throw quips and nonsense around without defending a position with actual facts.
She too Surrel for me to think about, or can vote on.
"Sarah Palin is the Republican equivalent of Barack Obama."
You gotta be kidding. Obama actually knows a lot about government, international affairs, our court system and law and much more.
Palin knows how to skin a moose but not much more.
"You gotta be kidding. Obama actually knows a lot about government, international affairs,"
As evidenced by his subservient bows to other heads of State.
The one thing he should know is the President of the United States should never be seen as weak.
They must not teach that at Harvard.
Palin knows plenty of stuff. She was a Governor, after all. There are precious few political leaders that are really well-versed in the things you mentioned. For example, a study was done asking members of Congress what the difference between Sunni and Shia is. The majority, of course, had no clue. And this was several years ago when the Iraq War was a top political issue.
Obama has more book knowledge, I will definitely give you that. And that, ironically, plays right into my argument: book knowledge and academic prowess are highly valued by liberals, but "common sense" and real-world experience are more highly valued by conservatives. As a general rule.
Beyond book knowledge and lofty ideals, Obama has shown himself to be largely ineffective. Ineffective in a way that is different from how Palin would be ineffective, to be sure. But ineffective nonetheless.
To touch on Jim's point, while Obama bows to heads of state (a breech of normal diplomatic etiquette, at the very least), Palin would probably hang a moose head in the Oval Office or something.
So it's six in one.
Obama is hardly ineffective--in two years he signed a health care reform bill that every Democratic president since Truman tried and failed to do; he negotiated a nuclear disarmament treaty with Russia and revived the Palestine peace talks both of which Bush neglected; and he signed bills that pulled the country back from the brink of a deep recession and provided for more effective regulation of banks.
Obama is largely ineffective, not totally. He has done some stuff, just as Palin would do some stuff if she were in power, but not really solving the fundamental problems this country faces.
The healthcare bill is a big accomplishment if you support it. But what was the purpose of it? To reduce healthcare costs and expand coverage (I guess). It will not reduce costs in the long run, and it expands coverage only slightly and in the most inefficient and wasteful way possible.
What, for example, would have been so complicated about putting everyone on medicare? A one page bill, and you're done. Throw in some goodies for the conservatives like competition across state lines and malpractice reform, and you get a broadly supported bill for universal healthcare. One can measure "accomplishment" by the number of pages in the bill, but I sure don't.
Oh, and on Israel/ Palestine--no change. Same old, same old. The Israel lobby are still turning their tricks on the hill, and Obama shows no signs of really breaking the conventional wisdom that says America will defend Israel no matter what.
Bank regs-- not impressive. Aside from Volcker, Obama has been palling around with the same kinds of folks--Geithner, Summers, Rubin--that were in charge back in the 90s when the foundation was being laid for this financial collapse. Thus Obama has not shown an ability to grasp that there are fundamental, structural problems with the American economy that have been in the works for decades.
Economics is not his forte, so he defers to the stodgy Democratic old guard aforementioned, who all buy into the Reagan-style neoliberal worldview. Result: some change, some window dressing, but no REAL solutions.
My main point is that both Obama and Palin are sexy celebrities within their respective parties. They are not innovative reformers, but rather defer to their party's conventional wisdom on the world, plus some exciting rhetoric thrown in. That's what I mean by ineffective--effective for the party wisdom, but ineffective for the real problems of the country.
Ha, I thought this thread was dead for a while.
Couture Pop Cafe:
Thanks! Yes, real debate is so much more interesting than the boring old name-calling and uncreative stuff like that. Problem is--real debate is when people actually risk being proven wrong.
BTW, I didn't mention that both Palin and Obama are physically attractive. That seems to carry some currency nowadays.
One simple answer: she's a liar.
Check out this link if you need any elaboration: … undup.html
Really? I'm so sick of looking at her!...and hearing....that nails on a chalk board. makes my teeth grind.
Ms. Palin didn't help herself any when she couldn't come up with an answer as to what she read. I mean, really, she couldn't have winged it by saying Time or Newsweek magazines? The real problem, though, are the people we elect to higher office. They've become so afraid of saying something wrong, they end up sounding... well for lack of a better word, stupid. Did it really matter if Ms. Palin could find Liberia on a map when most Americans have a hard time of it themselves? And why did we care if she had foreign affairs experience? Harry Truman had been in the Senate 12 years and didn't have much knowledge himself. Had something happened to McCain, Palin would have found herself surrounded by experts fast. Does anyone out there really want to see Joe Biden stumbling around with the nuclear briefcase? I don't, but somehow I feel things would somehow work out. Christine O'Donnell could have done herself a lot of good by turning the question around concerning the Supreme
Court and going off on a general rant about why she didn't like the court in general, thus, never actually answering the question. Alas, we all saw how she fared. Public servants, in my opinion, should be just that- servants. Half the blue collar people I know could have run the country as well as George W. Bush. Maybe a few could have done better. And let's be truthful, President Obama doesn't seem to be much of a genius either. I'd rather have people who have worked all their lives, know how to balance a checkbook, and have no experience in Washington running the country. The only virtue they should have is common sense. (And the ability to be as honest as possible when they need to be, and the ability to punt when they have to!) Ms. Palin, and Ms. O'Donnell, if they can do either, certainly didn't display it when they needed to. So why are they so disliked? That's something we all have to look into a mirror and think about to truly understand. Politics is an ugly business that brings out the worst in people. That's the nature of the beast, and it's plagued our country right from the very start. If only there were easy answers... what a wonderful world it could be. Maybe. That is to say, certainly. That is to say, certainly, maybe. Or, as our founding fathers were fond of saying, freedom of the press was meant to protect television as well... except on Sundays, or something like that. Next question please!
Well, since you brought up are 2 women who claim to be religious, yet act just the opposite.
Do as I say, not as I do seems to be the MO....phony and hypocritical. I'd rather have someone say "don't ask me about my beliefs..ask me what I'm going to do for America." Plus, I don't get the feel of agape love from these 2 ...just the opposite in fact. More like agape hate.
"I personally detest Mrs. Palin because she is a two-faced, opportunistic, ego-maniacal liar."
Mighty Mom, I agree with your totally! She is a phony and not what she portrays herself to be. She says the meanest, sarcastic things and smiles when she says them. Her words are like the bite of a viper!
Because there isn't an original thought in that pretty little head of hers.
She's a believer in primitive supernatural divinities.
She has not mentally/intellectually evolved.
She represents mankind at its lowest level of adult maturity.
She's a good lookin' woman sans brains.
She's a female, political absurdity!
She'll fool alota FOOLS and there's a fool born every minute!
Emotion controls the American voter at the polls.
I'm an American.
The American voter scares the hell outa me!
Lolol...hey we just have to agree to disagree...:-)
Wouldn't this be a boring world if we all agreed? ...sure! :-)
But why shouldn't women be in politics? Surely women can't do worse than you guys have done! Let's hear you argue that one.
On second thought, I retract that statement.
As long as the news channels keep heading down the path off attacking the opposite party rather than getting down to business, this will never stop.
Sarah Palin is going to be a big time flop to at least 50% of the United States no matter what. Its always easier to point the blame at someone else, when everyone is in the wrong.
Women absolutely should be in politics -- and are.
I would have loved nothing better than to break that giant glass ceiling with a woman POTUS.
I still hope for that in my lifetime.
Unfortunately, women who parade themselves around scantily clad in running shorts and short skirts and winking and overtly flirting instead of thinking -- like Sarah Palin does -- set the cause of women back at least 100 years.
She is a phenomenal rabble rouser. The word "messianic" comes to mind, actually.
WOW! No offense intended, MightyMom, but what ever happened to equality and all that? I agree that a Presidential candidate should be discreet in all things, but winking? Really? And messianic? We are still talking about Palin, right, and not Obama? Sorry, had to throw that one in. You know I usually don't play dirty.
If you do not remember Palin winking you DID NOT SEE the debate with Biden.
She relays only on her good looks and I doubt that will impress many world leaders, but certainly impresses many empty heads ready to declare her America's best hope for president
When I first learned of Palin, I really liked her, but after I learned more about her, I found her phony and scary. But folks, believe me when I tell you that she has a large following - and that really scares me!
I don't like politicians of either extreme - right or left - yet it seems that that's all we're getting these days, for the most part.
People dislike Sara Palin sooo much because it's what she represents. Getting back to the original meaning of the Constitution - and one of them being Life as opposed to abortion.
She also represents freedom for women which I feel that NOW is against because Sara doesn't represent Their beliefs. She is a conservitative and too many people just want govt handouts.
She wants responsibility in govt and liberals just want big govt. She is also a Threat to the liberals way of life.
People don't like her because she's goofy.
Points off for some of stuff she does with/says about her own kids.
Points off for a lot of things she does/doesn't say.
Points off because one of her big claims to fame is all that animal-killing she seems so proud of.
Points off because she shows none of the traits associated with a person who is extremely intelligent (which is what people want/need in someone in high office).
If you hear any number of other women politicians/leaders, and then if you hear something Sarah Palin said, the contrast in professional demeanor and substance is striking. Points off.
and just lots of points off because she comes across as phony and goofy.
I don't disagree with everything that Palin stands for, but she's too extreme for me.
Touche Couturepopcafe. I hadn't thought of the "charisma" of Obama -- he never, ever had that effect on me. I was never an Obamaphile, although now that he is president, I support him.
What I meant (and yes, I was still talking about Palin specifically) is her blatantly using her sex appeal. It's great to know that she runs and keeps in shape. But do we have to see her in hot pants on the cover of magazines? What is the message she is really sending? It's a bit inconsistent with the whole Christian/abstinence thing (no wonder Bristol didn't pay attention).
I've said this before, too. I do not believe that just having "folksy common sense" qualifies you to run a city, a state, or the USA. That's just my opinion.
And yes, she's snarky and mean to boot. The only way she gets away with saying the nasty stuff she says is because she uses her looks.
I don't agree she represents freedom for women. Not at all.
Many people dislike Palin because she lies, has no knowledge or understanding of current issues and is a walking one-liner. A 'bumper sticker every minute' mentality and style of communicating!
The woman is not stupid, but she capitalizes on sounding stupid. It is a money maker and that is her goal. Making money! In fact, she may become the Donald Trump of Stupid!
Palin is worse then stupid; she is IGNORANT - for anyone that graduated middle school not to know the Founding Fathers or be able to name ONE single Supreme Court decision she disagrees with is outrageous.
Let's not even talk about naming one newspaper; that would be asking too much
Oh, geez, no kidding!
She could have gone with plessy/fergusson (sp?), the one that upheld separate but equal (and was later overturned by Brown v Board of Education). Or if she wanted to be more current, she could have gone with the more recent decision allowing a local government to use eminent domain to boot people out of their homes so their homes can be turned into...more expensive homes.
She's like a poor student who wears her ignorance like a badge, and then when she goes to sit the final exam, she realizes "Oh, crap, maybe I should have studied!"
I don't hate Sarah Palin. I just don't get how so many people imagine that she's qualified to run around the block, much less run a country.
Oh no! She's cloning herself!!! … bAodwn9oiQ
Possibly the best video I have seen to date! I love it! Thank you!
folksy common sense is for getting along with neighbors or for girl scout leaders.. it might come in handy in local political office.
if leaving office is her representation of freedom for women, I learned a different concept of freedom while growing up. I was always taught that being responsible grants freedom.
You're right, RE and Petra. Not only ignorant, but proud of being ignorant. That's soooo dangerous.
We seem to have quite a cadre of anti-Mama Grizzlies here on HP.
Maybe we should come up with a catchy name for ourselves!
How about SPIT
Stop Palin In her Tracks
There are quite a few to choose from. A good one with Tina Fey on Letterman talking about Sarah Palin's voice.
Another good one called "Don't Trust Me" -- it's a song, but has explicit words so I was afraid to post it lest I get banned. Tee hee!
Have you watch the parodies? They have to get that material from somewhere.
"Why do people dislike Sara Palin SO MUCH?"
I don't like her because she is pretty.
But I love Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.
Why do you love Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi?
Do you really find Sara Palin pretty?
If they gave IQ tests for governor's Sarah wouldn't have made it. (I agree she's smarter than Michelle Bachman, Christine O'Donnell and Sharron Angle.)
"If they gave IQ tests for governor's Sarah wouldn't have made it."
Have you ever heard of Joe Biden?
You must have, he said this bit of brilliance.
"Look, John's last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number-one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S. Jobs."''
The only person dumber is the guy who chose him to be his Vice President nominee.
Ralph, Palin isn't stupid. Just galactically ignorant.
I think she is kinda hot. When ever she speaks though, I have to mute the sound. lol
ha ha ha!....must be tuf being anyone in the public eye! ...and with the internet to boot!
I think this is actually a better picture of The Joker.
And let's not forget his House sidekick
They hate her because she dared to make Obama and the dummycrats look like the out of control, out of touch elitist fat cats that they really are. The Big Zero and the Democranks are so smart that they made a bad situation even worse I didn't think they could do that but they did!
They also hate her because she successfully does the unexpected. They bullied her to resign as governor expecting she'll stay home chastened, instead she comes out like gangbusters on the national scene, makes big money as an analyst for Fox where she gets a much bigger audience than any of the three lamestream media, publishes books that sell better than Clinton's and Obama's, and supports candidates that can get elected. Meanwhile, the Big No-Hope have his fellow democrats running away when he stumps in their state. She has become a kingmaker and she has more power, influence, and money than she ever had as governor or vice-president elect. You go Barracuda!
I have never been more entertained than in the past two years when I observe the political scene
well you should have observed bush's 8 years...obama might have looked kid in front of him as far as entertaining masses is concerned...bush was more entertaining than all fun movies combined...m sure only palin can beat him...
Still can't get over Bush huh? Meanwhile a recent poll has Bush with higher numbers as preferred president than Obama as president! I couldn't make that up if I tried.
m not talking about poll..people might end up rating bush over lincoln...i dont mind that...i am talking on ability to make people laugh world over...bush has site dedicated with his famous dialogues...he was truly entertaining man and one of his one can ever replace him...let us see if palin has got it in her to replace him...
You obviously haven't seen the Obama outtakes. There's a lot of them with his butt in the air.
well i understand you have some strong views on obama but ...bush was outstanding and incomparable...he was one of his kind...
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —Bush
who can match bush? one before him and no one after him in times to come...bush was my favorite..
Good for you! I don't bother really remembering anything that the Big Nope says since it's all a lot of hot air to me.
Sarah Palin: Ms. Conspiracy for president?
From The Washington Post -- stumbled upon this as I was scrolling through the election results. (see end of this post for full text).
But first I must respond to a comment Flightkeeper made a few hours back:
By Richard Cohen
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The mind of the demagogue is a foreign country. It has a strange culture, enemies that only the natives can see, a passion about the ridiculous and a blowtorch kind of sincerity that incinerates logical thinking. On Sunday, the custodian of one such blowtorch was on Fox News. I am speaking, of course, of Sarah Palin.
She was charming, amusing and believable. When Chris Wallace asked her about any presidential ambitions, she did not coyly say that she had not given the matter any thought. Instead, she said that if her party needed her, if her country needed her, if the need for her was truly great, then she would sacrifice her freedom of movement, the privacy she enjoys with her family - never mind their tabloid lifestyle and addiction to publicity - and give it all up and run for president. All over the nation, a fair number of Republicans reached for the antacid. Oy!
A Palin presidential candidacy, Politico tells us, would give the GOP establishment a near-fatal case of hives. The leadership generally considers her to be both unelectable and uneducable. (She seems hardly better informed than when she was a lone sentry, binoculars trained on nearby - and forewarned - Russia.) A recent Post-ABC News poll showed that only 39 percent of voters viewed her favorably and a still lower figure, 27 percent, considered her qualified to be president. (Who are these people?) But as Republican leaders know, Palin's numbers are much higher among their own rank and file. With conservative Republicans, 55 percent think she's qualified to be president - and among Tea Party types, she wins by acclamation. The nomination, please.
John McCain's little joke is turning out not to be so funny. In choosing Palin as his running mate, he set a standard for political recklessness that I hope will never be bettered. Still, it would be reckless in itself to transfer McCain's cynicism to Palin. This is the constant mistake made with all demagogues. We think that they cannot be serious or sincere - that if we could be a fly on the wall we would hear them mocking their own followers as imbecilic. History teaches otherwise.
Palin's Sunday performance was instructive. This was the show in which she said that the CBS affiliate in Anchorage, KTVA, is staffed by "corrupt bastards." This demure protest from the Evita of the North was a response to a tape in which the station's staffers were overheard saying they would look for a child molester at a campaign stop for senatorial candidate Joe Miller, whom Palin endorsed. "You know that of all the people that will show up tonight, at least one of them will be a registered sex offender," one of the staffers said. Case closed.
But hold on. How do you find a sex offender in a crowd? Do you go from person to person asking, "S'cuse me, but are you a sex offender?" Because if that is not done, then I can't see how you can ever find one. Do sex offenders wear special uniforms? No. It's obvious then that these staffers were joking - playing into the Palin stereotype of them as liberal hacks who would do anything to destroy her. This is what she believes and she recited the story with such obvious conviction that when she ended with the "corrupt bastards" tag, it seemed downright appropriate.
The fierce stupidity of this woman is hard to comprehend. It is the well from which she draws her political sustenance. It explains why she did not pause to wonder about the tape and the sheer impracticality of finding a sex offender in a crowd. This sincerity, uncomplicated by any sophistication whatsoever, is what fuels her considerable charisma. The fact that KTVA is only a CBS affiliate and the staffers not CBS employees did not give Palin pause. To her, this was Katie Couric's CBS, the network she thinks so unfairly skewered her by asking, for instance, what newspapers she reads. It's all a seamless conspiracy of them - they and them and those and them and all those elites who . . . she'll show 'em.
The Republican establishment, so supine when McCain made his choice and so gleeful when Palin attacked Democrats, cannot get this particular genie back in the bottle. Palin has become a force, and anyone who watched her Sunday had to conclude that she might well run for president. The polls say she can't win. I betcha Palin thinks she can't lose.
Katie Couric is nothing. Palin was dealing with intrapolitical hassles in Alaska and she made the smart decision to quit. Stupid people have called her a quitter but by doing so she was able carve out a much larger role for herself on a national level.
That's true the very erudite, sexually insatiable, but prosaically verbose Bill Clinton wrote his own snoozeroo of a book that thousands of democrats now use as a doorstop!
Christine O'Donnell was not the only tea party candidate, Palin did support more than one and more than a few have won their elections.
Also, the RINOs that Cohen is referring to? They are the next to go.
"The fierce stupidity of this woman is hard to comprehend."
I think that is a great summarization to why people dislike Palin so much. She is stupid, and a really awful person to boot.
Personally, I think "stupidity" is not the right word.
As someone said earlier in this thread, Sarah Palin is definitely not stupid. She is cunning and clever but ignorant.
I like this author's use of the word "uneducable" -- that, combined with her sheer arrogance and presumption -- is galling.
I firmly believe that by 2012 the political climate in these here United States will be very, very different. The pendulum will be swinging back in the opposite direction. I mean really, when the GOP takes control of Congress, what will the tea partiers have to complain about???
Actually, the Washington Post has a really nifty little tracker as part of their election coverage tonight that is called "Palin Tracker." It shows a map with all the candidates Palin had endorsed and how they are faring in the election.
When I last checked (maybe 1 hour ago) her record was 5 wins and 2 losses -- not bad. Lots of other endorsements still to be determined.
I do not disagree with you that leaving office in Alaska has given Palin a much bigger platform and absolutely more power than she would have as Veep. Which makes me question whether or why she would want to get off the gravy train to run for POTUS.
BTW, saw a charming advert for "Sarah Palin's Alaska" the 8-part miniseries that's coming up. Oh boy!
Why shouldn't she run? If an underachieving, melodic blowhard like Obama can run and win, I don't see why she can't. … n_tracker/
Sure, let her run. That would be great entertainment.
She can have Christine O'Donnell as her Secretary of State.
Speaking of Secretary of State, Hillary was smart to run far from this disastrous Democratic mid-term election and be conveniently in Southeast Asia somewhere. She always was a very canny politician.
I would just love to see her talking in tongues to the UN
The woman is a religious fanatic and an idiot.
I have grass on my lawn smarter than she is.
I don't think Palin is stupid, just ignorant and uninformed about key political, economic and international facts and issues.
If Sarah Palin knew anything about how to resolve any of the major issues tthat we face then maybe I would like her. But she doesn't know Jack. And that scares the living S*** out of me. The fact that a person of such limited intelligence can make it to one of the the highest positions in public is indecent of us.
In my humble opinion it's professional jealousy. Sarah Palin has accomplished a great deal even without considering her VP nomination. Has anyone else here been a governor? Obviously not. So naturally people are upset when they can't claim the same accomplishments.
And the same can be said about Bristol and her DWTS stint. No one else here has been on DWTS at $50,000 each performance. But it's alright, people. Some are destined for greatness -- others not.
by Jason Menayan 14 years ago
Steve Schmidt, former campaign strategist for John McCain, said that picking Sarah Palin for the Republicans' 2012 presidential nominee would lead to a catastrophic loss. Thoughts?
by hubby7 16 years ago
What does everybody think about John McCain choice of Sarah Pahlin as his Vice Presidential pick?My feeling is that she might be a bit too parochial with too little experience. That my feeling. However, I admit I don't know much about her right now. Does anyone? Perhaps upon learning more about...
by dafla 16 years ago
What is this thing with Palin being so shielded from the press? Evidently, they don't want her asked about the investigation into "alleged" wrongdoing in the troopergate scandal. I'm thinking maybe she is the one orchestrating this, because I can't see her going along with...
by Harvey Stelman 13 years ago
This is the fourth time I'm asking this. It seems like more are sorry, especially the ones with no job.
by Stump Parrish 13 years ago
McConnell: No real deficit deal until Obama is gone.If there was any doubt that the GOP is holding this country hostage in order to retake the Whitehouse, McConnell removed it with this statement. Mr. Obama says he will not sign a short-term deal, saying, "This the United States of America...
by Jack Lee 6 years ago
Now he tells us...Normally, I would not attack someone when they are down especially with terminal illness.However, this is just self serving grand standing.What is wrong with someone who is so full of himself?If it wasn't for Sarah Palin, he would have lost even bigger in the 2008 election.It was...
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